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VC(a\ N % * u\Y i 0 Wiiv m voice KNIGHTS of the KU KLUX KL AN Volume I Believing that all people living under Our American Flag should Know the Truth concerning the Principles , Activities and Ideals of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, North Star Klan No. 2, of Minneapolis, have caused this sheet to be issued A DEFENCE OF THE KU KLUX KLAN Reprint from Literary Digest, Jan. 20, 1923 The Ku Klux Klan has been charged “with all sorts of crimes and mis demeanors, but so far not one charge has been proved,” we read in the Mont gomery (Alabama) Journal. In last week's issue of The Digest, for in stance, Louisiana members of the Klan were charged by Louisiana editors with the murder of two young men of Mer Kouge, named Daniel and Rich ards, and while there was denial on the part of Ku Klux officials that this horrible crime had been committed by members of the Klan, there was no specific defense of the murderers in particular or the Klan in general to be found in either Northern or South ern newspapers. We heard, on the other hand, that the Klan had usurped the Government of the State, but this is denied by the Baton Rouge State Times, published at the capital. “As a matter of fact, the Klan s political influence in Louisiana has been great ly exaggerated,” says this paper. Let us, then, in a spirit of fair play and for the information of both friends and foes, Examine the claims of the Klan and its friends, just as we have presented the severest anti-Klan criti cisms in previous articles. The Klan, briefly, is said to have fomented re ligious and civil strife; to have at tempted to divide Americans into two classes —one to rule and one to obey; to be a purely commercial proposition. It is charged with having interfered with the United States mails; with being not merely a secret but a clan destine organization; with endeavor ing to set up a “super-government”; with seeking to prohibit the free play of opinion; with being cowardly in its Kunishments and other acts, and with eing a dangerous menace to estab lished political parties. The Masonic Grand Lodge has announced itself as utterly opposed to the Ku Klux Klan; members of New York’s State Legis lature say they will support a bill calling for publication of the Klan’s roster of names; one United States Senator has demanded of Attorney- General Daugherty that the Klan be disbanded by Prudential proclama tion; Governor Olcott, of Oregon, is sure that if the Klan is not checked, open religious civil war throughout the country may be expected, and the State of Kansas is seeking sin injunc tion to prevent the members of the hooded organization from continuing their activities in the State. All this indicates to Mr. Bob Shu ler, editor of Shuler’s Magazine, that “a nation-wide crusade is being made by somebody against the Ku Klux Klan”; that “somebody is behind this attack,” and that “when that somebody is lo cated, a great light will shine.” In an article reprinted in the Eugene (Oregon) Register as a Ku Klux Klan advertisement, Mr. Shuler comes to the defense of the K. K. K. and at the same time kicks another organization on the shins. As we are told in the Ku Klux ad: “This editor has repeatedly affirmed privately and publicly that he is not a member of the Ku Klux Klan or any other secret organization. But when it comes to secret societies, he sees no difference absolutely between the Ku Klux and many others, the Knights of Columbus, for instance. The Knights of Columbushas an oath, just as bind ing, or more so. than the Ku Kiux oath. Moreover, the Knights of Colum bus’ oath is not one-half so American as is the Ku Klux. If you charge that the Ku Klux has put over mobs, I an swer that the Knights of Columbus has put over two mobs to where any other secret organization on earth has ever put over one. “This editor has been favored re cently by being permitted to look over documentary evidence as to the tenets, principles and aims of the Ku Klux Klan. He finds that this organization stands with positive emphasis for Americanism as opposed to foreign idealism; for the principles of the Christian religion as opposed to Ro man Catholicism and infidelity; for the American public schools and for the placing of the Holy Bible in the schoolrooms of%his nation; for the en forcement of the laws upon the statute books and for a wholesome respect for the Constitution of the United States; for the maintenance of virtue among American women, sobriety and honor among American men, and for the eradication of all agencies and influ ences that would threaten the char acter of our children. So the prin ciples of the Klan are not so damnable as pictured, it would seem. “This organization is opposing the most cunning, deceitful and persistent enemy that Americanism ana Protest ant Christianity have ever had—the* * Jesuits. Speaking of ‘invisible em- pires,’ of forces that creep through the night and do their dirty work under cover, .influences that are set going in _ the secret places of darkness, the Jesu its are the flnished product. They have burned, killed, defamed, black mailed, and ruined their enemies