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16 HIW& C made IW; From Pure 'CABMFJ M Fr OLIVE OIL O # by a MISSION SOCIETY ? 2 J V I oat the foot of MOUNT I I /< CARMEL. Palestine, where the olives grow. I I It is absolutely pure, keeps the skin soft ’ V and smooth and is the only safe soap for I Zl the Nursery, Toilet and Bath. Recommended fi by Physicians. Sold by Druggists and first < class Grocers, 10c. per cake. Solelmporters *4 V A. KLIPSTEIN & CO., $ 122 Pearl St„ New York. g SISTER L READ MY FREE OFFER ° ** W' se Words Sufferers* y\ rom a W° man Notre Dame, Ind. \ I will mail, free of any charge, this Home Treat- - \ ment with full instructions and the history of my \ own case to any lady suffering j. ,m female trouble aljSigSEaa| >' \ You can cure yourself at home \ ithout the aid of i any physician. It will cost you nothing to give the " ■ 1 treatment a trial, and if you decide to continue it w'-Bf''i*®-; , I will only cost you about twelve cents a week. It BSKKSK jMf; will not interfere with your work or occupation. IBBBWmR 1 1 have nothing to sell. Tell other sufferers of it— 'MraßßW that is all I ask. It cures all, young or old. you feel a bearing-down sensation, sense of impending evil, pain in the back or bowels, creep W ing feeling up the spine, a desire to cry frequently, hot flashes, weariness, frequent desire to urinate, or if you have Leucorrhea (Whites), Displacement or Falling of tne Womb, Profuse, Scanty or Painful Periods, Tumors or Growths, address MRS. M. SUMMERS, NOTRE DAME, IND., U. S. A. for ■ the Free Treatment and Fell Information. Thousands besides myself have cured themselves withit, I send it in plain wrappers. TO MOTHERS OF DAUGHTERS I will explain a simple Home Treatment which speedily and effectually cures Leucorrhea, Green Sickness and Painful or Irregular Menstruation in young ladies. it-will save you anxiety and expense and save your daughter the humiliation of explaining her troubles to others. Plumpness and health always result from its use. Wherever you live I can refer you to well-known ladies of your own stateor county who Kn °w and will gladly tell any sufferer that this Home Treatment really cures ail diseased conditions of our delicate female organism, thoroughly strengthens relaxed muse es and ligaments which cause displacement, and makes women well. Write today, as this offer will not be made again. Address MRS.n. SUMMERS, Box 544 J Notre Dame, lnd„ U. S. A. & *7C To Introduce our Silverware /v ■L" M Ql home we gnu. 10 N G elegant Flfik**-WIDE J decorated PATifpv, berry spoon, direct from factory, for onlyfiT cents. It’s of ' the beautiful Florida Pattern; massive design, triple plated and \ GUARANTEED FOR 25 YEARS. Money refunded if not satisfactory, also the postage you pay to return the spoon. I,etus explain our 30 days offer. Write for free catalogue to-day. Address, MUNCIE PLATING WORKS, Muncie, Ind. National Reporting Company 1023 Century Building, Atlanta, Ga. Bell Phone 3122. All kinds of Stenographic and first-class Mimeograph work done on short notice at reasonable rates. Manuscripts, Sermons, Correspondence and all kinds of Legal Work a specialty. b- - - --■ fTOBWR JUST SEND ME ONE DOLLARI ■ $1 H »wO and I will ship C. O. D. to any railroad station in the ■ I I"T SS IHHHnBnlllHIlH? tl. 8. this fine Willard Steel Range. Anyone can say I I V igßMallii iMßw|f they have the best range in the world, but I will fur- B iWWflj nish the evidence and leave the verdict to you. After B B you examine this range, if you are satisfied in every I I Z z -CZ;'- - \ way, pay Agent $14.00 and freight, and you become I I 1 H I^SSrgajrl?" xf 1 the possessor of the best range in the world for the B | money. The range has six 8-inch lids; 18-lnch oven; I v El 5 reservoir; large warming closet; top cooking B WMfrjfcg? surface, 80x34 ins. Guaranteed to reach you in perfect I lEffSr WWlM order. Shipping weight, 400 lbs. Thousands in use B and every one of them giving satisfaction. Write for B 'IS RMBaliF full description and testimonials. ISqr 1000 New Maps of Georgia. The Golden Age has had specially prepared 1,000 maps of Georgia, up to-date—new counties, everything accurate and up-to-date. Beginning with this date, the next 1,000 orders for The Golden Age ($2.00 a year), will be complimented with this map, post paid. Can’t put it off. Send your order now. (Golden Age free to June Ist to full year subscribers). Remit by P. 0. Order to THE GOLDEN AGE, Atlanta, Ga. Beautify the Complexion IN TEN DAYS. Nadinola The UNEQUALED BEAUTIFIER, en u»|l—dorsed by thousands: T . guaranteed to remove ’JSOgSRg freckles, pimples, all facial discolorations and restore the beauty of youth. The worst cases in twenty days. 50c. and SI.OO at all leading drug stores, or by mail. Prepared by NATIONAL TOILET CO., Paris, Tenn. The Golden Age for April 5, 1906. WITH OUR EXCHANGES. There is more trouble in the semi nary camp, growing, perhaps, out of the declining numbers to study in those schools. The trouble now is that the seminaries—some of them —are sending out agents to buy up students. That is certainly a startling disclo sure. If the Lord isn’t calling enough young men to keep the seminaries going, then we had better close up some of them. Any school that must go out and buy up students had bet ter turn its plant into a packing house oi' a flouring mill, or a canning factory, or something that will be of substantial benefit to mankind.