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Image provided by: South Dakota State Historical Society – State Archives
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was quite an affair. The return was made to the school grounds in time to take up the work at four o'clock in the afternoon. We are glad to have Miss Nellie Johnson, of Gordon, in our midst again. Miss Johnson is spending her vacation with her sister. Mrs. Mum blehead. On the 20th the first event ot com mencement occurred when the pupils had a lawn social on the school grounds. The band furnished music for the occasion and games and other amusements including some remark able races furnished entertainment for pupils and spectators. Mrs. Wabashaw, our popular mess cook, established a new record in the speed of a Ford when she made a fly ing drive to the agency. When last seen the Tin-lizzie was headed di rect east going at the rate of forty one and two-tenths miles an hour. She was latter summoned to the of fice to answer the question of how she did it Hubby was heard say ing, "our car was going some." Lieutenant Brigance who has just returned from France where he saw considerable fighting in the St. Mihiel and Argonne favored the school with a talk on the war and the part of the United States in it. filling his time with many interesting and some funny reminiscences. Mr. Brigance is a fine talker and his remarks were enthusiastically received by the large crowd that gathered to hear him. His collection of souvenirs which he had on display were interesting and at tracted a great deal of attention and comment. 20. On the 17th the Mission boys de feated the school team on the school grounds in a hotly contested game of ball with the score showing 6 to 5. The feature of the game was the su perb rooting for the Mission by Mr. Roach. The irrication crew has gladdened the hearts of everyone by turning the water loose on the grounds which are now green and restful. A large head of water has been running for about ten days. Work on the dam is pro gressing slowly owing to lack of ma terials and workmen. All the old timers and hasbeens and others furnished considerable amusement for the crowd on June 19 in an attempted game ot baseball. This was a game between the board school employees and the agency employees. Fair partisans were on the side lines rooting for their favor ites and the large sized crowd that was in attendance seemed to enjoy the game even if one team of contest ants did not They say that the score was extremely onesided in favor of the agency employees but no one seems to know for sure just what the real outcome was. The school team has filed a long protest over the game reciting various and sundry counts on which the verdict of public opin ion should be set aside and demand ing a decision in their favor or a re playing of the game. Others are talking of a fat and lean contest in the near future. As the bright particular stars of the recent game were Sam Deon and Mr. Stewart we nominate them to captain the fat and lean teams respectively.