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The wealth makers of the world. [volume] (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1896, January 17, 1895, Image 3

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Jarroniy 17, 1895.
Govrnmnt Ownership of Railroads
Our revolutionary father in 1776 de
clared to the world that all men are en
do wed with certain inalienable rights.
Then they proceeded to establish upon
this continent a government founded up
on that principle, a democratic form of
government. Webster defines democracy
as government by the people. "A form
of government in which the supreme
power is in the hands of the people and
directly exercised by them.".
Now it seems to me if there is any one
principle which this great American peo
ple should guard with more care than all
others it is this foundation principle of
government by the people; the whole
superstructure of our government rests
upon that one idea and it ought to be
our highest ambition as a people to not
adopt any policy which will conflict with
this great central thought.
The first question to be considered in
deciding whether the government should
own and control the railroads or not is
this: Would not the policy of govern
ment ownership and control of the rail
roads be more in harmony with the prin
ciples of a democratic form of govern
ment than the policy which we have
adopted of fanning out this great gov
ernment function into the hands of pri
vate corporations? I propose to affirm
the question. Democracy A form of
government in which the supreme power
is vested in the people Is not the above
standard the correct one by which to
measure a pure democracy? If it is a
correct standard would not any policy
tending to expand the powers of the peo
ple be a true policy to adopt? If so,
would not any policy that would be of a
nature to restrict the powers of the peo
ple be undemocratic?
The question of government ownership
of these grea industries is rapidly get
ting beyond the stage of experiment into
the realm of successful certainty.
All civilized nations are demonstrating
their ability to successfully manage great
industries upon sound business principles.
England, Germany, Russia, Hungary,
Austria, Switzerland, Australia and al
most every civilized nation on earth, are
rapidly taking advanced ground upon
this very important question and many
of them are owning and controlling their
railroads. It is estimated that outside
of Canada and the United States fully
95 per cent of the civilized governments
own and control their telegraph and
telephone lines. But it is not necessary
for me to introduce to your notice exam
ples from foreign nations to prove the
feasibility and practicability of govern
ment ownership, for our people have
pursued two policies upon this question
and have developed both plans sufficiently
for my purpose; one policy has been in
harmony with the principles of the Re
public, while the other has been antagoj
nistic to said principles.
TIip old policy of surrendering up gov
ernment functions into the hands of
greedy corporations for the pnrpose of
robbing and plundering the people is
growing more and more into disfavor
with the masses as they contrast the
workings of the two systems. I find by
consulting Chambers Encyclopedia that
in England corporations are of two
kinds, either aggregate or sole. A corpo
ration aggregate is a society of persons
authorized by law tos act as one, a cor
poration sole consists of one person and
his successor who are by law invested
with the same capacities as a corpora
tion aggregate. The Sovereign is a cor
poration sole. The king being a corpo
ration sole we find that our forefathers
in their struggle for independence were
fighting to prevent a corporation from
saddling burdens upon them without
their consent. This corporation sole
(viz., the king) would in the olden times
mobilize an army of Pinkertons and drive
the common people from their lands and
homes, then parcel out said lands to
their favorites; and the land in England,
Ireland, Scotland, and Wales is possessed
by descendants of the king's favorites;
and the common people have sunk into
the lowest depths of ignorance, poverty
and degradation. It remains to be seen
whether this fair land (a land in which
the light of civil and religious liberty
shines upon us more brightly than it
ever shone upon any land before) will
trnffer this relic of the old feudalistic
times to get such a foothold as to oblite-
rate this glorious ngnt nanaea aown to
us as an eternal inheritance by those old
'.heroes ot Lexington and Bunker Hill.
