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" re'r''tT4fm' 12 The Commoner. VOLUME 12, NUMBER 39 I UM 1 If U !' ' ' ' T GINSENG your irarden. tiiT all about It The most vatiublo crop In llic world. Uaslly grown throughout the Unld States and Canada. There is room In Send (our rents and ret our bookie' No 7 tell mtUOWKl.L UIHBKAU UAIUIEN, Joplla, Ho. Tobacco Factory Wants Salesmen, gSidjIwoi and rrnmntlon. Hxperlenee unnecessary. we jrlvc Complete instruction. Piedmont Tob ceo Co.i ! "-26, uantiu, r gates had a clear case," be said. "The preponderance of right was on their side, and yet I thought there was some right in tlio position of their opponents, in that California had changed the national Bystem of mm mimmiiiHTfflTHWwiTnnnni W 4 Ete Kk fcj9.ll xrSr -,s c J-T,- The Economy of A New Rang It ia a mistaken idea of econ omy to try to cot alongrto nttompt to got results with an old worn outran froor cook stove merely to savo tho prico of av now one. xou can probably stick a lenifo blndo any whero in tho ccams of your worn out range whero tho bolts aro looso and thostovo putty has crumbled away and you 'ro burning twice tho fuel necessary. You can uavo tho prico of a Great Majestic in tho savinj? of fuel alono and that would bo irood management and real economy. Don't trust wholly to a printed description in buying a rango, becauso a very glowing description can bo given of a very ordinary rnngo. If you aro considering a now range, it will pay you, beforo inventing your money in any rnngo to go to soma dealer who handles them and carefully compare, point for point, with any other the Great Majestic am in am I Too Reservoir! mm Malleable aiad Charcoal Iron Range A Perfect Baker Fuel Saver Outwear Three Ordinary Ranges ONLY range made of malleable iron and charcoal iron. Charcoal iron won't raat like ateel mallcablo iron can't break. Put together with rivets joints and scama absolutely air-tight always. Oven lined with guaranteed pare amocmioB ooara, covcrcu witn an iron grato you can ece it wonting a a pendabte baking boat with half tho fuel required in ordinary range. aij copper iviovnmo uctcrvoir inner Ljr. elusive feature "" iwiki;fc utaiiipuu j.rum ono piece 01 copper patented f caturo only in Majestic jvKn Anurmumctet open ena tun pan Jfl ventilated ashpit ash cup. Sold by dealers ia In nearly every county in 40 Btatcs. Wrlto P for oar booklet, "Ilanee Comparison." Majestic Mfg. Co., &" Depths , St. Loaif. Mo. e 3snnnrrrrmTrn PctiomVmu:.! '.TftVCnOH E24fWCESU(V Mumr 'BcrocmoHai UWV9H J IfflJUrT-PAM C&fVAKvFl lSaHALSi crrr. jowai u. la i Hi mmwztim We TeachlfbuHow To Run a Tractor Teach vou rieht in vour own hnmR. wWfcnnf I loss o time from your regular work. jur correspondence uourso in Traction Farm- inr and Enfrlnfierini is thfth:f- nrnl mef r-.-r,:t ever offered. It is written by acknowledged experts in their line and in language so simple that everyone can understand. !SS A course ot 15 lessons, in booklet form, that tells you everything about I th rnnctrnritlnn nnnrotlnn anA rnn. f ,- - n "V " 'General Definitions" to Lesson 15 on "Plows and Plowing," the entire course is lull of practical information that you cau use with profit in your daily work. Prospective Buyers Aro yon timid about buying a tractor because you fear you cannot run it? Don't hesitate I This course helps you to select tho best tractor. Teaches you to become a successful operator. How to make proper adjustments and ropalrs. Tolls you why a tractor makes farm work easy. Shows you how it earns and saves mouoy for you. Tractor Owners You need this course. It tells you how to better and cheapen your tractor farm inc. Gives you short cuts for making re pairs. Explains how to lay out a field. How to make all kinds ot hitches. Wage Earners Do you want to earn more? Tako this Course. It teaches you to become expert traction engineers. Tractor owners, every where, want competent operators. The knowledaoyoueetfromthecourse.makeslt easy! or you to obtain a fine pay ins position. Practice Schools . Later In the season we hold Practice Schools, conducted by competent Instruc tors, at twelve cent rally located points in the heart of the f arming districts. These prac tice schools aro free to our Correspond ence Course students. Watch this paper for our practice schools announcement. How to Obtain this Course FREE Write us today for full information. A postal request will da HART-PARR COMPANY 20 LAWLER STREET CHARLES CITY, IOWA representation, and, as it seemed to me, changed it to disadvantage." Colonel Bryan devoted most of his address to recommendations as to the platform the California demo crats were to adopt. He declared for the New Zealand postal vote by which traveling men and other ab sentees might retain their votes while away from home; modification of the state primary law; more strin gent trust expenditures and contri butions, and supervision of public moneys at interest. He arraigned Mr. Roosevelt's attitude toward the trusts, which, he said, was less logi cal than that of the socialists. To the amusement of the demo crats, Colonel Bryan was captured by progressive republicans and ad dressed their state convention be fore entering the democratic conven tion hall. He confined his remarks to an expression of appreciation at being asked to speak beforo a re publican convention. Sacramento, Cal., Sept. 25. Clos ing a California campaign tour that demonstrated his great endurance, William J. Bryan addressed a series of meetings here tonight and de parted for Nevada. For three days the Nebraskan has been hurrying up and down the state, delivering in that time more than a score of speeches and taking side trips that caused him to traverse a total of 1,600 miles. Mr. Bryan spoke in Oakland today before returning to this city, where he had addressed both the republican