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MEMBERS ASSOCIATED PRESS VOL. 3. REPUBLICANS SEAT JOHNSONDELEGATES FRON MINNESOTA GOPCOMMITTEE VI LUI LA TURNING DOWN 4 ! - LILY WHITES ! SEAT TWELVE UNINSTRUCTED/ LOUISIANA DELEGATES Pickett Fight Based - on Claim He is State Chair man in Georgia. ~ Chicago, June 2.—Resuming work on the convention contests, the Republican National Commit tee seated twelve unihstructed delegates from Louisiana headed by Emile Kuntz, of New Orleans, National committeeman, and dis missed the contest of the lily ! white group led by C. S. Herbert and Victor Loisel. The New Or leans, Florida and Georgia cases passed temporarily. Lead Georgia 1, | Chicago, June 2.-—claims of cun-i testing delegations from Florida and Georgia continued today to omupy' the :tieniion of ithe republican nation-! al committee. The committee hasi planned supplemental hearipg for the | regular reported Iflor,ida (lelegation.i headedn by National committeemui Bean, and' the delegation hcaded by E. L. Anderson of Jacksonville, Gt With Florida once disposed of, thel committee has planned to pass on the Gequgia contest, which occupied sev-. eral hours of ‘the committhe’s time, vesterday considering the claims of the Picket and Johnson factions. The] latter delegation, headed by Henry‘ Lincoln Johnson, an “Atlanta negro, claims that it is the wegularly repor ted delegation. This claim is dispu ted by the delegation known as thel Pickett faction, which contends that it should be considered the regularly accreditted delegation, claiming Ros coe Pickett to be the accreditetd state chairman. ; : The Johnson faction favors LoWdenl while that of Pickett is for Genorall 10 & lac ——————————————— There seems to be a misunderstanding about the price of our bread. Prices are the same— 10c and 15¢—Size of the loaf has heen slightly reduced, but prices maintained. If your grocer cannot supply you phone us and we will. C. L. Lifsey D. L. Bullock Phone 121 THE CORDELE DISPATCH BOARD OF TRADE FINDS WARM | SUPPORT OVER WHOLE CITY TEAMS WORKING : b ‘\ P i | d DR YR | EVERY BLOCK IN RAPID MANNER STRONGEST BOARD N MANV‘ . YEARS i | IS PROMISED AS RESULT o | Funds Readily Given inl Most Business Places to ] Campaign Workers. ' Those‘wlio went after the member-‘ ship for the Cordele Board of Trade today found a medked enthusiasm and splendid support and Mr, R. L. Huie@ and his teams quit the day with lh('l‘ L:est showing that has been made here in years. It was g remarkable dispo sition they found to support the busi ness hody and lend the financial sup port which will be required to operate' for a larger Cordele. | “] want my town to know,” one man daid, “that 1 am willing to back up the Board of Trade, and I want the -outside '»forld to know that we gdc things..” It was the general expression Individualsas well as business con-’ ‘Board of Trade in membership repre: ‘cerns threw in and joined and now the sents, very. neatly a hundredy per. cent ‘of its business men. I. The teams members were at their Iwork early and sought to find every }Jjody. There are still members to be located and brought in, for some of them are out of town. The campaign I\was virtually closed today, but Mr. ' Huie and Secretary A. S. Bussey will ?Sp()t those yetto be brought in before the close of active work. If there are ‘men, either as business individuals, or ag concerns, who have not heen Freached, it will be well to settle the }BOard of 'l‘rade membership right now | A phone message to Mr. Huie of Sec lretax-y Bussey will make it possible to ' connect up. They want nobody left }out' and they urge everybody who has ‘an interest to "see that the other fel low is a member. } The membership throughout the | community ought to be concluded this ‘, veek, according to officers of the body ' who are in charge. The campaign is “intgnded to take in the farmers where 'aver they are willing to join the bus )nnss,body. g Wood. ¢ $ * Sent Johneoh Men. . (‘Licago, June 2.