We arc told that history repeats itself,
4 with a difference; let us hope that
. . 'ifference in our case will not be in
, wing this glorious light of civil and
i .fgious liberty to contract under this
' id policy of corporate feudalism until it
rfets to so fine a point that the eye of a
prophet cannot descern it. Rather, let
it expand under the blessings of a pure
democracy until ' the mountains of the
Lnnsu nf nnr I.nrd will be bathed in this
glorious light,and all nations and people
shall te allowed to Dasn in un glorious
rYimnrntinna in these latter davs. in
stead of gaining their ends by force of
arms, resort to otner meinoas equaiiy
as successful, for instance: instead of
mobilizingjarge armies of men they mo
bilize large armies of dollars; then they
take a very large division of said army
of dollars aud hie themselves away to
tha hnllu of legislation, and bv niacins
said division where it will do the most
good, they generally are so successful
in their maneuvers that our legislators
surrender to them certain privileges
which will generally enaoie mem io rou
tha nn him nf thousands of dollars for
avorv Hnllnr which thev invest in legisla
tion. Tben perhaps they will take an
other large brigade oi aouars ana move
upon .the free press ana capture mat,
nlan nnrl mnke nf it a willing tool to
cover up the iniquity of their doings, and
thus make the people Deiieve mat iney
nro nhilnnt.hrnniHtH and natriots and all
that anrt nf thine Then thev will take
another corps of dollars and go among
the people and they will be Republican
1 in a Republican district, a Democrat in a
J Democratic district, but they will be a
W . . 3 :iiii a:
corporation aog or aevii an wie nine.
) In nrnnnrt.inn na a irnvernmBtlt 171
dertakes unctions vitally affecting and
vnmirnr nlnno t.n the dailv concerns oi the
people, will public opinion arouse itself
and .nsist on good government
Tammany never yet wssstrongenoogh
to dare mismanage the Are department;
neither will political Jobbery ever be
strong enough to mismanage the public
transit system aa the uonlda bare done.
The rapidity with which the cities in
this country are endorsing government
exercise of government functions by
adopting the same policy in regard to
their electric light' plants, gas works.
stieet railways, water works, etc., con
stitute one of the strongest arguments
that could be adduced in favor of gov
ern men t ownership and control of the
railroads. The municipalities all over
this broad land are moving in this mat
ter in a way that can lead to but one
conclusion, and that is that this great
policy is feasible, practical and one well
worthy to be adopted by the nation.
The postal service as managed by the
government at cost to the people is also
another bright and shining light which
is leading our people on to greater
achievements in the same line. Compare
the above policy of postal service to the
people at cost, and the telegraph system
run bv corporate extortion. The West
ern Union has realized $100,000,000 of
net profits in twenty-five years by its
high charges. These figures are incon
trovertible statements made to the com
mittee of the last Congress before whom
that company was represented by its
One objection to the government own
ership and control of the railroads is
that corporations do not pay tneir em
ployes as big wages as the government
does, consequently corporate control of
the transit systems is cheaper than gov
ernment control of said systems would be.
The above policy of the present control
of rrilroads may allow its managers to
declare larger dividends on watered
stock, but that the present system is
cheaper to the people than government
control at cost to the people would be, I
am not prepared to admit.
I believe if the government owned the
railroads the eight-hour system of labor
would be adopted as far as possible. If
an employe was disabled while on duty
he would receive a pension. If he should
get killed his family would receive a pen
sion. And if this nation should adopt
public ownership of railroads the public
would be better served at half the cost
than they are under the present manage
ment. We would have none of those
great strikes, costing the country hun
dreds of millions of dollars, simply be
cause the public transit system would be
managed upon a basis ot justice to ail
parties concerned.
Wheeler, Ohio.
That New Carrol County Justice.
Last week he tried his hand. The coup
le had procured their license they were
from the country the lady was a young
widow, sweet, fat, and plump; born and
raised in old Arkansas on good fat corn-
bread, buttermilk, punipkinsand country
bacon. The gentleman was lean, lank,
and redheaded lately from the grass
hopper region, and sock less Simpson's
retreat as they entered the J. P. shook
hands with them, end thinking he had to
serve papers legally, he exhibited to them
his commission; then trembling stepped
back to take a rest, when he remarked,
join hands; they did. The widow looked
pleased, the jayhawker sighed, the
'Squire cast his eyes upward and said:
"Our Father who are in heaven join this
couple, let them fuse for life, combine
them forever, monopolize them in all
things, encircle them toward oneanother
by day and by night, revive their hopes
enlarge their desires, stuff their ballot
box, increase their majority, cement
them together during life and their gene
rations after them into one grand demo
cratic household. In the name of Gor
man, and of Brice, and of Grover Cleve
land. "Dear lady what do you say,"said
he to the woman. "Oh," said she, "any
thing, oh Lord!" "What do you say,"
said he to the excited Kansan, "well" he
remarked, "I accept the amendment.
