8 THE MEDFORD "MAIL TIUBUNM, M151)jVQR.D, QR1SC1QN, THURSDAY, NOVHiMliMK. 18. UK)!). iifilii ASQUI1H ILL FEAR FOR LIFE CRATER CLUB 10 II KU OF COL ASiOR OPEN FRIDAY Mnl'iri'o!. Wt Iitlii-i mi wen I o (trail T!nr, m! n:i l. Married- in Mo.jfoiM Ncvomi.or t;. Uproar Over Motion to Ilejcet Bud- Has Not Been Hoard of for Nearly Pleasant Evening of Entcrtnluinont oy Ker. w. i. uvuraer. rvon u. Cissady r.ud MIm Mary B. Richard- THAN KSGIV1N G Wilbur Hndron of Sultm re- j twwing old ncquaintiuiPes in Med ford. He if former luwdent. , II. V. Anderson of Trail i in Medford laying in winter supplies. The house which has blocked the stroct near the i-nilroiul truck near th residence of V. M. Kenredy, has bwn moved further Iwck on the lot. Jackson street is much improved thereby. Charles Muon has lol'l for Port land, whore ho expects to locate. 11. C. Stokes of Applegnle was visitor in Medford Wednesday. Charles Obonchnin of Putto Kails was in Medford Wednesday. Henry C. Wilson of Gold Hill i visiting friends in this city. West Jackson, Grape and other yet Will Mot Lead to tho Resignation of the Premier. (t'nltwt PrM trscd Wit.) LONDON. Ndv. IS. Premier As quith, according to the pronont de termination of the government, will not resign with tho cabinet, even if the lords do overthrow tho budget. Neither will the government alter the budget. The Liberals plan to Mtnnil pat" and play for popular favor by dnr- Two WeeksBelieved He Is Lost In Southern TwHaUtt. Plnnnori for l;ormal Opening of the Club. (L'nIUd Pr-M Leaaod Vlr.) NEW YORK, Nov. 18. -Every const station of the United Wireless Telegraph company is today trying vainly to locate the Nonrmalml, the palatini yacht on which Colonel John Jacob Astor ami his son, Vincent, have been cruising in Wet Indian waters. Tho room fitted up for the ( in ter lnko Social club in the Young Hull building, on Front street, will be formally opened to tin1 ':.! !'n day evening at 8 o'clock. A program, which will cninpne lectious by some of the ho.t enter lainers of Medford, will I le mil' nt the features of the occasion. The Hiuclrigg orchestra, Profc-nr It., mamiff, .Messrs. Andrew-. Miiiuc-k. SUGGESTIONS OYSTERS. CLAMS. CANNED SALMON. VAN CAMP'S SOUPS. VAN CAMP'S CAKED BEANS. ENCHILADES. CHILI CON CAR ME. Asiuitu may threaten the creation of enough new jeers to pas the . A , t , I streets in the northwest part of the i uro. or uc may go to iving r.u- "iuu nun n ins consent 10 mc Nothing lias been heard from the vcsMl since the gale of a week ao. .""' others will contribute t tli ...I .1 i I .. . , . ... . , ,1... ! which swept iiauuucu, ami iir. .-- .j,'"i " " iumiif. ing the lords to overthrow the entn-U'X'. who secured a divorce from herj 1,10 ohibronins arc udmtrnhU tut mons. If the olrds nersist. Premier ! husband on November S, tears that I ,M' "I 'he object for ulm-b i ho city are resuming their natural state, as water mains have been laid and the trenches refilled. 1'rofe.xr-or O'Gara leave- Friday evening for Grants Pass,' where he is scheduled to deliver an address be fore the Horticultural society at that place on Saturday. He will go from Grants Pass to Salem, where he will investigate fruit conditions in the Willamette valley for a few days. 0. H. Wat.-on of Ashland was a Medford visitor Thursday. County Inspector Myers and hi? corps of assistants have about fin ished up the cleaning out of the in fected trees in Medford, and will next devote their attention to Central) Point. Only two more towns beside i Central Point arc left to be cleaned up Gold Hill and Woodville and they are practically clean now. Colonel Frank Ray wa in Med ford Thursday from Gobi Ray. W. B. Williamson of Albany is spendmi.' a few dav- n Medford J. W. Whitney of thi budget, ignoring the lords. BUSINESS LOCALS. Wednesday m Grants Pass on bu-i uess. Clarence L. Retime- wa- in Jack sonville Thursday on professional busiuoss. H. C. Conner of Ashland spent Thurday in Medford on bu.