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Image provided by: South Dakota State Historical Society – State Archives
Newspaper Page Text
O Y A Y By Elbert Hubbard. OYALTY is that quality which prompts a person to be true to the thing he undertakes. It means definite di rection, fixity of purpose, ballast, and work to health and success. Nature helps the loyal man. And if you are careless, slipshod, indifferent, nature assumes that you wish to be no body and grants your desire. Success hinges on loyalty. Be true to your art, your business, your employer, your "house." Loyalty is for the one who is loyal. It is a quality woven through the very fabric of one's being, and never a thing apart. Loyalty makes the thing to which you are loyal yours. Disloyalty removes it from you. Whether anyone knows of our disloyalty is really of little moment, either one way or the other. The real point is, how does it effect our selves? Work is for the worker. Love is for the lover. Art is for the artist. The menial is a man who is disloyal to his work. All useful service is raised to the plane of art when love for the asker—loyalty—is fused with the effort. No man ever succeeded in business, or can, who "wears the dial off the clock.'' Such a one may not be disloyal— he may be merely unloyal but he is always ripe tor a lay off and always imagines someone has it in for him. And he is right—everybody and everything, including Fate and Destiny, Clio and Nemesis, has it in for him. The only man who goes unscathed is the one who is loyal to himself by being loyal to others. Loyalty is the great lubricant in life. It saves the wear and tear of making daily decisions as LO he man who is loyal to his work is not wrung nor perplex ed by doubts—he sticks to the ship and if the ship founders he goes down a hero with colors flying at tlie masthead and the band playing. Stick! and if you quit, quit to tackle a harder job. God is on the side of the loyal. what is best to do.