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Ortfon Historical Society, ( HUH Subscribers Not Receiving Their Papers Promptly Wll Confer a Great Favor by Notifying the Office At Once. Medford Mail Tribune viij nun , 1 FOURTH YEAR. MliDFORD, OUJSUON, KRIDAY, NOVEMBER 39, 3909. No. 209. BANK DEPOSITS SHOW NEARLY ClirS PROGRESS REFLECTED 8Y LOCAL BANKS Diirlnn Eleven Months Banks Have Gained $163,021 In Deposits Has Been Marvelous Growth. 4- Bank Doposits. December, IflOA. - HOIVWH December, J 1)0(1. . . 72(1,1171 December. 11107... l.OHI.IIUI n.inmnl.fir InnH... 1 9Ti.i November, HKIll. . . 1 ,7 1 7,5 1 0 4 4 4 4-44 4 4 444 44444444 Four hiiiiilniil ami Mxlv-llirec thou-mml anil (vvt'iil,votii) dollars has been llio gain made by loiuil hanking 'institutions in eleven months -nearly half a million of dollar. Such n growth Ih shown by tint Ht at imnt h of tho banks iih culled for at llio close of business, Novombor 10. In no other way in lh growth of tin ttity tuMr reflected. , Since 1005, or in four years, deposits hnvo in creased from .10!l,jt)rt to $1,717,5111, or ovor a million f duMars. Dur ing tin niHt yH( tlui growth bus been far tnoro rapiil, for nearly uk great pain has heiyi made the pant yonr as during tho preceding throo. All of tho banks' ntntomontn show gratifying growth. No doubt hut that deoHitH will iucronso na rapidly or mom ho in tho future STILL SEARCHING FOR JOHN JACOB ASTOR'S YACHT (United Press leaned Wire.) NKW YORK, Nov. 11). Search is being continued today for the Nonr mnhal, Colonel, John .Jnenb Antor'tt palatial yaeht, from which no word Iiiik lieen received since November 10. Colonol AHtor nud his hod, Yinuuut, urn ahourd the vessel. A number of yaeht onlls are being scut out from various wirolons sta tions in an effore to loci'." " v sol. Although the Nnurnmhul w in tho wnko of tho Htorm whieh swept the West Indie on November 10 it h helieved that hIio wonthored the storm nud in now riding wifely in sumo oliMiure cove. "CYCLONE" THOMPSON TO MEET BATTLING NELSON (United Press t.fiiHfil Wirt.) AURORA, III.. Nov. 111. "Cy clone" Johnny Thompson, who re cently put up a whirlwind exhibition with Pnokoy MoFurhiud, today ac cepted mi offer from . "Sunshine" lini ('off roth for a mulch with Hut ilirvr Nelson, the lightweight chum )iou. The argument is to he decided in San Francisco some time in .Inly. Thoinp-'ou received a letter yester day from Nelson in whieh the hitler expressed n willingness to honk up with Johnny, Thompson today wired his accept ance) of Coffrolh'ri offer. DARES TO PROCLAIM HIS CANDIDACY IN MEXICO (tJnltoit Pres.'i Leased Who,) MEXICO CITY, Mox., Nov. 10. -Flaming posters unnoiiucing the can didacy of Iferiderto Harron for tho presidency of Mexico, were discover ed posted everywhere in tho oity to dny. It is impossible to learn where the posters wore printed and who posted them, llarron is now in self-oxilo in New Vnjlf. where he denounced President I)in' govormnont as an uutooraoy. Friends of llarron doolnrod today (lint he will obtain tho pardon of the government for donounoiiiL tho Din administration, return to Mexico nud make a oampnign for tho offioo hold bj Prosldont Porfiorlo Diaz. HALF MILLION MKDI'Oltl) UAXMXO INKTirrriO snow .marvp xn axi.vs mad:; SEATTLE CUT OFF FROM WORLD BY TERRIFIC GALE Plato Glass Windows Shattered, Peo ple Injured, In Gale Which Reached Velocity of 56 Miles an Hour. (United Press Loaned Wire.) SEATTLE, Wash., Nov. 10. Tho torrifio gnlo which yusterday after noon and last night swept over Scat tie, doing much dntnugo nud plueiug pedestrians in puril of their lives, lias abated this morning, leaving in its wake miles of prostrated tele graph and telephone wires. Commu nication of every kind si cut off to northern points today and wires to Portland and the east were unread able and slow. Tim wind, which reached u maximum velocity of fill milos nn hour, ripped signs from their fastenings, blew plate glass win dows into the street, tangled power wires and set adrift dnxens of hoine boats on Luke Washington, to Mho imminent danger of ihe occupant. Many I uuehes were smashed against the piling on the water front or set adrift and business was interfered with and in many eases rendered hazardous. ,, Several peivons were slightly in jurcd by flying iuiMlos, but no one was killed. Man Fatally Injured. (United li khn Leased Wlro.) IIOQUIAM, Wash., Nov. 11).