Newspaper Page Text
First Quarter Output Second Highest in History AN*s Production Estimate (17. S. and Canada) WEEKS ENDED MARCH SO. MARCH 23 Jan. 1 Jan. I ll Week Same Week Mareh to to Ended Week Ended Tntal Apr. 1 Mar. SO 4 Mar. SO 19S9* Mar. 2S* 1940 1939* 1940* 4 MOTORS . . 44.648 81,824 44305 180.199 413376 535.008 uP- let+ 27.000 20.275 27.150 113.560 242.910 521.455 1 22*° 6.688 4,465 6.606 27,707 63.659 84,324 a & 0 * 0 . 5,300 3,173 5.296 22,108 46,136 61313 f °. n nhilp 4300 S * o2l 4 ' 9oft ,9 - 442 49 ' 306 574160 Al*S*\W 860 590 848 3.382 11365 10.076 !! iSv'«IFR 244115 18,890 20,660 97,022 236,921 302,401 11390 9 ' 475 ,(Uo ° 48 - 307 J 146,393 U 7,650 6,275 6,750 29,737 78,215 94376 lD |er"" 2.'B° 1,720 2,160 11,018 23.541 35,000 J 1395 1,420 1,650 7,960 18.610 26.132 ' 28,744 20320 23315 91,369 247,792 288.237 IRU . + '-"’ 20,450 18,200 20320 78,805 212.342 249,284 L ' ?„.jit ' 2355 1,670 2 360 9,755 26,795 30305 ' !ta7>nhvr 739 650 735 2,809 8,655 8,648 "rnfICBAKER* 2.476 2373 2884 1,809 19 ' 581 *2,743 rKARO 1320 1,005 2349 9300 13345 21,909 2.050 1 350 2,050 8.089 15,030 19,785 1.536 1 387 1,176 5,778 21363 16,722 P J;, VS+ t 150 1,197 2 355 4 376 7,289 * IvTAMt “ t 80 85 272 970 899 Smobile * 100 * * 400 * jfJxLANEOISt ... 7350 4 335 7,760 33.010 62,015 91,694 n>TAL+ 108339 82354 106,781 445303 1,087316 1316,637 wised, tlncludes trucks. IClosed. Miscellaneous includes Crosley, „ Autocar, Brockway, Diamond T, Divco, Federal, GMC, Indiana, smational. Mack, Reo, Sterling, White, etc. sed Car Stocks Decrease , AT AM Adds 18 Members nil to Automotive News CHlCAGO.—Addition of 18 mem n during the past seven months announced by John E. Raine, undent of the Automotive Trade ®. Managers. The roster of the Blip includes local and state mciation managers and execu it secretaries in the United ites and Canada. Just added as members are tori Behotaguy, of Arizona Auto sbile Dealers Assn.; Verna P. toner, Ohio Automobile Dealers ■n.; Harold Murphey, Sioux City II) Automobile Dealers Assn.; ml Herman Schaefer. Automobile tilers Assn, of Indiana. Raine released a report from Plant Activity kntam closed kick steady; 6,688, five days li-LaSalle steady; 860, four days Vvrolet. steady; 27,000, five days Irysler steady; 2,780, five days fcSoto steady; 1,995, five days W f e ... .steady; 7,650, five days r ord steady; 20,450, five days nham resumes assemblies Mon. hdson steady; 2,060, five days hcoln steady; 739, five days toh steady; 1,536, four days UimobUe. .steady; 4,800, five days l *ek*rd drop; 1,920, three days Tymouth .steady; 11,890, five days hntUc ... steady; 5,300, five days tadebaker steady; 2,476, five days Tilly* ... closed New Passenger Car Registrations, 40 States for February, ’4O-’39 Figures supplied by R. L Polk & Co.. New Jersey Motor List Co., and for New York City ares by Sherlock 6t Arnold * CHRYSLER GENERAL MOTORS FORD NON-AFFILIATED as t, N a 3 I 9 STATES S 5 e £ 3 6 e Sill 2 * °3 STATES I la 1 S 3 - | t = 1-3 2J , ! 