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Image provided by: South Dakota State Historical Society – State Archives
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'Vv" i* :. 'St# 'v'^- _• 'V* If •v't *'S. {j^t£ h fcA&:>•: P: vt y K t- .) fNV «, n &. 'I i' h. i fc 1 1 S w £-r"" !j in P. 18. THE OGLALA LIGHT. ^They have been here for the last two fnonths tasking inta the dspreditioi claims. On Sept. 11th Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Bates returned to Pine Ridge after an absence of about six months. We are glad to welcome Allotting Agent Bates back. Mrs. Bates will soon return to Yankton, S. D. to spend the winter. Mr. C. E, Oldberg, Superintendent Of Engineering, has returned to ftis home at Los Angeles, Cal. He made extensive trips in company with Mr. Charles Ash Bates investigating the irrigation dams and pitches on the Reservation. A fullblood Wichita Indian, Ear Char-Sun- Ah-De-Kos, 18 years old, Vho was born and reared on the Kio wa reservation in Western Oklahoma lias been appointed as messenger in the Indian Commissioners' office in "Washington. The Indians English Hame is Albert Lorentz. He spent fix years at Carlisle aed after grad uating took the civil service examin ation, and received the appointment. Special Agent Elliott and Mr. Thos. J. King, Jr., of the Indian Office, have lor the past two months been working Upon and installing a new prope/ty System at this Agency. This new System is now being tried at this Agency and is the first trial it has &ad in the Indian Service and we Relieve, after it has been thoroughly Installed and in workings condition, it will prove to be a great im provement over the old system, cs pecailly with regard to the accounting segregation of government Wmm property. The round up of the remainder of the Pablo buffalo herd, which has been purchased by Canada, will be resumed next week by Michel Pablo and his team of twelve riders. G. H. Beckwith, a merchant from St. Ignatius who was in the city yesterday, said that fully ISO animals remain on the aeservation. These are the wildest brutes of the herd they escaped the four previous round-ups. and it will take almost super human efforts to put them in the cars at Ravalli, the shipping point. "Pablo has made careful for this final round-up and is confi dent that he will deliver every every animal to the Canadian government," said Mr. Beckwith. "The Canadian commissioner has arrived at Ravalli and will remain until the shipment is made. Pablo has secured twenty new mounts, every one of great endurance and all trained cow-horses. His riders have been picked with care, and besides possessing great recklessness are familiar with ways of the buffalo. "Thirty miles above Rovalli, at a horseshoe bend in the Jaco river, a big boom has been through across the stream, and on the east side big corrals have been built. These lead into smaller corrals and finelly in the loading chutes, it is the intention of Pablo to drive the animals from their accustomed range to the river, urge them across, and the boom will deflect then into the pastures."— ••. "v tn Minneapolis Journal.