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14 A Simple Dessert I Pure, appetizing and delicious, is made in a minute by stirring the contents of one package of Jell-0 finto a pint of boiling water, and setting away to cool. . Delicious served with whipped cream or without it. If you have- I n’t tried it, you have missed one of the good things of life. Seven Fruit flavors: Jemon, Orange, Raspberry, Strawberry, Chocolate, Cher ry, Peach. 10 cts. per package, enough for 6 persons. All grocers sell Jell-O. Illustrated Recipe Book mailed tree. Address, The Genesee Pure Food Co., Le Roy, N. Y. cimh M E£>ICIH E EBB If your Ears ring or » SU-s roar, or your hearing is ■ ■P® PS gs __ R? affected, if Eyes ache, K Ss water or burn, or sight E ■is failing,if you k’hock. spit, cough or have bad Kt ■ breath, scabs in Nose, Irritation in Bronchial gj B Tubes, Lungs or Stomach,your name and address g 9 will bring to you absolutely free a 32days course ||| 9 of medicine prescribedto meet your Individual |U 9 requirements and complications. We have cured many who have tried various so- g| 9 called Catarrh cures with little or no benefit, g 9 and we make you this liberal offer to introduce ■ B our splendid treatment in your section. ■ DERSffBJIEfF® send only your symptoms,! I KElfl&STiOSiKnameand address, NO MONEY B 9 —and without cost you will receive a 32 days B 9 course ofmedicinepreseribedespeciallyforyod* ES ■ GERMAN-AMERICAN INSTITUTE, B RIDGE BLDG, KANSAS CITY, Can Cancer be Cured? It Can We want every man and woman in the United States to know what we are doing. We are cur ing Cancers, Tumors and Chronic Sores without the use of the knife or X-Ray, and are endorsed by the Senate and Legislature of Virginia. We Guarantee Our Cures. THE KELLAM HOSPITAL, 1615 West Main, - - Richmond, Va Physicians Treated Free. QOL-SS KINO for selling seven 25c boxes jicrL” Illood Tablet*. 3J driys nilciK' B;,' M Tablets, re* cu n mnnny nn<i get ring. Addre«» s, iicrit*’t.edieinc 00. EocniSO. Ohio, A- IT'. DO YOU SUFFER WITH ECZEMA Cf TETTER? If so, would you be willing to pay 60 cents to SI.OO to be cured? Then take the advice of thousands who have used YOUNG’S Tetter and Eczema Remedy It positively cures the most aggra vated cases of Eczema, Tetter, Itch, Ring Worm, Dandruff, and Falling Hair. If you really want quick and perma nent relief, send 50c or SI.OO for small or large bottle direct from our labora tory, or ask your druggist; but don’t take a substitute. There is nothing ‘‘just as good.” Address, YOUNG’S LABORATORY 68 Plant Ave. Waycross, Ga. LET ME DO YOUR SHOPPING No matter what you want—street suit, wedding trousseau, reception or evening gown—INEX PENSIVE, or handsome and costly—send for my samples and estimates before placing your order. With my years’ experience in shopping, my knowledge of styles—being in touch with the leading fashion centers—my conscientious handling of each and every order— whether large or small-I know I can please you. Mr*. CHARLES ELLISON, Urban Bldg., Louisville, Ky. OUR GOOD CHEER “FOR THE GOOD WE ALL MAY DO" Conducted by TESSA WILLINGHAM RODDEY, Long Reach, Miss. CHAT. As tnere are many messages for the members, this Chat will be a little talk around the circle. “Drummer Boy”, your letter just to hand comes at the psychological moment, as I sent in last week a chat on “Why women don tailor suits and go into business and politics,” and your letter with same caption comes like a telepathic reply; it will appear soon. Many, many thanks to the good Mrs. Graham who sent the sack of bean seed and direc tions about planting it. I appreciate her kind thoughtfulness. “Happy Member,” your card of quick and pronounced protest against the article on “Home” having your signature came today, and I must ex plain that a strange coincidence or fate caused this, which I will explain in private letter. You need nor be uneasy that others realized at once it was a mistake, as your many letters during the last three years from your loved city homes and your lauded city envi