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1 * PUBLISHED EVERY Together Wce^tand EDUCATION,"PROPERTY, AND MORA! A CONSERVATIVE/rOLITICAL RACE JO RNAL-DEVOTED——TO POLITIC $l"90 FI SfTV l A. * * _Our .reliabilty is the guaran bee of the subscription of all un til expired; advertisements like wise A J. Golden, Mgr _ NATIONAL NEWSPAPER __—-—- » — ” Address’alTmat:ters7terms fcr adver tisements to the Weekly Negro World Cary, Mississippi.__ One Year..$1-00 Six months..60cts Three months.SO • ISIPAlway s payable in advance. Entered in the Post-Office at Cary Mississippi, as second elas maihmatte United states, Canada, Hayti Cuba and Porto*Ttico. The only great conservative journal of the race, sees and aids good luck to tbe Negro. Try and see. SUBSCRIBE NOW. Our people know every thing and. when you put them to doing they do little or nothing. An idle brain carries a tattling tongue and the way of it is hell. A busy brain is ever at work and carries a silent tongue and the way of it is peace, success and prosperity Borne of our women change col or like the chameleon; in the day they are one color but when it is night they turn Some women are sweet April and May before marriage and aft er marriage they are November and December hospitals—Youth ful Abuse. -o One half our young men want to be “dudes” of fashion with an empty pocket bock and good for nothing brain Man was born for usefulness to himself, to his race, to his coun try and to his God; then his brain is the site of his thinking faculty and the more he thinks on noble things and put them into action the more he wants to think for hu inanity. Let the Negro think some for himself and for humanity People who do not read tiews'pa pers care little for humanity and progress, They are mostly the ones who breed trouble and live in it They are too poor to pay for a weekly paper to better their cond it ion and yet they spend fifty time s the amount foolishly. Subscribe Let us learn to live and if any mistreat you say nothing and sev er your business and-in due time they will count you no fool Read the Negro World and be a man, Writ0 your news to it and help to build up your race, Prepare and go to Galveston, Texas, July 1st. Subscribe for the WeeklyNegro World. It will be of great benefit to yon and its editor will never mislead you Honesty i& always the best pol icy and is excehfor to character or reputation foythese may come to one color blimH and false through a friend, but Jam honest heart with good inientifbs bears no aceusa tion Most all pf our habits are mod ern slavery to ns as a race. Dis franchisement of the rights guar anteed anypoeple or abuses are only the rod of correction. Good willy race pride, good deportment for our homes and country, keep ing pace with the times, are, and will be our only emancipation Go to the Southern Negro Congress. Let us stop acting a fool, a monkey and all degrading things tl at hinders pur progress and go to work for our race, ourselves, and the countiy in which we live. Col. Jas. HillyVhairman of the Republican State committee has called the attention of the chair men of respective counties to meet on April 30th and reorgan ize. This is in keeping with new congressional districts eftiSM by th^ast legislature. They ill meet at Greenville on April 30 1902 Why don't the colored press advocate the cause of the Southern Negro Congress Is not it news to their subscrcibers In eveiTy vicinity the leading men she uld come together and work for the common good and welfare of that vicinity and show to their white friends that they mean intelligence, civilization, prosperity and progress, and when they see you mean busi ness in this waythey will aid your success, We live in the South and we should work for the South, its progress and welfare; work to better your condition, your race and its progress. Nothing but shiftless good for nothing labor is ever abused by white people When a Negro has climbed or is climbing the ladder of success, you never hear a white man evil speak him; on the other hand his own race starts a war to finish until he has-landed his many thousands. You* do not even show coumionsense and the very Negro you fight will get more favors from white people than yon can dream of, while you get none, It is true that the government does not support the people, but [he people the government—,a wind that never blows upon its races and subjects in their old poor dotage any remunernatien as a charitable gift cares but lit tle for its poor old unable sub jects. Our .government should set pa example to the diameter and eiTCUBaference o.f the world, upon its laud, a fvee-gifu home for