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FAT FOLKS A Mrs. E. Williams, 388 Elliott Square, Buffalo, N. Y. ‘ ‘*L Lost in weight.... 87 pounds AWafr Lost in bust 8 inches M waM Lost in waist 10 inches 4^gaßHg»/\yOB Lost in hips 20 inches &jMKa Dr. Snyder guarantees his treat ment to be perfectly harmless in every particular. No exercise, no starving, no detention from wrinkles. Dr. Snyder has been a specialist in the successful treatment of obesity for the past 25 years, and has the unqualified endorsement of the medical fraternity. A booklet free. Write today. O. W. F. SNYDER, M. D. 11 Burton Bldg., 39State St., Chicago, 111. “There are tall girls and short girls, and silly girls and girls with sense, and there aren’t any ether kind of girls.” Even this simple analys s, however, furnishes enough elements of danger in the various associations to which children are thrown in puo lic schools, at the time when they are first “out of hand,’ as the expression is, and begin to take their own places in the social organism. Their whole READ THE WORKS OF DR. BROUGHTON His Books Tell the Story qf His Life Work * S* Salvation and the Old Theology. Pivot Points in Romans. 75c net. The Herald and Presbyter, Cincin nati, says of this book: -Those who are frightened at the mention of the Epistle to the Romans ought to read this book. It is not dull. It is full of life, and the presen tation of the subject is that wnich interests the ordinary man.” The Watchman, Boston, Mass.: “Dr. Broughton has here sketched in clear outline the salient features of the Apostle’s great argument. Tin discussion is marked with his usual piquancy, directness and fervor of style and brings the profoundest doc trines of evangelical theology within the range of untrained thought. Rev. J. R. Miller, D. D„ Philadel phia, Pa.: “Dr. Broughton has been able to make these talks very interesting. Not every man, not every eloquent preacher, could do this with the doc trinal sections of the Epistle to the Romans. Dr. Broughton thinks there should be more preaching or teaching of this kind than there is. and the publication of these discussions may show some other pastors how they can do it successfully.” The Westminster, Philadelphia, Pa.: “A collection of plain laymen’s topi cal sermons, embracing the essential doctrines of Christianity as taught by the apostle in his Epistle to the Romans. It is written with sim plicity, and serves to bring the great truths of our religion within the com prehension of all.” The Second Coming of Christ. 50c net. Religious Telescope: “A series of studies by the popular Atlanta preacher touching the king dom, advent of Christ, work of the Holy Spirit, resurrection, judgment, and other events connected with the close of time and dawn of eternity. They are full of rich truth, and are characteristic of the great heart and broad mind of the author.” Northern Christian Advocate: “A delightful book.” Table Talks of Jesus. 50c net. Many of the most profound things Jesus said were “at meat.” Dr. Broughton has gathered them up and expounded them in a simple, helpful, extremely helpful, way. Atlanta Daily News: -Contains some of the best and training ought to be directed with ref erence to their ability to maintain themselves in the world as it is or ganized at the present time. To do this,; s Dr. Washington Gulden says in speaking on the education of th ll h pie, they “must be fitted to become social integers, not social cipners. each one trained to be a somebody with a strong personality and opin ions of his own, and each able to maintain himself in the struggle for existence.” Morally everyone is as much a part of society as physically he is part of the world’s fame, and the earlier a child learns to adapt himself to the social order, to hold fast the good that comes with his fel lows and to repudiate the evil, the sooner he can live successfully the community life we are forced to live in our present evolutionary stage. strongest thoughts of the fearless preacher and successful evangelist. They are phrased in frankness, earn estness and the spirit ot love for hu man souls. Those who read the bo >h will be enriched spiritually.” Chicago Standard: “Have rhe fresh, keen incisiveness of statement for which the author is known and constitute a series of sug gestive and helpful presentations of truth.” Journal and Messenger: “He who reads will not fail of sug gestion and great profit. It’s a good hook for everybody.” Church Economist: “The author makes the book worth reading by his incisive style and wealth of anecdote.” The Soul Winning Church. 50c net. Homiletic Review: “Full of virility that has made the author famous. The general subject of all the addresses is the church, and the discourses treat of it in its be ginning, mission, doctrine, life, its work, prayers, experience, its power, its co-partnership, and its final hope.” Up from Sin. 30c net. The prodical son treated in the light of present, day experience. The Revival of a Dead Church. 