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12 w I i Quickly Cured At Home Instant Relief, Permanent Cure —Trial Package Mailed Free to All in Plain Wrapper. Piles is a fearful disease, but. easy to cure if you go at it right. An operation with the knife is dan gerous, cruel, humiliating and unnec essary. There is just one other sure way to be cured —painless, safe and in the privacy of your own home —it is Py ramid Pile Cure. We mail a trial package free to all who write. It will give you instant relief, show you the harmless, painless nature of this great remedy and start you well on the way toward a perfect cure. Then you can get a full-sized box from any druggist for 50 cents, and often one box cures. Insist on having what you call for. If the druggist tries to sell you something just as good, it is because he makes more money on the sub stitute. The cure begins at once and con tinues rapidly until it is complete and permanent. You can go right ahead with your work and be easy and comfortable al! the time. It is well worth trying. Just send your name and address to Pyramid Drug Co., 92 Pyramid Building, Marshall, Mich., and receive free by return mail the trial package in a plain wrapper. Thousands have been cured in this easy, painless and inexpensive way. in the privacy of the home. No knife and its torture. No doctor and his bills. All druggists, 50 cents. Write to day for a free package. TETTERINE FOR CORN ECZEMA. Mocksville, N. C. Mr. J. T. Shuptrine, Savannah, Ga. Dear Sir:—J have a friend in the country here who lias suffered for years with Ec zema. and like myself has tried all the “sure cure salves" for it with no relief. I told him if he used Tetteriue he would soon be relieved, for it is the only thing that I ever used that would kill it.—and 1 ought to know for I have had it for 10 years, and never got any relief until 1 used your Tetteriue. I told him that if he would try it, and it failed to benefit him, it would cost him nothing. J would pay for it ;uyself; but I am not uneasy as to the results. It will kill any corn, for my wife had one that gave her no end of misery, and 1 prevailed upon her to use Tetteriue freely on it, and it soon disappeared. There is nothing equal to it. Yours truly, P. S. Early. Tetterlne cures Eczema. Totter, Ring Worm, Ground Itch, Infant s Fore lie.-m Pimples, Boils, Rough Scaly Patches bn the Face, Old Itching Sores, Dandruff, ('auk ered Scalp. Bunions. Corns. Chilblains, and every form of Skin Disease. Tetteriue 50c; Tetteriue Soap 25c. Your druggist, or by mail from the manufacturer. The Shup trine Co., Savannah, Ga. ’■•"yv. y* • ’^rr-:i | . Jft/UICIWgWWWBEI - •H k 3 r* M— — ■■— ..-. ..—j Wa will toaeh jgu by mail Reel T/ tate, General Brokerage, and Insurance, and appoint you Ppceia, Representative of the largest co-operativorual os tat earn! brokerage company. Our eo-opemtive department -vili givey u more choice, salable property to handle than anyotiieri nstii'itioa, and you can com mence work without interfering with your present occupation and without any investment of ran'isl, /Commercial Law/ Course froetc each reprssei, uv<. I,'rito for 62-pace book /.-es. .'heCroFsfomot /, 33 Reaper Block, Chicago VOICES OF YOUTH CONDUCTED BY THE EDITOR. Our Contest—'Read It. HELP YOURSELF AND US. To the member sending in the greatest number of subscribers be tween now and April 1 at regular subscription price of two dollars per year we will give a beautiful gold medal attached to a gold “Order of Golden Age” signet pin, bearing these words: “First in V. of Y. Contest for Golden Age,” and five dollars in gold besides. To the one sending in the next highest number we will give the gold “Order of Golden Age” signet pin and two dollars and a half. To the one who will send in the third nighest number of subscribers we will give that pretty gold “Order of Golden Age” signet pin. Added to these prizes, the three prize winners will be given places of special honor in the program of that great meet, toe plans for which will be given later. Added to this we will give to every contestant fifteen per cent of all subscriptions taken. Rules That Will Govern Contest. Cash must accompany each order; contestant must be a bona fide member of “Voices of Youth,” sending in your full name to be registered with your first letter to the department if you are not now a member. After a few weeks the roll will be published each week giving the standing of contestants. HAPPINESS. They are happy who do each day Just what they think is best; Who go to God for comfort and peace, And find in Him rest, sweet rest. They are happy and joyful Who try to make home bright for all; Forgetful of self while others they help, Ready to go at each call. They are happy and peaceful Who scatter sunshine around; No cross words have they, no, never a frown, Rut in kind deeds forever abound. They are happy who work for Him And shine each day as the sun; Who can always say with a heart sin cere, Not my will, but Thine be done. * CHAT. ; My Dear Children: The month of February, though tb<« shortest of the twelve, has given us two of the greatest lives of history. “Greatness in the positive degree is frequent; in the comparative degree it is occasional; in the superlative de gree it is rare" But in Lincoln, whose centenary w? gladly honored last week, and in Washington, whom we honor this week, we have two lives that reached that superlative de gree of greatness. And. as must he the case in men of such worth, w? find much in their lives that run on parallel lines—their valuation of true principles, their appreciation of the real, as against the false, t.he’r sim j plicity m the midst of their unusual greatness, all, give us boys and girls the possibility that is wrapt up in every one of our lives. You could hardly spend the whole month better than to give it to a careful study 'f these two lives. Washington, of course, had his di - tinct characteristics; study to s'? wherein they differed from those of Lincoln. Then look into your own life -the better side of it —and see how much ». For COLDS and GRIP. Hicks’ CAPUDINE is the best rem edy—relieves the aching and feverish ness —cures the Cold and restores nor mal conditions. It’s liquid—effects im mediately. 