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Image provided by: South Dakota State Historical Society – State Archives
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Miss Pearl Ross is visiting friends in Minneapolis and other points. Will Colhoff is again at work im Dawson's store, after several days' illness. Mr. Boston has gone to Allen to assist Rev. Lindly in missionary work. Mrs. Johnson and son Julius left recently for Nova Scotia to visit her aged father, who is in declining health. Edward S. Stewart, Examiner of Inheritance, spent the month of May o i n e i s i e a i n s o n e eastern districts of the reservation. Day School Inspector Blish's family o n s i s i n o i s w i e a n e e daughters, are a recent welcome ad dition to the society of Pine Ridge. Dr. and Mrs. Cross, and son Roland Robert Jr., are again in Pine Ridge, alter having spent their annual vaca tion having "the time of their lives" visiting relatives and friends in Ill inois. A portable outfit for well drilling, for general use on the reservation, has recently been received. A gasoline -kerosene engine for use in the A gency shops is another recent and much needed addition to our equip ment. Several deliveries of blooded live stock have been received at Pine Ridge during May and June, for issue to Indians as allotment benefits. The animals were inspected by Dr. J. T. Purcell of the Bureau of Animal In dustry. (general SIgemp litems along alright on the outside. O. B. S. ex-students have a good re cord for industry and effectiveness. It is up to you boys and girls to see that this reputation is not spoiled. MAKE GOOD for O. B. S. and in so doing make good for yourself. Mrs. F. Webb Hill, of Rapid City, is visiting her parents, Supt. and Mrs. Brennan. Miss Carrie M. Stein, of Nebraska, has been appointd stenographer at Pine Ridge. Mr. George M. Trotter is spending the summer with his son, George A. Trotter, of the agency office force. Mrs. Guy Coffee spent the first part of June visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Conn, and has returned to her home in Nebraska. Mr. Key Wolf passed through Pine Ridge on June 20th, enroute to Klam ath, Oregon, where he has been trans ferred as principal at $900. Mrs. Key Wolf has an appointment at the same school, as teacher. Raymond T. Parker was transfer red early in June to the position of cerk at the Pima agency, Arizona, at an increased salary. R. B. Demaree was promoted to the position former ly held by Mr. Parker, and Miss Dona Dietrich to the position vacated by Mr. Demaree. The large number of people who were present at No. 1 Day School, Monday evening, June 19 to listen to the closing excercises given by the pupils under the direction of Miss Roser their teacher, found themselves well entertained throughout the rend ition of the following program. All the participants acquitted themselves well in the work assigned to them. Continued from page 33. 34. I