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«• • • ••• ••••••• ] BUY i A PIANO * ■■HMMMMMMHMaBMWMM 1 BY MAIL. 4 - 4 Save Agent’s expense and the usual .£ profit. Our three club plans bring the ? savings which you share. Mathushek * $420 styles to club members at $340 — your saving-, SBO. “ Ludden & Bates ” * S4OO style (300 sold in 4 months) to i those who join the club S2B7 —saving * sll3. “ Kensington,” the best medium * priced piano we have yet seen, to sell i at $275. We are selling 100 at $l9O, 4 thereby saving our customers SBS. * Cash price and time price the same. I Ordinary interest being charged for 4 monthly, quarterly or yearly pay ments. Stool and scarf free, and each i instrument backed by strong guaran -4 tees. Those who have received our “Bank Book Offer No. 30” compli- * ment us on offering the fairest and 4 most reasonable piano proposition ever £ made. Better send for it today; mailed * postpaid on request. * LUDDEN & BATES S. M. H. * Savannah, Ga. *• 4 <• 4 1 | SOOTHING SYRUP * ,* nas been used by Millions of Mothers for their > « . l children while Teething for over Fifty Years. ’ , > It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays C * h all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best ( . < > remedy for diarrhoea. * *> - - T 2 4 _ j SOUTHERN SHORTHAND AND BUSINESS UNIVERSITY ATLANTA. GA. 13,000 Graduates in positions. 787 calls from business men last year for bookkeepers and * stenographers. Enter now. Catalog free. Address A. C. Briscoe, Prest., or L. W J Arnold, Vice-Prest., Atlanta, Ga. 4 ~ i New Sweet Peas * McMillan’s New Giant Mixed, the most gorgeous collection of 4 Sweet Peas yet introduced. They « have cansed quite a sensation wherever shown during the past * year. The stems are long and ‘T stout, and may be described as * a giant in every way. Price, 10 * cents ounce; 75 cents per lb. * McMillan Seed Co., 23 S. Broad St. * The Old Reliable Sead Store. 4 4 j Cancer Cured 4 WITH SOOTHING, BALMY OILS. * Cancer, Tumor, Catarrh, Piles. Fistula. Ulcers. . Eczema and all Skin and Female Diseases. Write for Illustrated Book. Sent free. Address | DR. BYE I Broadway, Kansas City, Mo. ‘ rBEATEH BISCUIT-. I FREE SAMPLE AND RECIPE I ■ Send us your name and address today, so we can send you by return mail, free sample and ■ recipe formaking genuine “Old Fashioned Southern Beaten Biscuit,” the kind your mother I H and grandmother ate in Ante-Bellum days. You never tasted anything so perfectly de- V ■ licious. The sample we send is not beaten in the old way; it is made with the DeMUTH ■ ■ BK ATEN BISCUIT MACHINE, the original, perfect beaten biscuit machine. So simple a ■ child can operate it. Lasts a lifetime. Made in three sizes—three prices. Thousandsnow B ■ in use all over the South. Write today for free sample and Booklet B. ■ J. A. DeMUTH, 819 South 14th Street, St. Joseph, Missouri, The Ancient Wise Men Kept a Reserve Fund. Modern wise men and women learn a reserve profession. If you are wise you will combine both. While filling one position, or waiting for one, prepare by a home Study Course in Shorthand for emergencies. It costs little, only tlvo people knolv your plans, you are saving time, and get the best instruction, being taught by an Expert Court Reporter. Massey Reporting Co., 1201 Fourth National Bank Building, Atlanta, Ga. | H This bottle for you™FREE u, Q H Those who seek relief from rheumatism, sciatica, neuralgia, headache, M B| backache, lumbago, sprains. sore muscles, and other pains—Head carefully. II