"Then said the Judge,1 by virtue of my
commission and the great seal thereon
and under the authority of W illiam Fish-
back, the governor of Arkansas, I de
clare that your name is Alexander Loom-
is, and your name is Samantha Loomis.
I'll be at your house for dinner on Sun
day; my fee is 35 cents.
Yon are a husband.
She, likely, will be a mother,
Cain was a wicked man.
Case tie killed bis brudder.
Always keep in the house a bottle of
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, for throat and
lung troubles. Your druggist has Ayer's
A V Oman Murderer Insane
Perry, Ok., San. 14. Miss Sarah
Aired, who shot J. T. Lucky dead
near Cleveland Tuusday during a
quarrel about some corn, attempted
suicide yesterday while being guarded
fn a room at Cleveland, but was pre
vented by one of the guards. Later
she slipped out of the room and is
now at large. Lucky and Miss Aired
owned adjoining claims and the two
were engaged.
Attaok on Wolcott.
Denver, CoL, Jan. 14. A resolution
has been introduced in the house
which will be taken up for considera
tion Monday declaring that no person
should be sent to the United States
senate from Colorado who would not
pledge himself to sever all relations
with corporations and trusts. The
resolution is aimed at Senator Wol
cott and will, it is said, receive the
support of some Republican members.
Croker'a Horses Sent Abroad.
New York, Jan. 14. Nineteen
thoroughbreds belonging to Richard
Croker were shipped on the steamer
Mississippi for England to-day.
Stonenell, Harry Reed and Montauk
are entered in various events in the
early spring meetings in England and
Mr. Croker has already received the
weights they will have to carry in
the events.
Shot as the Result of a Quarrel.
Perry, Ok., Jan. 14. Philip Sun
field, saloon owner and politician, and
Jim Harding, who runs a feed store
here, had a difference about a settle
ment. Early this morning Harding
left and it is said came back with a
pistol and shot Sunfield in the head.
Harding was arrested.
Rheumatism, which is a blood disease,
is radically cured by Ayer's Sarsaparilla.
Monopoly and toe Pulpit.
The picturesque and somewhat hyster
ical declaration of a St. Louis clergyman
that "the University of Chicago has been
founded in blood and must and will tall,"
has naturally awakened some discussion
in the religious denomination which con
trols that institution and to which its
assailant belongs. The meaning of the
St. Louisan was clearly that the Stand
ard Oil moneys upon which the great
university is founded were gathered by
methods of injustice and even spoliation,
and carry with them a curse like that
which the fable attaches to Judas' ten
pieces of silver. The latter part of Dr.
Boyd's theory is scarcely to be taken
seriously. Men thrive and grow fat upon
very dirty money. The odium attaching
to evil ways of making a fortune seldom
descends to him who inherits that for
tune does not often, indeed, cling very
pertinaciously to the one who originally
garnered the ill-gotten wealth. "The
jingling of the guinea helps the hurt
honor feels," and the highest places in
society in the state, and even in the
church, are open to him who has success.
fully acted npon rare Ben Jouson's ad
Oet money; still (ret money, boy,
No matter by what means.
Society will not exact heavier penance
of an institution which has profited by
money acquired in dubious ways than it
exacts of the individual who rolled up
that wealth, ihe sins of the Standard
Oil trust will not be visited upon the Chi
cago university, even though the noble
gray quadrangles of that college stand
iorever as a monument to the triumph
of wealth over the commonwealth.
It is entertaining, however, to note the
line of defense taken up by the clergymen
who hastened to repel the assault upon
the almoner of the Standard Oil funds.
Says Dr. Lawrence, vice president of the
board of trustees of the university:
"John u. Rockefeller has not wrung
money from the people. He may have
crushed smaller competitors by business
methods which all pursue, but if it were
not for the Standard Oil company you
and I would not have such cheap oil to
burn nights. If the money that he has
given to the Chicago university is un
clean what is to be said of the thousand
institutions founded or supported by
men of wealth? Mr. Rockefeller is one of
the quietest men in the world.
His family does not go into society, but
if there is a hospital to be visited you
will find Mrs. Rockefeller or one of the
family there."
