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18 I A Washing 1 I Machine FREE I I or 3® Oays I I I I "ME3H I ft ?rajil,liKy iiiidllßil piQMM ■ I f jH t I < r 4 I* a Mil Here’s a chance for any woman to get away I from the washboard forever. Simply drop us ■ I a postal card, asking for a Spotless Washer, I and we willsend you one,on trial, for 30 days. I It will cost you only a penny. We even pay ■ the freight. If you don’t like it, if it doesn’t do ■ I the wash quicker, better and with less labor I than any other machine, tell us so, and we’ll I pay the freight back. If you do like it we will make terms of payment on such easy I installments that anyone can buy It. .There I are no strings to this offer. It’s a square deal. We make it, because we know that the SPOTLESS I WASHER I isthe best machine made. It does most of the I work itself. You only have to guide it, and I you can do this sitting or standing. Operates I m either direction. Made of finest selected ■ '■Virginia White Cedar. Steam-tight—never comes loose. Mechanism all enclosed—no I danger of hands or clothing being caught. Ball bearing—lightest running. ■ Send to-day for full particulars of this remarkable offer and our proposition. SPOTLESS WASHING MACHINE CO., Inc. Box 564 M , Chicago, 111. 89 M New York, K.Y.64M Richmond,Va. 30 Years Free Cuar- Triai SPECIAL karats fine. Best buggy in the jsfflFMade to your order. Guaranteed direct f factory to you. Try before you buy. Jgi Write and tell us what style vehicle you need. Free 1906 Catalogue, 180 pages—now ready. Ohio Carriage Mfo. Phelps, Pres. TK Station ng jiN'YXOf Cincinnati, OSSa 100.000 Dolls Free Bse Successful Agriculture we to give away one hundred f these pretty little dolls. They L both arms and legs, hand hair, pretty blue eyes, shoes, >e proud of It, and we will al i 3 months trial subscription ful Agriculture, the prettiest xof its kind in the U. S. It has a department for each mem ber of the family. Send 10c for postage and expense. Do it today. EDITOR SUCCESSFUL AGRICULTURE, COUPON 16 Union Block, St. Paul, Minn. I accept your offer to test your magazine on your three months’ free trial offer. After receiving three months’ sample copies I will do one of two things,-either send you 50 cents for a full two year’s subscription, or write you to stop the magazine, when you are to cancel this subscrip tion and the three months’ sample copies to be free, as a test. Name P. O. Address State.. «■ f° r 50(5 wor th of leading Novelties in I ill* Choicest Garden Seeds. sl’s worth of “*■ v Universal Premium Coupons free with every order. BOLGIANO’S SEED STORE, Baltimore, Md. GREIDER’S FINE CATALOG jSX °* Prize-Winning Poultry for 1906. This book is MgjalLAT printed in several Beautiful Colors and is larger than ever. Contains a Fine Chromo of lifelike J fowls. It illustrates and describes 60 varieties of poultry, ducks, geese, pigeons, etc. It shows best equipped poultry yards and houseshow to build houses; cure for diseases; Best Lice Destroyer; how to make hens lay; poultry supplies and all kinds of in formation indispensable to poultrykeepers. Prices of eggs and stock within reach of all. Send 10 cts. for this noted book. E. 11. GREIUER, Rheems, Pa. Set or Toilet Set, FREE BkfcvrT'VFor selling only 5 lbs. of our Imported Japan Tea, or 10 cans of onr Pnreta I| j y W>_ AftA. y aj» Baking Powder, or for appointing two Agents. WE PAY THE FREIGHT. Al II frt JLjJ J QUICK SALES as we give FREE to each of your customers a Colonial «A Pattern Fruit Set of seven pieces, or a Handsome Pitcher and Six i rRW Glasses, or their choice of the large number of free presents shown in k .-Jsr 9, ur catalogue. We trust you with the Tea, Baking Powder and *IESCr XL’/ Dishes. Send today for our Illustrated Catalogue, showing the Tea f ■C* . —Sets, Dinner Sets, Toilet Sets, Furniture, Skirts, Sewing Machines, ■ill V1 <2 etc., we give away FREE. Vve Pay Liberal Cash Commission. Consumers Supply Co., Dep’t B. St. Louis, Mo. VISIONS. By Nora Sanders. Once upon a time a gentle lady walked in her garden in the cool of the day. It was an old-fashioned garden; scented with thyme and rosemary, brightened by roses and bowered with clambering vines. The world was steeped in beauty; seeming new and untainted from the hand that made it. Bits of old song and story flitted dreamily through her mind. She thought on youth, and romance lived again. Old rhymes and runes made merry in her musing brain. It was easy to believe tales of heroes and saints long gone Io rest. Diana was come to her endless chase among the stars, her shining bow hung low in the soft summer sky. The young crescent moon made silver magic and worked a gentle madness in the brain; it was good to be alive; so much beauty was religion; to see it was worship. All this and more the gentle lady felt and saw as she paced slowly back and forth in the moonlight paths of her old, sweet scented garden. Her little