-iness. The weather man says that it will j ruin tonight and Friday and that It! will be wanner. Persona willing shndo treed V. plant In front of their homes, phone D. U. Wood. Main It. or after fi o'clock, Mrs. J. F. Iteddy, Main 321. 211 Orders for sweet crenm or butter iiilk promptly filled. Phone tin Jrenmtrr. Hear the celebrated lay musicians at the Nash ri. 'JOti' Ella Gaunyaw, public stenographer room 4, Palm buildinc. Hear the celebrated lady musicians at the Nash prill. 20R' Do not forget, there will bo an ny-ter supper at the Christian Tab ernacle. Wednesday. December S, given by lite men of the church. All are invited. A good time is prom ised you. on(; itest menl for the least money ity -pent j fhrt --Pot afo the vessel was unable to weather the storm. v oionci 4sior nns not neen m communication with New York for PJ days, and it is very probable th.it the outcome of his wife's divorce has not reached him. Fearful that her son und divorced husband have met with disaster, .Mis. A-tor is still in this country mid will not leave for I'uropc. IIOTKIi AUIUVAI.S. Music at the Nash trill durimr lunch and dinner hours. 200 Dwt moat for the least money at tho Spot cafe. Music at the Nash srrill during I lunch nnd dinner hours. 200 I Orders for sweet cream or butter I milk promptly filled. Phono tho creamery. There will be a sale on some par- John B. Collins of Portland is!V , T, , B , ' ?" , , spending a few days with friends i..!y "nd ay o' ach ' f - the valley ! Howard's Millinery store. Wntch Walter Atkinson of Sam's Valley ithe w,ndow t,,1",,ay- 208 .'o- ..,..,.,t :.. M...ir...j t I i .vuviJl lll,rt III .iiu.l I III ,1. .111. Atkinson reports a badly cut road in Ins section REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Harry Miller of Roxy precinct was i 1,1,1 'V JnokiS01.1 lo Ka Clir' a recent visitor in Medtonl. Colonel Frank Ray expects to start hi.- snwtnill at Gold Ray in the near future. Kmest Cannody of Ruch was in Medford on business Wednesday. Frank Harvey of Trail i- in Mod tor don business connected with the forestry service. Mr. and Mrs. H. Turphi. pioneer farmers of Ro.vy Ann, delivered .)() choice Thanksgiving turkevs to lo- -cal morehants in tlm nitv Mnmliiv teuis, land in section 1, township :t.j. 1 east J. H. Carllon to T. K. Niched-, part J. J. Fryer D. L. C. 10, township .'10, 1 west W. II. Hamlin to B. P. Bon son, lots in Woodluwii Hei'dits addition, Medford K. Hunt to C. F. Hunt, land in section 8, township .'!.", 1 west Kate C. Matins to Mary Als. dorf, part D. L. C. An, ? l,.)()(l 4,300 10 10 10 At the Nash-Mr. and Mm. W. M Thompson. Chicago; Mrs. StolH mor, ('.rants Pass; J. . Portland: I). M. Itlordan, New Yoi P. Houdry, La (JraiiKe. Miss. .1. Dobbins. San Francisco; A. S. (lold smith. San Francisco; II. A. IIIiih brow. Portland; W. T. Jeffries. Port land; W. I,. Killer. San Francisco: W. It. Davey. Sjui Frauclwco. At tho Moore Xoah Frederick, Portland; K. C. Sharpc. San Fran cisco; J. W. Holmes. Portland; O. S. Hutchinson. Portland: II. F. Cole. Colse. Calif.: .Mrs. J. A. Hell. Iteil dltiK; Fred ItaKKinw. A.ilent: (!. W. Clraves and wife. Lob AtiKcles: J. S. Matistrud, Phlladeliibla; A. N. Hol- iiian, Portland: A. K. Jeff, Fiu;cnc. At tho Palace K. 10. Smith and wife, city: Thos. Mooney. city; It. W. Scott, city: W. 10. Shanan. Portland; 10. V. Olion. Portlaiul: .Icnics Owens, city; .lesslo Itoblnson, city; A. F. Stenntt, Ashland: J. A. Martin. IleaK le; J. A. Miller. Lake Creek. club was organized, that i-, the so cial enjoyment of the members ami a place where friends of the niein- ! hers mik'hl be entertained and where' visitors from other cities might meet j representative eitixcus of .Medford. F-tsv chairs, tallies for urn tin;! ami the latest papers and periodic.! 1 will be proidcd, so that the ,-ib I member will feci fully at Inure All the things which gu t.. im ,. a modern club will be iiiihuii; Hie I t j li.ii.. ..I' ll I.. I. .. . .. ,..