We may pass over Dr. Lawrence's eu
logy of his patron's private virtures. To
the serious charges urged against the
chief officer of the Standard Oil company
it is no defense to plead that he gives
lavishly to charity, is a regular attend
ant at church, and is kindly and loving
to his family. That he is "one of the
quietest men in the world" is without
pertinence. So also was that chief
justice of England whom Macau lay des
cribed as "rich, quiet and infamous."
Sharp issue, however, must beia;en with
Dr. Lawrence's declaration, "He may
have crushed smaller competitors by
methods which all pursue." Emphati
cally all do not pursue the methods of
the Standard Oil company. If all did,
the state ot this nation would be that
popularly called anarchy. Bribery of
legislatures and courts would be the rule
rather than the exception. Business
rivalries would be prosecuted with the
aid of thugs and incendiaries. Railroads
would habitually be employed to build
up private monopolies. A score of huge
corporations would control all lines of
business and the small dealer would be
forced to surrender his independence and
become an agent for monopoly. It is a
queer commentary on the position of
ethics in a church that a leading divine
can say with entirecomplaceney that the
methods of Standard Oil are the ordin
ary business methods of the day.
But the most curious error in the
clergyman's defense of the monopolist is
hisstatement that but "forthe Standard
Oil company you and I would not have
such cheap oil to burn nights." Doubt
less he has never investigated the subject
about which he speaks so positively
Had he done so he would have discover
ed that the great reduction in the cost
of kerosene oil was made before the
Standard Oil company secured its mono
poly of refining it. Under the sway of
this monopoly reductions in price have
been practically checked, improved pro
cesses for increasing production and
cheapening the cost of refining have been
suppressed. Monopoly has not only
crushed its rivals but has taken its toll
from the public. It is for that monopoly
exists, and not all the eloquence of sub
sidized clergymen can convince the people
that the greatest monopoly in the coun
try is other than a menace to public
safety or that its methods have been
other thun immoral and despicable.
Chicago Times.
An Oklahoma Postmaster InTolxed.
Perry, Ok., Jan. 14. Deputy mar
shals arrested Thomas J. Mann, post
master at Cleveland, and brought
him here this morning on a charge of
having tampered with letters in his
office. He is a leader in Grant county.
Major Paddock Seriously III.
Denver, CoL, Jan. 14. Major James
Paddock of Omaha, government
director of the Union Pacific railroad,
is lying dangerously ill in his private
car at the Union depot in this city.
Advices to the treasury department
from the sub-treasury of New York
repoit the withdrawal of 92,300,000
gold for export. This leaves the
amount of the gold reserve 877,474,
409. Advertiser, l'leus say
When Writing to tliis"
I I Kdn lifted atlthsj I
Why Was It
that Ayer's Sarsaparilla, out of the great
number ot similar preparations manufac
tured throughout the world, was the only
medicine of the kind admitted at the
World's Fair, Chicago? And why was It
that, in spite of the united efforts of the
manufacturers of other preparations, the
decision of the World's Fair Directors was
not reversed?
According to Role 15 "Articles
that are in any way dang-erous or
offensive, also patent medicines,
nostrums, and empirical prepara
tions, whose ingredients are con
cealed, will not be admitted to the
Exposition," and, therefore
Secaute Ayer's Sarsaparilla is not a
patent medicine, not a nostrum, and not
a secret preparation.
Becaune its proprietors had nothing to
conceal when questioned aa to the for
mula from which it is compounded.
Because It is all that It is claimed to be
a Compound Concentrated Extract of
Sarsaparilla, and in every sense, worthy
the indorsement of this most important
committee, called together for passing
upon the manufactured products of the
entire world.
Admitted for Exhibition
a- m m m mm mm sf as mm mw mm B a. I
The following sample notices given
Armageddon show how it is appreciated:
ARMAGEDDON, or the final battle batwesa
the wealth-makers and the wealth-takers.
