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Image provided by: South Dakota State Historical Society – State Archives
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NEWS AND HUMORS OF PINE, RIDGE Mr. Ward Bates, of Yankton, S. D., is visiting his sister, Mrs. A. M. Land man. W. A. Coffield, Jr., went on a visit to Buffalo Gap on the 11th of the month. Miss Wauneta Roby visited her parents for a few days the middle of the month. Miss Hattie C. Griffith visited Mr. & Mrs. H. A. Dawson the latter part of the month. Mr. A. M. Modissett of Rushville dune over on the 20th in his new ford machine. Allotting Agent Charles Ash Bates was in town the first part of the month for a few days. Miss Helen A. Corder substituted for three weeks in the Agency Office as stenographer. Mr. Edward Heibel of the Office force left on leave on the 14th for Minueapolis, Minn. Mr. Frank Conn of Adaton, Neb. paid a short vist to Mr. D. K. Roby the middle of the month. Engineer Frank Morrison and crew started the saw mill buzzing on the White- Clay on the 24th. Mrs F. A. Johnson left on the 20th for her home in Novia Scotia where she will spend the summer. Mr R. £. Brigance came in from THE OGLALA LIGHT. Grass Creek and made a short visit with Rev. and Mrs. Joyner. Indian Trader Simmons of Mander* son, was an interested visitor to the Stock Meeting at Rapid City. Miss Pearl Reed of Aladdin, Wyo., and Miss Luella Scott of Buffalo Gap, are visitivg Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Cof field. Messrs. E. C. and R. A. Swigert of Gordon came over on the 10th and engaged a number of Indians for Robinson's Circus. Maj. Brennan took Farmer Mr. Ira Meyers and Property Clerk John Linehan to Manderson in his automo bile on the 4th of the month. Assistont Farmer Joe Knight of Porcupine was quite sick with pneu mrnia the pass month, but we are glad to say he has recovered. Mr. Frank. J. Murphy, of Lowell, Mass. arrived on the 21st to take the position of stenographer made vacant by the resignation of Mr. Sadden. Mrs. G. C. Dawsoa and Miss Hattie. Griffith left on the 10th for Rapid City to attend the Stock Meeting and afterwards they made a tour of the Black Hills. Dr. & Mrs. StClair Reilly went to Porcupine the 1st of the month They were the guests of Mr. & Mrs. Dawson the Dr, assisted by Mrs. Dawson, vaccinated 127 children. Mr. H. A. Dawson and his two boys went to Rapid City to visit the stock Meeting, and Mr. Dawson was elected president of the western South Da kota Stock Meeting Association.