GL We want to help you. We know the marvellous curative power of Dr. | W Brown’s Magic Liniment; how wonderful it is; that when it is poured on Aw I’B a piece of cloth and pressed closely to the place where the pain exists the I® fra U pain instantly vanishes. It is different from other liniments which need /jg WMwTI) s ® IM n rubbing. You simply smother the cloth under your’hands and the lini- jgjLAnwMl LJT|7 HB ■I ment penetrates to the source of the pain and instantly relieves it. It 11 ■r soothes the nerves, produces warmth, and starts up the circulation. /JgEgafTjSw ggt&P m U We know it does all th.ese things— and we want you to know it. Send for the sample bottle and try it. Write to ar P BROWN CHEMICAL CO., Dept. A Nashville, Tenn. V- 7 Q Walter Ballard Optical Co. MANUFACTURING, DISPENSING AND REFRACTING OPTICIANS Bell Phone 352 61 Peachtree St. Atlanta, Ga. We have had many years experience in manufacturing fine optical lenses, and filling oculists’ prescriptions. Our factory is second to none in doing high-class optical work. Our sales; ooms, 61 Peachtree street, you can find everything that is carried in an exclusive optical house, including every nose g ass made. If it’s possible for you to wear nose glasses we can fit you. The service given you here is not usually found elsewhere. We can furnish you with any glass made. 4/f!LT* j "RsM THE BEST FERTILIZER I ■ BY A RECORD OF TWENTY YEARS’ SUCCESS ■ I You are banking on experience when you fertilize with Farmers’ Bone. No other fertilizer is so well balanced in the plant food supplied from sowing time to harvest. Don’t take a substitute. ■ Farmers’ Bone has no equal for any- kind of crop. It is the leading fertilizer of the South. ■ Works Freely in Any Drill ■ I It has been proven by over twenty-one years of successive use ■ that Fish and Animal matter is superior to any known am- R moniate for growing cotton. Farmers’ Bone is the fertilizer ■ Made with Fish ITS 1885 250 TONS BECAUSE SALES f 1890—1,500 TONS IT GROWS grow/ 1895-12,000 TONS \cROPS / 1900—58,455 TONS \ /1905130,091 TON3\ I F. S. Royster Guano Co. I Norfolk, Va. Tarboro, N. C. V'Mi B/' ifcJi< /W’Jb, oB k fIR mk I' rR Mk* \ ••• 8 8 8 ••• 8 ••• • ••• 8 ••• 8 ••• 8 *** B‘9*8 ‘ 9 *8 a ** B*** 8 *•* 9 ***B***B**’B’•*B***B^*B* 4 •> LigTit Saw Mills and Supplies | Engines, Boilers, Fittings and Repairs T & TRY & ? LOMBARD IRON WORKS j AUGUSTA. GA. — • KUIDINE. i DIRECTIONS: 4 For Kidney and Bladder Troubles, two tablets ? three times a cay. For Indigestion two tablets 4 after meals. For Costiveness, one teaspoonful i of liquid on retiring. For Sleeplessness take • three tablets on retiring. A Box of ‘ Kuidine” Tablets, 50c or sl. X Bottle of “Kuidine” Dissolved 50c. or sl. i MOUNTAIN IRON MINERAL COMPANY • Spartanburg, S. C. ’ Your Druggist or direct from Manufacturers. « • * ■ 4 J ♦ X 4 I ''The Old Reliable” j GEORGIA : - —— RAILROADI ■■ • Elegantly Equipped ? PASSENGER TRAINS BETWEEN ? ALL POINTS. t Pullman Palace Cars be- • tween Atlanta, Augusta and • Charleston, also between Au- • gusta and St. Louis and • Charleston and Cincinnati. | Fast Freight Service ? • Between the West and ’ Augusta, Athens, Macon, Charleston, Savannah and • all points in • SOUTHEASTERN AND f CAROLINA TERRITORY. ? A. G. JACKSON I • General Freight and Passenger Augusta, Ga. • reputation behind it. Thia is our genuine , I SPLIT HICKORY MARVEL ■ • I Guaranteed Two Y ears. Made to order, ■ The Ohio Carriage ’W I B C. Phelpa, Prea. \VA\fl|S| Station 118 M Cincinnatil 7x -