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i His1 Subscribers Not Receiving Their Papers Promptly Will Confer a Great Favor by Notifying the Office At One. THE WEATHER. Tonight mill ThiirHiluy Huln, warmer. Monday IIIkIi -10, low tit; rnugo -10. Medford Mail Full Uaaed Wire Refwt. United Press Association. Tho only paper la ike rorld published in a olty tho size of Modford liav- Jig a tensed wire. 4 FOURTH YEAR. MEDtfORD, ORMUON, WE DN USD AY, NOV10MJ3ER 17, 1909. No. 207. Tribune BETTERiVIENT TORNADO COUNCIL'S LAKES THEME PILED Passage of Ordinances Show Great Strides City Is Making In Civic BettermentThirteen i Are' Passed. NEW FIRE TEAM TO BE PURCHASED FOR CITY Much Business of Routine Nature, But of Importance, Is Consid ered at Meeting. The passage of 111 ordinances by tho city council nt thoir regular meeting Tuesday evening, declaring thu coMt of laying wutor and sowur mains and levying auHeuHinentH on thu different prowrticH benefited, Ik but atiothur evidence of thu great strides Medford is making in civic betterment. Kach and every Meet ing of thu council at present sees much of thu titae devoted to the pnsxugo of Huch ordinances, and each oio pussed tnunuH another street improved. Ordinances declaring the cokI and rate for tho construction of water tmiiiiH on Mistletoe, Nnrrognn, New town, (IraiR1, West Fourth nnd North Ornugo .streets were punned. . .'i it .i.A .... of lateral sowers on Summit avenue, nluiifc thu alley through block 25, Riverside avenue; alley hut ween D'Aujnu mid Central avenue on Ninth, Hamilton, Orange and on Ornpe street from Twelfth south to the city limits were passed. Tho pint for Wihhvood addition was submitted and ordered plaited on file. The ucreeineiit submitted by Ilert Anderson, Hay Toft, tit nl., for a utreot in tho lmHrial addition was accepted, nnd the street and road committee wati instructed to cuter into negotiations with J. C. Smith for the purposo uf acquiring luud for the said Htreet. The license fee for bootblack stands was fixed at $5 per month, hnid HtaudH to contain nit more than two chairN, The mayor wan iiiHtruetod to con fer with I. I). PhippH for tho pur poso of soouring a Htreet running from tho went cud of Washington Htreet to Jackson, with the object of securing right of way to Hoar creek and tho building of a bridge noross the stream at that point. Councilman Kuioriok wus appoint ed n committee of one to purchuso a fire team for tho city. Mayor Canon nnd Councilman Wortmnn and Kifert were appointed a committee to negotiate the Hale of the water main bonds, with full power to act in thu prcmiHCH. A potition of the property ownors on Beatty Htroot for the establish ment of thu grade thereon, wiih re forrod to the city engineer. A potition for u water main on Eleventh Htreet from Mistletoe to Hnmiltou wiik referred to the city engineer. Doud of L. I), Cnnfiold for land for utreot ptirpoHOH, accepted and order ed recorded. Married In Medford, Wednesday, November 17, by W. II. Canon, jus ties of thu pence, Carl Cobloigh and MIhh Bossiu Nutting, both of lluttu Fulla. -r LIPT0N SAYS HE WILL TRY AGAIN NKW YORK, Nov. 17. Do fore Balling for Europo today, Sir Thomas Lipton ndvisod tho United Pross to state positively that ho will challongo again for tho Am erioan cup. -r -r Wind Blowing 60 Miles an Hour Sweeping Every thing Before It-No Less Than 30 Men Have Lost Lives During Past 48 Hours SGores of Lives Threatened .in Gale. DULUTII, Minn., Nov. 17. Scores, of liven arc threatened today by a tornado, reaching a velocity f 00 miles an hour, that in sweeping over Lake Superior. Today's storm i filled with hiiow nnd it is feared will do more damage than the ouo that haK passed over the lake Counting the men that have been washed overboard from vessels weathering the Htorm, it is estimated today that not less than III) men have IohI their lives within tho hint 18 hours. A steamer believed to be the Ionic has gone down with 20 men aboard near Crisp 1'oiut, off Grand Mnrais. Although the wreckage has been found, no bodies huve been recover ed, nnd it is imssihlo that the sail ors may have been picked up by li passing vessel. The steamer Ottawa is practically JM00PAI0 , FOR 16 ACRES Minneapolis Man Buys Place Owned by Late Captain Carroll, Two Miles West of the City. A. N. Towusend of Minneapolis nnd Charles Luck of Seattle bavo bought, through thu agency of J. E. Bnrkdull and .1. I). Olwell, tho 'JO- acre tract owned by the late Captain Carroll, two miles west of Medford. Tho tract is ouo of tho choice onus of that section, and .1(1 acres of it are planted to trees, tho balance be ing in alfalfa. Tho price paid was $lf,000. Through the same agency, Mrs, J. E. Enynrt has purchased the resi dence properly of ). V. Cox, cor- Lner of Central avenue nnd