--Damage to the extent n)' thousands of dollars was done by Ihe fierce southwest gale thai swept dray's Harbor yesterday and last night, Ihe wind attained a velocity of from 7.r to 00 miles an hour at times, and its a rosult nearly every wooden structure in the city suffered more or less. Tho rainfall during the night was unprecedented. John C, Lane, blacksmith at tho 13. K. wood mill, was fatally injured wnon a wall of tho shop on which was hung old iron, horseshoes, etc., fell, burying him beneath the debris, MAN FOUND ON FLAT CAR WITH BULLET IN HEART (United rrefm Leaned Wlro.) T A COMA. Wash., Nov. 11). With a bullet hole through his heart, tho body of nn unknown man, supposed to havo como to Tacoma Irom Port land, wan found on n flat car of a Northern Pacific way freight at Mocker Junction, near Puyullup, Wash., lust ovoning, and tho author ities avo today investigating the case to determine, if possihlo, whether (he dead muu was tho victim of n foul murdor or ended his lifo by his own hand, GROWTH XK WHOSB RKChST IMPORTS IN HANKING DEPOSITS. HHHMHHH9H1 ZELAYA DELAAS HIS ANSWER TO UNITED STATES Fresh Outbreak of Terror in Nica ragua Is Momentarily Expected Department Demands an Explanation. (United I'roas Leased Wire.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Nov. 19. No word has yot been received from President Zelaya of Nienragua in connection with the executions of the two Americans, Leroy Cannon and Leonard Grace, yesterday, in reply to the state department's peremptory demand for an explanation. It is momentarily expected that news of a fresh outbreak of the reign of terror in Nicaragua, worse than tho one now prevailing, will he re ceived. According to the reports cominj; from the so-called republic, medieval tortures niul horrible cruelties are daily occurrences in tho towns over which Zelaya and hi troops still hold May. It is believed here that Zelaya will make one lust desperate struggle against provisional President Kn traila, following tho receipt of tho news there that tho United States go eminent practically has recog nized the government set up by the revolutionists. HMWIKM), Nicaraguu, Nov. 10. A courier arrived today from the interior ami confirms tho news that tho two Americans, Leonard Grace and Leroy Cannon were executed at tho order of President Zelaya. Groat oxeitoment prevails follow ing tho announcement that tho Unit ed States has practically taken sides with the revolutionists under Estrada and domnnded an explanation from Zolaya. Tho arrival of tho American crui ser Vioksburg and the gunboat Des Moinos in Nicaraguan waters is ex peotod to havo great effect on tho situation. ' Tho courior who roaohod hqro was able moroly to confirm thut tho two i - . i . . m AinorioanH wero pm. to ueatii ami could give no details as to tho man-1 nor of tho oxeoution or tho chnrges ngainst thorn. The telegraph Hues to tho interior nro down nnd mnny mossagos havo been intercepted. Mrs. P. IT. Grooo of llomofitend, Tox., tologrnphed to tho state depart ment today saying thnt Leonnrd Groeo, who waa oxooutqd in Nica ragua yostordny, was hor sou. Sho askod for furthor particulars re garding tho mattor. v l.oroy Cannon, who was also ox oeulod by Prosidont Zelaya, was n IN YEAR NEARLY SEASON OWING 10 RAIN Plant