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i The Commoner. "Vol. a, No. a8. I.O Ft ( TS WHETHER COnnON OR NOT. Ren! Heroe. Whllo wo'ro giving our attention to tho heroes of tills earth And are boosting some to glory ov'ry day, Lot us, not contract tho Idea that the . men of greatest worth Aro tho men whoso deeds consist ' of great display. .War produced somo mighty horoos wlio have loft a deep Impress And aro worshipped by tho mon of ov'ry climo; But when talking of real heroes let us honestly confess Thoy'ro tho mon who Icoop on hust ling all tho time. Lot us not annox tho idea that a hero's horn of war, For tho greatest heroes novor fought And the mon who did most fighting as a rule you'll And thoy aro ' Fellows who wore very seldom in tho right. No, tho very groatest heroes that tho roll of history fills Nover had their deeds or worth writ up in rhymo. Thoy'ro tho heroes of the workshops, of tho farms and of tho mills They're tho heroes that keep hust ling all tho time. You may talk of martial horoos till tho toot of Gabriel's horn, .And declaim about your warriors till you're hoarse; But they're not the greatest heroes that into tho Avorld were born, For compared with some their work is very coarse. Tho real heroes wear no tokens save tho blisters on their hands; Thoy'ro tho toilers that abound In evrv cume. Thoy'ro tho very bono and sinow of all times and of all lands Are tho men who keep on huBtllns all tho time. Bostyn Beansbako, and rolling down upon her marble chocks congealed and fell to tho floor with a plunk like that wo hear whon tho iceman leaves a 25-cont chunk on tho back porch In tho morning. For several momonta tho silence was unbroken save by tho steady plunk, plunk or tho frappod tears hitting tho tiled floor. ' Finally Miss Bostyn Beansbako dried her optics and remarked: "Well, my dear Mr. Brownbread, there aro worse things constantly evolving worse things than inoculat ing frail human forms with tho dread ed microbes of disease. I will be bravo, Mr. Brownbread. You may pro coed to place your lips In juxtaposition to mino, and microbes may get in their devastating work if they will. At ,least wo will depart this life happy." A moment later pater familas was arousod from a doze by a sound as of a tired cow hurriedly romoving hor hoof from a very deep and sticky mud-hole. ' Violated the Code. Everett "Wrest "Why was Woman Weery expelled from tho Ancient Or der at Sons of Slumber?" Will Knottoyle "He was detected In the act of working off a gold brick on an unsophisticated guy." These Perilous Microbe Days. "Mr. Brownbread," remarked Miss Bostyn Beansbako, speaking in trap ped tones, "I am truly delighted to greet you this evening, but before you perform the customary osculatory greeting as becometh my fiance, permit me to propound few Interrogations." "What is it, Miss Beansbako?" quer ied Mr. Brownbread In tremolo tones, hastily stowing a clovo In his mouth and striving to still tho pulsations of his throbbing heart. "Mr. Brownbread, before Inaugurat ing your pilgrimage trom your custo mary domicile did you think to an noint your lips with a well-recomr mended anti-septic solution?" ' "I did, beloved." "Did you" and a steely glitter glinted in the optics of tho haughty Boston maiden "did you properly sterilize your breath after imbibing the ultimato decoction?" v With a slow murmur of horror Mr. Beaconhill Backbay Brownbread stag gered to a seat. "Alas, I allowed that duty to escape from my mental per ception," ho moaned. Tears gathered in' tho eyes-of Miss With one accord tho minions clust ered more closely about the form 01 their chief and listened intontly. "I'vo got a plan that has worked elsowhoro, and it'll work hero if wo do it right." "Make your spiel, chief' whispered one of the minions. "It's this. We've got to go into politics." "Aw, how's that goln' t' help?" queried a minion that did not think rapidly. "Listen, men. We'll- go into politics by givin' big sums to campaign funds. When our side wins we'll insist on one of our number beln' appointed to prosecute the rest of us, an' they can't turn us down, 'cause we elected 'em. See? Then our f oiler will ignore tho criminal statoots an' confine his ef forts to havin' us injuncted from goin' on with, our business. See?" With wild huzzas tho minions gath ered their chief upon their shoulders and danced gaily up and down their cavo. A Rhyme of Woe. There was a young lady in Me. Who had love of tho stage on the bn. But she found not a placo For tho reason her face Was so awfully, horridly pn. Why They Escaped. . "Hollow, Blinks; hear you were visited by burglars last night!" "Yep. Thoy climbed In a back win dow and took every cent wo had, to gether with all my wife's jewelry and the silverware." "Did they awaken you?" "Yes. Heard 'em getting In at the window." "Didn't you try to stop them?' "Yes. Slipped out the back door and over to Judge Thingumbob's to get an injunction against them, but they were gone when I got back with