OCR Interpretation

The Golden age. [volume] (Atlanta, Ga.) 1906-1920, February 25, 1909, Image 13

Image and text provided by Digital Library of Georgia, a project of GALILEO located at the University of Georgia Libraries

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/2020233210/1909-02-25/ed-1/seq-13/

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Dear Cousins, don’t you think we
have the dearest Little Mother that
could be found? She is so tender
with us. Let’s show our appreciation
of her by writing cheering letters
that will do her good, and also im
prove our corner.
Miss Harlow Meadow, write often;
your letters are good. Lorena MC'
Cool, Agnes Tyler, Julia Iverson Lane,
our other Julia Lane, and many oth
ers, come often.
Suwanee, Ga„ Route 2.
Out last night? Head ache and
nervous this morning? Hick’s Capu
dine just the thing to fit you for busi
ness. Clears the head —braces the
nerves. Try it. At drug stores.
His Books Tell the Story
qf His Life Work X Im *
Salvation and the Old Theology. Pivot
Points in Romans. 75c net.
The Herald and Presbyter, Cincin
nati, says of this book:
“Those who are frightened at the
mention of the Epistle to the Romans
ought to read this book. It is not
dull. It is full of life, and the presen
tation of the subject is that which
interests the ordinary man.’’
The Watchman, Boston, Mass.:
“Dr. Broughton has here sketched
in clear outline the salient features of
'' rhe Apostle’s great argument. The
discussion is marked with his usual
piquancy, directness and fervor of
i style and brings the profoundest doc-
I trines of evangelical theology within
I the range of untrained thought.’’
I Rev. J. R. Miller, D. D„ Philadel-
I phi a, Pa':
“Dr. Broughton has been able to
L make these talks very interesting. Not
B every man, not every eloquent
■ could do this with the doc-
M trinal sections of the Epistle to the
■ Romans. Dr. Broughton thinks there
" a hould be more preaching or teaching
of this kind than there is. and the
publication of these discussions may
show some other pastors how they can
do it successfully.” ,
The Westminster, Philadelphia, Pa.:
“A collection of plain laymen’s topi
cal sermons, embracing the essential
doctrines of Christianity as taught
by the apostle in his Epistle to the
Romans. It is written with sim
plicity, and serves to bring the great
i truths of our religion within the com-
| prehension of all.”
| The Second Coming of Christ. 50c
Religious Telescope:
L “A series of studies by the popular
I Atlanta preacher touching the king-
I dom, advent of Christ, work of the
Holy Spirit, resurrection, judgment,
and other events connected with the
close of time and dawn of eternity.
They are full of rich truth, and are
characteristic of the great heart and
broad mind of the author.”
Northern Christian Advocate:
“A delightful book.”
Table Talks of Jesus. 50c net
Many of the most profound things
Jesus said were "at meat.” Dr.
fireughton has gathered them up and
expounded them in a simple, helpful,
extremely helpful, way.
Atlanta Daily News:
"Contains some es ths best and
My Dear Boys and Girls:
Just a hurried but happy "hand
shake.” to let you knew 1 am think
ing about you. To be sure, I have
been thinking about you week after
week during mv silence and my ab
sence, but I have been in such a whirl
of work and travel that I have found
it impossible to keep up with a tithe
of the things that my heart has wish
ed to do and say.
Ever since the last days of the old
year I have been in Texas "fighting
liquor” in the great prohibition cam
paign in the Lone Star Empire, and 1
expect to go back when the battle
reaches its hottest; but until then I
will be in lecture work in Georgia,
Alabama, Mississippi and Florida, fill
(Continued on Page 16.)
strongest thoughts of the fearless
preacher and successful evangelist.
They are phrased in frankness, earn
estness and the spirit ot love for hu
man souls. Those who read the book
will be enriched spiritually.”
Chicago Standard:
“Have the fresh, keen incisiveness
of statement for which the author is
known and constitute a series of sug