Closed Down H Is Feared Roadbed Will Get Too Soft - to Lay the Prepara ! - tlon. Unless the weather improves with in the next few days, and it givss little promise of so doing, tho War ren Construction company will ho forced to discontinue navintr opera tions on West Seventh. Tho rninfall has not been heavy, but the streets have not had a chance to drv out nnd it now seems thnt winter rains have et in with no intention of stopping. llio puvini: plant has niraio been closed down, the men boinu unnble to work in the steady rain. If it clears up mhiii operations may bo re Miinod, but it is believed that paving tor tins season is nearly over. WHEAT OPENED WITH BULLISH TENDENCY f United PreitH Leased Wire ) CHICAGO. Nov. 19. AVIioat open ed with tho boat of Intentions toward tho bull side, all options being 1-S cenj hlghor. Closing howovor, was mixed with December t-2 ndvnncod, May unolmngod nnd July l-S cent lower than ycatorday. Foreigners woro buyors of whoat today and nt Liverpool, there was nn opening advance of 3-8 ponco and a closing of 3-8 to 1-2 ponco higher than yostordny, MIHora romnln very heavy buyors of whoat at primary points, although to sonio extent the cash promlum shows signs of casing. Minneapolis reported cash wheat steady. A statomont from thoro says thnt G7, 000 barrels of flour and 72 cars of wheat woro shipped out. FEDERATION FAVORS OLD AGE PENSIONS . (United Press Leased Wire.) TOHONTO, Out., Nov. 10. The resolutions conunittoo of tho Ameri can Pedorntion of Labor will roporl in favor 'of, old ngo ponsions boing maiutainod by a natinnl tax, and it is believed that tho convention will udltpt tho report. Mnny of tho dolegatos aro leaving today for thoir homes. N. S. Dennott of the P.deu Vnlloy nursory, is unloading n carload of nursery slock, which ha roooivod from the Milton nursory. nnliyo of ITnrrifbur8 Pa., and tho son of Dnniel K, Cnnnon, It is ro portod that ho is a distant volntivo F Sjionkor Cannon. PAVING OVER FOR UGAR TRUST SCANDAL BARED Reported That Taft Administration Is to Carry Out Vork Stated by Roosevelt During His Term. TEDDY'S INFLUENCE STILL KEEPS UP PROSECUTION For First Time, History of the In side Workings of ' Fight Are Given to the Public. Following a resumption of f tho main points of Interest -f f In tho first Inside Btory of tho 4- f great sugar trust fraud aglta- tlon. 4- The Itoosovelt admlnlstra- tlon unearothed tho frauds and tho Taft administration f Is completing prosecution. Undor President Roosevelt -f tho largest rebato flno In tho 4- history of law was collected. 4-4- Tho sugar trust revelations 4- 4- nro responsible for tho law 4-4- restoring tho prlosn penalty. 4-4- The figures of William Loeb 4- 4- ns colelttor of tho port of 4- 4- New York show that every 4- 4- cent possible recovered for 4- 4- the weighing fraud. 4- 4- The Taft administration la . 4- forcing criminal prosecutlpn 4- 4- in a manner pleasing to 4- 4- Rooseveltians. 4- Former Attorney General 4- 4- Bonaparto'a refusal to tako -f 4- up tho Earlo caso was duo to 4- 4- his unwillingness to uso tho 4- 4- government machinery in aid 4- 4- of prlvato suits. 4- 4- 4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4- (United Press Leased Wire.) NEW YORK, Nov. 10. For tho first tlmo .slnc-j tho gigantic frauds boenmo tho foremost topic In tho business avil political world, It Is today possible to glvo tho lnsldo story of tho sugar trust prosecution tut soon from ttie viewpoint of both tho Tnft and Roosevelt ndmlnl3tra tlons. From : jiromlnent official of the present admtnlstrntlon. and who wns equally as prominent In tho pro ceeding administration, tho United Press today obtained a statomont which was ca-.efully reviowed and approved bo. h by tho official making tho statement and a second man equally promiaont in both rdminls trntlons who endorsed its every