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18 A Washing 1 Machine FREE For 30 Days I Mw // | f JIB 11 4/ wMi I I < I J f Here’s a chance for any woman to getaway from the washboard forever. Simply drop us a postal card, asking fora Spoiless Washer, and we will send you one, on trial, for 30 days. It will cost you only a penny. We even pay the freight. If you don’t like it. if it doesn’t do the wash quicker, better and with less labor than any other machine, tell us so, and we’ll pay the freight back. If you do like it ne will make terms of payment on such easy installments that anyone can buy it. There are no strings to this offer. It’s a square deal. We make it, because we know that the SPOTLESS WASHER I is the best machine made. It does most of the I work itself. You only have to guide it, and I you can do this sitting or standing. Operates I in either direction. Ylade of driest selected Virginia White Cedar. Steam-tight—never comes loose. Mechanism all enclosed—no danger of hands or clothing being caught. M ■ Ball bearing—lightest running. bend to-day for full particulars of this remarkable offer and our proposition. SPOTLESS WASHING MACHINE CO., Inc. Box 564 m , Chicago, 111. M NewYork,N. Y. 64M Richmond, Va. Supply the U. s/ Government. t lllfA r * ces CutinHalf MhUil ? tointroduce. Dontbuy ■UCSS Ifmil I until you see our large, gTy-iy. « UUH U I new 80-page Band in- • 11" strument text-book B. Sent FREE. Write to-day. * Rudolph I 32 E.4thSt.Cincinnatl,o •4 A/j for 50c worth of leading Novelties in I III* Choicest Garden Seeds. sl’s worth of w Universal Prem um Coupons free with every order. BOLGIANO’S SEED STORE, Baltimore. Md. “MANNINGHOSE” -.and... Th® o*h er Kind. F l l Manning Hosiery Mill K.’( k*H Manufacturers of MANNINGHOSE. Manning, S. C. I Cure Cancer. My Mild Combination Treatment is us’d by the patient at home. Years of success. Hun dreds oi testimonials. Endorsed by physicians, ministers, etc. The local application destroys the Cancerous growth, and the constitutional treatment eliminates the disease from the sys tem, preventing its return. Write for Free Book, “Cancer and its Cure.” No matter how serious your case—no matter how many operations you have had—no matter what treatment you have tried—do not give up hope, but write at once. DR. O. A. JOHNSON, 313 E. 12th St., Kansas City, Mo. I?IT'C st. ' / '* us Dance and all Nervous Diseases fI I \ permanently cuied by Dr. Kline’s Great Nerve Restorer, used success lull for more than 35 years. Free $2.00 trial and treatise. Dr. R. H. Kline, Lt’d., No. 931 Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa. Hard Job to Stay Sick when you use Piedmont Concentrated Iron and Alum Water. A pure mineral water, concentrated, to be quickly effective. Cures Kidney, Bladder, Liver, stomach and bowel troubles. Also scrofula, skin diseases and impure blood. One bottle equal 25 gal lons of Mineral Water. Your druggist, or J. M. Echols Co., owners. Lynchburg, Va. 0 Days Set or Toilet Set, FREE 3sM For selling only 5 lbs. of onr Imported Japan Tea, or 1(1 cans of onr Pureta Iff - AM- Baking Powder, or for appointing two Agents. WE FAY THE FREIGHT. li ( fn 'Jj£ J J QUIt'K SALES as we give FR EE to each of your customers a Colonial mV w v? Am ’VfrtcjKgjJ jWEZ‘ -7CXTffSrylLPattern Fruit Set of seven pieces, or a Handsome Pitcher and Six CriV „ Glasses, or their choice of the large number of free presents shown in k our catalogue. We trust you with the Tea, Baking Powder and ■££* k Dishes. Send today for our Illustrated Catalogue, showing the Tea F Sets, Dinner Sets, Toilet Sets, Furniture, Skirts, Sewing Machines, L ( JKK etc., we give awa y FREE. We Pay Liberal Cash Commission. Consumers Supply Co., Dep’t B. St. Louis, Mo. With Our Exchanges. So many excellent exchanges of a denominational nature come to ns from week to week that we regret our inability to make extracts from each one, as it is safe to assert that our readers would be pleased with editorial quotations as well as news items from each individual publication. Space, however, forbids this plan, and we can, therefore, only call attention to the leading features of the following: The Biblical Recorder (Raleigh, N. C.) gives this week a most scholarly leading article on ‘ 1 Delusions and Fallacies and Failures in the Higher Life Doctrine.” The Foreign Mission Journal, published monthly by the Foreign Mission Board, Southern Baptist Convention (Richmond, Va.) is filled with items of interest regarding every separate branch of the Foreign Mission Work. The Standard (Chicago) has a much needed and interesting department entitled “New Solutions of Old Church Problems,” and under this head Cephas B. Crane ably discusses the question “Shall the Ex-Pastor Be