Eleventh street, paying therefor .foTi(H). This proporty is 100x100 fc,cl ni siro and Is one of thu choice residence loca tions on South Central, G. Miller sold this week to J, C. Hall his residence property on South Central avenuo for $1100. II. L. Greer, lately of Pittsburg, I'a has invested in Itoguo ltivcr valloy land, having recently' con cluded tho purchase of lft1 acres of land adjoining tho city limits on the south, and set in two-year-old trees, from W. W. Glasgok, paying therefor $77fi0. ITALIANS PASS BOGUS MONEY; SHIPPED FROM ITALY (United Piohh I.ensod Wire.) NRW YORK, Nov. 1(1. Cuiseppo Mouollo and thirteen other Italians arc under arrest horo today acousod of selling counterfeit $'J nnd .ff hills. Tho detectives allege that tho money was made in Palence, Italy, and was shipped to Morollo horo in olive cans. EIGHTEEN MEN LOSE LIVES WHEN STEAMER SINKS (United Proas loused Wlru.) ROME, Nov. 17.- Eighteen men woro drowned whon tho steamer Adalgsia huuIc off Rriudsi,. accord ing to advices rooolvod horo today, Tho vessel is reported to have struck a reef. OF ORCHARD RAGING OVE UPERIOR: SHIP UP ALONG SU a wreck, the aesnit of turning turtle while the crew was being taken off the vessel. Captain ltirnio nnd a sailor arc dying from exposure. One man is known to have gone down with the schooner Iouis Itch low. The steam bnrge Francis Hiuton was wrecked, but its crew escaped, The crow of the tow barge Com merce narrowly escaped when tho vessel went ashore near .Manitowoc and was hammered in twain by the force of the gale. The lives of 'Jit men nnd a woman who refused to leave the steamer James II. lloyl stranded on the rocks near Outer Island, arc imper illed today. With the wind sweeping everything before it, it is feared that the steamer will bo blown from the rocks into deep water and go down. TREE PLANTING Citizens Appointed as Board to Reg ulate Matter of Beautifying Streets of the City of Medford. Mayor W. II. Canon has appointed a street commission to co-operate with the ladies of the Greater Med ford club in tho planting of trees on the streets of the city. Tho new commission is composed of L. G. Porter, W. W. Glasgow and .1. 13. Watt. Tho commission will oversee tho matter of planting trees in the city nnd will also he given power by the council to regulate the varieties of tree-, their planting and trimming, as well as keeping the irrepressible small boy from damaging them. The commission is to meet soon with tho council and city ntto'rucy in order to determine what degree of authority can be delegated to them regarding the regulation of all mat lei's of the planting of the trees. Tho trees have been ordered by thu club and should bo hero early in the coming week. Then tho tree planting will commence in euruest. RACING SEASON CLOSES TODAY IN 0GDEN, UTAH (Unlltnl Press I.rasod Wlr.) OODUN, Utah, Nov. lO.--Tho rac ing Honson will closo In Ogdon with today's racoa. Tho moot of 15 days this year has boon a failure financially on account of cold wcathor. Many of tho horses horo wilt bo ahlppod to Onlclnnd for tho winter. DE LARA TO CELEBRATE DECISION OF NAGEL (United 1'reiiH I.onsod AVtrt.) LOS ANOHLKS, Cal., Nov. 10. Al though ho nor his nttornoys ltavo ro celvo doftlclnl Infprnmtloa of .tho dropping of tho nnnrchy charge that was proferrod against him, L. Gulo torroB Do Lara la preparing with lila frlonds for a celebration to mnrlc tho ovont. IT. P. Colo of Coles, Cal., wns here on business Tuesday. MAYOR AM COMMISSION CASES APPEALED Fifty More of the Cases Whore Men Were. Ct&Vlctcd of Disorderly CondHct or Speaking on Street Appealed. CHICAGO ATTORNEY TAKES CHANGE OF LEGAL FIGHT Damage Suits Filed Thick and Fast Against ?Clty for Arreses During Trouble. (United PrifB Leased Wire.) SPOKANE, Wash., Nov. 17. At torney Oavid K. Tone, associated with Clarcuc Harrow, nrrived from Chicago to take charge of the Indus trial Workers, of the World in the fight for free speech. Kifty more cases where men were convicted of disorderly conduct for speuking on tho strcetk were npH!alell to the su perior court today, making a total of 110 wise. Robert J. Huston, nn Industrialist. who camu iui .court yesterday with bis shirt mailed with blood, signed an affidavit , today charging tho of ficers with Seating him into'uneou- xciousncss sv?d knockipg out mkiic of hit-Jiiwjh trJi-ltiv. knuokjc,.. yhen no was coin men in jnn. anouicr damage suit will bo filed ag;iir t the city as a result. The Huston affi davit alleges that conditions in the jail are terrible and tho baths given the imprisoned Industrialists consist of a stream of very hot water, fol lower by a shower of very cold water. No arrests were mado up to a late hour today. SCOIT TO MAKE DASHFOR POLE British Naval Officer Is Making Ar rangements to Travel In