jÉL The SUCCESSFUL m Be A BUSINESS 4 Farmer Must ■ Man whin ÂzÎ'anf r aSUr V!/ etUrn for hi9 efforts - he must know mZt haï theï.r r t0 h0ld f0r better P rice3 - «He therefore and authentic ' CT Th qUOtatlon8 > and he must kn °w they are reliable ! r ^T he P. r0Sperlt y of the Farmer means the pros F ^ ° f thc ' Countr y ^Anything, therefore, which increases the qnic ness wit which the business of farming can be transacted is an aid to prosperity. CIs not the Telephone the all aids]? C.The following are a few good reasons why greatest of Every Farmer SHOULD HAVE A "BELL" TELEPHONE CtIt keeps him in L touch with the latest weather reports, d, It makes positive appointments, and saves long rid.es and disappointments, dit summons the physician for the family, and the veterinarian for the stock, din case of fire it calls neighborly help quickly—100 feet—or 100 miles, dit arranges for extra help in the harvest field, dit enables the gardener and fruit-raiser to sell their produce and deliver at leisure in place of departing before daybreak, dit makes almost unnecessary, dit saves tired horses, dit puts you in touch with the drug store, the grocery, the seedsman, with the farm implement man—with everybody— with the WORLD! dThe "Bell" is the proverbial watch-dog, guide, protector and friend I I ( ( y > going to town The Rocky Mountain Bell Telephone Company, by its recent extremely liberal arrangements, has made it possible for every farmer to be equipped with telephone service similar to that of Cities in efficiency, at A COST OF 50c PER MONTH ! For full particulars , call on your nearest Exchange Manager , or address Hugh L Thomas , Contract Agent , Rocky Mountain Bell Telephone Co Salt Lake City, Utah. •• S. D. SIMPSON, Cashier. J. T. MORRISON, Vice-Pres. D. D. CAMPBELL, President. Western National Bank CALDWELL, IDAHO UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY CAPITAL PAID IN $50,000.00 Respectfully Solicits Your Business CT. INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS The 5 PER A. W. GIPSON Notary Public First National Bank Caldwell, Idaho John C. Rice J. M. Thompson RICE & THOMPSON Attorneys-at-Law General Practice. Offices in Caldwell Banking & Trust Co. Bldg., Caldwell. J. O. BURTON Drayage and Transfer. Both Phones. Two Teams. Cooper Lumber Co. Caldwell, Idaho. W. A. Stone Jno. F. MacLan© STONE & MacLANE, Attorneys-at-Law Caldwell Rooms 25, 26 and 27, Caldwell Bkg. and Trust Bldg. Idaho. J. J. HAMILTON, M. D., Permanently located in Caldwell, Idaho. Office at Residence, East Main St. W. C. STALKER Resident Dentist. Office hours, 8 a. m. to 6 p. m. All work warranted. Masonic Building, Caldwell, Idaho. L. B. MANNING & SONS, All kinds of Draying and Trans ferring promptly attended to. Prices Reasonable. Phone—Independent; Office, 37; Residence, 2113. Bell: 68 A Jno. J. Plowhead Owen M. VanDuyn VanDUYN & PLOWHEAD Attorneys-at-Law General Practice. Offices In Cald well Banking and Trust Co. Bldg., Caldwell. JOHN S. MEYER Physician and Surgeon Offices by Caldwell Pharmacy, Kimball Avenue. Phone 44 Red. Day or Night. Caldwell, Idaho. FRANK J. SMITH, Lawyer General Law Practice Office in Little Block, Caldwell, Ida. Both phones in Office H. E. WALLACE, Attorney At Law, Idaho. Caldwell, Practice In all courts and U. S. Land Office. Estate Matters especially. Both Phones WILLIAM GOULD COMPTON Attorney-at Law Rooms 3 and 4, Little Building Idaho Caldwell, FOR SALE—Twenty head of reg isterd Red Polled Bulls, ages from I calf up to three year old. ; Clark, Boise, Idaho. A. D. FOR SALE—Forty acres 3 miles 1 East of Caldwell; cleared, fenced, I improved; twenty acres under cultl Address ! vation. Terms reasonable. I B.—Gem State Rural. Right Man in Right Place lo$. Dickens, Stock Yards Auctioneer Leave dates at Gem State Rural office