tho writ." M A Great Scheme. ' The bandit chief had been in a thoughtful mood for several days, and his minions walked on tiptoo so that he might not bo disturbed. Finally a glad light shone in his eyes. "Men, come hither!" he exclaimed. They came. "Men, I have conceived a great idea. For many weary yeard we were unmo lested, but finally a sheriff appeared who seemed to think that he wns elected to enforce the laws, and a whippersnapper lawyer elected prose cuting attorney had tho same fool no tion. You know what happened. Thimblerig Jake Is sorvmg ten years. Gold Brick Phil is up for fifteen. Long Knife Scotty jumped through a hole in a platform at tho request of the sheriff, an' wo'vo been dodging over since." ' ' "That's what," murmured the min ions. "Mon, we must do something." "Hurrah!" they shrieked. "Yes, wo must do something; and I've got It all planned out." ' Ambiguous. "Do you think Lyman is a truthful man?" "Well, I think Lyman would be a good man to act as censor at Manila." The Modern Annanlag, Standing on the river's brink A tiny minnow greets his eyes At home he makes the neighbors think Ho lost a bass six pounds in size. Egotistical. Wraggsby "I see the Daily Whoop er is running short sketches of the fathers of great men' Jaggsby "That so? What issue did you see my father's sketch, in?" Reversible. "Sir!" exclaimed Senator Grabball, "I have never used my vote for the purpose of Influencing the speculative market." We accepted the senator's emphatic denial, but after thinking about it for a short while we were startled to see what a great difference a trifling rearrangement of his words would make. The Pressing: Question. 'Tis not of Cuba wo would speak, Nor is it annexation. The thing we would consider Is By far a worse vexation. The time has come to think about A larger, vaster question What can w do to circumscribe The ice chest's great digestion? Is a considerate husband or his wlfa a masterful woman. Fathers who buy good books seldom have to search the police court foe wayward sons. It does not take a boy long to de cido which his father loves best, tho con or the horso. Some peoplo contribute to charity like a street car conductor collects a fare with the ringing or a bell. Husbands who expect to, get to heaven on the piety of their wives are go'ing to be sadly disappointed. Some men possess minds too much like slates the good impressions are easily erased, but the scratches remain forever. Many peoplo pursue a wrong course knowingly, and when trouble "cornea because of it excuse themselves by saying, "It is destiny:?' The man who would depend upon a trust beneficiary to demolish the trusts is just the kind of man to set a fox to guarding his poultry. A baby's smiling face at the window is a better welcome home thanvall tho bric-a-brac, paintings, tapestry and statuary ever manufactured. When you compare a miner's hovel with an operator's mansion you have to admit that one is getting too littla for his wage or the other too much for his capital. Our modern philanthropists should bear in mind that history does not re cord the name of the poor widow who gave a mite, yet she will be remem bered long after the names of , mod era philanthropists, have been, forgot ten. ' -!. Will M. Maupin. ' Grata Leaks. Undisputed fiction soon becomes history. True benevolence has no signal Tjell attachment. Honest victories are not won by dodging issues. People who have no sons are always chock full of advice about how to raise boys. When wo see a man who, always wipes his feet before entering the house wo always wonder whether ha A Democratic Comment. The Quincy Journal is one of Hhe Illinois papers which can neither bo hoodwinked nor terrified by -the reor ganizing element. Speaking of the ac- tion of Don M. Dickinson in suggest- ing Roosevelt for president in 1904 and Choate in 1908, it says: Don Dickingson is one of the demo crats that we have got to "harmonize" with. Don is just as good a democrat as Cleveland, who promoted him, or. Lamont, or Whitney, or Hill, or Olney Why not call B;on home and ask him what kind of a platform he wants to pufup for 1904? If we don't do this Don will bolt again as he did in 1895 and 1900 and vote with the republicans. These bolters must be satisfied some way and about the best way to satis fy them is to put them in charge of tho party and toll themto write the platform for 1904. And when they do this they will poll about as many votes as Palmer and Buckner did in 1890: Damage, and that onTy, can come td the democratic party by- jockeying with these bolters of 1896 and 1900, It is a great mistake to put them In tho ieau 01 me party again, lor wnen tney can't run it their way they will try to wreck it. They have done this in the past, and thoy will do it again in the future without compensation. In dick ering with such men as these, the dem ocratic party is selling Itself, soul and body, and nothing but defeat and dis aster Will come to it through such a course.' - ' . f i f-