Search of South Pole. ' (United Press Leased Wire.) LONDON, Nov. 17. Captain Scott, tho British naval officer who intends to make a dash for the south pole in August of noxt year, said to day that he hopes an American expe dition will iitnrt at the same timo and "make a nice for it." "Tho American party," said ho to the United l'ress, "could make a .start from the Horn, on America's side of the world, and strike tho great ice barrier somewliero in Gra ham Laud. Wo will roach tho ice wall at McMurdo Sound and follow tho route taken by Lieutenant Sliack loton, who scored tho "farthest south" 111 miles from the jwle. "It is likely jdiat tho two expedi tions would moot and continue to gether in nu effort to reach the polo. Two such purl tea ottaeking tho problem from different points and perhaps ultimately co-oporating, would ho of inestimable benefit to exploration and scienco." Captain Scott's proposal is an an swer to thu many tontntivo offors of money from America to his expedi tion fund, Ho is trying to raise $'200,000, and the money is coming in lsowly. While grateful for tho numbers of offers from many wealthy Americans, he wants his to !e u slrictlv British expedition, Tbo pollco aro reoolvlag nuny ap plications from imprisoned Indus trialists for employment on tho chain gang. Many of thorn havo docldod that tho call of tho Innor man Is moro Important than tho honor of tholr causo, III! 0 PACIFIC I EASTERN TO OPERATE AMI CRATER Will Run Line From End of Road to Grater Lake and on Over in Klamath-ContraGtors Suffer From LaGk of Ties and Bridge Timbers-Com-.pany May Build Their Own Line. Next year the Pacific & Eastern railroad will co-operate' with the Southern Pacific in taking tourists to Crater Lake. The road plans to operate an automobile line from thj end of its extension at that time on to Crnter Lako, and from there down to Klamath Falls, where tho Southern Pacific can ngnin be taken by travelers. For some time John K. Allen, president of the road, has been engaged in working out the details and has taken the matter up with the Southern Pacific officials. Mr. Allen expects to have the road completed to Butte Falls and prob ably further by the opening of the tourist season next year. Wherever the extension ends ut that time a:i automobile line will be extended on to the lake and down to Klamath. This will give tourists an opportun ity to visit the Inke at n minimum of CHANCES ARE GOOD, WIRES WILL HOOKER Man in Charge of Local Car of Spltzenburgs in Spokane Sends Very Cheering Message. J. A. Perry received n telegram from W. A. Hooker, who is in charge of the car of Spitzenburgs shipped to the Spokane apple show from Tronson & Guthrie's orchard last evening. Mr. Hooker says nothing in his wire concerning hto alleged change of rules in scoring apples, but does say : "Chances for car good. The show is fine." Of the several telegrams received by Mr. Perry from those on the ground, no word is snid of a change in tho rules since tho car was en tered and shipped, which would in dicate that that report, was without foundation. Tho Roguo Rivor Fruitgrowers' as sociation hns also been informed that tho apples exhibited by them at the A. . P. exposition 'were award ed a gold medal. COLDEST IT HAS BEEN IN PAST TWENTY YEARS With the thormomuter as low as 20 degrees, tho weather of tho past few days has been tho coldost known in tho past 20 years for this tune of year, Tho weather man says now, howevor, thnt it will bo warmer soon. A. C. Howlott of Eaglo Point was callod to Portland Tuesday owing to nn accident which occurred to his sonMn-law, Q. H. Shaw, who was shot In tho faco several days ago by tho accidental discharge of a gun In tho hands of ono of his nolghbors, Mr. Shaw 'Is now In tho Good Samar itan hospital nt Portland, and Is rest lug easily. Mr. Ilowlott's object In going to Portland Is to bring his grandchlldron to tho family homo, at Eaglo Point, and thus rollovo tholr mothor of tholr caro whllo hor hus band la recovering from his wounds 0 LINE TO NEXT MI expense and with the advertising of the lake which the Southern Pacific has promised to do next year the travel should be much heavier than it wus this yeur. With the distance to the lake cut in two, as it will be when the road is completed to Butte Falls or beyond, the time needed in which to visit the lake will be greatly reduced and the trip much more easily made. Tho machines to be put. on will be large, comfortable ones and there will be no excuse for tourists not taking ad vantage of the side trip. Construction work on the Pacific & Enstern is going ahead rapidly, but at present the contractors aro suffering from a lack of ties and bridge timbers. President Allen states that if these cannot be secur ed soon that the company will erect their own mill and cut their own timbers. WICKERSHAM AIDS TAFI ON MESSAGE President Will Advocate Creation of Interstate Commerce Commis sion Court to Settle Rate Cases and the Like. (United Press Leased Wire.