524 THE INDIAN ADVOCATE The feast of Our Holy Father St. Benedict, which this year occurred on April 5. was celebrated with usual solem nity. On this day, the Feast of Our Holy Founder, four of our Clerics, Bro. James O'Keefe, Bro. Jerome Wichulis, Bro. Celestine Smith and Bro. Benedict Ryan pronounced their solemn vows. The beautiful ceremony of profession took place in the Abbey church and was witnessed by a large congregation. Mr. and Mrs. O'Keefe of Oklahoma City, parents of Bro. James and Mrs. Wichulis of Alderson, mother of Bro. Jerome were visitors for the occasion. It has been for many years the desire of the Benedictines of Sacred Heart to establish an educational institution in Oklahoma, which should be second to none in the State in equipment and scholastic achievement. This project at last approaches realization, as the Fathers are about to es tablish a college in Shawnee which will undoubtedly be classed among the foremost educational institutions of the Southwest. The learning and ability of the Benedictine Fathers of Sacred Heart is unquestionable, but there has been thus far insufficient field for the display of their academic at tainments; but now, thanks to the zeal and business acumen of the superiors, coupled with the munificence of Mr. Mar tin Fleming and the Shawnee Development Company, the plans of the past are certain of execution and the citizens of Oklahoma will at last be in a position to give their sons the advantages of a true and thorough Christian education.