ronment have taught us all that you would not be the least likely to write up a country home. That article was written by me, the inspiration being my old home at Sylvan, Alabama; it was sent in for Good Cheer Depart ment—and I was sure my name was given m full —however it wandered into “Voices of Youth,” and stole your pen name. I couldn’t imagine until our editor made the explanation by pri vate letter. Just one of the many mistakes that sometimes occurs in the best regulated editorial sanctums. Another apology is due “White Rose,” whose poems and sketches are as light and bright and beautiful as sunshine on rippling streams. The article on “Influence and Character” was writ ten by my pen, too, and “White Rose” had no responsibility about it. “White Rose” is only sweet seventeen, and couldn’t hold such ideas and senti ments. She has lilted over the sur face of life, and, as yet, hasn’t felt the necessity for going beneath—into the deeper things that maturer years and natures feel the need for finding. As I said, “The Fates” decreed that things should get kinder mixed. Let us accept it as a call to “Happy Mem ber’’ and “White Rose” to come with their lovely thoughts into our Golden Age, as often as they come with us into our other good homes —tho’ really, my dears, I did not intentionally use your pen names, it was just a curious happening that I can’t 'explain, just here. “Mrs. Brown,” “Bernice,” “Loyd” and “Busy Teacher” let us hear from you, also “Mary Jane.” I hoped Mrs. Byrd’s letter on the wisest meth ods for managing children, viz., physi cal punishment or no physical pun ishment would call forth a dis cussion—and I yet hope it will—as teachers and parents, and all who have the responsibility of young children are longing for help along this line. Personally, I think the need should be decided by the temperament of the child—yet this is difficult, as in one home there may be several children, one or two of them may be of a ner vous temperament where physical pun ishment would be ruinous to nerves, and through the nerves to the mind — while there might be one or two oth ers who, having fine nerves and lots of surplus energy, strong will, and mischievous natures really have to have physical punishment to make a The Golden Age for February 11, 1909. sufficiently strong impression, and the ’child who is punished, would consider you partial to the child who is not punished. They are too young to un derstand the needs of the different natures. Let us hear from mothers and teachers on this subject. S. W. R. LIGHT FICTION CURE FOR NERV OUSNESS. Dear Good Cheer: Auntie is just the finest old lady. She has taught me the best cure for nervousness, and it isn’t drugs either. The other day I found several copies of some small papers in her room. 1 exclaimed, “Auntie, what do you do with these?” she answered very promptly, “Read them,” then, as she saw my surprised expression, she said: “You remember when I had nervous prostration from teaching so long? Well, my physician tried everything— change of scene, water, nervines, ton ics, etc., nothing helped me. My brain just would think things in spite of my efforts to rest it, and one day I was visiting a friend’s home, and she invited me to lie down fur a nap. ‘I can t take a nap,’ I said. ‘I can’t gee my brain quiet. I can’t stop thinking long enough to go to sleep.’ She left the room and returned in a moment with a magazine, she said, ‘Here are some bright, silly, funny, short stories. I command you to read ten of them by the time I return.’ ‘I don’t care for light fiction,’ I said; ‘I think it a waste of time and mental faculties.’ She smiled, ‘I ask you as your hos tess to read ten of those stories, as a well-bred courteous guest you can’t re fuse.’ She left the room. “[ laid down, opened the magazine and scanned the captions- of the sto ries none of them promised any thing—but I began one and read on. When I waked the twilight was in the room, and a girl had kindled a small fire. 1 raised up and looked about— finally I realized I had been asleep— and I felt so refreshed. J thanked my friend. Since then I have bought light, silly, empty fiction, and always it quiets my teeming thoughts and puts me to sleep.” I have been nervous and over wrought for weeks, but I began aunt ie’s methods. I lie down every after noon and read light, silly stories, noth ing requiring the slightest mental ef fort to take in and, invariably, I go to sleep. Some of you who need a daily nap or rest and “can’t be still for thinking,” try this remedy—l am sure it will help you. Aunt Silina is well, and Uncle Ed’s rheumatism is better. She sits in her “good cheer” and pieces quilts. Towsle sleeps in the ashes. Some time I will tell you about Uncle Ed and the coun terfeiters. Lovingly, MARY JANE. GOOD CHEER PRO AND CON. “The world is thawing,” said a small girl to me yesterday, “and I am so glad, ’cause I want my flowers to grow again,” and she expressed the senti ment of lots of us hereabouts. The ice king pulled all my bloom and oeauty—left withered leaves and hang ing heads, and dried buds —and where, at each end of porch I had a lovely bouquet es bloom, I iffiw have dead plants, caused by forgetting to put "Get at a price to suit ■WJ you direct for a BLACK MOTOR BUGGY 'v-I’' 1 ’' 1 SR; ivy Built for country roads, hills ’ mud. Engine—lo H. P., 2 cylinders, air chain drive rear wheels, double brake. Speed 2 25 m. per hr.—3o miles on 1 gal. of gasoline. HighesVWgk. quality finish, workmanship and materials. lately safe and reliable. Write for Book No. A- 144-WII BLACK MCG. CO.. 124 E. Ohio St.. Chicaso. ? Jl'i'MßMiMKillWTß~riHnf FROST PROOF K E GUARANTEED TO SATISFY PURCHASERS Price: 1,000 to 5,000 at $1.50 per 1,000, 5,000 to 9,000 at $1.25 per 1,000, 10,000 and over at SI.OO per 1,000. Our catalogrue gives full instructions for growing all kinds of fruits and vegetables mailed on re quest. WM. GERATY CO., The Cabbage Plant Men, P. O. Box 570, Young’s Island, S. C. CANCER c b a e n CURED Scores of testimonials, from persons who gladly write to those now suffering, all tell of perfect cures. My Mild Combination Treatment destroys growth and eliminates the disease from the system. FREE BOOK, “Cancer and Its Cure,” and 125-page book of testimonials from CURED patients in every State in the Union. No matter how serious your case, how many operations you have had, or what treatment you have taken, don’t give up hope, but write at once for my books. DR. JOHNSON REMEDY CO., 1235 Grand Ave., Kansas City, Mo. fl you win Souls'to Christ, or comfort th-, W" sJwliU sorrowing? Then send 10 cen's for fifty as sorted leaflets, or .V \no two alike, for 5J cents. M. E MUNSON. Pub., 77 Bible House New York, nn 1 if public worship PR fl VP K% Private'Devotion and I 11 H I E. §1 O FersoadS Ministry. A Complete Guide to Devotion. New and Priceless Help to Spiritual Life. Invaluable to Christians every wher?. Give aid to persons o r ' all ages wishing to t ke partin Prayer in Pubii.-. als > Prayer Meetings, Special Occa sions, Young People’s Societies, Fami y Prayers, Pray ers in Sickness, in Sunday Schools, Prayers for Children, etc.; also the Prayers of Rmin nt Christians. C oth binding. g< Id stamps. Postpaid to any address for SI.CC. M. E. MUNSON, Pub., 77 Bible House, New York. Georgia Watermelon Seed Free We know this is the best Watermelon in the world and we want you to know it, Send two cent stamp to pay postage, and we will send you full sized package free of charge, also our catalogue which describes and prices;lm proved Cotton Seed, Seed Corn and all Seed for Field and Garden. CURRY-ARRINGTON CO., Rome, Ga. P- O. Box 143. $75. 00 $15O.»o per month made selling our magnificent line of Maps, Books and Bibles. Live, hustling salesmen wanted in every community. New Ideas, strong sellers, big commissions. Get our terms and judge for yourself. HUDGINS COMPANY, Atlanta, Ga. Dr. Rtes? ‘ Anti-Pain Pills for Headache And Other PaJns Dosrji I/25 Cents. ’0 fh2S Poem MEVTS SOLD // ll f * ®ULK. /y AKE: ONE- of These Little Tablets LAMB THE PAIR IS GOME Ilf