by the hundreds. History reeks with it. ‘" Though I disagree with the logic of * the Klan, the members of that organ- KNIGHTS of the KU KLUX KLAN What the Organization Is—What It Stands For Do you believe in the Christian Religion ? We do! Do you believe in Government of the People, By the People and for the People? We do! Do you believe in JUST laws and ENFORCEMENT of those laws? We do! Do you believe in FREE SPEECH? We do! Do you believe in Freedom of Assemblage? We do! Do you know that the Press is censored and controlled by un-American interests? We do! Do you believe in FREEDOM OF THE PRESS? We do! Do you believe it is a crime, meriting severe punishment, for masked men to go abroad, either in daylight or darkness, whipping, burning, and killing? We do! Do you believe in the sacredness of the Home? We do! Do you believe in moral cleanliness? We do! Do you believe in the upholding of virtue and the suppres sion of vice by duly constituted authority? We do! Do you believe in keeping your mothers, wives, and sweet hearts from the contamination with which the Liber tine and the Lecher would besmirch them? We do! Do you believe any person has a right to worship God, according to the dictates of his own conscience? We do! (Clansmen have no quarrel with any Creed, so long as it remains a Creed and keeps out of politics. . Do you believe that any person, or organization, with such ideals, can be a bad, or dangerous person or organiza tion, the existence of which is a “MENACE” to civilization as stated repeatedly by our enemies? CERTAINLY YOU DO NOT. YOU COULD NOT. NO ONE COULD. These sacred, Constitutional Rights are the funda mentals upon which the order of the KU KLUX KLAN is founded. We hold our country’s welfare dearer than any allegiance to a foreign pope or other alien ruler! Our “Oath” might, with perfect propriety, be admin istered by any Minister, of ANY FAITH OR CREED, from the pulpit, during a Sunday service. You have read, in your local restricted press, statements to the effect that the Klan “Intends to SUPERSEDE THE LAW.’* Thu is False! The Ku Klux Klan teaches and observes obedience to the law and the legally constituted authorities of our country, in striking contrast to some of the organizations opposing the Klan whose members are not obligated as ization declare that they can only fight such a foe by using his own fire. “As to the charge that the Ku Klux Klan has functioned in mob violence in their efforts to correct conditions, I have this to say: lam convinced that most of the mobs reported have not been ordered and directed by the Klan as an organization. I am moreover convinced that many of them have been put over by forces opposed to the Klan and for the purpose of seek ing to place the guilt for mob rule upon the Klan. The most of these mobs have been, according to investi gation, not Ku Klux mobs at all, but gatherings of indignant citizens, bent on correcting conditions that the of ficers of the law refused to correct. The way to cause the Ku Klux to re tire from the field is for the officers of the law to take that field and occu py it. “The Ku Klux has the same right to exist so long as it obeys the law that any other organization has. We have*not heard of any investigations of the Knights of Columbus, although the un-American oaths are historic and their mob activities have been re peatedly published and heralded from platforms far and near.’* “The Klan is as absolutely American as chewing-gum, crooked district at torneys, or cnautauquas,” observes H. L. Mencken, in the Baltimore Evening Sun. “If the American people knew the truth about the Ku Klux Klan, the opposition and apathy toward it would cease immediately, writes “931KNOI OK” in Brann’s Iconoclast, formerly of Texas but now published in Chicago. Continues this writer: “The Klan is neither partial nor antagonistic to any sect or creed as such. No, it is not because the Klan would deny them their religion and the inalienable rij?ht to worship as their own convictions or consciences dictate that aroused and engendered the hatred and opposition of the lead ers in the Catholic Church. But it is due to the fact that the Klan is MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA, FEBRUARY 8, 1923 “Ye shall know the truth; and pledged to maintain inviolate and per petuate forever the principle of com plete separation of Church and State, and the Roman Catholics fight this, because no sincere and devout Roman Catholic does or is permitted to believe in the separation of Church and State. The Roman Catholic Church is first, last and forever opposed to the sepa ration of Church and State and in favor of the absolute control and dom ination of the State by the Roman Catholic Church.” Still another authoritative defense comes from Fred L. Savage, Imperial Night Hawk, Chief of Staff to the Imperial Wizard, Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, who writes in The Country Editor, of Rockville Center, New York: “There is no organization in the United States that is more intensely American than is the Ku Klux Klan. It is composed solely of Americans; its history, its customs and its tradi tions are to be found in the