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Image provided by: South Dakota State Historical Society – State Archives
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PUPILS ITEMS The carpenter boys are calcimin ing the girls dormitory, and they are doing a good job, Stephen Two Bulls was sick for twd or three weeks, with pneumonia but he is getting better now. THE OCLALA LIGHT Sarnie) Nelson^ Andrew Bissonette. Mr. Miller has had his vacation and, he came back a few daj's ago. We are all glad to see him back at O S again. Rose Hary Bird. Miss Morgan Conducted the Sunday evening services in the chapel Jan 13. her talk was on the life of Wm. Mc Kinley. Nicholas. A Garcia. We were very busy repairing harness for Mr. Colhoff all last week, and are now repairing shoes for girls and boys at o.B.s. willian Center. Our band leader, Mr. Lone Dog, went away about a week ago—and another band leader is here in Mr. Lone Dogs place. He is doing well. Oliver Left Heron. I will now tell what I know about bead working. Long before the glass beads were made the people used the porcupines' Quills. They killed the porcupines and took the quills and colored them with different colors. But now I think you can get your beads in almost every town. You can get your beads for 15 cents a bunch here in Pine Ridge. The beads are in differents colors lut they all cost the THE OGLALA LIGHT FOR ONE YEAR WILL COST YOU THE SMALL SUM OP TWENTY-PI YE CENTS,—AND THERE IS NO BETTER CR MORE INTELLIGENT WAY OP INVESTING A QUARTER-DOLLAR. SUBSCRIBE TO-DAY LEST YOU FJRGET. same. In stringing your beads you* have to use some small thread Number 50 thread is the best and at so vou have to use some small needles. There are several different sizes o4 needles but I think the sizes twelve are best to bead work with. In beading leather you have to use large needle, and use some sinew to string your beads. Louisa IS Jan is. When I hunt I usual'y hunt rabbits I like to hunt them in winter when the snow is on the ground. The jack rabbit lives up among the hills, when I hunt jack rabbits, I always track them up But he is a tricky fellow and 1 have to look close to the tracks and be ready with my gun. He comes out at evening and is to bed before the morning breaks, when it is al most time for him to go to bed he would track himself and he find a com fortable place he would jump about five or more yards away from his tracks, where no body would see his track. 1 be gray rabbit lives in the woods near the creek. When I hunt them I usually use dogs, to scare them and kill them. They are both good for food. In autum when the wild ducks and geese are flying towards South and rest on some wide creek along the White Clay Creek I use to have a good time shooting them. Nearly every-body likes to eat them. The grouse is just like a quail, only the grouse is larger. When we hunt grouse, we always go up on the hills to hunt them. He is just as tricky as the jack rabbit. He will lie still in the grass and fly away all at once and lie would almost scare you to death. Howard Waters