fea ture. Tho statement follows: "Tho ovldonco being published ns an attack ou tho Roosevelt adminis tration, Is in fact, ovidenco that Roosovolfs administration gathered to defeat thn fraud. "Tho Roosovolt administration un-j earthed tho frauds nnd started tho prosecutions nnd tho Taft adminis tration la continuing tho prosecu tions, applying such administrative measures as necceBary to prevent a ropotltlon of tho frauds. "Tho dlfforent prosocutlono nglnst tho sugar trust may bo divided Into threo heads and taken In chorono loglcal ordor nro: "First: Tho prosecution for re ceiving robatcs. Second: Tho wolghlng frauds. Third: Tho Earl case. "Thoso ccsos woro begun by tho Roosovolt administration noarly four years ago when Ilonry L. Stlmson was nppolntod fcdoral attornoy for tho southoru district of Now York with special roforonco to tho prose cutions of thosQ offonccs. "Tho rosult was that In sovon months tho sugar trust hnd boon convicted and mado to pay ovor four times as much as any robnto flno ovor boforo collected undor i robnto law. (Continued on Pogq, Five.)' LOCAL CAR EXPECTED TO WIN Tronson Wired Last Evening His Chances Are Splendid to Take " First Prize Awards Being Made This Afternoon. , TWENTY BOXES BEST APPLES GOING EAST TO PRESIDENT Attendance Today at National Apple Show Breaks All Records Several Special Trains. k 4 f 4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4 4- 4-4- SPOKANE, Nov. 19. My 4-' 4- plate of Nowtowus awarded 4-4- second prlzo today. Forty- 4- 4- three competition. Thron- 4- son's chances good for first on 4- Spltzenburgs. Roguo River 4-4- growers will make a good 4-4- showing against any of tho 4-4- valleys represented. 4-, 4- Signed 4- Signed J. A. WESTE RLUND. 4-4- 4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4 SPOKANE, Nov. 19. Twenty box es of tho finest apples on display at tho apple show will bo shipped to President Taft at Washington Sun Thanksglr day to grace the Whit House, Thanksgiving board. Tho attend ance at the show today broko oil re cords. Sovcral special parties from northwest cities arrived today to vis It tho show. Tho Judges aro thl3 afternoon awarding prizes to tho winning ex hibits. It is believed that Roguo River will carry off tho cream of the prizes. The warda at tho Spokane Apple Show are being mado today and fruit growers aro on tho qulvlve for nows concerning tho results. The reports concerning changes la tho rules of scoring causing the Hood Rlrer exhibitors to drop out havo created & great deal of discus sion among local orchardmen but tho nbsenco of word confirming theso rumors from thoso In charge of tho two cars from Jackson county, cre ates a gonernl belief heor thnt the report was an error. This morning John D. 01wo.ll ro colvod tho following tolspgram from II. B. Tronson, dnted Thursday: "Chances Al for first prizes. Hope to havo award tomorrow. Will wire. (Signed) H. B. Tronson." READING RAILWAY MAKES ADVANCE ON MARKET (United Press Leased Wlro.) X;W YORK, Nov. 10. Reading railwnj shares formed the basis for n substantial advance in the stock market, the common rising 4f-8. points amid great oxeitoment ,nml short covering. According to semi official information tho Rending is enjoying considerable prosperity. Shorts caused an ndvauco of 1 1-8 points in American Sugar , common during tho day, although tho movo mout of those slinros was rather lim ited. Good earnings statement had most to do with an ndvauco of u liko amount in Brooklyn It lipid Transit shares. NO MORE FOOTBALL FOR GOTHAM SCHOOLBOYS (United Press Leased Wlro.) NEW YORK, Nov. 10. It wns learned todn.V' that tho Now York public school board has deoidod to abolish football in tho public schools of this oity. Tho announcement did not stnto whon tho ban will hocomo offoativo. W, S.-Bridges ofTortlnud 13 rog Isiorpd at tho Nash. ft '