This is a splendid collection of stirring
and patriotic songs with music, it con
tains 140 pages aud over 60 songs set to
music besides a dozen not set. A number
of these same songs have been Bold by us
at 20 cents each. These songs are George
Howard Gibson's best. Price, post paid
35 cents, or $3.60 a dozen. American
Armageddon is the name of a new song
book published by "The Wealth Makers
Publishing Company," of Lincoln, Neb.,
at 35 cents a copy. Armageddon is by
far the best book of its kind it has ever
been our pleasure to examine. The book
contains 70 songs, 57 of which are set to
music, and every one is a gem. There is
no chaff in the whole book. The songs
are strong and ably written, while the
music is of the very best. Ueorge How
ard Gibson, editor of The Wealth. Mak
ers, is the author. His name is never
attached to any second class literary
production,. There is ever an elevated
tone to bis writings. His newspaper is
one of the very best reform papers in
existence and Armageddon is, we think,
decidedly the best book of songs any
Alliance or labor organization can possi
bly find. The Sledge Hammer, Meadville
Now is the time to make good use of
Armageddon. It ought to be in every
Populist's home. If our songs areevery
where sung, made popular, our cause
will speedily succeed. Let singing clubs
be formed to master the music of this
book. None finer or more effective has
ever been written. "God Save the Peo
ple" is a mightily stirring piece in both
music and words. "Our Line of Defense"
is another thrilling song Bet to the finest
patriotic air of Germany, "Die Wacht
Am Rhein." But we have not space to
tell of the merits of each one of the 70
songs which the book contains. Humo
rous, pathetic, thrilling, awakening, en
thusing, calling forth all that is manly
and noble, all love of right and justice,
and marshalling the hosts to battle, it
should be sent for and made use of by all
earnest men and women now. Get
ready this winter to sing these industrial
gospel songs everywhere.
Governor Morton of New York has ap
pointed John Jacob Astor, the multi
millionaire, his aide-de-camp. The Gov
ernor is the Republican standard bearer
of New York state and the Republican
party is a laboring man's party. See?
Industrial News.
Tha new soig book, now ready tor de
li very, is Immense. Fire in your order.
Thirty-five oents a oopy.
How' This!
Ws offer One Hundred Dollars reward for any
ease of Catarrh tbat cannot be cared by Hall's
Catarrh Cars.
F. J. CHENEY A CO., Toledo, O.
We, the undersigned, hare known P. J. Cheney
for the last IS years, and beltev him perfectly
honorable in all business transections and finan
cially able to carry oat any obligations made by
their firm.
WrsT Truai. Wholesale Drnstirlsta. Toledo, O.
Wilding, Kimxam A Marvin, Wholesale lrns
gists, Toledo, ().
Hall's Catarrh Cure la taken Internally, actios;
directly npon the blood and mucous surfaces ot
the system. Testimonials sent free. Flics 75c.
per bottle. Sold by ail Prngists.
- iwe tAB.or.sT stock; iktmi Wct. m
Ttve ftost Gmplehi StecKf veiylhipnfi!!uiwk
Boilers and tymtslWS
far lluatr&ttd G&loqjiAdcfrc&k
you saw their Advt. In this Paper.
Irrigated Farm Lands
nf the
THBE BAN LUIS VALLEY, COLORADO, is a stretch of level plain about
as large as the State of Connecticut, lying between surrounding ranges
of lofty mountains and watered by the Rio Grande River and a score or
mora of small tributary streams. It was the bottom of a great sea, whose do
posits have made a fertile soil on an average more than tea feet deep. The
mountains are covered with great deposits of snow, which melt and furnish
the irrigating canals with water for the farmers' crops. '
The Climate is Unrivaled.
Almost perpetual sunshine, and the elevation of about 7,000 feet dispels all
malaria, nor are such pests aa chinch bugs, weevil, etc., found then. Flowing
artesian wells are secured at a depth, on an average, of about 100 feet, and at
a cost of about f 25.00 each. Such is the flow that they are being utilised for
irrigating the yards, garden and vegetable crops. The pressure is sufficient to
carry the water, which is pure, all through the farmers' dwellings.
Already several thousand miles of large and small irrigating canals have been
built and several hundred thousand acres of lands made available for farming
operations. Irrigation is an insurance against failure of crops, because suc
cess is a question only of the proper application of water to them. The loss of
a single corn or wheat crop in Nebraska, for instance, would more than equal
the cost ot irrigating canals to cover the entire state, so important is the cer
tainty of a full crop return to any agricultural state. The San Luis Valley
will grow
Spring wheat oats, barley, peas, hops, beans,
potatoes, vegetables and all kinds of small fruits
and many of the hardier varieties of apples,
pears and all kinds of cherries.
In the yield of all these products it has nkveb been surfameb by amy oran
Forty Acres Enough Land.