5 ss i | s * i -s ie js l| _ g QQ sSh|c * 5 ~ 5 £ Qh U e| B g T £ £ £ S OH | T»tal 31 sutc* -40 3514 2282 7570 11960 28356 87871 363 29371 590 6200) 7341 52652 19527 693 2873 2309 S 15| 2978 j 3 2030 2387 SSS 4 636 50 115534 ; 40 Total 31 State* lwFebrn*rv '?Q 1 Slfi 6178 117*»7 21. r >66 6208' 355 19508 53< 4130 4688 35426 15158 603 1717 17477| 139| 1627| 15 18401 1341 1417 315 26 | 81089 39 tor February fwfi£ 1125 SSti 32 843 It “ 193 " 1631 1994 882| 67! 147: *0961 3 .'lift 70) 111 1441 M) 21 4340 1 40 Florid. 4 ® 8 ‘ -H 8 ml SSI SI 550 56] 119' 1171 1135 f 836( 66 99 990 i7f 89 64 67 68[ 37 16 3356 39 ill — i'l writoil - 1061 65©- — lii“TSi 70 590 j 5181 3268 ) 976)* 49) 150 XllS| ) 167| 1 114) 2o«i i» 4lj 7) 710*1*4# M .-...chu.rU. tu *2j ?®2' Jill Jifil 67 1 1494 ttl 661 572! 35541 114df 78( 135, 1352 17 170( 6 19S( 17l( W 34f 9| 8276i’39 «!»£££ to iql —« n\ !ilO ~9U ~ 307 10T~H96| 1« 194 ) 200! 1918 1 805) 17) III] 983 j «t] 86 sft) 154| 6 1, 4150 40 Mlnne.oU •39 94 3$ 43 344 620 191 6i 704 13 98 12l| 11831 569| 15! 68] 662 *4! >4l 2 69 27] 7o! lsl 2624 39 v *br»,l« .... q ~ .. , 7q iij m 3 8 481 » 7.9 76 728 103 11 56 470 f 11 21) 151 881 ST~ | 15981*40 Nrbrs*ks -.2 S *2 S \s m ~2 1 476 6 M 69 714 I 167 12 35 614 i 27 29 S HI ?! I 1651139 iSKm • -I -A] 193 »9- 613 m 10 10101 7 IH7 207 1«&4 J 7«1 34 9» NW 61 1 53 S 3) 58) So| I 8879*40 Oklahoma -' 8 2 JR H2I St 5l 7 867' 14 127| 1461 1361 I 78< 16| 731 844 1 19 1! 361 291 s| 9906*89 ~n m im 7504 7 921 “1471 "975] 324 24 52 400 1 43 > 7s mi 40 ~i siMroo o r ,*,m 42 *2i ?? ! 22 liw si 362 s' 67 1 92 6371 2511 22! 40 1 313 9 20 6 571 141 ssl 101 2 1466139 i 2601 1818 1100 61 3965 112 lOSST 1159| T 7561 ~1143| 102 281 2526 8] 8961 ] 2911 «3) 524 j I*B4 111 199181*40 i*. nn.ylvaala 42 U JI f?2' 5522 *2? ?1 2309 «9i 700 676, 4763 1 1616| 86 215 1 1917 16 178 : 2 270| 90S| ?70! 44 9 11027|'39 SrSrft- ™ ***\ 99|'35»| 35»5 it 204| 1 ill] —*S*| —-Iwl” "■ U 7”T2Wio To - n Ur «h 126 511 i«l! 1 41 *24 2781 110' 8 25 143 I 841 | 10 13 fSf ~J\ 1 6i©|*4o Wyomi.f l > 39 BfHlSfer .... „,r .n«ai ■> 1028 11367 12911 .Vls 12254 -^L?sbni» r r 42 ”' 9 , SsinSSlfiS? fiokl 29155 890 6UB 6854 53.391 23.5.39 977 ! 2632 27148! 2061 23521 32] _96«l 19041 22331 4811 67 123176 39 for Febraary r,jß| iSr-iSS sSS u „. «COl9 1709 108199 26. M 23392 26591 198.V11 71892 3111 10M7 8.5890 56 9781 13 7tfMl 8796 11977 ttiifl f4f *4ilß4B*«S Total *39 55?2 SIS! |4713| 479031 JSSI 3M74 1890' 75636 3684 17867 18359 141700 61080 2916 7142 71137 556 5912 93 6.568 1992 5788 1159 168 336387 39 lo Date managers in 10 key cities, showing that used car inventories in each, as of March 1, declined by com parison with Feb. 1. Peoria. 111., with a 24 days' sup ply made the best record, while Columbus, 0.. with 53 days had the heaviest stocks. Here is the break down by cities: City Reporting Days Dealers Supply Chicago 250 46 Columbus, O. ... 63 53 Denver 29 34 Detroit 60 31 Kansas City .... 60 45 Peoria. 11l 16 24 St. Louis 41 - 36 San Antonio .... 17 31 Toledo, O not stated 51 Washington .... 