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M—__——_ e e L WEATEL™ Genenilly fair tonight and Thurs ~ day.. Showers in northwest. e e e e YOLUME 1 CITIZENS AND DETECT IVES IN BATTLE TWELVE KILLED, TWO FATALLY INJURED IN WEST VIRGINIA MINING CITY. +» MAYOR FIRST TO DIE. POLICE JOIN CITIZENS AGAINST CO:LI PANY AGENTS. STATE CONSTA * BULARY IN CHARGE. ' Matewan, W, Va., May 20.—The ar rival of two companies of State Consta bulary this morning apparently had a quicting effect. There has been nosre newal qf the battle between police and citizens and Baldwin-Felt detectives, "in which twelve were killed, and two probably fatally wounded last night. It is reported that the entire force (‘Oj/tho constabulary has been ordered ‘Bere. The trouble started when a de tective began the eviction of families of miners from company houses, who had been discharged. The mayor de manded his authority when the detec tive fired from pocket, killing the may or. A policeman then killed the de tective and the shooting became gen ‘ Detectives Take to Hills. Williamson ,W. Va, May 20.—Ten men were killed and 5 wounded in bloody fighting between private detec- Hiacgs - and striking miners at Mattea ‘wan yesterday and last night, aceord ing to the Sheriff of Mingo county, whe I:«2)turned this morning. The place is guiet today he said. All detectives not killed or wounded took flight to the hills. ON SOUTHERN NEAR ATLANTA. ROBBERS GET ONLY TLITTLE TOBACCO. ot = Atlanta, May 20.—A freight train of the Southern Railway was robbed near here this morning when robbers greased the track on a grade, stalling the engine. Only a small amount of Joot was taken as the marauders were .discovered shortly after breaking open a car. The robbers escaped with a small amount of tobaeco. ?ABLO GONZALES I 3 y! FOR MEXICAN PRESIDENCY WITH LEGISLATORS. Mexico City, May 20.—(Delayed) At an informal meeting of Deputies and Senators held Wednesday to dis cuss candidates for the Provisional Tresidency, the foremost candidate was Pablo Gonzales. The Supreme Court was announced ‘to meet for first tim~ gince the overthrow of Carranza. All the judges returned. Sheaffers Self-Filling Pens always writes all ways. Jones- Pate Drug Co. : \ i -.f:~:"’;‘ RN 7 — Gy S ".:’,' B 2 ‘ We have now divided | our entire stock of men’s high grade Shoes in two lots—the twelve and twelve and a half grades to go at $9.95. The fourteen and fifteen dollar grades to go at $12.45 ‘ We show the Bostonian Shoes in most any imagin able style in all the new shades of brown leather and also b}ack. Shoe shine card free with our shoes of eight dollars . and up. v A 9 ’ - RANTZIPER’S Cordele’s only real exclu | sive Shoe Store. CORDELE DAILY SENTINEL AT HAWKINSVILLE B RIVER CITY COMES HERE FOR RETURN GAME NEXT FRIDAY. PLAY IN MONTEZUMA WEDNES DAY. Local talent econsisting chiefly of high school players left this afternoon for Hawkinsville where they stage the first of a series of games to be played. Other games scheduled are ‘with Montezuma next Wednesday and a re turn game with the Hawkinsville tso sers which takes place here next Fri day. The Montezuma game will be played in that town. Outside of the regular High School games this is the first real effort to provide sport for Cordele this summer and the lads need and deserve the sup port of every lover of the game in the city. SAYS HARMONY SHOULD PRE VAIL AND STRONGEST MAN BE SELECTED. Los Angeles, May *.’O.fChanlp Clark will not attend the National Conven tion at San Francisco either as a dele gate or a spectator, according to a let terr eceived from him here today. The letter says harmony should pryvail at the convention an dthe strongest man should be nominated. He says he has not nor will not .drum strength for his candidaey. AT CHICAGO, EEING HELD ON SIDE TRACK TO FORCE PRICE I.Chicago, May 20.—With sugar re tailing at 25 cents per pound here, the discovery was made today of more than 3,000,000 pounds loaded in ears hidden away on an dscure raiiroad siding. This sugar is believed to hav been sent from Philadelphia. Many tages on car are missing in order to conceal the contents. Tt is believed the cars are held for ‘“chain reselling ?’ to keep up price o fsugar here, EORAH RESOLUTION PASSES SENATE. Washington, May 20.—The Borah resolution calling for investigation of campaign expenditures in behalf of Presidential candidates was passed by “he Senate. MATIONAL i COTTON BODY OPENS NEW QUARTERS Atlanta, May 20.