Fobtt acres n enocgh land for the farmer of ordinary meant and help. Be
sides the certainty of return, the yield, under the conditions of proper irriga
tion, will average far more than the 160-acre farms in the Mississippi and
Missouri Valleys, and the outlay for machinery, farming stock, purchase
money, taxes, etc., are proportionately lees. There are a hundred thousand
acres of such lands located in the very heart of the San Luis Valley, all within
six miles of the Denver and Rio Grande Railroad, convenient markets and
shipping stations, for sale at 15.00 per acre. MoBt of these lands are fenced
and have been under cultivation and in many instances have wells and some
buildings, everything ready to proceed at once to begin farming. A shall
cash payment only is required where the purchaser immediately occupies the
premises, and long time at seven per cent, interest is granted for the deferred
A Specially Low Homeseekers Rate
will be made you, your family and friends. Should you settle on these lands
the amount you paid for railroad fare will be credited to you on your pay
ments; and remember the land is perfectly and thoroughly irrigated, and
the land and ferpetuel water rights are sold you for less than other ac
tions ask for simply the water rights without the land. No BETTEI Lands
exist anywhere on eabth. For further particulars, prices oi land, railroad
fare, and all other information call on or address,
LF Li.
(Mention this paper.) Manager
J. W, Castob, Prss.
3. P. Boms, Vlca-rrss.
O. L. Lues,
The Fanners' Mataal Insurance Company of Nebraska.
The Largest, Beat and. Cheapest Farm Mutual Insurance Company
in the State.
14.000,000 5
Insurance if
t'UTT 1U
Bffect , . .
v i
Losms Paid Mora Promptly than Any Old Llns
and LiRbtnlnF, Wind and Tornado, at Ons
Assessment. Fnrnlsbss Insnranca to
Home Office: 245 So. 11th St ,
It -J Nil
o . o t
2 3
half million Insured. Have paid over R00.00 In losses. Have bad bat one SMsssnMBt,
10c per 1100.00. J. Y. M. 8WIQABT, secretary. Lincoln, Neb. l9AKants wanted.
The New Commonwealth
rpHl (rest Feoyle'B yarty smr et Ken
JL York, as ema of the COsetUV
aaeveraealet Ike United States, eae Oaaasa.
Prlea, BO Cents Par Year,
smpls CtslMFrta
Set CCZaZSlTttlti,
It oar advertisers do not treat you
right let us know. We want no "fakes"
in Ths Wealth Makers. Isn't there
something in our "Three Cent Column"
that will profit yon?
Faster Time Better Service,
The Black Bills passenger now leaves
daily at 1:25 p. m. and will land passen
gers at Hot Springs at 8:05 a. m., and
at Deadwood at 11 a. m. next day.
From Chicago two fast trains arrive
here week days, one Sundays.
For further information apply as be
low. A. S. Fielding, City Ticket Agt,
8. A. Mosbkb, Oen'l Agt.,
117 So. lOta 8t
We want you to notice every new "ad"
in our columns. They are put there es
pecially tor your benefit.
ft IsmhjratlM Ca., V
W. B. Lntca, Ssc'y.
State Agsnt.
i. OscsasMTU, Traas-
'v on hand.
in 1894 . .
Company Poloo- Bnslnsss. Insures Malnst Fin
Par Cant. Has ran Tbres years without any
tba Farmers at Aetna! Cost. AU Losses
VSWaSU ksaj ogisisiwa mmmw vwjrwaw a ,
To California in a Tourist Sleeper
The Burlington Route's Personally
Conducted Excursions to the Facifle
Coast are just the thing for people of
moderate means.
Cheap respectable comfortable ex
peditions. From Omaha and Lincoln. Through
to Los Angelos and San Francisco with
out change. Experienced Excursion
Managers and uniformed Pullman por
ters in charge. Second class tickets ac
cepted. Cars are carpeted and uphol
stered and have spring seats and backs,
mattresses, bl.nketn, curtains, pillows,
towels, etc. Only 5.00 for a double
berth, wide enough and big enough for
two. The route is over the"Scenic Line
of the World," through Denver, Salt
Lake City and Sacramento. All the
wonderful canons and peaks of the Rocky
Mountains are passed during the day.
If you are going west you should ar
range to join one of these excursions.
They are the best, the very best, across
the continent. Information and adver
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