50 34 Detroit Dodge Dealers Set Open House Week DETROIT. Detroit’s Dodge dealers have set the four weeks of April aside as “Spring Open House Weeks.” Display floors are spe cially arranged with new car ex hibits in spring colors. Many of the showings include models of Dodge Luxury Liners w’hich the motoring public will see for the first time—such as the Hollywood model, and convertible coupe. For a fresh automotive viewpoint, read George M. Slocum’s “A Word in Edgewise. - ' AUTOMOTIVE NEWS, MARCH 30, 1940 1*316.637 Vehicles Assembled: Week Total Is 108.339 By Pete Wemhoff Associate Editor DETROIT.—Second only to 1929. first quarter production of cars and trucks this year totaled 1,316,- i-i. u aa .f’ 637 units. The rec ° rd PrHKtm tsniilt* o( 192 9 saw 1,- 130,000—1 546,319 units as =. sembled. while 125,006 th « previous second - high 120, - ve * r 1987 when 1,302,103 11aaaa7 units were 115,000 _, . , This turned out 110,000— Week First three = +2 months of this 105,000 | year show a 24 if!* percent gain 100,000— Wert over tbe 1i0 63,- 95 no<>Z. 958 cars and •= trucks produced 90J)0O in the corres = ponding quarter 85,000 of 1939. This 5S March's output 80,000— Last which is esti- p Year mated by AfTo -75,000 mottvb News at = 455,503 units, 70.060 topped the 389,- 489 vehicles as -65.000 sembled in 1939 by 15 percent 60,000 but was well be “ low the 519,022 4 n. J k * n March, 1937, ' and the 626.026 units assembled in March, 1929. However, this March’s produc tion showed a five percent increase over February output of 421.820 and approximated the 449,314 vehi cles turned out in January this year, a new high for that month. As a result this March's assemblies is considered highly satisfactory. Assemblies for the past week are estimated by Automotive News at 108,539 cars and trucks, which is a slight advance over the previous week’s 106,781 units and exceeds the 82.854 units produced in the comparable of last year by 31 percent. ! General Motors group total for the week, ended Mar. 30, is esti mated at 44,648 units, a fractional decline from the 44,805 cars and trucks assembled in the previous w f eek. In the corresponding period of last year 31,824 vehicles were turned out. Chrysler Corp. assemblies rose to 24,315 cars and trucks this week, as compared with 20,660 units in the previous week and with 18,890 vehicles in the pe riod of last year. Production also showed a slight drop at Ford’s this week, the total being 23,744 cars and trucks as against 23,816 units in the previous week. In the comparable period of 1939 Ford divisions turned out 20,520 cars and trucks. New Passenger Car Registrations January, plus 40 States for February Feb. to Feb. 1040 1939 tldt Date Pos. 1040 Po*. 1930 Po*. Gain Chevrolet 42.254 1 108.199 1 75.626 1 32.573 Ford .. . 29.068 2 71.892 ? 61.080 2 10,812 Plymouth 21.928 3 54.915 3 47.902 3 7.013 Buick .. 12.911 4 36,019 4 25,274 4 10,745 Dodge .. 10.983 5 27.497 5 24.712 5 2,785 Pontiac .. 10.388 6 26.591 6 18.359 6 8.232 Oldsmobile 9,251 7 23.392 7 17.867 7 5.525 Chrysler ... 