20c net. Dr. R. A. Torrey says: ‘ Don’t fail to get this book.” God’s Will and My Life. 10c net. A sort of autobiography, giving the author’s personal experiences and a study of God’s plans for our lives. Representative Women of the Bible. 50c net. Old Wine in New Bottles. 50c net. The following books are now in the hands of the publishers: As a Man Thinketh. 25c. This is a review of the Emmanuel movement, with suggestions to the Christian church. The Plain Man and His Bible. With suggestions for the formation and conduct of a popular Bible Class. 50c net All the above books can be obtained through, the Book Department of the Baptist Tabernacle, Atlanta, Ga. The books of Rev. S. D. Gordon, Lr. Q. Campboll Morgan, F. B. Moyer, Gipsy Smith, and any other of he leading religious books may also bo obtained from the Tabernacle Book Department. The Golden Age for February 18, 1909. yi READ MY FREE OFFER 1 Sj My Mission is to make sick woman well, and I want to send you, your daughter, you? Y k sister, your mother, or any ailing friend a full fifty-cept box of Balm of Figs abso- V '.'f' lutcly free. It is a remedy that cures Woman’s ailments, and 1 want to tell you all \ jgS about it just how to cure yourself right at home without the aid of a doctor and th? \ H best of it is that it will not in the least interfere with your work or occupation Balm of Ba Figs is just the remedy to make sick women well and weak women strong, and 1 can prove ES it let me prove it to you I will gladly do it, for I have never heard of anything that KS does so quickly and surely cure woman's ailments. No internal dosing necessary—it isa H local treatment, yet it has to its credit some of tho most extraordinary cures on record. 3 tag Therefore, I want to place it in tho hands of every woman suffering with Z eSfficJSEteJi ]9| any form of Leucorrhca, Painful Periods, Ulceration, Inflammation, ■t' iIJK KI Displacement or Falling of th« Womb. Ovarian or Uterine Tumors of f f I j Hu Growths, or any of the weaknesses so common to women. Z I This fifty “Cent bos of Balm of Figs .... will not cost yo® one cent I will send it to you absolutely free, to prove to you its splendid quell- ./ 'Af ties, and then if you wish to continue further, it will cost you only a few ,L. *r /jwjSSlffiMß ijWiMMBI S 9 cents a week. Ido not believe thoio is another remedy equal to H Balm of Figs and lam willing to prove my faith by sending out )JR*WiuBES tSfeaMM these fifiy-cent boxes free. So, my reader, irrespective of your aftaajWgy \ NgE gg past experience, write to mo at once—today— and I will send / a H| you the treatment entirely free by return mail, and if you so gEnST'. ! |g desire, undoubtedly I can refer you to some one near you who ean ESB6OE 'V- \ ■*'jO-' M personally testify to the great and lasting cures that have resulted KKlSgl from the use of Balm of Figs. But after all, the Very best test J pH K 3 of anything is a personal trial of it, and I know afifty-cent box Jf of Bahn of Figs will convince you of its merit. Nothing is so M convincing as the actual test of tho article itself. Will volt gi ro HI Balm of Figs this test ? Write to mo today, and remember I will hm gladly send you a hfty-cent box of Ealm of Figs for the asking. Address H |8 MRS. HARRIET M. R’CHARDS, Box 248 O Joliet, Illinois. Extremely Low Rates I VIA I? iSOUTHERN RAILWAY! 3 To B WASHINGTON D. C. £ 3 Account Presidential Inauguration E 9 RATES FROM.A I LAN TA t $12.90 for parties of 25 or more on one ticket. W 3 . SIB.OO for individual tickets. set Tickets on sale February 28th, March Ist, 2nd, and 3rd. C Final Limit, —'March Bth. 3 “NEW YORK AND NEW ORLEANS LIMITED’’ B Leaves Atlanta 11:01 am ■£ ! Arrives Washington 6:30 am K “UNITED STATES FAST MAIL’’ g Leaves Atlanta 12:15 midnight & Arrives Washington 10:30 pm Make your reservation now. u For further information ask any Southern Railway agent or El write. k jS JNO. L. MEEK, F. R. McMILLIN, g 3 Ass’t Gen’l Pass. Agt. Trav, Pass. Agent. g S JAMES FREEMAN, Bist. Pass. Agt. ““^^DeLoach' Line - ©!'CORN’MttLS.' JyMjyy Top Runner and Under Runner. All sizes from 18 in. to 48 in. X e build a full lino of portable and stat ionary Grinding Mills, and keep on hand a large stock of mill machinery. |Mg'w Send for catalogue of the celebrated DeLoach line of Saw Mills, K LjQiaJR Edgars, Shingle Mills, Planers, Water Wheels, Engines, Boilers, ana Gasoline Engines. Agents wanted in every county. DeLoach Mill Mfg. Co., Box 777, Bridgeport, Ala. —— GARDEN SEED Send to us for any kind of Seeds. Flower and Garden oeeas. AH small seeds sent by mail post paid to any part of the country. Write for beautiful calendar and catalog C. HEAD & HEAD, Wholesale and Retail Seedsmen, MACON, GA. BOSS BABY-EASE THE VVORLOs best BABY MEDICINE (Liquid) Cures all Bowel Complaints - Makes Teething Easy 25c and 50c a Bottle, ail Druggists, or B'tßY EASE COMPANY, Atlama 13