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Image provided by: South Dakota State Historical Society – State Archives
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i *. 'jfc r-rv 't-v* ic: 3/ 1 16. ~*_V~ V* ITEMS FROM THE The Agent is going to sell a gray end a sorrel horse soon. ^This will be a good chance for farmer who wants a pair of work horses. Eugene Coffield has returned after *n absence of five months. Mrs. C. H. Bates has returned from fcer visit to see the "only" grandson. The clerks at the Agency office are wrestling with the new from of cash -accounts. Postmaster Coffield has returned -from Hot Springs and is at the same #d stand. Mrs. Rosecranzhas been sick for few days but we understand is all fight now. Mrs. Melvin Baxter has returned from an extended visit to her home and the east. Mr. Colhoff, Sr claims the Orip had Jlim, but couldn't hold on and so he is around as usual. Most everybody who isn't doing any thidg else is saying nothing but saw ing ice these days. Mr. whitlock, Disciplinarian at Pier re, brought a sicK girl from the school $$ her home on the Reservation. Stirk & Deon are filling their new Ite house with 1 ft, thick lee from their dam on Wolf Creek, Mr. Lawrence Dawson, the Indian Trader at Kyle, has sold out to Mr, Wesley Kieffe of Rushville, Blacksmith Gunn was confined to Ms house for afew days, but he had too much grip and is working now a* a'H':'-*** A A- *rs J- W THE OCLALA LIGHT -t— Quaiffe & Goodrich,* Indian Traders A Y S O O S a n e s i a n O u w i n o w be the only store at Allen. -1 7"/H at" Allen S. D. have dissolved We understand Frank Going's lost a pig and after along search, found it in Jtfee school "piggery". Of course this i s n o o e w o n e e a 1 Father Westrop was seen riding a motor-cycle around the Agency the middle of the month and, we under stand, excited most of the population on the road between Pine Ridge and the Mission. There has been considerable sick ness in the Agency and on the Reserva tion the past month and Dr. w.alker has had a good deal of work to do. of Mrs. Mclntyre had quite an attack the grip, but she is well now., Mr. C. A. Bates was in town not long ago, but he had to leave the "only" baby at his home on Stinking Water. Mrs. Bates and "Peter" (we are in doubt about this being the right name, and if wrong will correct in our next'issue) are doing well. A. B. Douglas, Jennie I* Douglas and Cbas. LaCroix, resdients of the Crow Creek Ageny, and until recent ly employes of the Indian Service, have been made defendents in a suit commenced in the United States Court at Sioux Falls, wherein the government asks to be awarded a judgement of $5,000 against each de fendent. It: appears that while being in the employe of the government as additional farmers and industiial teachers the parties carried on con tinuous trade with the Indians of the e s e v a i o n a n s e u e n u e o u s cattle, horses and other property, contrary to the law prohibiting em ployes from trafficing with Indians. We&kly Sivifv, A, .i, .. t. !C *'r' i 4 a S 'I T' '•k