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Image provided by: South Dakota State Historical Society – State Archives
Newspaper Page Text
E I O I A S Editorials for October, By Mr. Francis Chapman, Supt. of Printing. Address all communications directly to THE OGLALA LIGHT, U. S. Indian Training School, Pine Ridge, South Dakota. Entered in the Post Office at Pine Ridge, South Dakota, and registered as mail matter of the second-class. This entire magazine is executed by student apprentices under the direction of the Instructor of Printing. The price is fifty cents a year in advance. BENNETT COUNTY SOON TO BE OPENED FOR SETTLEMENT. Bennett County, a large section ditions will prove the wisdom of of the Pine Ridge Reservation, of such a step. From the trail will soon be opened up for settle- of the deer to the trail of the ment. The Indians living hereon plow is indeed a long step for have been allotted their lands in ward, and may a relapse and severalty, and the balance of the heartache will be experienced reserve will be allotted to white by our red brothers in this pro settlers under the rules of the cess of traveling the white man's Homestead Actr road. Major McLaughlin, that genial, However, we believe that you Capable, lovable man, who has are capable of overcoming every lived among the different bands obsticle you may become just of Sioux for years and years, who as good farmers and stock raisers has seen them on the war-path on the Pine Ridge Reservation ^nd in the councils of peace, and as any place on earth, your land who has been their strongest is just as fertile as that across the friend and advocate always, has line in Nebraska, and your drawn up a treaty wjiich is satis- opportunities are just as many, factory to all concerned and the This settling process is the testing Indians have agreed to settle out of an educational policy that down at last on their own hold- has been persued by the govera ings. Future time^ *nd con- ment 'for the past twenty-five