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Image provided by: South Dakota State Historical Society – State Archives
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ME. vSmith & We Know We Can Save You Money 5 5 5 Remarkable Bargains in Linen Table Sets. Put up iii pretty boxes they make an admirable gift. 2-yd cloths and 1 doz. napkins £4.50 2 1-2 yd cloths and 1 doz £5.50 i-yd cloths and 1 dozen OGLALA IiGHIW^ 44 £6.50 8 1-2 yd cloths and 1 doz. 7.50 The Lively Youngster like yours needs a waist that y i e s o e v e y o v e e n Waists of jeans, batistes and like materials encase the body too rigidly, hold in the perspira tion and endanger the health. But our knitted waists are for freedom, health and comfort. Strong tapes, straight from the shoulder, put the weight where it won't tire, and many washings leave it sound and good as ever. For boy or girl, 1 to 15 years. Priced 2,0 to 25 cts. Chadron, fifeb. The Class Room Gardens. The children and teachers are mak ing- excellent progress is their work in the class-room gardens. All the seeds have been sown and practically all the plants have been transplant ed. Everything is growing nicely and the prospects for successful year in this branch of school wors are very bright. A departure from the usual method of class-room garden ing is our -'Model Garden." This consists of one acre of garden plant ed to the same vegetables and the same proportions as, we think, the gardens on the allotments on this reservation should be. The children will undoubtedly get a practical les son from this ''Model Garden" which they could not possibly get from the small individual plats. Altogether, we have about twenty-live different kinds of vegetables growing in our garden and, in some instances, two or three varieties of each kind. Practically all of tkese have been because they are what the people should raise at their homes. The kinds of vegetables that you can see growing here are, lettuce, radishes onions, peas, beans, cabbage, cauli flower, salsify parsnips, mangels, ruta-bages, tomatoes, celery, pepper, beets, squash, pumpkins, water-melon, musk-melon, cucumber, pop-corn, sweet-corn, turnips, car rots and potatoes. The Stars and Stripes The history of our country is grand ly illustrated in our stars and stripes. New stars have been added to the field of blue as new states have been admitted to our union. It had its origin in the era of Washington, when our republic was established, and had its greatest trial in the time of Lincoln, when the mightiest civil war of the world tested its power and vindicated its supreme control and command over the dis cordant element arrayed in deadly and brave attempt to destroy it. To day this flag stands for not one party or section, but floats over the whole country, one and undivided. —From The Arrow. 1 1