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Image provided by: South Dakota State Historical Society – State Archives
Newspaper Page Text
Where we will, there s away. Mrs. Boeham arrived the first part of the month and took charge of the employees' mess kitchen Mrs. Trace well, daughter of Mr. L. W. Dodendorf of the Extension, is assisting Mrs. Boeham in the Mess kitchen. Don't fail to go to the Demonstra tion Sale of the Domestic Science Class the afternoon of the 31st at Dawson.s Hall In the absence of the Rev. Johnson, Mr. Shell gave a ver interesting and instructive talk in the auditorium the evening of the 25th. The work of cleaning out our irriga tion ditch has been completed and we can now get plenty of water on the school grounds. Our dairy herd was increased by ten full blood holstein cows and one bull the middle of the month. They were received from the Rock Brook Farm near Omaha. Neb Mr. William Johnson of the "Exten sion" has the contract for painting our porches and all the trimmings off our buildings and this will improve our appearance considerably. Miss Cora M. Embree arrived from Washington the first part of the month and went on duty as Matron. After being out of the Service for nearly a year she has been reinstat ed Rev. E. J. Lindsey. of Gordon. Neb. will deliver the Memorial Address the morning of Decoration Day in the auditorium. We print the pro gram i n another page. All are cordially invited to attend. Oglafa Boarding School News Items 30 Carpenter Arihur Beaver and Wil liam Guyer came from Rushville on the 9th and in a couple days finished roof of our new horse barn And we believe we have now one of the best barns in the state of South Dakota. Our new band instruments have just arrived. There are twenty six nickel plated instruments, with two drums aud three clarinets and the band bo?s are now going around with a proud and happy appearance. The Misses Irene Dubray and An nie Richard came in from Bennett Co. the first part of the month and accepted positions at the school. Miss Dubray is assistant seamstress and Miss Richard is assistant cook. The party given by the basket ball gi»-ls the evening of the 17th was very successful and was thoroughly erjoyed by all present. Music was furnished by Mr Mumblehead and his "Octetteand by Mrs. Boeham and Mr. Colhoff. Supervisor S. A. M. Young left here the middle of the month for his home at Mitchell, S. D., and from there he will go to Cheyenne Agency to in vestigate the death of two girls who ran away from the boarding school and were frozen to death in the last blizzard in April. Our farmer. Mr Thompson, has a Ford autombile on the way which he expects will be here on the 1st. As it is a runabout we are authorized to anounce he can only take one girl Joy-riding a a time. Applications can now be filled at this office. Avoid the rush and come early,