--In its first decision aitecting the Jjohnson forces in the convention the republican national committee voted thirty-six to twelve to seat the delegates from the tenth Minnesota district who are counted as favorable to the candidacy of the California senator. They were repre: sentatives M. Schall and L. M. Mithum HUERTA TAKES o i OATH OF OFFICE ' | PROVISIONAL PRESIDENT RE-’ PUBLIC OF MEXICO Mexico City, June 2.—Adolfo Dela Huerta took the oath of office as pro visional president of Mexico late this‘ afternoon in the chamber of deputies, “ There was gréat military display. The galleries of the chamber were erowded and thousands thronged the streets. : Honolulu-—Japan has hroken off re lations with the Russian Bolsheviki for the formation of a buffer state in Siberia, according to g Tokio cable: gram .to Nippu Jiji, the Japanese lan guage newspaper here, AND DAILY: SENTINEL BERGDOLL ESCAPE 1 BE INVESTIGATED UNDER HOUSE REPOR'. { Washington, June 2.-—Resolution ! prdering a congressional investlgfltion" of the escape of Grover Clevelanu i Bergdoll, the rich Philade!phiia drafr evader, was ordered favorably repqr-i ted today by the® House rules comm‘it-l tee. 5 | WILSON APPEALS | ! N FOR SUFFRAG: Bt ASKS DEMOCRATS IN DELEWAREI TO VOTE FORYMEASURE. ] Washirgton, June 2.—President | Wilson has telegraphed three mmn-' bers of the Deleware legislatute urg ing every democratic in the legisla ‘ ture to vote for suiirage amendment.’ The message went to Assemblymc:ff Mulvena, Nulrine and McNab, demo- | crats, who are said here to have op—. posed the amendments. 4 CUBA FIGHTING , f ) FOR SUGAR SUPPLY N SV a PLANS TO KEEP SUGAR WITHIN TH E‘ ISLAND Havana—Havana chamber* of com merce today petitioned the Cuban gov ernmen to take the mnecessary steps to gee that four hndred thousand sacks of sugar of the present ¢rop be retaii ed, on ‘the Island and withheld from ‘export, The ‘chamber explained ‘tha uniess this measure was taken <the shortage of sgar in Cuba would he very acute.« 3 CLERKS STRIKE | 4 st HEAD OFFICIALS SAY LAW MUST| BE OBEYED { Atlanta—Despite additional telc-g grams from the national headquarters | of their organization declaring theirl strike illegal, it was announced today | that the striking railway clerks here ! had voted last night to remain out, s Telegrams came from J. E. McQuadeli of Cincinnati, chief clerk to E. H. Fitz-| gerald president of the brotherhood ! of railway clerks, and stated that on | Tuesday Fitzgerald would put an en-: iire clerks strike hefore the national | labor hoard in Chicago. : In the meantime McQuade quoted! I"itzgerald as saying that he had never? authorized the strike and adding thati the laws of ‘the clerks’ organization| must be obeyed. } Sl o t IKEATING SAYS | 3 ! | NO MONEY GIVEN PLUMB PLAN LEAGUE IS NOT! ACTIVE | Washington—The Plumb Plan Lea-! gue, organized in the interests of thoi proposal for the tri-partite ownership; of the country's railroad system, hasi not contributed “a dollar” to the cam paignes of any of the candidatcs, for! the Republican and Democratic presi- | dential nominations, according to the? testimony of Edward Keating before| the semate committee investigating | lpre-conveution campaign expendiluresi today. l l Keating, a former member of cong-| ress from Colorado, now manager of: ' the Plumb Plan I,eagué, testified that| lhis organization was taking no part| in the campaign, except-as it is dis-| itributing information through vits’ !weekly newspaper, “Labor.’ ! ‘ Keating - said that sixteem railmad' labor unions supporting leaguie had a r:émpaign committee of which he is a | member, cooperating with the cam»-! paign committee of the American Federation of Labor, the duty of which would be to convey information to members of the organization, prin cipally about senators and congress ! men. | CORDELE, GECRGIA, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 2, 1820. - FOR CONGRESS 3 - OVANUE AR MAY BE NEEDED ki A ARV ERS | : | o'y Y il : ey : | SENATE SPECULATES ON WiL -14 i SON’S ATTITUDE | i ; ol ADJGURNMENT UP SENATE May -Be Necessary for President to Call Special Séssion in July. | : 5 v , "~ Washington—""ha question of ad journment of Cengress next Saturday. was ptit up to the Senate toduy when! he house resolutfq‘n adopted yester day was