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Nov. 17. It wns learned that Attorney-General Wickershara bus been working for three months on the task of putting President Taft's ideas on the in terstate commerce commission, the anti-trust law and the plan for fed eral charters for corporations into shapo for presentation to congross. It is now certain that these three tnntters will bo among tho most im portant subjects before tho next ses sion. The president will ask congress to tnke action upon them and it is ex pected that his recommendations will be directly in lino with his ex pressions made in public spooches during his recent tour of the coun try. Ouo bill will provide for creating nn intorstntu commerce court of five mombors, to settle all questions ap pealed from tho interstato commerce commission nnd from which no ap peal may be taken except upon con stitutional grounds, nnd then only to tho federal supremo court. It will bo proposed that the com mission bo given suporfision over stock nnd bond issues. A proposed amendment to tho Sherman nnti-trust law will limit def inition of "crime" to conspiracy, combination or contract ontored into with actual intont to mono)olizo or suppress competition in interstato trado. DISTRICT ATTORNEY MULKEY IS TO RESIDE IN MEDFORD M. Bellinger hns sold two lots on South Grtuio street to District At- tomoy Mulkoy. It is the intention of Mr. Mulkoy to build nn tho lots in tho spring nnd to tnke up his res idence in Medford. Tho snlo wns mado through W. T. York St Co. . A. E. Joff of Portland is in Mod ford visiting with friends. LAND FRAUDS ECHO IN Puter and Mo.Klnley and Others Again In Limelight Through Suit Brought to Recover School Land Certificates. WISCONSIN MAN ALSO AFTER $18,000 IN CASH Value of Lands Involved Is Ap proximately $30,000 Case ta Come Up In Oregon. , (United Presa leased Wire.) PORTLAND, Or., Nov 17. S.' A. D. Puter, Horace G. McKinley, Geo. Sorenson, J. Ole Storey, Ed H. Flueck of Seattle and tho Storoy Bracher Lumber company are again in the land fraud limelight through the action of Henry E. .Sulzor of La Crosse, Wis. Snlzer bus begun suit against the defendants named to re cover possession of certificates cov ering GS00 ucres of School lands and $18,000 in cash, which he claim were taken nway from him through fraudulent deals on the part of the defendants. The suit is to be brought in the United States court for the district ofQregan, but has not-s yet. bea fitfcL Tho value of iho luud involved isaid to be ap proximately $30,000. The story' of tho deal involves transactions in Oregon school lands in the Blue mountains covering 10,- 400 acres, which were secured by nenry Hyde, of Hyde-Benson fame, nnd Henry E. Snlzer, n well-known Wisconsin Inud buyer. KOREANS SAID TO BE FOLLOWING HONORABLE JAP (United Press Leased Wire,) DENVER, Colo., Nov. 17. It be came known that since the arrival iu this -city -of the Japaneso trudo en voys, Baron Shibushawa, tho leader of the delegation, nnd other member of tho party, havo been guarded by special officers detailed by the chief of police. Soon after the commissioners ar rived here, Shibushawa became awnr that he was being shadowed by Kor eans. This fact was communicated to the police and Detectivo Cnrr, who was a member of Tuft's guard dur ing tho president's visit to Denver, wns detailed to protect tho oJpnncsw notables. (Carr secured a, detail of polioe, which was to keep in clone touch with tho party and be in read iness to respond to call. Baron Shibnshawa is rumored to be tho Mikado's choice as successor to Princo Ito, who wns assassinated at Harbin. Tho circulation of tho rumor among Denver's largo Korean population led the nuthoritiea to fear an attempt nt violence whiio the barou was the city's guest. ST. PAUL GIVES NOTICE INCREASE IN FREIGHT RATES (United Press I.easoJ Wire.) CHICAGO, 111., Nov. 17. Notitc has boen given of nu inoreaso in the proportional rates m effect on tho St. Paul road on a largo number of commodities which are shipped Into this country from tho Orient. It ia said this wus done to avert n rat war involving tho Canadian Pacific and other roads. Tho Canadian Pacifio will make similar changes, so thnt nil trans continental lines wiU bo charging tho sumo proportional rates on im ports from China, Japan and the Philippines. It is understood that other rondtf tried to induco tho St. Paul nnd Ca nadian Pacific to make a corre sponding incrouso in their propor tions! rates on imports from Cbinti, Japan nnd tho Philippines. J. Y. Holmes of Portland U in Medford for ft few days yiait.