Throttled?” The Soul Winner (Louisville, Ky.) is a strong little paper publishing in its current issue “Soul Winners Covenant” which opens the way to all desiring to make such a covenant, and is earnest in its insistence for its readers to do so as individuals. Alabama Baptist (Birmingham, Ala.) gives an article of value this week which is entitled “The Preacher from the Layman’s Point of View,” by A. P. Montague. The subject is broadly and comprehensively treated. The Baptist Press (Greenwood, S. C.) is, as it rightly claims, a journal of good citizenship, and presents on its first page a strong and excellent picture of Neal Dow, while al] its reading matter is good, pertinent and original. The Union News (Thomaston, Ga.) is a bright little organ of the Unions, and is filled with fresh news matter from the various organizations through out the State. Our church has made wonderful progress under the existing law. Until the indefinite pastorate in a church with an itinerate ministry has more thoroughly tested the matter, we will do well to mind the same things and walk by the same rule under which we are now operating.—Wesleyan Christian Advocate, (Atlanta, Ga.) In whatever we undertake, in whatever we engage, love only will bring out the best and noblest there is in us. We never put our whole heart into a work that does not command our love and admiration.—Mississippi Bap tist, (Newton, Miss.) Actions are the perfected product of the life of a man, even as the fruit is the perfected product of the life of the tree. You do not decide a fruit tree’s character and worth by its foliage, or even by its flower. You test its fruit. If that is bad, the tree is not a good one, no matter how shapely it is, or how beautiful its foliage and bloom. So, no matter what a man’s position, culture, appearance or professions; if his life is not pure, clean, high, Godly, he is not good. And the greater his pretensions the greater hypociite he is.—News-Herald, (Lawrenceville, Ga.) The Golden Age, a new paper published in Atlanta, with Mr. W. D. Upshaw as editor, easily ranks as high-class literature. The paper is marked by much freshness of thought, originality of expression, and great spirit ual power.—Enterprise-Gazette, (Senoia, Ga.) The official who can plunder the people must have the stronger hold. Made bold by his speculation, he strides forth, and calls upon the world to behold what he has done for his constituents. As a friend wrote us, a few days ago, referring to an official of this kind: “His strength lies in the hope of legitimate plunder which makes many friends.”—The Journal, (Greenwood, S.C.) Let us apply this divine test, “by their fruits ye shall know them,” to the members of our churches. Let us be sure that those who seek admis sion to our churches have felt the regenerating influence of the 'Spirit of God, as far as we can he sure of it. The only way we can tell is by their profession of faith, followed by their fruits of words and works.—Baptist and Reflector, (Nashville, Tenn.) The Golden Age for April 5, 1906. NOTHING CONVINCES LIKE 1 A DEMONSTRATED CLAIM IT HAS BEEN PROVED TIME AND AGAIN THAT CRADDOCkIERW SHOES |®IWW PERFECT COMFORT Wife S LONGWEAR AND -VMM GOOD LOOKS S Ibb ® DIIDDCD UEEI O Th; s Woman’s Vici Kid WMIUDDuII iIEiLLq Hospital Shoe, Patent Leather Tip, London Toe, Best Rubber Heels, to 81 C to EE, sent postpaid on receipt of Equals any $2.50 shoe. Money unsatisfactory. FREE Ulus. Cat. of s°° styles of shoes. Dexter Shoe Mfg. Co., Dept. J , Truro, Mass. diamond, a watch, jewelry or silver ware, you can get the best quality at iMsSgy&SgKffi the lowest prices i from the ' OLDEST MAIL WF ORDER HOUSE A YSSfc I IN THE SOUTH. For almost half a century we have served ex clusively the Southern trade. Write to-day for our free illustrated catalogue. Address. C. P. Barnes & Co., Box 5 2 Louisville, Ky. Every Article Guaranteed. W tU Test Your Own Eyes et y° ur asses at wholesale. We send you FREE our Simple ' f i Method Eye Test and beautiful 1 L- V/ '// illustrated catalogue A. Write to-day. Reference Nea] Loan ' & Banking Co. Radius Optical Mfg. Co. ATLANTA, GA. ODr Wnnllou’c SENT FREE t 0 al * Ula IiUUIICJ o users of morphine, PAINLESS opium, laudanum, ■k ■■■mm elixirof opium,co »» ■ll H ■ caineorw’hiskey,a ■U 188 MuB large book of P ar * ■ ■ ■ IWB ticularsonbomeor ■ U BVB sanatorium treat “ a H ment. Address, Dr. and b. M. WOOLLEY, Whiskey Cure Atlanta, ‘Georgia. f Old Dominion Nurseries RICHMOMD, VA. WANTFD Reliable salesman to handle our complete line of nursery stock. Virginia grown. Liberal terms. Write imme diately for contract. Exclusive territory. Prev ious experience not necessary. Outfit fre-e Established 40 years. W. T. HOOD & CO., Richmond, Va,. Mention this paper.