—Installed today in their new home in the Kiser building on South Pryor street, officials of the American Cotton Association, both of the national organization and the Georgia division, have resumed active organization work. The quarters were moved yesterday from the senate cham ber in the state capitcl, which little, if any, interruption of business. A change of headquarters from the capitol ,where the cotton association has been located for many months, was made necessary on account of the space heing needed for the legislature which bgins its session next month. The new location, which is on the sec and floor of the Kiser building, affords better facilities in many respects for handling the work of the association. Sufficient office space is now provided for all dpartments. Furthermore, the location is more accessible to the downtown business district; enabling of ficials to handle office matters with greater faecility. COSTS G. 0. P. A LOT S——— Chicago, May 20.—G. O. P. wiil spend $150,000 to hold its National Convention here. LOST—Junior Number 1 Kodak in fase with strap, out of auto in streets. Reward if returned to Dr. W. J. Ford, 412 12th Ave. 221-3 t-pd THE CORDELE SENTINEL, OORflEL ,GA,, MAY 20, 1920. VICE FPRESIDENT MARSHALL SAYS PEOPLE WILL FIND WAY TO BEAT 18th AMENDMENT. Indianapolis, May 20.—The liquor issue was injected into the Indiana Democratic Convention today when Vice President Marshall declared ¢‘the people will find a way lawfully to les sen what some deem to be the rigors of th prohibition amendment. No wet plank however was contained in the platform to be submitted to the Con vention. The drys outnumbered the wets and the fight was left to the Frisco Convention. U S. NAVY RIGGER THAN BRITISH THEN SECRETARY DANIELS TELLS SEN ATE COMMITTEE. . Washington, May 20.—The enlisted and commissioned personnel of the U. S. Navy at the time of the armistice was greater than Great Britain’s, Dan iels today told the Senate sub-commit tee investigating the Sims charges, NG ADJOURNMENT Washington, May 20.—Beyond re cessing over the Chicago and Frisco Conventions Congress will remain in session the greater part of the summer it is predicted today. J. R. KELLY WRITES INTER ESTINGLY OF MIAMI, FLA. l Miami ,Fla., May 19, 1920, Editor Cordele Sentinel. Dear Sir: ; ‘ Quite a while.-ago you were kind enough to publish an open letter to my friends on Miami, Fla., and the Everglade lands. I now write again concerning Miami Beach, a separate incorporated ecity, claiming to be the fastest growing city in the world. To substantiate this, I give you a few facts and figures: At this time there are fifty three jobs now in eourse of construction, costing several mil lions of dollars. Sixteen hundred men are employed ,with a daily payroll of thirteen thousand dollars, building and creating playgrounds by the develop ing companies, besides various private buildings that are also now in: course of construetion. Among the various big enterprises be ing built and completed are the Flam ingo Hotel, Altonia Theatre, large aquarium, enlarging Casino, new school building, large oil storage tanks, elec trie light and power house, and the finishing up and the installing poles and lights for the street ears that are ito cross the causeway from Miami lCity and belt the island every one-half hour. Besides all the above there are forty five motor trucks, six tractors and ethree of the largest dredges in the world at work putting the finishing touches on the beach and waterfront. The Western Union Telegraph com pany has also just completed a new office~building. There are already sev eral large hotels and apartment hous ’(*s, churches, post office, garages and o great many residences and business ‘houses now occupied and doing a daily ?ilmsii-noss. In fact, a little new and ‘up-to-date city on an island of three thousand acres, It is ecalled ‘‘The Garden of Fden,”’ Land of Perpetual Youth and the Playground of the Rich. Most of the islands is taken up in play grounds, parks and beauty plots. The most noted sports are bathing, boating, fishing, polo, golf, tennis, au toing and flying in air and sea-planes and all other out-door, healthful sports, the ocean and gulf salt laden breezes and sunshine. Miami Beach is the magnet or meeting place of people from the North, West and aEst on account of its many attractions, chiefly its even temperature, Twelve months in the year where ‘‘December is as pleasant as May.’’ Miami Beach is destined to be the Pasadena of the Atlantic coast, the spot on which the greatest number of Florida’s finest winter homes will be built. Hotels and apartment houses five, six and eight stores high will oc cupy lots now vacant. Picture in your mind for years ago, Miami Beach jagged, rugged and VIRGINIA STANDS PIEST BALLOT TO BE CAST FOR CARTER GLASS EOR PRESIDENT Roanoke, Va,, May 20.