(,3 v.i iuu uiiik niiims, nun ine m of nlieiidants will also he pri i Star Sliced Bacon IHIS BACON CO.MKS IN iIKR.MF.TICAI.LV SKALKH dl.A JARS AND IS RKAliLY CIIIIAPFR THAN THAT SOLD I : 1 11 PIFCK. AS WK PUIt'CIIASKD IT BKFORK TIIK UAISK. REX GROCERY CO Tho fair to be held by the hull i of the Christian church opens this evening. There will be a proKram Thursday. Friday mid S:.tuida evenings and a turkey dinner Saim day from 1 1 : :io a. m. to 2 . m f.ivt'iiclii,! fl T 1 wnu! Frank Hammond, the Kvnns creek ! p p sir,i,.ii.r- t. A,i,ii,. V rancher, brought Mr. Coks. tho crip-i 'skecters-firiffiths. land in pled timber cruiser, to Central) s(M,ti(m o.J, owns,ip n7 o Point Monday and continued his trip wegj J to jvieaioru nnu wns ine guest or nisij A (ier to w shjpp, ioo brother, Alva, on North Central av-1 ' nc'rcs fieoti town- ?nuc- j ship 41, 1 east , I Mrs. Bud Knighton, a worthy pio- F. Lay to W. D. Roberts, lots neer ladv of Eaglo Point, came over 7, 8, 0, 10, Lumsdcn's nd- ' on the Pacific & Eastern Tuesday, dition to Medford I returning borne in the evening. Like G. P. Liudley to J. D. Skin mnny others, she was astonished nt j ner, lot 1, Lindley's addi the rapid growth of her favorite city. I tion to Medford 4,2"0 ?1 HOME CURE FOR ECZEMA A Methodist Minister Recommends I Chamberlam's Colic, Cholera 0:1 oi V intergreen, Thymol Glycer-j and Dlarrhooea Remedy. ine, Etc., Used as a Simple Wash , "I havo used Chamberlain's Colic, It really seems strange that so I Cholera und Diarrhoea Remedy for many people suffer year in and year I several years for diarrhoea. I con out with eczema, when it is no longer sidor it tho best remedy I havo ever a secret that oil of wintergreen I tried for that trouble I bought n hot mixed with thymol, glycerine, etc., ! tie of it a few days ago from our makes a wash that is bound to cure. Did. obstinate enses, it is true can not ho cured in a few days, but there is absolutely no sufferer from ec zema who ever used this simple wash and did not find immediately that wonderful soothing, calm, cool sonsa tion that comes when the itch is tnk- w . I en away. Instnntiy upon applying n druggist, Mr. R. R. Brooks. I shiui ever be glad to spenk a word in it- prniso when I havo tho opportunity." Rev. J. D. Knnpp, pastor M. K. church, Miles Grove, Pa. Sold by Leon B, Haskins' Pharmacy. Notice. Owing to tho fact that our Christ- fow drops of the wash tho remedy mas postals arc coming in and wo Jukes effect, tho itch is allayed. I are crowded lor room to display tnoni There is no need of experiment tho patisnt knows at once. Jrstoud of trying to compound tho oil of wintorgroen, thymol, glycorino, olc, the right proportions oiir Kfllvos wc aro using n prescription which is universally found tho most oftivo. Tt is known as tho D. D. ' D. Proscription, or Oil of Wintcr rreen Compound. It is made by the j;, d, D. Compound Company of Chi cego, ,d our long oxporioncn with this "dy has given us grout con fidence iu " i merits. Medford Phar macy. 1 we will offer all postals at n 20 per cent discount for ono day only, Sat urday, November 33. This will af ford a good opportunity for you to lay in n supply for fiituro oorro- ,KpnrdSig at a price that will pay you. Look over our Christmas goods that aro coming in, It is a pleasure to show thorn. Remember, .$1 worth of postals will only cost you 80 cents noxt Sat urday. The Blue Jay Postal Shop, 331 13. Main st., up stairs. Frank II. Hull, proprietor. Too Late to Classify. FOIl KENT NIco house keeping rooms, furu'slied with bath and electric IlKhts. 'JO South Orange stroet. 