annals of no country save America; its present purpose and its future mission are alike indissolubly connected with American purposes and principles. “The Knights of the Ku Klux Klan can be defined as an organization of native-borff, white, Protestant Amer icans, banded together for the pur pose of preserving, protecting and pro mulgating the principles of genuine Americanism. “Bootleggers, marauders, traffickers in vice and other like gentry do not thrive where the Klan exists, not be cause, as its enemies assert, they are run out of town by a committee of robed and helmeted individuals, armed with tar-pots and bags of feathers, but rather because the American ele ment of the community, organized and efficient, determines that law-breaking shall cease. “The very thing that makes a man a Klansman—his oath—prevents him from remaining a Klansman if he violates the law or takes the law into his own hands." the truth shall make you free." American Citizens. Klanmen do not break laws, they uphold them. Enemies of the Ku Klux Klan daim that it is “Anti- Catholic”; “Anti-Chinese”; “Anti-Jap”; “Anti-Jew;” “Anti-Negro” and “Anti” a lot of other things. charges are False. Klansmen are: Pro-American, Pro-Gentile, Pro- White, and Pro-test&nL The Knights of the Ku Klux Klan is an organization of Native-Born American, White, Gentile, Protestant Citi zens, formed to oppose, by all legal means, every lawless element in our country. Klansmen daim the right as American, Protestant citizens, to band themselves together to perpetuate the ideals handed down to them by their American, Protestant Forefathers who drafted the Constitution of our Country. Investigate and find out for yourselves the type of individuals and the character of the organizations opposing the Ku Klux Klan. You will find every Bootlegger, Blindpigger, Dive and Resort Keeper, every Dope Seller, every Crook and Crim inal in the United States individually and collectively opposed to the Ku Klux Klan, and lined up with these opponents of the Ku Klux Klan will be found every An archist, every I. W. W., every “Red” Radical, every enemy of the Public Schools, every Servant of a Foreign Pope and 1 every Alien Enemy of our country, and with this horde of undesirables you will find a few honest, sincere, well mean ing but misguided individuals who have been deceived by the false propaganda, spread broadcast through a sub sidized daily press, by the enemies of the Klan. REMEMBER: Klansmen are not Reds, Radicals, Arson Fiends, Thugs and Murderers. They are loyal American Citizens, your own neighbors, the friends you meet and are glad to greet every day. Klansmen eat at your table, regularly transact business with you and attend church with you, where you listen to sermons preached by Klansmen from Protestant pulpits all over our land pro claiming the gospel of that Christ who is ever their example. Klansmen are honored men in the communities in which they reside. This message is delivered at your door because the local papers will not publish anything we write, not even as paid advertising. NORTH STAR KLAN NUMBER TWO, REALM OF MINNESOTA KNIGHTS OF THE KU KLUX KLAN From the Imperial Wizard, himself, comes still another authoritative dec laration. Said he to the Washington correspondent of the Chicago Tribune: “The Knights of Columbus admit only good Roman Catholics to their ranks, and under the laws of the land they have a right to prescribe regula tions under which their members are admitted. This right is not questioned by Klansmen. “The B’nai Brith and Brith Israel admit only men o*f Jewish lineage. In this the Jewish people are sustained by legal rights not challenged by Klansmen. “The African Blood Brotherhood re stricts membership to men of the col ored race only, and in this restriction they are not opposed by the Klan. The Klan does not take' issue with them because they are also within their le gal rights. Minneapolis, Minnesota. January 27, 1923. Mr. Fred L. Gray, Foreman, and Members of the Hennepin County Grand Jury. Ladies and Gentlemen: We, the officers and members of North Star Klan Number Two, of Minneapolis, Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, in Konklave assembled: Wish to express an appreciation of your action in returning the indict ments which threw consternation into the ranks of the gamblers of Min neapolis, who have openly and without molestation conducted and operated gambling games and resorts in our city ever since the present administra tion came into power. The Ku Klux Klan is uncompromisingly opposed to lawlessness of any and every kind and steadfastly stands for observance and enforcement of the laws of our land at all times. , The membership in Minneapolis, numbering in the thousands, com posed of the highest type of citizenship, has assisted and will continue to assist in securing evidence of law violations under duly constituted authority, and, although unknown to you, will cooperate with you and succeeding Grand Juries, to the end that our dty may be made a clean, moral, whole some community, for which no apology will need to be made at any time. Read to, and approved by, North Star Klan Number Two, of Minne apolis, Minnesota, on the 27th day of January, 1923. EXALTED CYCLOPS. “By the same method of reasoning the Klan exacts from these people the right to organize and assemble into an organization only a particular class.” “It is usually the lawless element that is found working secretly against the Klan,” writes Rev. B. A. Copass in Colonel Mayfield’s Weekly (Hous ton, Texas). This writer, who says he is “not a member of the Ku Klux Klan, but merely a plain American citizen,” tells us that “any one who is at all well informed knows that the Knights of Columbus are simply the Jesuits under another name.” “Their cardinal doctrine is: ‘The end justi fies the means.’ The end always is the advancement of Roman Catholic ism. The Ku Klux Klan is American patriotism organized to educate against and to offset Roman Catho licism in American politics.”—The Literary Digest, January 20, 1923. DR. HILLIS DE FENDS SECRECY OF THE KLAN NOTED BROOKLYN PASTOR STIRS CONGREGATION IN SERMON ON KU KLUX KLAN Exhibits Handful of Telegrams From Law Enforcement Officer New York.—(Special to The Search light.)—Reverend Newell Dwight Hil lis, one of the most noted preachers of America, on Sunday evening, Decem ber 3d, delivered one of the most mas terful sermons o ever heard in Brooklyn and devoted practically the entire time of his discourse to the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan. In opening his address Dr. Hillis exhibited a sheaf of tele grams, stating that there were some two hundred and fifty messages in the lot and that they were replies re ceived by him to telegrams he had sent at various times to mayors, sher iffs and other public officials of towns and cities in tne United States where supposed Ku Klux Klan outrages had been reported in the press; and as he held the telegrams in his hand he said that every reply received contained specific denial from mayors, sheriffs and other public officials that the out rages were in every way traceable to the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan. His sermon made a tremendous im pression on his audience. In part, Dr. Hillis said: “Multitudes of criminal charges have been brought against the Ku Klux, but thus far our best newspapers in running down these charges have not found anywhere north of Mason and Dixon’s line any conclusive proofs of these alleged crimes, nor apparently has there been one crime by the Ku Klux established before a court of law. “Americans are constitutionally op posed to secrecy, but they are not prejudiced against the secret fraterni ties in our colleges or the secret cere monies of the Masons, the secret oaths of the Knights of Columbus, the secret Hebrew societies, the secrecy of the Elks and the Odd Fellows, and they are even intellectually hospitable to ward the fact that banks and stores and railways keep their private books and that the law defends them in locking up their secrets so that their opponents cannot discover them. “Mr. Wilson, who at first advocated open treaties openly arrived at, soon discovered that it was impossible for him to carry on the government of the United States by allowing his cab inet to know many things that were going on. While his method is op posed to the general principles and view held by American statesmen and the American people at large, let it be confessed that there are many men and many institutions that conscientiously believe that the method of ouietness, secrecy and concealment is tne better method for winning right and distant ends. “One fact has been established con clusively as to the Ku Klux Klan, namely, this order has carried under the initiative and referendum system in Oregon, the submission of a law to compel all parents to send their chil dren to the public schools, leaving the rich and the Catholics in the posi tion of sending their children to the private and parochial schools at the end of the day or in the evening. “Mr. Roosevelt held that the best way for an boy and girl to understand the Italian, the Greek, the Pole, the Swede, the German, and the other immigrants, was to rub shoul ders on the playground, and meet mind with mind in the class room. The public school should be made, therefore, so much superior to any other that no parochial or private school could exist beneath its shadow. “The overwhelming majority of the American people are fully committed to the great American institutions of liberty, and once the issue is joined and secret enemies of the American public school by secret methods try to destroy the public school system, just the same as anarchists are secretly trying to overthrow the Con stitution there will only be one thing that is logical and that is the blazing lightning of an outraged republic and if the enemies of tne fou& institu tions of this republic want to know how the American people feel about insidious and secret enemies. They can find out by kissing the lips of some blazing cannon.”—The Searchlight, January 13, 1923. HERE'S THE LADDER OF SUCCESS 100% —I did. 90% —I will. 80% —I can. 70% —I think I can. 60% —I might. 50% —I think I might. 40%—What is it? 30% —I wish I could., 20% —I don’t know how. 10%—— I don’t. Q% —I won’t. Number J