daughter, aged three, trudged sturdily beside, a faithful, diminu tive shadow. “Mama,«*ph, Mama,” she said, “Look at that toe-nail in the sky.” Beauty is nc less in the eye of the beholder than in the object seen. The creation of a musician finds its completion in the ear that is attuned to hear. A painting, a landscape, anything of beauty reaches its full being only in the eye that can see. Again, Beauty is the perfect operation of the Law of Life. Beauty is harmony, which is but a right adjustment of values. Each thing is its appc.ini cd place and to every thing its relative importance. Nothing that knows its true use is unbeautiful. The untutored intelligence is beclouded by the dust of battle, the ear deafened by the din of swords, the trample of armies, the shouts and frantic cries of the market place, so that eye cannot see what a gracious and princely heritage is offered the lowliest of us all. We must go to books and pictures to learn to see Nature’s God. There still be those rare souls who sit in a quiet corner and thtink on these tilings. To them have been given the seeing eye and the hearing ear, and if we of lesser spirit will but pause and learn of them they will teach us t<» know in some measure what a beautiful world we live in, and how wondrous fair life may he. Again, beauty, like happiness, is from within. It is more a spiritual than a physical quality. An old world myth runs after this wise: iSwasta, in the beginning of things, created all else and then found he had nothing left to make woman. So he took the roundness of the moon and slenderness of a reed; the softness of the down that lines a sparrow’s breast and lhe hardness of a diamond; the steadfastness of the everlasting hills and the fickleness of the wind; the warmth of the sun, and coldness of the snow; the gentleness of a summer rain, and brilliance of the stars; the glow of early morning and dim sweetness of twilight. Os these he made woman, looked on her and saw that she was fair, but not perfect; so he gave to her a spirit of gentleness, a heart of goodness; her hands he made ministers of mercy; her feet willing messengers of peace and sweeet charity. To her tongue gave he tones of tenderness, her eyes he filled with the light of love and loyalty; her face he lit with the joy of living. Again Swasta looked on th j work of his hands and said, “she is fair and good.” Beai.ty is not a thing of form and feature; it is of the mind and spirit. A pictuie is a daub of crude color if the painter put not himself into it, and if we see it not through the alembic of inner vision. Music is a concord of sweet sounds only to those who hear aright. Woman, be she physically perfect, is but a painted image if it be not that the spirit of her Creator shine through, making her a living soul. All truth, and goodness and beauty are one, and without these we are nothing. Special Offers for April, 1906. THE GOLDEN AGE from date to June ist, $0 00 1 9°7) Wall Map of Georgia. (All new Counties cor rectly given.) QI OO THE GOLDEN AGE from date to November vpX.W ist, 1906. CQ TRIAL SUBSCRIPTION from date to August Clo. ist, 1906. The Golden Age for March 29, 1906. Av lljei yourfeet dwell in a pair of these andyouwilli havemorepleasurembments CRADDOCK-TERRYCO? SHOES made from all good leath-j ers in away thatsrights ® Dropsys y Removes all swelling in Bto 20 / days; effects a permanent cure /L in 30 to 60 days. Trial treatment given free. Nothingcan be fairer W’rite Dr. H. H. Green’s Sons, Soecialists, Box G Atlanta. Ga. HI Perfect] Health. Have You Got It? If not, but you desire it, you would find our FREE new book on health and disease of great value. This book is valuable because it explains how to gain health and strength without drugs and medicines. All it costs you however, is the price of a stamp —we send it absolutely free. Good health for yourself—or for some one dear to you— would be worth a postal; sen 1 us one today, mentioning this paper, the Golden Age, and we will send the book promptly. This book tells how chronic ailments of all kinds are cured here at the baniiarium by methods that are thoroughly modern, with out drugs or surgery. If health is worth having, this book is worth asking for today. Addrt ss, The Biggs Hygienic Sanitarium, GREENSBORO. N. C. est Y° ur o wn Ev es es Y our Gl asses as wholesale. We send y° u our Simple v'Zllf Meth °d e Test and beautiful L,.7/ SkA illustrated catalogue A. Write to-day. Reference Neal Loan xmirjWwXX A Banking Co. Radius Optical Mfg. Co. Mother Earth is the Best Apothecary, and her best work is found in the wonder ful combination of minerals helpful to hu man health found in Piedmont Concentrated Iron and Alum Water—a quick cure for indigestion, Liver, Kidney and Bladder troubles. 18 ozs. contains as much mineral as 25 gals, of ordinary Mineral Water. Cheaper and more effective. Your drug gist, or the Spring owners, J. M. Echols, Co., Lynchburg, Va.