OCR Interpretation

The Indian advocate. ([Sacred Heart, Okla.]) 1???-1910, April 01, 1902, Image 18

Image and text provided by Oklahoma Historical Society

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/45043535/1902-04-01/ed-1/seq-18/

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ii4 The Indian Advocate.
Those who possess any real excellence think and say the
least about it.
Slugs crawl over our cabbages as the world's slander
crawls over a good name. You may kill them, it ' ; true, but
slime remains.
To procure real domestic happiness, four things are neces
sary: "A merciful God, good health, a good housewife and
a happy death."
Inspire a child with right feelings, and you will govern its
actions; hence the truth of the old adage: "Example is bet
ter thanzwr."
The best, the surest-course is never to have recourse to
deception, but prove ourselves in every circumstance of life
equally sincere and upright.
Although war is still waging in the Philippines, neverthe
less the Benedictine monks of .Mount-Serat (Spain) have for
several months past taken up their peaceful employment of
educating the natives. Despite the fact that some of them
have been in danger of death (being accused of treason to
their country), the good Fathers, with a truly Christian ven
geance, have decided to devote their energies to the well-being
of these benighted people. To this end they have erected at
Tanday, one of Manila's suburbs, a college, which at present
numbers 60 boarders and 140 day-scholars. The Philippino
of to-day is in great need of a solid education. A new sedu
cer has again appeared in the person of American sects and
our Government, both of which are bent upon the introduc
tion of their pernicious school system.

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