10c, 25c, & 50c at all drug stores. The Golden Age for February 18, 1999., you will have to change your per sonal ideas to make them agree with the truth-loving father of our country, or sympathetic freedom-loving Lincoln. Washington, as a lover of all kinds cf truth, has been written and re-writ ten about, and yet, ‘ studying his life is like delving into a mine of ex haustless treasures,” there is always something new and beautiful to be found. As year Little Mother, 1 want to insist that you really make a study cf these noble lives, thus letting them shed an influence in your own lives, that in their simple greatness each would appreciate, and will thank fully acknowledge in the great day of reckoning, when the fullness of our lives shall be measured. If we would really live when we have “fallen asleep’’ it must be as these have in the hearts of men, and not. with our names merely chiseled on stone. The cutting into the heart must come first. V\ e are so glad to welcome Bart let i and Raymond Kelly this week, ard cur new member, Annie Carr. 1 assure you I am just as anxious for ihal meeting of cur circle as you can be, and its success rests with you, my chi dren; so stir up your mem bership. We want to begin with next week an honor roll, on which wiP be put the name cf the member sending in the best letter from every standpoint, for the week, and to that one who holds the first honor posi ii< n ottenest in three months we will give a reward of merit. New, which will be the first to win? Lots of love from LITTLE MOTHER. WHERE IS THE REUNION? The Voices of Youth, Atlanta. Ga. Dear l ittle Mother and Readers: We wll enjoy very much reading the Mission Girl’s letters; but we are sorry they can’t reach us oftener. We want he’’ to tell us all about that strange and distant land. How ar? you all doing in school? I am having to study a great deal harder than 1 did last year; so that is my excuse for not writing oftener. What has become of our talk about our reunion in Atlanta? Let’s don t lose heart; maybe our wishes will come true after a while. Oh.' we could have such a good time, and we could get better organized, and be ac quainted personally. How many of USE OUR MONEY Establish siprofitableanaiastiDg busTne c, > £1 ftTfi ft of your own. Be your own bass. We fig M M M F furnish everything, including Sample Out- tiWiwiiTriMßfrJSjM fit valued at $3.50. We began with noth- g 1118? ing: are now worth; what we did BTSjtf fl i “IT you can do; we will gladly help you. Big SibmbmUm Catalog, Plans and Sample Outfit « now ready and ALL FREE. Write now,® Sfl K H i 5 Consolidated Portrait & Frame Co, 7? rXJaiS 290-10 W. Adams St., Chicago, HL you would like just such a reunion as this? I am sure I would. I also urge the day forward when we can meet together. How d : d you all like the cold weather? It sure was cold in Cor dele Bro. Bob Jones, an evangelist, was in our town about three weeks ago. He carried on a great revival hero, which was the means of winning many souls to Christ. The whole town was greatly blessed. What's become of Persistence, and a few of our old writers? We want to hear from you more often. Brother Willie, you must write to us, too; we haven't forgotten you. I will close for this time. I re main, yours, BARTLETT KELLY. Cordele, Ga. ENJOYS DR. BROUGHTON AND VOICES OF YOUTH. Dear Little Mother: May I step into the happy circle called the Voices of Youth and have a little talk with you? I enjoy read ing the Voices of Youth very much Father has been taking the Golden Age nearly four years. I am thirteen years old, am in the fifth grade. I go to school every day; 1 haven’t missed a day yet. I enjoy reading Dr. Broughton’s ser mons very much, although I am a child. Well, if this is approved by Little ’ x Mother, I will come again. Wishing our page great success, I will say good-bye. Your new cousin, ANNIE CARR. THE DIFFERENT KINDS OF CHIL DREN. By Eleanor E. Cutler, Parents engaging in eighty-six dif ferent occupations send their boys and girls to my care, but there are not eighty six different kinds of boys and • girls. There are children in whom are bred the traits of over twenty na tions; but there are not as many as twenty different kinds of pupils. Tn ' fact, as I look them over, I think well of what the little Roosevelt boy said when a lady expressed surprise at the President’s sending his son to a pub lic schoo’; she asked him if he didn't meet all sorts of beys there, and he replied: “My father says there’s tall boys and short boys, and good boys and bad boys, and there ain’t any oth er kind of boys.” That classification of boys I heart ily accept; for girls I should say: PILES CURED AT HOME BY NEW ABS'IRPUON METHOD. If you suffer from bleeding, itching, blind or protruding Piles, send me your address, and I will tell you how to cure yourself at home by the new absorption treatment; and will also send some of this home treatment free for trial, with references from your own locality if requested. Immediate re lief and permanent cure assured. Send no money, but tell others of this offer. Write today to Mrs. M. Summers, Box 576, South Bend, Ind.