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Image provided by: Minnesota Historical Society; Saint Paul, MN
Newspaper Page Text
THE CHIPPEWAY HERALD. Printed Monthly at the White Earth Boarding Sehool by Indian Pupils. SUBSCRIPTION Address all Communications to THE CHIPPEWAY HERALD. Entered at the Post Office at White Earth, Minn., as second class mail matter. John R. Howard Superintendent and Special Disbursing Agent. Principal L. L. Goen, • • Editor. | Local | General. I «♦♦#*♦***« May. School closes June 11. See the display in each department. Major Howard planted a bed of strawberries last week. Ruth Howard is visiting with friends and relatives at Sauk Center. Isaac and John Williams were called home by the serious illness of their mother. Mrs. A. Barto of Sauk Center will visit her son L. R. Barto during the celebration. Don’t forget.—June 14 and 15 are the dates fixed for the celebration on this reservation. Messers Holmes aud Sturtevant of Detroit were business callers at the Agency Friday. Cheif clerk West is battling with the weeds in his garden, He says he will be victorioue. The children from this reservation attending school at Morris returned home last night. The Pipestone Indian School holds its commencement this year on the 6th, Bth and 9th of June. Financial Clerk L. R. Barto made a business trip to Bijou, Mahnomen, Waubun, last week. I Miss Josie Anderson, a graduate of the Genoa Indian school is temporari ly employed as boys matron. Mrs Rice our cook at this school, goes to the Tomah Indian school as baker. She will report June 16. J. J. Lynch has built substandial fence around his lots in town and is Improving his property materially. Mr and Mrs West, Mr. and Mrs. Goen and Mr Barto were visitors at Detroit on Thursday evening last,week. 25 CENTS. Antoine Detour, baker at the Wild Rice River school has resigned and Antointte Vaisbr is temporarily em ployed The garden has been enlarged an acre this spring. The farm detail grubbed it in addition to the other farm work. During the past month 18 of the In dians and families of Mille Lac Lake settlement have been removed to this reservation. Clerks West am Daily made a trip to Mille Lac last week to interest the Indians of that part of the state in this reservation. One of the attractions at our school now is a tennis court. Considerable interest is manifested by both employes and children. Major Howard purchased a span of horses from a Mr. Stille of Sauk Center While here Mr. Stile gave the school a pleasant visit. Alfonso Barto accompained by Dr. Nelson of Fergus Falls will visit his parents Mr. and Mrs. Barto during the celebration. Antoine LaFrauier and his wife of Wauban visited the school last week and expressed himself as well pleased with the school. Miss Grace A. Warren who has been temporarily empldtyed as boys matron resigned the position and went home at the end of May. G. W. Jones, of Santee, Neb, has been appointed Industrial Teacher at the Wild Rice River Boarding scnool, and will report for duty in a few days. The Improvement Leauge Literary society held its last session in the Kindergarten room on Thursday Strawberries and cream were daintily served. John . ,>an, who as been attending school a Pipeston gave this school a visit on last Fri. ry morning. John attended this school before going to Pipestone. Robert E. Lay who was recently appointed gardener at the Pine Point Boarding sehool resigned. Pearl Konklin has been temporarily em ployed to the position. Miss Ida Dalton, Asst. Matron at this school for a short time, has been reinstated into the service at Tomah, Wis. in a similar position. John Carl of Mahnomen assisted the band on decoration day. The band boys look upon Johnnie as a stand by on these special occasions, Oscar Warden of the Rosebud Agen cy, formerly disciplinarian at Morris, has been reinstated into the service at this school as disciplinarian. The Minnesota Free Traveling Li brary holds the interest of the children The books are read and thoroghly en joyed by the pupils and others. Mr. Dummert, assisted by the em ployes installed the new washer into its place in the laundry this week. Mrs. Mahoney is glad to see it. Mrs. Alex McDougall and children were visiting Miss Susie McDougall last week. She will join her husband on the coast in the near future. Messers Freedman and Tice of Twin Valley were business visitors at the agency the first of the week. They gave the school a pleasant visit. The street between the town of White Earth and the government reserve leading by the Indigents home is opened and graded in excellent con dion. The commencement number of the Native American is out and is a very attractive number indeed. The me chanical work and thoughts in it are good. Prizes were awarded last week for the two best maps. Jane Beaulieu and Wallace Hanks gained the honors. The maps will be on exhibition at the close of school. In the electrical storm on last Satur day night the water tank was struck by lightning. No damage was done x cept ahole about afoot in diameter was broken through the roof. We take this means ot acknowledging invitations and programs of commence ments sent us from different schools. While it will be impossible for us to be present, our best wishes are with all,