5.219 8 12,593 8 9,212 8 3.381 Studebaker 4,830 9 11,977 9 5,733 13 6,244 Mercury 4:153 10 10,887 10 7,142 9 3,745 Hudson 4.044 11 9.781 tt— 5.912 12 3.869 Packard 3.519 12 8.790 12 4.992 14 3.798 De Soto 3.237 13 8.374 13 6.243 11 2.131 Nash ” 2.869 14 7,204 14 6.568 10 636 Cadillac-LaSalle 1.475 15 4.360 15 4,574 15 214* Lincoln-Zephyr 1,103 16 3,111 16 2.915 16 196 Willys 970 17 2,648 17 1.459 17 1,189 Graham 22 18 59 18 556 18 497* Hupmobile 5 19 13 19 93 19 80* Miscellaneous 98 241 168 73 Total 168327 428343 326387 102.156 •Loss AMA Estimates Feb. Car. Truck Sales at 283.973 _____ _ M } DETROIT.—RetaiI sales of pas senger cars in February were higher than in any other Feb ruary in history, according to Automobile Manufacturers Assn., and truck sales were higher than any save February, 1937. Passenger car sales during the month were 236.856 units, 43 per cent more than February. 1939. while truck sales amounted to 47,- 117 units. 32 percent more than last February. Sales of both pas senger cars and trucks were higher than in any other February, reach ing 283,973 units, or 41 percent more than last year’s February figure. No Fatal Accidents Mar N. Y. Fair in '39 NEW YORK.—A new record in safety achieved by the New York World's Fair is announced by the Greater New York Safety Council. Not a single fatal accident mars the attendance record of the 1939 fair, when admissions totaled 32,- 846,761 in six months, from May through October, the council de clared. First aid treatments in the pe riod numbered only 2,410. Of that number, 1,179 or 62 percent, were for falls while persons were on the level, while 239 were slips that did not result in falls. Most of the accidents, the council found, occurred in streets and roads at the fair. This total was 1,889, while 462 happened In buildings and concessions, and 59 elsewhere in the area. Pete WemhofTs Fourth Dimension offer* new* of automotive advertising- Sales ISear Record WOOSTER, O.—New car sales in Wayne county, one of the richest agri cultural areas in Ohio, from Jan. 1 to the middle of March were 46.4 per cent above sales for the same period last year and are running ahead of sales in the peak year of 1937. QUILL SHAFT WRITES RECORD ON NICKEL STEEL An interesting combination of en gineering skill and unique struc tural material is the quill shaft used in aircraft engines produced by the Ranger Engineering Cor poration, Farmington, Long Island. By precisely proportioning dia meters and wall thickness, this Nickel steel quill becomes a flexible member which transmits cush ioned, uniform crankshaft torque without friction dampers. Inter nally and externally the shaft is ground to a fine finish to prevent stress concentrations. The uniform wall thickness is only 0.226 inches. The forward end is a plain spline, the rear forms a gear spline. Despite extremely heavy loading, this shaft must be relatively small in diameter to provide flexibility under torsion. These severe re quirements demand a high fatigue limit, hence the quill is made from heat treated SAE 3340 alloy steel, containing 34% Nickel. I THE 1 INTERNATIONAL NICKEL COMPANY INC. Now Tart, N.V* r nickel! L ALLOYSJ 11