—Virginia Democ: it «will go to the convention at San Francisco prenesred to east their first ballot for Carter Glass and pre pared to back up the Wilson Adminis tration in its entirety. This was the outstanding development today of the most tempestuons state convention in vears, , IS Lfi%%fi{%%ll{(gl’ OFFICIAL CIRCLES INCLINED TO BELIEVE IT TRUE. Vera Cruz, May 20.—A rumor that Carranza had been captured in the Puebla mountains is eredited in official cireles today. The last authentic re ports said that Carranza was still at large, but the belief grows that the revolutionary army leaders do not want his eapture ,and that he may be allow ed to escape to avoid the embarrass ment of a trial. - Revolutionary chiefs are bending energies to hring Mexico baek to normal. London, May 20.—A man was kill ed and a woman and a girl wounded in a shooting outbreak in Limerick. Troops patrol the eity. ’marshy'!‘fiislg‘xyd and contrast it with to ‘day. ’fi%vflun}: -what it will be four years figm today. Watch her grow. Te ot bTR twenty-five hundred to twenty-five thousand dollars, and 1 advise you to buy. Rgmombor now what J. R. Kel ly tells yon. You ean come and see and be eonvineed for yourself, or else trust him to select for you a nice res idence lot, fifty by one-hundred-forty feet, varying in price, not less than twenty-two hundred and fifty up to ten thousand dollars, and not more than four blocks from the ocean and bay, as the island is only eight blocks across, or a business lot in business sec tion at thirty five hundred to twenty five thousand dollars, according to size and loeation. The company is now putting its last bunch of residence lots on sale for.this season at twontyl }oight hundred to thirty three hundred ‘dol]nrs aceording to the location, at one-fourth cash, halance one, two and ithroev vears at six per cent interest, lany they guarantee to refund any dis is:ltisfivd customer his money back at six per cent. I have seen these these ilots and” know whereof 1 speak; you can shut your eyes and touch and take, land not make a mistake. I can buy or pick up some few lots at alittl e less price, say, twenty five hundred to three thousand dollars for more cash down .and maybe not so long and liberal [terms. Ocean and bay fronts are six ‘ly five hundred to sixty five thousand |dollars. No lot is over four blocks Ifmm the water. One more proposition. If you will but, I will give you my written contract to guarantee you a ten per cent net income on your mon [ey, if you will give me option to buy ::.r any time during three years time. ißut 1 advise you to buy and hold and |build a cottage bungalow and hold for iyour own profit, pleasure and conven jience, Last call, if you do not buy {remember J. R. Kelly’s advice and Ipropnsti(ms, and come down in one ‘or two years and let me show you the lots in question, then tell me whether 'or not I told you the truth and wheth er or not this was one of your failures or mistakes in life, Watech Miami Beach grow! Believe me, T am hones; T have been to Cuba, Los Angeles and Pasade na fifteen years ago and I failed and refused to buy there and have always been sorry. So far, my only regret in coming to Miami is that T did not come ten years ago. | Should any of you ever decide to come and will write me before leaving deseribing what you want, T will meet you and favor vou every way I can. Yours very sincerely, J. Ri KELLY, 619 Poincianna Ave., Miami, Fla, ENDORSES LEAGUE ; v UNNQUALIFIED PRAISE GIVEN AD. MINISTRATION. WOMAN DEL. LGATE SELECTED. Grand Rapids, Mich, May 20.—THar mory was the keynote of the State Demoeratic Convention which finished fts work last might. A full endorse ment was given the Peace Treaty and the League of Nations covenant, ‘“with out destructive reservations,”’ and the party pledged to give ‘‘our unfalter ing and loyal support to our beloved leader, Woodrow Wilson, Delegates go to San Franecisco uninstrueted. One woman delegate was chosen and three women alternates. Hoover was ignor ed by the Convention. NN IN ADIRONDACKS VOLUNTEER FIRE FIGHTERS ARE CALLED OUT. Fulton Chain, N. Y., May 20.