—Bap tist Flag, (Fulton, Ky.) There are few men, perhaps, whose efficiency would be increased by a long pastorate, but for most men Method ism needs, as the men themselves need, new fields. Our church has made wonderful progress under the existing law. Un til the indefinite pastorate in a church with an itinerate ministry has more thoroughly tested the matter, we will do well to mind the same things and walk by the same rule under which we are now operating.—Wesleyan Christian Advocate, (Atlanta, Ga.) The Fitzgerald Enterprise has the following pleasant comment: “Mr. W. D. Upshaw, editor of the Golden Age, and one of the busiest little workers of feeble body and fer tile mind that has raised his voice for God and humanity in Georgia, was in Fitzgerald yesterday. He has thousands of friends, and they are scattered all over the state, who wish him long life and his paper, the Golden Age, all sorts of success. CRADDOCK-TERRY COMPANY BUILDS NEW FACTORIES. The Craddock-Terry Company, Lynchburg, Va., has matured plans for not only materially enlarging its Southland Shoe Factory, but for the erection of a large factory in West Lynchburg, which will have every mod ern equipment for the manufacture of mens’ high-grade shoes. The structure will be factory con struction with sprinkler attachment for fire protection. It will contain something over 60,000 square feet of floor space. The building will be 200 feet by fifty feet, with four stories and a basement. The ’Southland factory is now turn ing out between 2,500 and 3,000 pairs of ladies’, misses,’ and childrens’ shoes each working day. The addi tion to the factory will make its daily capacity double what it is at present, bringing the output to about 5,000 pairs of mens’ shoes each working day, thus giving to the company a daily capacity of something over 8,000 pairs of shoes. The two plants combined, which, of course, will be under the same man agement, will constitute one of the largest shoe manufactory enterprises in this country. The value of the out put of the company will within a short time amount to upwards of $2,- 000.000 annually ,and when both fac tories are working up to their capaci ty, the company will have an annual pay roll of more than $50,000. OTTON YIELDS are sure to dwindle from year to year unless the soil is kept sup plied with a complete fer tilizer containing sufficient Potash. Just how Potash in creases cotton crops is shown in our 90-page book, “Cot ton Culture.” This book is sent absolutely free of any cost or obligation to any farmer who will write for it. Address, GER TIAN KALI WORKS, New York —93 Nassau Street, or Atlanta, Ga.— 22% So. Bread Street. SOUTHERN SPORTS. Thee only publication in the South devoted entirely to Sports and Amusements. Southern Sports will give each Saturday, a full summary of the events of the current week, and a complete forecast of the events for the week to follow. Authentic and interesting facts regarding all branch es of sports, places of amusements and of recreation. Good, live stories of the day, complete line of small talk, (Dope), on pertinent subjects. Reliable information on good routes, for short or long pleasure trips, in cluding up-to-date maps showing best roads, etc. Will publish weekly let ters from the best correspondents throughout the South. If you are in terested, send your subscription to WEBB, DEAN & PARSONS, 305 Candler Bldg., Atlanta, Ga. The Baptist Standard, (Dallas, Texas), has in its current issue a strong article by R. J. Willingham, entitled “A Word to Yon,” in which he says: “Will you not carefully think over this great work and talk about it? I ask you in the name of our Lord, who has redeemed you and blessed you, to help in this, His great work. Some have already liberally helped with their gifts. We appeal to them to try to influence others to do their duty also. Let each one of us realize that we are the Lord’s, and all that we have is from His hand, and let us try to glorify Him. Let us pray God that his Holy Spirit may come upon our people so that we may catch a Calvary vision of a lost world, and in His name reach out after dying men. ” TO THE TRUSTEES OF THE BAPTIST CHURCHES. Gontlpmen:— Don’t nllow your church to pay 8 cents per pound for wood. If they buy 100 pounds of White Lead In kegs they get 88 pounds of White Lead and 12 pounds of wood; but when they buy L. &' M. Paint they get a full gallon of paint that won’t wear off for 10 or 15 years, because L. & M. Zinc hardens L. & M. White Lead and makes L. & M. Paint wear like iron. 4 gallons L. & M. mixed with 3 gallons Linseed uil will paint a moderate sized house. L. & M. costs only sl.2n per gallon. C. S. Andrews, Ex-Mayor, Danbury, Conn., writes: “Painted mv house 19 years ago with L. fr M. Looks well to-day. For sale in every city, town and village in the United States by some one merchant who has exclusive sale therein. Look him up and use the L. M. on vour church or on your house, outside and inside.