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14 The master had been engaged In tell ing his pupils about the three king doms of Nature —the animal, the veg etable, and the mineral. When he had finished he asked: “Now, who can tell me what the highest form of animal life is?” A little lad in the front seat raised his hand. “The highest form of animal life is a giraffe. —Ex. At the end of January Mr. Wunder brought her nice new expense book to her husbafid. “I can figure up my January bal ance all right,” she sad, “but I'm either $19.05 behind or ahead. I re membered what all the other items are for, but I can't recall whether I spent that $19.05 for something or you gave it to me for household expenses." Mr. Wunder looked at the page a moment, then handed back the book with a condescending air. “My dear,” he said, “that 1905 seems to me to indicate what year this is.” —Judge. A NOTRE DAME LADY. I will send free with full Instructions, some of this simple preparation for the cure of Leucorrhoea, Ulceration, Displacements, Falling of the Womb, Scanty or Painful Periods, Tumors or Growths, Hot Flashes, Desires to Cry, Creeping feeling up the Spine, Pain in the Ba<k, and all Female Troubles, to all sending adfcess. To mothers of suffering daughters i will ex plain a Successful Home Treatment. If you decide to continue it will only cost about 12 cents a week to guarantee a cure. Tell other sufferers of it, that is nl ask. if you are interested writb now and tell your suffering friends of it. Address Mrs. M. Summers. Box 544, Notre Dame. Tnd Mother Earth is the Best Apothecary, and her best work is found in the wonder ful combination of minerals helpful to hu man health found in Piedmont Concentrated Iron and Alum Water —a quick cure for Indigestion, Liver, Kidney and Bladder troubles. 18 ozs. contains as much mineral as 25 gals, of ordinary Mineral Water. Cheaper and more effective. Your drug gist, or the Spring owners, J. M. Echols. Co.. Lynchhnrff. Vs Atlanta, Birmingham & Atlantic Railroad OPERATING The Best Equipped Freight and Passenger Service in the South. Coaches electric lighted, with steam heat in Winter and elec tric fans in Summer. If you desire to have your freight handled with dispatch and to travel comfortably and conveniently, patronize THIS POPULAR ROUTE h. c McFadden. Genera.l Passenger Agent, Atla.nta, Ga. Can Cancer be Gured? It Can. We want every man and woman in the United States to know what we are doing. We are curing Cancers, Tumors and Chronic Sores without the use of the knife or X-Ray, and are endorsed by the Senate and Legislature of Vir ginia. We Guarantee Our Cures. THE KELLAM HOSPITAL, 1615 West Main Richmond. V>. 9 CORDS IN 10 HOURS W- BCTB EASY JAy- ■» BAWB DOWS /Aya No IREEB «ffi’ Baek “ he flwelghs U| JM lbs. BU Sej 3^ a< ' MiM •®^^= s ’ |tX ™' BY ONE MAN, with the FOLDING SAWINC MACHINE. It saws down trees. Folds like a pocket knife. Saws any kind oi timber on any kind of ground. One man can saw more timber with it than 2 men in any-other way, and do it easier. Send for FREE illustrated catalog, showing latest IMPROVEMENTS ■nd testimonials from thouannds. First order secures agency. Address FOLDING SAWING MACHINE CO., 158-104 E. Harrlsea Street, CWcago, Illinois. ONE MINUTED ONE CENT WILL PUT IN YOUR POSSESSION SOME VALUABLE INFORMATION AND HELP YOU TO SAVE MANY A AARD EARNED DOLLAR. Plain Print Toilets, 3I ™ OE $1.92 Send 0731—Oneofour f| NI V fOT Olli* Our catalogue is free, and fi- new and very at- Uli LI \ zll . lustrates a complete, line of tractive Toilet X \\/ \/ ' Cata 00 P aby Carnages. This cata- "f Sets bestAmeri- X \X vaiaiuij logue also shows a fine line of f can china The CQQ OR X lx, q rDCr Household Furniture at money shape is one of i ? 1 \Z ® 'IltL saving prices. Send for cata- the latest ap- I? ' T WSI , If— logue now. proved patterns. 7 ■Bal The pieces are >7ii■*' —...