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Image provided by: South Dakota State Historical Society – State Archives
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Hniii111 Tt?i,:: ,% 'i Mr. H. D. "Wing, the school farmer been spending some time here and in the Wounded Knee district threshing. Over 2000 bnshels of grain were the result of the trip. The machine returned January 19. John Chief was along in the capacity of chief engineer for the tractor. The regular meeting of the li terary societies was held January 3rd. This was the first meeting for the boy's society and was given orer to organization. The girls presented a good and varied program. Another successful meeting was held January 17th. Dr. Horatio C. Meriam, ohm of the Field Dentists of the Service arrived at the school January 3rd for an in definite stay. After fixing up the teeth of the children here he expects to visit the Holy Rosary Mission for the same purpose and by the time spring opens up he will be ready to visit all the day schools of the reser vation with the same purpose in view. Mrs. Meriam and three daugh ters arrived on January 17th to spend the time here with the doctor. 24. Fr. Henry spoke in chapel Sunday evening. January 26th, to a large and attentive audience. Friday evening, January 31st was set aside for a band concert and musicale under the direction of Prof. Mumblehead. Owing to the fact that the band this year has had to be built from the ground up it was unable to render the usual entertainment and the program was varied somewhat All the numbers of the following pro gram were well received and every one voted the evening a success. Selection Piano and Cornet Waltz Piano and Violin Vocal Duet Mrs. Whitney and Mr. Mumblehead Vocal Solo Mr. Baber Vocal Quartette Messrs. Trotter, Evans Spalsbury and Mumblehead Dramatic Reading.. .. Mr. Morrow "The Sign of the Cross" Vocal Solo Miss Joyner Piano Solo Mrs. Stewart Selection Minstrel Band Star Spangled Banner Audience