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Image provided by: South Dakota State Historical Society – State Archives
Newspaper Page Text
Miss Levinia Means of the Agency has been acting as assistant cook since June 1st. School closed Saturday, June 27th after one of the most successful years in our history. Our primary teacher, Miss Emily Guthrie, was on the sick list for a few days during the month. i s s a n n i e W i i a s i n e mediate teacher, was confined to her room for a few days by sickness. The playground apparatuses have been installed on the playgrounds both for the boys and girls and they are in constant use. Mr. Molzahn's daughter, Rahel, suf fered a very painful burn of her foot by stepping into some hot ashes, but is on the road to recovery now. The tennis court is being kept warm these fine evenings and the Agency experts will have to look out for their laurels in the next tournament. Dr. Ross went toRushville the morning of the 18th to meet his son, Sam, who has been a student of Creighton University for the past year. The Gordon Booster-Club twenty five automobile's strong visited the school the afternoon of the 18th in the interest of the Chautauqua to be held the first five days in July at Gordon. Oglala Boarding School News Items The prizes for the citizenship essays submitted by pupils of this school have been received and the following receiveda third prize Sarah Littlemoon Sallie Short Bear Lucy White Bear and Joe Whirl Wind Horse. A Successful Event One of the most enjoyable and successful receptions given during the past school year was that given by Band Master Mumblehead and his band boys the evening of the 20th. The music was very delight ful and the dancing was thoroughly enjoyed. The first prize in the con test for the best couple in the grand march went to Sarah Littlemoon and Thomas Tyon. Echoes from the School Room 23. The exhibit work for San Francisco Fair is nearly ready for shipment and includes Physiology drawings, product maps of e United States beariug the actual products fastened with glue in their proper localities and embellished with drawings, and a display of pencil and water color, original work, also some very good copy work. The distinctive feature of the water color work is the line of blanket and bead designs made by the girls.