« t large and well .X I / /X llnnlfl Ran’© proportioned, a s&lgEaf/ a \ / A Uncle uan S set of unusual \\ nSSaSnu » >■ ~ vnz S&aaaE Ball-Bearing offered yon In our n th WWW Rotary Washing Machine, Crockery, China and Glassware Department. The V/ /ax\ /\F I \ xp \ 9 w decoration is a very large poppy design with foli- I \jv u Th« lotAQt nn-to-date Washine age, and comes in Pearl, Brown, Pink and Purple. H*\ 1 A TirX-hi >e on the market The In ordering this set, mention color desired. Pack- II (HI A machines similar to this have a™’ tea and twelve piece sets > and P rice <i Don’t buy a Buggy at any price until you get (L II been sold for from SIO.OO to $12.00. 6 iet? e $1 -9 2 1 10 Sit?® $2.43 } l2 g^ e $3.78 our Catalogue. 8518 A six piece Toilet Set consists of wash bowl and w CK IQ Our Uncle Dan is without a doubt pitcher, chamber, soap dish and mug. A ten piece tvood r.amn » With Vi ,o the easiest working machine ever Set consists of wash bowl, pitcher, chamber and " ol,a frame o "“a nunners w put upon the market. The manner in which It is cover, water jug, mug, soap dish and tooth brush Sniße Tn nth 9 „ U (h’TCrt constructed makes it so simple that a child can holder. A twelve piece Set same as the ten, with ’ J P‘“ V * vun» u from factory, 7/ operate it. The machine is finished in mahogany slop jar and cover added. Level* Harrow « Northern Ohio // * stain with two coats of varnish. All outside iron HOW DOES THE nn **«**vn. ■ y parts heavily bronzed; is beautiful in appearance, DPTHP «TTTm VOTT9 ZW and its mechanical construction undoubtedly the rnlbb Sill IVU; t .... best on the market. We guarantee this machine to give „We Will Send this fine ■ perfect satisfaction. 1 SOLO Bb. HARCOURT . XIXzJ CORNET to you with the > m. ■ «.... . A China Silk Waist. » \ gato is; BU'i‘«d“s’t 6 ttt a tu?n“t at J 7u"ef“n't; lide°“ew C “l e “? wfth ?-‘ta?h dlHBh jHjdwe will refund the CQ 7FI No. 4AIOI. Sterling cuff tapering to wrist with ten price you paid us. We vTje ve r Forsre. Verv tucks runninc" nrmind thp onff* \VmwA want you and your friends to know that the Har- neat and complete, collar to match; waist buttons court instruments are the best low priced Cor- wit h a round firepan in front. Made in black and jiWWW nets on the market. The tone is rich ? clenr and inches in diameter; white, (CO 7K 1/1 bell-like; the action is light, and the instrument height 30 inches; fan $ Price to trade *pZ./O» blows easily. Try it yourself at our risk. This Jill— jHftgSr inches in diameter. Order todav Get this most a eoi>y o( winnee ’ s [7d4 . ■£: SPECIAL OFFER £a>j.?3J7U r S’. wt 14-piece Enamel Ware Set for $1.98 include, in addition to the above named offer, a out of order. Will pro- _ fine leather bound canvas case, full lined with duce a welding heat on Every flannel and fitted with leather handle. —inch iron in 5 minutes; p:pp O ’§‘->-4 We have another cheaper Bb. Harcourt Cornet just the tool for farm rieue L, Sw •SxC’ at $5.85. and shop; weight, with Guar- W W' S shield, 65 pounds. Price s3.7s an teed zftdtgyC-— lwe—jr BANNER WROUGHT g»> k, STEEL BEAM PLOW The $ 100() Ums Imr WSfifw Buys this CEx The 14-in. Steel Follow- P,ow * ing Ar- W J tides: Before you buy any farm machinery get our j Tea Kettl No 8 8 t>; ! Coffee Pot, 3 qt.; 1 Big Catalogne. It illustrates and describes all T inn ~j p rP c Pr vin<r Kettle 4 (1 f •1 T inned <anrc the latest and best Farm Implements, such as -o t’* 1 Colander l(b Harrows, Disc Harrows, Hay Presses, Cider i tA H>« Jll 7v 4 Mills, Saw Frames, Stump Pullers, Wind Mills, A>?• i 1? im-hAT? Gas and Gasoline Pumps,’ Corn Shelb ?S n ch! plddiiml’an ers, Haying Tools, Cultivators, etc.,all at money iuch; f Cup, l-pt? Complete Set only 851.98 saving Prices. CHIFFONIER. Portable Platform Scale X Made of select hard wood, J, The greatest value ever I 1 hand carved and nicely polish- K n .. R cpcrt.i offered in a high grade you will find that every one of them has the old $ 1 e d. Top, 18x34in. The draw- ■' Platform Scale. This is x£y*. e ’ out-of-date straight horn.. You will also find n ers are all large and roomy, and 6001 b .85 74 a cheaply built scale that we are the only house offering a genuine late l .. ' ouuiu. .js.zs offered at a low nrice but model, up-to-date tapering arm machine for less I! are fitted with locks and keys. K- # otterea at a low price, but than S2O. When you buy a Talking Machine don’t Good value and sure to please. ffll 8001 b. 