received. Under this measure congress would adjourn sine die next Saturday afternoon at four o'clock. Leaders were speculatizg on the pribable attitude of President Wil:on towerds adjournment. Some, sug gested that he probably migint call a special session about July ninteenth should the adjourniment resoluticn be ‘adonted by the senate. FIGHTING BOLSHEVIKI ON AN OTHER FRONT 3 Warsaw—VPolish troops have turned to the offensive between Borisov and Bobruisk on the center of the fmnt', which is under attack by the Russian Bolsheviki and on May twenty-seven they occuypied the line of the Beresina river, according to an officicl state ment issued at army headquarters here today. PECAN ROLLS JUST RECEIVED FRESH SHIPMENT FAMOUS Martha W ashington PECAN « ROLLS “Goodness Knows They’re Good”’ $1.50 per Pound: Alsonice assortment Elmers Chogolates. STEAD'S DRUG STORE WHIPPLE & McKENZIE BLDG PHONE 1 A. M. STEAD), Prop. . ‘A M i | EONNIWELL SCORNS PENNSYL VANIA CAMPAIGN : J PALMER ATTENDS HEARING e ; Bonniwell Claims Palmer ‘¢ ‘ | Made Direct Appeals to Liquor Interests. ol | . Washington—Charges ihat ‘the cam 1 paign nof the nomination of Attorniy Gencral Palmer as Demceratic candi | dute for the presidency had heen oon-i ducted in Peunsylvania with an openl appeal to the distillery” and hrewery interests in the state were made m! day before the senate inv(\stigqting committee hy Eugene €. Bmmiwulll‘ of Philadelphia. 1 Benniwell, who distributed stickers during the primary campaign secking the nomination of McAdoo, said s loons :fnr] bonded warehouses in gome parts of the state were now runing wide open under the eyes of feredal ‘cfficers appointed “with Palmer vise.” of Americus, and Hal Lawson, of Abbe tville, who represent- the defendants. Propérty involved in the litigation is ‘estimated to be worth from $1,000,000 to $5,000,000, and the suit when first indtituted was generally refered to as the “Million Dollar Bauxite Case.” SHIPPINGBOARD { ® -~ REMAINS FIXTURE | oyl ! HOUSE AND SENATE CONFEREES i AGREE ON:MERCHANT MARINE | Py o s | WasEhington. - June 2.—Completé iagreoment fon the house ‘mierchant i marine bill was reached by the house | and ssenate conferees today after vir ‘ tually an all night session. Under [ the azreement the senate provisions !m‘m-’idin::: for a nermanent shipping l board of seven members was retained, }l'-ul, the senate amendment authoriz [ ing the hoard to set aside annually for the néxt five years fifty million dol i lars from the proceeds of charters and | sates for 'the construction of new ’s:hips. was modified to provide a re | serve fund of only twenty-five millions | annually. : The bill also would redquire seventy | five percent of the stock of companies é(-nguged in coastwise trade to be - American owned as well as the major ity interests in organizations engaged /in foreign trade. . 'The sale of American ships to for &cign interests, if after diligent effort the shipping board js unable to dis pose of thm to Americans, is provi ded in the bill agreed upon. SENATE VOTES DOWN PRESI DENT'S REQUEST. i a R Washington, June 2.—The Senate resolution declining to grant authority for an American mandate over Arme nia, as requested by President Wilson, which was passed yesterday by a vote of fifty-two to twenty-three was sent today to the house foreign atfairs com rpittee, which was expected to recom mend its adoption unéhanged and submit it -to the house tomorrow for consideration. . [~ . SIXAREKILLED - U { MINE EXPLOSION Pittsiurgh, Pa.—At least six mern were killed by an explosion in g coa! shaft of the Ontario Gas and Coal company near Cokesburg today. The ‘men were buried under tons of earth . Formen said he would be unabl: to tell the exact number of the dead until the bodies were recovered. COUNTRY HAS ' POOREST CROPS "HTIRRK IDVITRY Q 6 )F HERE IS THE SCHOO, A it ¥ Y 3 XY DRESS FOR KVERY 3 TACHT 2 v e . ~ v - MODEST MAN’S MONEY Austin—A school dress fop Spring and Fall which «ost two dollars and eighty-Seven ' cénts and which was de siged and made and worn by Miss Aline Johnson, of “‘Houston, won the [irst prize in the'state-wide high school Girl’s clothing contest conducted by the niversity of Texas, it was an nounced today. There were {ifty cun fries. PALMER TURKSTO | RADICALS AGAIN et} & ] WENT . BEFORE HOUSE RULESI COMMITTEE. ; ‘ Wachingten, June 2.