and the demo cratic conventions yesterday. His speeches today and tonight followed the general lines of those delivered in the two preceding days. He ex pressed his opinion of the several can didates for the presidency and re viewed the proceedings of the na tional conventions. AS A BULL MOOSER SEES IT Tho Los Angeles Daily Tribune, a Roosevelt paper, prints the follow ing in its Introductory of its news report of the Los Angeles meeting: For what William Jennings Bryan has done in the past, for the pro gressive principles that aro advo cated, and Indeed symbolized, by Theodore Roosevelt and Hiram Joh son, for what he himself might have been had the democrats chosen him ad, their standard-bearer this year fdr these Los Angeles turned out yesterday and welcomed the "great commoner" with a mighty welcome. At each of three meetings ad dressed by Mr. Bryan yesterday there wero cheers hearty, soulful, gen erous, spontaneous cheers for two things for himself as the patient, martyred leader of a fight of twenty years for the, common people as against the nowarfnl nnH f. h gressive principles that go to make up the platform on which tho two real progressives in this campaign Roosevelt and Johnsonstand. For the democratic party, for its erudite candidate, for the principles for which ho stands, or is supposed to stand and for the local men as sociated with Mr. Bryan during the day, there was a modicum of enthus lasin, But he touched iha nnin wu ?e JfieJred modesty to himself, as he did frequently as he was forced to do in recounting the history of th?,,Pa few months in the world political. They would not let him minimize his own part. They made his speech for him as regards his share in the progressive movement in his party. And he suffered them, it was a great, popular, friendly welcome to a big, friendly, courage ous man, and it was a welcome to warm sterner hearts than that which beat beneath the black alpaca coat wprn by tho country's greatest demo cruu Mr. Bryan arrived very early wna hustled to the Hotel Alexandria and The Law of Gravity or Atmospheric Pressure will run a 4r. horse power machine by a simple me chanical contrivance. For particulars COLONEL A. WILSON DurlinKion, loivn. Big Progressive Weekly t pportunWw in tho West for ambitious men. 0 mnrAT1,! trial, Mc Weekly Capital, 804 JikJ T su, V PATENTS SI5CU1C1SD OKFfiB reo report as to . J atentablllty Illtiptriitcd Uuldo vi0&4? LJst of Invontlons Wanted, eent ireo. VIClOK J. 1SVAN.S & CO., Washiiurtoib.a SAVE YOUR EYES Simple Home Treatment Will Ennble Vou to Throw Aivny Your GIiinncs "HOW TO SAVE THE EYES" IS THE TITLE OP A FREE BOOK At last tho good news can bo pub lished. It Is predicted that within a row years eyeglasses and spectacles will bo so scarce that they will be re garded as curiosities. Throughout tho civilized world thero, has, for several years, been a recog nized movement by educated medical men, particularly eye exports, toward treating soro, weak or strained eves rationally. Tho old way was to lit a pair of glasses as soon as tho eyes wero found to be strained. Theso glasses were nothing bettor than crutches. They never overcame the trouble, but merely gave a little relief whilo being worn and they made the eyes gradu ally weaker. Every wearer of eye glasses knows that he might as well expect to cure rheumatism by leaning upon a walking stick. Tho great masses of sufferers from eye strain and other curable optic dis orders have boen misled by those who were making fortunes out of eyeglasses and spectacles. GET RID OP YOUR GLASSES Dr. John L. Corlsh, an able New xork physician of long experience, has come forward with the edict that eve glasses must go. Intelligent people everywhere aro endorsing him. The Doctor says tho ancients never dis nffured their facial beauty with gog ufV y emPloycd certain methods which havo recontly been brought to the light of modern science. Dr. Corish has written a marvelous book entitled, How to Savo tho Eyes," which tells how they may bo benefited, in many cases Instantly. Thero is an easy home treatment which is just as simple as it is effective, and it is fully explained in this wonderful book, which will bo sent free to any one. A postal card will bring it to your vory door. This book tells you why oyeglasses aro needless and how they may be put asldo forever. When yeu have taken advantago of this Information obtained in this book you may be able to throw your glasses away and should possess healthy, beautiful, soulf ully expressive, magnetic eyes that lndlcato tho true character and wlu confidence. BAD EYES BRING BAD HEALTH f,?4.r Co:ls1 E?cs farther. Ho assorts that eyestrain ia Hm mnn ri.un. 1, .i aches nervousness, inability, nourasthe- ii-r " aiuupiessncss, stomacn disorders, despondency and many other disorders. Loading oculists of tho world confirm this and say that a vast amount of physical and mental misery is duo to tho influence of eyestrain upon tho norves and brain cells. Whan eye strain is ovorcomo these ailments usually disappear as if by magic. FREE TO YOU The Okla Method, which is fully ex plained In Dr. Corlsh's marvelous book, is tho method which is directed at mak ing your eyes normal and saving them pom the disfigurement of these need less, unpleasant glass windows. If you wear glasses or feol that you should bo wearing them, or if you are troublod with headache In the forehead or ner vousness when your eyes are tired, OTr1 ?day to Okla Laboratory, Dept. jSGBA, Rochester, N. Y., and ask them to sond you, postage prepaid, free of all charge, the book entitled, "How to Savo tho Eyes," and you will never regret tho step taken. : t , , WAITFB Amaa or woma.U or spare ttme. to esour b kv information for uo. Kxperlacfl not neces mt. NothlnetoMll. GOOD PAY. Send stamp for pr tlcaUn. Address M. S. I. A., Inlanp!l, Indian r