all old people, white or color ed, unable to support themselves Charity! charity! Oh, charity. Does not charity begin at home? No, she overlooks home and Hies abroad. There are thousands of poor old. white and colored people who have nothing to depend up on nor relatives to care and sup port them, whose chief living a n d d e p en d e n c e i s the c 11 • - r l i y o 1 ; their vicinity or the poor house 1 The old poor people should not be as offcast, but should be giwn a I free gift home and only during ! natural life If von w&nt k? do well, work for ihi diixuvo Wokld, a national weekly. The O i ■ ■ %t 5o 1 u iioofat of the Negro raise iiuw now made its appearance in all the States of the Union. The only pa r that is ’ esiensively read by all | races. They don’t refuse it because it k the paper. Don’t put off—write to | day i r agents’ terms and particulars, i Big pay. We must solve the No^ro ! problem. When your names are as j eoeiated in the World, the highesi to | the lowest officials read your thoughte, | Each issue is lively, enthusiastic and j cures the evil wherever planted. You will miss something that is goer* *,fid renning to miss the Negro W^rld. Bend l'or a copy whether you need it I of urt. Address, Negro World, Cary, Miss. Old Mississi Mississippi without contradie tion is making a rapid progress and as long: as the people contin ue to select and elect such men as Governor, A H Longino, Senators Me Laurin and Money, they will make no mistake. We know them to be Christian gentlemen, full of forethought ahd wisdom, true to their democracy and convictions, and the sande can he said of others The people often make mistake out they see and know, that no true government will prosper and succeed when other than Christian are at its head. It is nature and party bolitics for the most vietori ous to rule and govern, and yet, no government will ever succeed that will elect an officer to rule who aim and intention is to hate or suppress any of its subjects on account of race, color or servitude wdien that government is at their command. Politics are being managed in a more conservative form than in former years. The public trust de mands conservative men in offices be they republicans or democrats The day of the extremists is al most numbered in the past, and he who desires an office must not ridicule any subjects on acc ount of race, servitude or nation ality. The extreme politician has been looked upon as the most dan gerous to any ci vilized governing of people in the world or even in the smallest municipal go v e r n ment. God is in +he helm; moreov er it requires time, and the dark eat. ua v of -any cotrrrtry was -in its embryo The darkest days of the "Negro was extreme slavery which God through man set them free, and yet we are now free, subjected to a modern slavery of our own for the want of intelligence and will power The disfranchisement of the ra ces is a Godly blessing, through it the Negro of ambition will rise The Confederate Veterans are having a glorious time at Dallas Texas and we do earnestly hope a large delegation will be present at the Southern Negro Congressf Subscribe for the World On the second Lord’s day in c/ this month Rev. F. W. Jackson preached an able sermon, A good cof lee don was taken up. Last Sunday I visited Rev. Rat her ford’s eh inch; he p reach ed a s p 1 e a d i d ser mon. Subscribers: Anguilla Mrs* L- Siajpso.ii o Oe L • *2L: Lorenzon I r*! r o KS ?'0c XL J. Ohristifias Wo are under many obliga tlons to Representative Fowler of New Jersey for a copy of bis able talk on Currency. He ably sn; vport s a id mai n la ins t lie Gold Standard a/nl his submittance is a i re prods?etion of ids skill and knoivicdpe. QUAKER j! OoughDbops j; 5 CENTS PER BOX. I uaSSiiatu Useful tYi Coughs, Colds, Hoarseac:. . and ° Bronchial Inflamation Perfectly Harmless. Guarantee not to upset the stomach. Tin auoru IMMEDIATE RELIEF » Pt>r Sale !>v Druggists. Be sur to get QUAKER COUGH DROPC 5 or per box. Accept no other. *■ Manufactured by . OaHiPHAN & CO., Si. Joseph, Mo. i Everything in and around East llassee is very lively this week isses Mary and Susie Heart of Ca%ville Ala were with us Sun daymccompanied by Messrs Ivory Mottland Phelix Pott. Ha! ha! Mrs Mattie Sells of Auburn Ala ib her! visiing relatives and frien Mr .A A Parks and his guest Miss Bit ton, west Tallassee were with usKunday OwinJ to the illness of the pas tor of t|e A M E churob, sister Sallie Gait’s funeraiwas postpo n ed to the 3rd Sunday in June I regret to note the death of sis t-ers Broods and Potts whose souls made their flight to the upper world on the 10 & 13 April Sister Brooks was 