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Image provided by: South Dakota State Historical Society – State Archives
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the past year. We found Mr. Rosen krans' suggestions helpful and hope to have other visits from him in the near future. We also enjoyed talking over old Philippine experiences. Last month we announced the ap pointment of Miss Beronica R. Kol lauf as teacher at this school. Miss Kollauf failed to report so we judge that visions of Pine Ridge were too much for her. Our supply of ice proved ample last summer. There are still nearly two layers of ice remaining in the ice house and as there is no further de mand for ice now we will have some left over to start the new year with. At this writing (November 20) the annual enrollment for the school year has been 218 with an attendance of 194. Eight pupils have been dropp ed from the rolls this year, making o u e s e n e n o e n 2 1 0 e school has room for fifty more pupils. The flour supply at this agency has been exhausted and the school has been obliged to buy flour from the local traders for the past three weeks, pending the arrival of the new sup ply. This is an expensive proposi tion for the flour in the local markets cost us $5. 50 per cwt. "We are having a better grade of moving pictures than we had last year. The season opened with Doc and has continued with pictures showing the San Francisco Exposi tion, scenes from the Bowery, London Assurance, Quo Vadis, etc. The peo ple seem to appreciate this class of pictures and the attendance so far this season has been satisfactory. Supervisor Knight arrived at Pine Ridge, November 23 to make a gen eral inspection November 9th, Mr. James H. Hyde, Jr. entertained the faculty and stud ent body with a fine talk in the chap el. Thursday Evening, November 23, Principal Spalsbury gave an illus trated talk in the school chapel choos ing as his theme the City of Paris. November 13th was the beginning of a new quarter of the school year, the second quarter, and a general change of details to work them thru the new course of study was put in effect. The work starts off smoothly under the new arrangement, but the results from a productive standpoint will not equal in any degree those under the old system when a boy or girl worked at one detail long enough to become proficient. The first snow storm of the season came Nov. 10 and for some time we were in the midst of a regular South Dakota blizzard. Several inches of •now fell and the weather cooled off to a marked degree. In fact the ther mometers became discouraged of re maining up at a reasonable point and fell with a thud to 23 degrees below zero during the night of the thirteenth. This is very unusual and sets a re cord we think for cold weather at this season of the year. An aim in life is the only fortune worth the finding, and it is not to be found in foreign lands, but in the heart itself.—Robert Lewis Stevenson.