8.60 a scale built to givesatis- runanyrisk. Get the best; get the latest, but buy |j| Fitted with casters and the cab- ■- 10001 b. >9 50 taction. Guaranteed ac- at the right price. We will guarantee that this ma- inet work is extra <£/! QR ■ f curate. Thisscaleiscov- chine will reach you in good order, that it will re- ||| l l j o-ood Price ered by our 10-vear guar produce perfectly, and that it will prove the equal f s • antee and should nnv rart ofany machine on the market selling for less than I > u'l i L a S3O. However, to make you feel perfectly safe in *1 * or P a , r , ls Pf ove defective ordering, we will allow you to try the machine 5 tve will replace them free days in your own home before the sale is closed. nmv nr-ni* «-r-r-r. of charge. Send only $15.60. We take the risk of your being RFST REPEATER MADE> satisfied. This machine is made especially for i iiL.t ivmwk nniini p us, and is not a “ Trust ” at (tn muuull. _zFcy\ product. That explains the low price— V • 3»OU | d>Q./□, I4ARNFQQ V&X Save 24 P COST^OF YOUR E Disc Records , From Factory direct to you at these unheard of prices. 7-in. Peerless records, each 26c. or $3.00 /< //1 per doz. 10-in. Peerless records, each 48c. 0r55.50 Sinil 1111 i J§L "'•-tx perdoz. Our list of records includes all the latest dim Up | | and best. Send for Catalogue. Wy /*) . 'y>'j EXTRA SPECIAL OFFER. Send for our cata- r / \ To introduce the above Machine and records, logue showing a r\ — Q-V we will make a special price when both machine This is a new Repeating Rifle and has the full line of double Z— l 3 a off r er C No S l- r TaDerins^ArmMachine T> est action and most simple mechanism of any and single, work “ scribed above and 1 doz. Peerless 7-in. records Repeater made. 22 cal. only, just the gun f<>r and driving har- Ofl and 200 needles. Price of outfit complete $17.95. all round use. 0n1y 58.75 ness at money sav- <.p«-fc«UU Offer No. 2—Tapering Arm Machine N 0.41 as de- ing prices. This catalogue shows a complete scribed above, and 1 doz. 10-in. Peerless Records line of Buggies, Surries, Wagons, Carts, etc. and 200 needles. Price of outfit complete $20.55. Better get our catalogue now. ©UR MAMMOTH CATALOGUE FREE. WE SELL EVERYTHING. OUR GENERAL CATALOGUE— Is a finely illustrated volume of about 1,000 pages, describing and quoting lowest possible prices on countless articles, used every day by every member of every fam ly in every country; the farmer, the mechanic, the laborer and the professional man, will find wfithin its pages the articles illustrated and described, which are peculiar to his line of work as well as all articles in general use in the home. This volume, supplemented by our Special Department Catalogues, forms the most complete encyclopedia of General Merchandise ever placed in the hands of the public. It is an education in value and in the scope and character of goods handled is your protection against unfair methods of merchandising. Self-protection is the dominant characteristic of the human race. Nothing will so assist you in protecting your own interests, in enabling you to secure the greatest value for the least money, as a wide and comprehensive knowledge of true values. Our New Complete Cata logue will impart this knowledge and is FREE for the asking. It is worth having. Albaugh Bros., Dover & Co., 90l ” 7 l <X h i l L . IM -’ R240-EGG em IHLIDC DAI D O INCUBATOR vIU g I I nErA In Q I co Egg Incubator fi’ov wL |1 || ibkH SAWS, RIBS, Bristle Twine, Babbit, &c., for any make 9 u l tdoo^ nrooder R II nH of Gin ENGINES, BOILERS and PRESSES 100 Chick Indoor Brooder $4.0 r L'J C 3 - n • r .. . Why pay double thesa prices for and Repairs tor same. Shafting, Pulleys, Belting, In machines that are no better? Reliance Incubators and Brood- jectors. Pipes, Valves and Fittings, Light Saw, Shingle, and Lath Mills, Gasoline Engines ers sent complete with all attachments. Send for free book Y . , . . —. .- Sving full particulars. Wesaveyou money and guarantee satis- Cane Mills in Stock. L O IVI B/XRD IRO INI WORKS/XND SUPP L. Y 4ioa. Reliance Incubator Co., Box 686* Freeport, UL COMPANY, Augusta, Ga. The Golden Age for December 13, 1006.