42 years old and was a soldier for Christ 20yrs Sister Potts was 45 years old and a soldier 30 years. She told her children to not grieve alter her for she was going home to rest and wanted all to meet her in heaven. Seven children were left to mourn these two mothers. May they strive to meet them where all are one in peace and love, and we trust our lost on earth is heaven's gain George Baker of Columbus Ga., was with us Sunday to the de of his many friends Mr Geo Baker has certainly left seme one with.a deep sad smile It is certainly a misfortuue to East, Tallassee and our agent. Do you see me! Ha! ha! Mr Harmon Green subscribes to the Negro World 3 mo's What is the matter with H S and why he was not out! 1 was sorry ts see Miss Pearl a lone because he was not about.Ha h^fxW ha!!! All should subscribe for the World for it is always live ly and full of news and do not fai as the Eagle will certainly see yoi The York Right Masons .of St John Lodge meets every 1st & 3( Friday nights Sfc Refer Lodge meets every 2m Friday night The Gallean Fishermen -meets every 1st & 3rd Monday nights. Give the World your subscriptioi Miss Virginia Hicks of Opeliki Ala is here visiting relatives anc friends Miss Webb and Mr T J Smitl were the guest of Mrs Campbel and reported a nice time Miss Gussie Wright aud Mr E. McKinzy, Miss Mary Bentlie, Mrs Issabelle Evans and Mr. Ed. Wright of G-oldust, Ala.., were with us Sunday. Call again. Miss Zadie Coilis was all smiles Sunday Mr. R. FJ. B— was in sight, Messrs. J ohn Coi.e, Lawson Donald and daughter, Miss Mary Donald and George Jackson were with us Sunday. Mr. Baker is expecting tc leave for Rock Hill,, S C in a few days Mr Geo Jackson and family have arrived from Mon tgomery Mr Lee Callace called on Miss. Sarah Terrefct Sunday, also Mi Samuels called on Miss pearl Cam pbell The Atlanta Constitution of fers $5,000 in a new cash prize contest upon the number of bales in the total United States cotton crop, 1901.'02, provided the es timates are received during April 1992. There are four prizes, $2,000, 1,250 and 750 for the best three estimates, and 1,000 for general distribution among all estimates coming within 500 Tales either way from the exact figure, Every estimate must be accompanied by a yearly sub scription to the Weekly Consti tution 1,00 per year, and double, estimates are allowed on all Con stitution and Sunny South com bination subscriptions, both for only $1.25 per year. The Constitution ly up to the letter stands exact* upon all its offers. Send today and put the whole thing, letter, money and estimate, in the same envelope, addressed to The ATLANTA CANST1TUION, Atlanta, Ga, THE ASHLEY COMPANY, Limited. Offers for sale in large or small tracts, 70,000 Acres of land in Madison|Parish, Louisiana. No Cash payments will be requir ed of persons financial lylable to make crops. Ten equal annual payments, without in terest, with lien on crop for first five pay ments. These annual payments are equiva lent only to fair rent, By making ten annual payments of $136. 00 cash, without interest,, you can own a arm which would cost you $1000.00 cash, without paying any cash down. Many persons have bought land under this easy plan, and now own homes, The Ashley’s lands are the same in soil and fertility as those of the YAZOO DELTA, areas well protected'by levees, and are sure to advance in value, and those who invest now will make a handsome profit when the rail road now building is completed. The Iron Mountain -Railroad is now costructing a branch Road from Arkansas City to New Or leans, which will pass through this region, af fordingthe same railroad facilities to the land on the west bank of the Mississippi River as the Mississippi Valley Railroad does to the land on the East bank. Mr. G. P. Blair, the manager for the Com pany, resides at Tallulah, La., the Parish Seat of Madison Parish, and-wii! at all times take pleasure in showing these lands, or in answering letters of inquiry. No.8 Madison St., Memphis, Tenn SOUTH. It is just as easy and much more pleasing to read fresh news, as printed in the Tho Memphis Eve ning Scimitar, than to wait from ten to sixteen hours and read the same news in morning papers. Closing quotations of the mark et of the world.The Scimitar owns exclusive day Associated Press dispatches; has 150 coi respond ents in three States: uses a batte ry of six type setting machines; runs the fastest and finest press in the South; employs a large corps ef editors anr reporters, and in general acknowledges no superior in this section. Agents wanted in every town no matter how small the place. If there is*no agent in your town, ^end