gestive and helpful presentations of
Journal and Messenger:
“He who reads will not fail of sug
gestion and great profit. It’s a good
book for everybody.”
Church Economist:
“The author makes the book worth
reading by his incisive style and
wealth of anecdote.”
The Soul Winning Church. 50c net.
Homiletic Review:
“Full of virility that has made the
author famous. The general subject
of all the addresses is the church, and
the discourses treat of it in its be
ginning, mission, doctrine, life, its
work, prayers, experience, its power,
its co-partnership, and its final hope.”
Up from Sin. 30c net.
The prodical son treated in the light
of present day experience.
The Revival of a Dead Church. 300
Dr. R. A. Torrey says:
“Don’t fail to get this book.”
God’s Will and My Life. 10c net.
A sort of autobiography, giving the
author’s personal experiences and a
study of God’s plans for our lives.
Representative Women of the Bible.
50c net.
Old Wine in New Bottles. 50e net.
The following books are now in the
hands of the publishers:
As a Man Thinketh. 25c.
This is a review of the Emmanuel
movement, with suggestions to the
Christian church.
The Plain Man and His Bible. With
suggestions for the formation and
conduct of a popular Bible Class.
50c net.
All the above books can be obtained
through the Book Department of the
Baptist Tabernacle, Atlanta, Ga.
The books of Rev. S. D. Gordon, Lr.
GL Campbell Morgan, F. B. Meyer,
Gipsy Smith, and any other of 'he
leading religious books may also be
obtained from th* Tabernaelo Boek
The Golden Age
for February 25, 1909.
Nature’s Way is Our Way.
Century Method of Curing
RECOGNIZING the fact that ’’all healing power re
E „ ’ sides in nature" and that nature needs .only obedience
a H to her laws, to preserve health, I have developed this
wonderful cure. NO DRUGS. NO SURGERY. no
dangerous or unpleasant treatments of any kihd. My
cure cons ‘ sts °f auxiliaries as Massage. Physb
Cal Culture. Electricity. Hydro-therapy, Electrip
Light Bath, Mechanical Vibration. Diet, com
k' w 'tb strict obedience to nature's laws. lam
especially successful with Rheumatism. Digestive Ola
' orders. Paralysis, and Neurasthenia
Bicts Hwbmc Samtarhim
a™ l °? & e .? u^?- $ tny Wdp eagfe ‘wt,tguarantee of
, one week^trcatmen^and^H^rvirjce'phftur’rillf&a.patient fs hdt satisfied with
If h^failcclJtg£3hs you.'WFitc u& forjssrucubrs of this NEWER and BETTER WAV.
ence cdnhdgbtigL ekSnmatidn blank free. Deet C.
Biggs Sanitarium, - . . Greensboro, N. C.
A Delightful Place to Stop While in Atlanta
Renovated and Fixed Up
Charmingly Throughout
Rooms sOc and SI a Day
831-2 Peachtree Street Half Mock from The Big'Piedmont
Special Invitation to Visitors to the Great* Tabernacle Conference
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For sufferers from Chronic Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn,
Diabetes, and all Stomach. Liver, Bowel and Skin Diseases, E
Wilkinson’s Matchless Mineral Water is positively the most
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lief It cures obstinate cases persons who. had vainly tried
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and affections from impoverished or impure blood—scrofula, boils, etc
Most Remarkable Mineral Water in the World xS I
This wonderful medicinal water is obtained near Greenville, Ala It B
contains iron and sulphur acid and its healing properties have been known TOMIC
for more than twenty-five years. Dunng the past few years it has gained »m.'. ■ »
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I 16c for pecking and mailing and we will forward a sample bottle. This quantity «f uiu! itjji
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I Matcidess Mineral Water Ok. Andalusia. Ala.
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Send to us for any kind of Seeds. Flower and Garden beeas.
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Cures ail Bowel Complaints— Makes Teething Easy
25c and 50c a Bottle, all Druggists, or BABY EASE COMPANY, Atlanta

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