210 WAN'TKI) Ort'ssmnk Ills'. All kinds of plain and fancy sowing done at 005 West Main strcof. -'13 FOB RENT Furnished rooms, nt the Palm. 207 WANTED Tomorrow, good service able team, wight 1000 to 1 100 pounds, any color except gray; nlso harness ami wagon, for cash. C. A. Lux, care Moore lintel. OIVINO OUT. Tlio Ettugcic .Jl.icour.iKoi Many a C1U on of M'oioni Around al. v' . .vur. tic' ing Inu-k; , mi) plcaxurc .r ..g.. bo hrnn fit derived fr. t r ,., t Vontx't Kidney Pills. vero enso of kulr .. ,nn My back aclipil coiiHtn.'" ,in. i , .i i vcntiM never get x". t a. i I i , dull, dragging pain t . -r. ,,, j which robhod mo of M I inm finally procured a box . Mean's KM I ncy pll! at Hankln's dr '. ( ' ' only took a nhort uue of i n i , to cntiroly enro me. I give 'tic ' lor tfto great chango to Iioan .. t r ' mi,. For irilo by all dialers. I'r cents. Fostor-Mllburn Co., Now urk. solesolc agents for tho United HtatM. Itomombcr tho name Doan 's r,nd tako no other. 30 Can't rest at night; Knougb to mako any ono "give out." Doan' Kidney fills will glvo re nowol llfo. Thoy will euro thn backache; (!iiro every kidney ill. Hero is Medford proof that Is so; Mrs, O. L. Itoone, cornor Ninth and C streets, Medford, O' . ayr " It gives W BIJOU THEATRE Billy Empey Van Manager TONIGHT Richard Darling Stock Com'y in "The Country Girl" Four-A ft Iturnl Couu'dy Drama LAUGH LAUGH LAUGH Tomorrow Evening Warded A Wife Th rco-Act Farce Oonn-dv it 99 I Admission 10 and 20 Cents "There is not anottihcr town along the road (hat can approach Med ford," Htutcs A. S. Ifos-enbaiini, who i has just ruturneil from a trip north. , "All the boys who were with rue no ticed the same tliing.'r I II. A. amy of flold r Till was .1 business visitor in Medford Wednesday. MEDFORD TIME TABLE. SOUTHERN PACIFIC Northbound? Rooburg Pass. . RAILWAY No. 20 No. 1 2 Kbnsta Limited.. . No. lOIOrvgoii Kxpresrt. . No. I'tlPrtrtlnnd Fxpress. I Southbound. 7:41 n. ro I:2'n ro 5:2-1 p. m 8 ::! p. m No. lll.Slmstu Limited...! No. lfjICaliforniu Kxpress No. 13S. F. Kxpress.... f r)0 a. m lOrflon. m 3:.'I2p. in, Medford to Jacksonville. Motor enr loaves Train loaves Train loaves 1'rnin loaves . Motor car leaves . 8:00 a. m. 10:45 a. in 3 :S5 p. in, 0 :00 p. m 0 :30 n, n Jacksonville to Medford Motor ienves Train leavos . . . . T'ain leaves IVain leaves Motor car leaves 7:00 a. in 8:15 a. 111 2:.')0p. m 1 :II0 p. m 7::i0 p. in. THE OPPORTUNITY OF A SEASONTHE THANKSGIVING Sale An Excptionally Large Stock of Linens Just step in on our dry goods side ami glance at our stock of Tabic Linens, Towels, Napkins, Finlshtul Sets, Separate Claths, Squares and Scarfs and Doylies. You will look a lonq time before finding a largo ascortment of really good linens at tho prices we are now quoting. WE INVITE YOU TO LOOK NOW. PACIFIC & EASTERN RAILWAY. 8 :00 a. in No. 1 No. 3 No. 2 LcavcH Medford.. Leaves Medford.. Arrives. Medford.. No l'ArriveH Medford. No. J No. 2 No. 4 Arrivo Eaglo Pt. . .. Leaves Eaglo Pt... No. 3ArrivoH Eaglo Pt... LoavcB Eaglo Pt.. . . MAIL CLOSES. 2:20 p. in. 10:10 a. m 5:00 p. m. 8 : 15 a. m. 0 :05 a. in. 3 :05 p. m. 4 :1 5 p. m, Northbound . , , Southbound . , , Eagle Point... 8:55 ix, ni. 0 ;00 p. m. 8 :10 p. m. 3 :00 p. in. 2:00 p. in. m v 'ilk SUITS and DRESSES Our Prices are now lower In our south window you will see a number of drosses, nil marked at Hpeeial prices. Inside lliu store wo can show you ti hundred or more, und no two nlilui all the latest of this season's miiiiiil'aeture. The prices have been actually reduced until you urn getting tho profit. Think of buying the lalesl idea of Madame Fashion's decree at u price only u shade more lliiiu the actual cost of inaiiiifaoturo. Your sister in tho city mid in most Iowiih will pay uluiOHt double what wo are now ask ing you. See our hl lino of Suits now and get our prices sure. SHOES $2.50 Just One Price .lust received a big shipment of slums, nil the now tons, and they comu in narrow and medium widths. Wu can certainly fit ynnr foot, give you a coinl'orlnble, easy shoo that looks ami wears as well as one you aro in the hiibit of paying more for. Kavo from 50 cunts lo a dollar on every pnir of your shoes by coming horn. Most nil shoes for women are sold for $2.50. Children's Shoes, all si.es, nil leatliors, The Lowest Possible Prices. The Hutchason Co. Successors to Raker-Hutcfaason Co. SLICED SMOKED SALMON. OLIVES. PICKLCS. SAUCES. TAMALES. . CRANBERRIES.