—Attorney Gen- ' oral Palmer turned aside today from | his prepared answer to the criticisms’ of Assistant Secretary of Luh:w Post {0 disenss before the House rules committee criticisms of the depart ment of justice regayding the deporta tion proceedings eontainoed in the re polt of the commitice of twelve law vors recently made public by the Na ticanl Popnlar Covernment League Palmer said be did net know all tlm' giguers of the report but was not fa vorably impressed by those he did know, “We find several of them ap pearing as counsel for the communist 1 and’ coviimunist labor party members‘ “3 the d,\l‘:p!)l‘t&li(.)fl hearings,” he said.; ~ “Are you going to take the word of lliv:e;{s for all the churg_'ag’;@g%@ij hlwm*mm%fim 4 ‘ay the whole report simmers down o his,” he asserted. = ° : - Bongiwell charged that the Palmer ampaign in Pennsylvania had been ghastly and a debsaing degradation” { the law. He added ‘that the cam aign hg conducted for 5\'[(:.%«100 wis catirely the work of himself and. his ‘olleagues and against the specific sersonal refusal of McAdoo to allow 4is name to be used. Attorney General Palmer appeared i the senate campaign investigating ommittee room just before the after woon gession began. He was the first ' ! the presidential nomination cfindi-'] 2tes whose campaigns are under in- - ‘egtzaton who ‘has appeared at the; nquiry. | ’LEAS MADE FOR 4 - FILIPINO FREEDOM REPUBLICANS ASKED TO ADOPT PLATFORM PLANK (‘hicago—The fight for a platform Jeclaration by the Rvpu'i:li(-an party for full independence of the l"hil'pipr-;.: vas taken up today Ly 'a delegation irom: the Islands, headed by Jaime Deveyra: . : “By the Jones law of Augus# twenty aine, nineteen” gikteen,” declares De . eyra, “the Phillipines were _p.r::.'ni.w-'! < hejr independence as soon as & stable rovernment could he established, on the lelands. The Phillipices have that table government today. Amer.ican Ir‘i‘!'i~i:|!s representatives in the Philip ines testifies to its existence.” A ——— e 4 S— . f ‘ DENY VATICAN OFFERED BERTH O OFFER FOR MEMBERSHIP IN LEAGUE . Rome—Reports published last woek hat A. J. Balfour, former British sec rotary of state for foreign- affaivs, had reposed the admission of the vatican ‘0 the League of Nations, are denied iu an official statement priazted by Ogservatore Romauvo, the organ of th atican. : It is also said that “no other person” a 5 made any such proposals. 108 T—Cameo Pin in Sterling Siiver ' Lace frame . Return to Mrs. 1,. E. larvell, Richell, Ga., for reward 6-2-3 t AFTERNOO! EDITION i - i THF A 4 § 3 , : WORST SHAPEIN PP RFLRW R RVLATR 3 A ’ o TR 4 LUiL A AVERAGE OF SIXTY-TWO AND FOUR TENTHS . ¢ » - ¢ ,— HEORGIA ONLY FIFTY FIVE Mo Forecast of Production Was Given by Depart ment in Report. Washiugton, June 2.~—HReporting the condition of the cotton crop on May twenty-fifth ai sixty-two and four tenths percent normal, the depart ment of Agriculture announced that this was the lowest mark in its re cord of fifty years and that the recur ring statement was the “worst ever Fnown'' was confivmed. Cotion is reported as poor to bad in 1l cotton sttates and in almost every county of the cotton belt, the ‘depart ment statement said. No forecast of production was made, ondition figures hy states reported Georgia’s crop as fifty-five per eent of normal; Florida sixty-two; Alabamg lipightes e it “"""'7":"'":""*',"‘?"‘“ = % .I HOUSE RESOLUTION © TO REPEAL WAR TIME . EMERGENEY LAWS Washingtin—By, uzanimous vott the house jdiciary Conlnli';tee 'ordei'e'd: ”&fif‘ a resolution repealing alk war gm}e emergency legislation excepting the' Lever food control act, trading with the enemy, a lgw in the District of Col uinbia, and the rent profiteering meas LAWN MOWERS Mow your ewn grass. Its good exereise. We have the mowers’ for Yyou. Ko : Good ones and cheap i ; 1 01168 TOO. GUR PRICES ARE , (T \ . PHONE 483 EIGHTH ST. MtColium Building NO. 171.