the amount desired and The Scimitar will be mailed direct. I Subscription rate by mail: One month $0.50 Three ‘4 1.50 Six *4 2,50 One year 5.00 Scimitar Pub. Co., Memphis. Tenn. I am a ne reader of your pa yer and thin v it is the best and ;ruest race paper on earth. Your greatest ambition seems to see1 /our race, one of respect and ove. I can’ see how any race nan or woman nan. do without it. [ must congratulate you as a scholar, ami one of greatest : tinkers and writers of the day. reins 'moved for tour very s. foe elevatur. k> no id; the id vice it a d 5 J -i. ; . n T (‘ » \ f ( 7 * ) O 11 1 : l* ivi O'. r •w 11 i ;. eou. y o a r light to von.r M. AT V o ri ( \ Y) Greenville. M The Tuxedo Normal Institute opened ifs first term January 1, 1902. Primary, Preparatory and Normal courses, courses thorough and competent teachers. For particulars, apply to S. L, Bul lock, principal. Greenville, Miss WANTED A good reliable type-setter, one that will do his work before taking pleasure, good wages, and a good position, Apply at this off ice. WANTED Agents everywhere to repre sent the Weekly Negro World in their locality. Largest and best commission to energetic worker. SOUTHERN NEGRO CONGRESS The Southern Negro Congress, destined to work out the Negro problem, the incentive of Negro prosperity, wifih peace and bar mony to all mankind, will meet in Galveston, Tex,, July 1st, 1902, This congress means much for the Negro, much for the white man* and much for bur states and the Sunny South. v if Mads Straight By TAKEN FROM LIFE: BEFORE ANB AFTER TREATMENT. V// V/M ORIGINAL j OZONIZED OX MARROW (Copyrighted.) > This wonderful hair pomade is the only safe1 " prepara,tier: ;• n the world that ruukes kinky or K curly hair straight aS shown above. -It nour ishes the scalp and prevents the hairtrom falling out or breaking off, cures dandruff and makes the hair grow long and silky. Sold over f2 forty years and used by thousands. Warranted ^harmless. Testimonials free on request. It W' was the first preparation ever sold for straightening kinky hair. Beware Of imifca* _ ^ tions. Wet the 'Oraginwi 'Ozonised Csl of yon Owi ng $$ to its' super for and lasting cpv lilies His "the Z* W; best and most economical, H is net possible Z» <■'jr -Or a nybody to produce a r . . . ’dnaration equal to f2 <s> it. Full directions with every bottle. Only &O f"2 cents, rfo'd by druggists and dealers or send. "%r> -n cents for one bottle or S'i * &$> for three & 5: vttlos, Wo pay all exyr-: ss charges, fcloftd y* ^ postal or, .YTsrosz money order. Write your <& Vi? nemo and address plaLAvto </ > 1 6l g ^ OZONIZED OX MARROW CO,/ 76 Wabash Avenue, Chicago, Uliooi.9. £ 1 OE ■= !VJ ARK. BEFORE USING HARTONA s r?ADS>fi$AKH HA?RTONA makes the hair grow long, straight, beautiful, soft, and. glossy. Cures Dandruff, .Baldness, I telling, Eczema, and all Scalp Diseases. Prevents Falling Out. of the Hair and Prema ture 'Baldness. HARTONA POSITIVELY STRAIGHTENS THE KINKIEST HAIR. Guaranteed harmless. Sent anywhere on receipt of price—25c. and 50c. per boy. HARTONA FACE BLEACH will gradually turn the skin of a black or dark person five or six shades lighter, and "will turn the skin of a mulatto person almost white. HARTONA FACE BLEACH removes Wrinkles, Dark Spots,Pimples, Freckles, Black heads, and all Blemishes of the Skin. Guaranteed absolutely harmless. Sent to any address on receipt of price—25c. and 50c. per bottle. p Hartona Remedies are absolutely guaranteed, and your money is positively refunded if you are not perfectly sat islieR. v Write to us, and we will send you free a book of testimonials of vmore than . one hundred people"in your own State who have used and are using Hartona Remedies. SPECIAL GRAND OFFER. {JJg “J MMSVaSBBXXaUMOBB we will send you three large boxes of HARTONA HAIR GROWER AND STRAIGHTENED, two large bottles of HARTONA FACE BLEACH, and one large box of HARTONA NO-SMELL, which removes all disagreeable odors caused by Perspiration of the Feet, Arm-Pits &/C „ Goods will be sent securely sealed from observation. Write your name and post-office and express office address very plainly. Money can be sent in Stamps or by Post-Office Money Order, or enclosed in Registered Letter or by Express. Address all orders to— 1 ir; 'Vf'TMi AT ayVK TRADE-MARK /*rr j.s ui *-» KTONA 909 E. Main Street, RICHMOND, w VIRGINIA. AGENTS WAITED in Every Town and g City. Liberal Salary Paid. £ • . - *-,v • TRADE-MARK. SCFOREUjjl** HARTONA Send for Catalogue g TOUCH, TONE and FINISH UNSURPASSED Has all the latest improvements, includ ing our Patent Stringing Device, which | keeps the piano in tune longer than any p other, and