—For est fires which have been burning for a week in the lower Adirondacks have gotten beyond control of the rangers. Public works were stopped today to get fire fighters. More than 2500 acres are already burned over. FEARS ASYLUM; KILLS HIMSELF Dublin, May 20—Because he fear ed ‘he would be sent to the insane asylum A. P. MdCormack, a white farm er living near Dublin ,willed himself carly this morning by blowing his head off with a shotgun in his corn crib near his home. No one was with him ,and it was sometime after the gun was heard before any one went to the corn erib. A single barrel shotgun, a small iron and a note book and pencil were found beside the body. The note to his wife follows: ‘“Minnie: I killed myself be cause I am crazy and didn’t want to go to the asylum. A. P. M.”’ In an \other note he gave his wife directions ‘about paying a bill for him, and told her also to notify the Woodmen of the World, of which he was a member. Mr. McCormack was 46 years of age, a native of South Carolina and had bheen residing at Dublin for years. He leaves a wife, several children, and a brother, J. M. McCormack of Augusta. WATER AND LIGHT MEN GATHER IN ATLANTA » - . Atlanta, May 20.—With more than a hundred engineers, superintendents and officials of water and light eom panies of Georgia, North Carolina and South Carolina in attendanct, the Tri- State Water and Light Association he gan its tenth annnal convention ut the Piedmont Hotel yesterday and will con tirne through tomorrow afternoon, eon culding with the eleetion of offizers for the coming year. Last night the delegates were the guests of Atlanta at Keith’s Lyric Theatre. This afternoon they werec taken on an automobile ride over the cit vand given tickets to the haseball game, as they preferred. Tomorfow afternoon a barbecue will be given in their honor at the ecity waterworks. The Atlanta entertainment committees was appointed by Rawson Collier, of the Georgia Railway and Power com panv. : COME EARLY TO THE And brihg your purse. Every thing cash for the One Cent Sale. THURSDAY, IFRIDAY AND SATURDAY Jennings:Drug Store THELREXALL STORE PHONE 92 'CORDTIE, GA. SPOT COTTON t Good Middling —aecacno. 40,00 | | SUFFRAGISTS MOVE ~ ONTO CHICAGO [F ' WYY TUREr . PILEWARE FAILS ] e 'IN SECOND ATTEMPT TO PASS | SUFFRAGE AMENDMENT, | i Washington, May 20.--If Delaware {again fails to ratify the suffrage amendment, a great protest army of wo [men will sweep upon the Republican {convention to demand ‘the reason why’ suffragists here anmounce, Thousands of women, outraged, arc eager to go | there leaders say. B |ANGI»RY BROTHER TELLS OF { ARSON; HOME SET ON FIRE | Hazelkurst, May 20.—John Sharpe rand Nat Hayes, brother-in-laws, were anrested here today under a warrant charging arson for the alleged burning of a home in this county the first of the vear. - More than six years ago a prominent farmer of the county, G. W. Chapman and Patterson & company of Douglas, icommonood an action against the ‘Hnyos family for the recovery of the {fnrm upon which was located the burn ‘ed house which had been sold under judgment and mortgage. The suit was litigated at different times by almost every member of the Hayes family, and during the last litigation a deed was offered in evidence made to certain children of the Hayes family which was dated several years hefore those children were born, and which correct ly stated their names. That was the last litigation over the property, and a writ of possession issuned, but before the sheriff served the writ the defend ants and the house burned that night. Nat Hayes had his brother, Steve Hayes, delivered to the sheriff on some misdemeanor charge yesterday, and 'and the action of his brother so en raged him that he told the officers that his brother, Nat, gave John Sharpe $5 to burn the house after Nat had taken out the doors, windows and other parts of the house, and that }the»y were stored in an outhouse at his home, Judge Gordon Knox, who nows owns the property in question, and was con nected with the land litigation, had a search warrant issued and when the sheriff confronted Steve hayes’ wife with the search warant and related to ‘her the information given by her hus band she bared the entire plot and ear ried the officers to the hidden property which resulted in the arrest of John Bharpe and Nat Hayes. DEMOCRATS FIGHT OVER BEER IN PARTY PLATFORM. Baltomore, May 20.—The outstanding question before the Democratic State Convention here today is whether the convention should go on record as fa voring a ‘‘wet” plank in the party’s platform. A lively fight on the adop tion of a resolution favoring light wine and beer is assured. London, May 20.—Premier Nitti has succeeded in forming a new Ital ian Cabinet with himself as Premier, says a dispatch from Rome. Nitti was Premier in the proceding cabinet. NUMBER 121