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LIBRARY NEWS Books are powerful friends. They can inspire, console, teach, or amuse us. The Woman’s Club of Roanoke Rapids possesses a small collection of well - chosen books which have a potentila pow er other than those mentioned above: They may be the mucleus of a municipal library. This, of course, depends upon the wishes of the citizens of our town. This little lending library was established for the enjoyment of the members of the Woman’s Club and their families. Because they wished other members of the community to use and enjoy them the members of the club voted to lend them to anyone willing to pay a fee of one dollar per year, this fee to be used for the pur - chase of new books for the col lection. As yet, there are few who are taking advantage of this privilege, due, perhaps, to the fact that it is not generally known. To those who enjoy reading for both cultural profit and pleasure this small library offers the best collection of books by recognized authors in town. This collection will grow through usage; and for that reason, as one of its most grateful readers, I should like to add my appeal to the book-lovers of our town who have not heard of the Woman’s Club lending Li brary; join this library club, en joy these leisure hours which the depression forces you to spend in expensively, and in so doing, help to make possible the dream of those women who have made this beginning—a municipal library supplying our citizens with books for reference, books of travel, bio' graphics, novels, current maga zines and newspapers. It is their dream that Roanoke Rapids will not allow its material growth to exceed its cultural development, which is, after all, the highest ideal of every good citizen. Josephine Hege. The Library hours are: Tues day and Friday afternoons, from 3:30 to 5:30. Thursday night from 7:00 to 8:00. Dues are $1.00 per year. The following books have re cently been added: A Gentlemen in the Parlour, Somerset Maugham, The Georgian House, Frank Swinnerton, Within This Present, Margaret Ayer Barnes, I went to Pit College, Gil liam, Water Gipsies. MEETING OF FLORIA DODSON CIRCLE OF W. M. U. The Floria Dodson Circle of the W. M. U. held their regular week ly meeting at the home of Mrs. J. L. Hutchinson Monday night, September the 4th. The meeting was opened with the singing of “Take The Name of Jesus With You.” The devotional was given by Mrs. Fred Vaughan. A very interesting talk on “The Youth of Today” was given by Mrs. J. L. Hutchinson. A talk on ‘I Came’ Room* with hot and cold mining water, adjacent to Baths— '■ SINGLE: *1*0 *2°° DOUBLE: *2“ *30° Room* with Private Bath:-* SINGLE: *2°° *2“ *3°° DOUBLE: *3°° *350 *4°° *4*0 WRITE FOR OUR BOOKLET was given by Mrs. G. E. Buck ner. A duet was sung by Mes dames Fred Vaughan and C. L. Ellington. Mrs. Lula Harris spoke on the “Weaver of Dreams”. The personal service report was taken by Mrs. Bennett Hutchinson af ter which the roll was called and dues collected. A special col lection turned in thru the en - velopes that were out for the quarter was exceptionally good. Two prizes were given to the ones turning in the largest amount the first prize being awarded to Mrs. G. E. Buckner; second to Mrs. L. D. Mabry. The meeting was dismissed with a prayer. Fruit salad and cake were Served to the following members: Mes dames David Haislip, Willie Tu dor, W. R. Teele, O. L. Smith, J. M. Underwood, Stella Pitt, C. L. Ellington, G. E. Buckner, Lula Harris, J. L. Hutchinson, Frefl Vaughan, Bennett Hutchinson, L. D. Babry, Misses Aileen Mabry, Wilber Hutchinson, Patsy Vaugh an, Catherinne Hutchinson and John Ellington. _ MRS. HARDY FUNERAL _ i Last rites were held here Fri day afternoon at 3 o’clock at the Baptist Church for Mrs. Pearl Seagraves Hardy, wife of O. B. Hardy, who died Thursday morn ing at 5:30 in the Roanoke Rap ids Hospital from complications following an operation. The services were conducted by Rev. R. S. Fountain, pastor of the deceased, assisted by Rev. D. P. Moore, rector of Grace Episcopal church. Interment fol lowed in the Cedarwood cemetary. Mrs. Hardy came to Weldon about 12 years ago. She was for several years a member of the Weldcn school faculty. She was an active member of the Amer ican Legion Auxiliary, which she served as secretary, and of the Baptist church and Lottie Moon Circle. She is survived by her hus band O. B. Hardy of Weldon, a nine year old daughter, Margar et, a twelve year old son son, O. B. Hardy Jr. Her parents Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Seagraves of Holly Springs and one sister and two brothers who also reside at Holly Springs. Mrs. Charlie Harlowe was call ed to New Bern Sunday on ac - count of the illness of his grand mother. Mrs. J. B. Norwood of Fitz - hugh, Va., spent several days with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Nor wood last week. Miss Roseline Ader of Balti - more, Md., is visiting Miss Nel lie Mae Jernigan. Explains fully the mar velous Willard Treatment which has brought amaz ing relief to thousands. Willard’s is designed \ for relief of Stomach or P Duodenal Ulcers, Gas-f siness, Poor Digestion^ Sour or Upset Stomachy rAcid Dyspepsia, Bloating Heartburn, Constipation,Baa Breath, Sleeplessness, Poor Appe tite, Headaches, due to Excess Acid— Ask about Willard’s 15-Day Trial Offer and Money-Back Agreement. ( Rosemary Drug Co. Dial R-360 Try LEGGETT’S for New Showing - Children’s PRINT DRESSES All New Fall Styles. Prices range * 49c 98c *149198 Leather School BAGS of the better Kind 25c to 98c School Socks and Stockings for Chil dren. At All Prices ! Boys and Girls SCHOOL SHOES Poll Parrott. The best made for wear at IJ.49 to 2’98 500 Pairs of New SCHOOL OXFORDS for the little Miss $ J .98 Pi*. TOM SAWYER BOY’S SHIRTS All Colors in this fam ous quality at the low price of — 69c Boy’s Chambray SHIRTS Good Quality for 48c BOYS ALL-WOOL Pants & Knickers Good styles, patterns and i materials in Long Pants A and Knickers. Dressy, and 9 wear well. I 98c to $198 “Happy Kid” Corduroys KNICKERS AND LONG PANTS Dry Goods, Shoes and Wearing Apparel has not advanced! Buy Now at “Rock-Bottom” Prices. We Sell for LESS! QUALITY MERCHANDISE POPULAR PRICES STORE OPEN FRI. 'til 8:00 SATURDAY 'til 10:00 P. M. v