neither are they affected by * the extreme heat, cold or dampness, jt^very instrument iiuiy warranted. Price right. Terms right. We pay freight. ' D. M. WHITEPIANO CO. BROCKTON, MASS. Be it known that I, E B Topp president of the Southern Negro Congress, by the powder invested j me, do make known to the people of the Southern S to tee and Terri tories, for the betterment of the Negro race throughout the above kC section of states and Terr n a' itones of these United States,and for the common good and welfare of the Negro and Caucasian races for the peace and harmony and protection of their homes, that the races may better understand each other; that prosperity may flow annd the commercial in teres of our States may grow; that the highest mark of Christian et ization may exist throughout* the | land and countries, do cause to be known by a vote of the lastsess sion of the Southern Negro Cong ress, held at Jackson Miss., Juiy,l 1901, that the second session of said Congress will be held at Gal veston, Texas, Tuesday July 1. 19 02 and hold five days. In said con gress any and all matters pertain ing to the race will be discussed that will bring about a closer ana more friendly relation between the races. All acting governors of States for this congress who met in the first session at Jackson, are authorize immediately after this publication to proceed to ap point or elect ten delegates from each congressional district and -five delegates from each senatorial district of their respective State; States and Territories not having any congress governor yet appoin ted are not authorized to act until one is appointed m their State or Teriiiory;when this is done, these governors must forward to the secretary of the congress the ored entials of delegates. Same-must be clone 20 days prior the eonven lug of the congress. It is ernestiy j requested that the very best mem j hers of the race from a standpoint j of high character and intelligence j ox rn your id respective States Territories be made delegates to represent you in this congress. 'Done by order othe president, I Ti'i m lj \> i cpi) J ackson. •Miss. A ttest: W H Noble. Jr. v Secretary ■Headquarters Southern Ncpto : Congress, Galveston, Texas ! Please copy, . 5 TO TH® OHkmv Vf AND GON GDD3d. Whereas, this >8 on thorn Om grass which promises to result m 99 crash good to the race, am! to . people in general, is due to the fere fchonghb and ©all of Hon. A, J. Golden, be it Rosoivod, That ws highly appre ciate the spirit and work ©f Hon. A. J. Golden, as above mentiqnod, and tender him a vote of thanks for ser vices rendered. Roapeotfuily, B. A. ADAMS, F. H. COOK. Motion was adopted. Jackson, Miss., July 3, 1901. Mr. Chairman, Governor, Senators $3 1 Represontativea of this Southern Oengross j—I bog leave to sub-' 111H the following rosolatioasp Ba it resolved, That this 0011 great assign work to ea-oh ro prisonta^tvo in the rAato, county or locality in whiob he lives*. Be it therefore Resolved, That this work’ shall be the teaching1 of honest, repo table la bor, education, morality and Chris tianity ; therefore ho it Resolved, That this ooafrress will recognise the privilege of the differ ent states, counties and loco! files that fcbay may send forth their wisest and beat men for re presen tat lyes, ©ia Yours respectfully, H. I*. WA Ttr; A £A. vg ■ *»-h Newton County, Miss. Whereas, the?* Irw beau organised in the South a fVv: "h • i. Ne'gto Goa* gross, for the h ■ ih <im'i t-hd Neg*© race in the S >v.xu. «•>« i whereas we are looking foe* b n lor tillage and a bettor state of ai?*i?s to exist among us from the work of this congress, And whereas we should com© in constant contact and tench with simi lar organizations of Negro develop* meat in all m?ts of the Union, Resolved, That the Southern Negro Congress elect two delegates to repre sent the S. N. O. ki tho next session of the Afro-Arae^ican Congress which convenes annually in Washington, D. C., A. J. M’NAia, R. P. ?3R3)LnXJA The weosi?«ittee on resolutions re ported the following &s the object of the Bout horn Negro Ooo$rcwr: “Whereas, Efforts capacitated to produce a people’s success in busi ness. 'for - the bet torment of their con ditions, are not often found in ia&o po-nTout individual effort, bufc of organ iarp.i force* and uni tod esertiea for vQ-mnnix defease and aid; there fo-fi ¥ - - G idOr'olvo-d. Thai? it is the object ef the Southern Negro Congress to unite the forces n/H energies of the South in Btich a v ay an to eo:u»e hhr v i-ra-i prodacing fried am with oihet rac-).;, to - p a-no? wdh who progrear s£ve, Christian., euer^etio and pa . >1 . VI. £ ■*» |v, , x r i fv