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THE RIVER TVT A 1SJ stcwart Echvnrd Yhito, author of "The Blared Trail," n story or a sironj? man in lumbering sm ; ol tin .t oi tin, m, . ill bc'In in tlio Mail Tribune this x x v The strongest and best story oi the i ai (?i ippinr i'roni hoiiming to end- Uesure and start w it li tlii issue and on w ill not be borry you read this story. I'nllcd IVs Association. Full Leased Wire Itcport The- only paper in the world published In a city the size o! Medford having a leased wire. Medf T1IH WKATIIEK. Hnln tonight and Tues day. No Indication of clear ing tip in Bight. FOURTH YEAK. MEDFORD, OHKC.ON. MONDAY. NOV KM IJKR 22. 1!M). No. 2.11. ssa Mam HONORS t3 K & H it? H rdr M III Mmm AMONG HUNDRE LOCAL F1UIT I TRONSON & GUTHRIE'S THREE BOX EXHIBIT OF SPiTZENBERGS IS AWARDED FIRST PRIZE Means as Great Victory as Winning of Sweepstakes for They Were En tered in Competition With Hundreds of Others From Ev ery Section in Northwest Rogue Valley Attracts Much Attention. -f 4-4-4- f l-f f TrousonS Outline, tlio "Appplo Kings of the World," linvo "" won fitrlhcr honors for thcmsclcs and the Kogtto liiver valley by winning first prize for a ll-box exhibit of Spitzcnbergs in the west- ern Spokane oxliibit. The winm'ig of this prize moans us much as tlio 3-box exhibit was entered in competition with apples from every suction of the northwest. The ear had LI competitors. Tlio li-box exhibit hud hundred-. The Rogue Liver valley won ov- cry big thing they went after, not through any nceidont, but bo- cause the apples she placed in competition were superior to all oth- ers in iptnlity. (Mall Tribune Special Service.) SPOKANE, Wash., Nov. 22.--Tronson & Guthrio of tlio llogue River valley have won further hon ors for their valley by taking first prize for their 3-box exhibit of Spitz cnbergs in the western special exhib it, when their apples were placed in competition with hundreds of exhib its from western states Oregon, Washington. Colorado, Utah, Ne vada, Montana, Idaho nntl Califor nia. This victory means as much or ino ro than winning tho swe'epstnkas, for tho enr met 13 competitors, the 3-box exhibit nhndreds. The Rogue liiver valley easily out ranks other apple growing section-;, if the way they carried off prices is nny criterion. Their winning ore: Tronson & Out brio, sweepstakes for car lot exhibit. Ashland, second prize on 10-box exhibit of Spitzenbergs. Ashland, third prize on 10-box ox liibit of Newtown Pippins. J. A. Westerlund. second priw on'; plate display of Newtown", among 12 competitors. Lawrence Gregory, first prize for orchard scenes. From ti concensus of opinion Charles .Pope of Ashland would have won a high place with his car of yellow Newtowns but late arrival made it impossible for him to unwrap hi fruit. Trouuni & Guthrie' car seored 02.S5 out of a possible 100. They fell down i n their paefc, for if thi hail been eipinl to that of ome of their competitors their per centnge would have been easily 4 per eent higher. "I have been judirinc: apples all of niY life nu' ne erlid I ever see Innt of finer pialil than lb. it nl Ti..n-.' & Guthrie. ii- n , I iv jz? THE WONDER ST 318 E Main Offers in Specials Today THANKSGIVING AN'Y JMHiK IV" Till: Ilol r. A I.I IS T tI 2V ol'K FIKT UviXii of TOtS AND DOLLS. 9 WE HAVE AS A WONDER BARGAIM F(H HIO MEN 1'slKiJC. HEAVY FLEKi K. LiXF.D 1 N'DKIitVKAIi'. STAXDAItU SANITARY FLEECED. VAI.l K. SIZE" in AXD 12. WHILE THEY LAST, 08 PER GARMENT. DSOFE fTi 4- 4 4- 4-4- f ifH award it first prizo." Such is n statcmont mndojiy Judge oVn IJcinan of Washington, I). . chnirman of the Hoard of .ludire .U the Rjwkaao apple show, to ('. !'. Wbisler of this city who ha ju-t re turned fro mthe show. The Tronson & Guthrie car won on quality, and quality alone," state. Mr. Wbisler. "Tho apples were per fect, and trracted much attention. The judges did not make n mistuko u their award if the statements oi the crowds attending tho show ;. any criterion. A higher jwr contage would have lieea won had the pack been hotter. "The other car of SpiUenbeigs, those of Yakima wero smaller aiipks throughout than those of Uoguo liiv er. Tronson iS; Guthrio hud nothing smaller than 1-tier opplo. 'The Yakima hmtoh wera sore, and were the poorest lot of lasers I saw in my life. They tr.e.l to pro test to tlio judges but it did them lit tle good. "Hood River i pleas.-d at tho a wan' of the sweepstak'- to tin Hogu River valley. They regn-l that the r 'os shut them out from com peting. "Tl valley attracted a i.enl deal of alt utiou at the show. Much cum irent us created .d man inquiries made '-egnrdtng in t lii val ley." PEAl MARKET POOB FOR WINTER VARIETIES Roe & Hatfield of New York un der date of Nov. 10 buy: Offering today again ran heavy to grapes the bulk in omre or less otf condition. M.irket today wa- lv -price- Lr 'J Ii In jilpniit l.i-t Thir-.l.. . .. ..' T..I h i , i r.t . -! i ,,! 'iSi . , ,11 , ., CARDS, IOc dzon f V AMI I IK1 CITY VS. HANLEY WILL BE HEARD E! Attorneys Preparing For Trying Out of Case Judge Haiuia Names Day for 0 Hearing. Tho enso of tho city of Mod ford vs. M. F. Iluiilcy in which tho city seeks to condemn a right of way across the Ilanlcy premises on Lit tle Hut to Creek for tho gravoty wator lino will come up for bearing in the circuit court on Wodnosduy, Judge lluium buying named that day. The nttomojrs nro at work pre paring their cases. Tho bearing prom ises to be a short one. As soon as a decision is reached nn appeal will be taken if it is adverse to tho city. If otherwise Mr. Iluiilcy will prob ably appeal. DR. COOK SENDS DATA 10 DENMARK Sccrelary Will Accompany itRe port Cunsists of Over 50.000 Words. (UnlUil Prat Lra.u Wire.) NEW YOItK, Nov. 22.- The data by which Dr. Frederick A. Cook hoies to prove that he is tho original discoverer of the North Pole will be taken abroad the liner United Stale on Thanksgiving day and started on its journey to Doumurk where i twill be mscd u xiniy the faculty of the University of tijicnuagen. Dr. Cook will take no chances of his data becoming lost. When it is taken aboard tlie liner it will be Kicked in the steamer' -i strong bo v. Walter Legsdalu, Dr. Cook's private secretary, is to coiupuuy the data to insure its sate delivery. The report w said to sousist of .0.O()0 word. S7c; Lodi, 72; Newcastle, 70c; Corichn I mm Mayhws, 07c and Part of a car of Emperors' from Clohto run very smutl, uyoragiug $1.01; Mabigas in the ianie cur were small, good color, $1.12. A car of W. Nelli- from He.u Creek, umged 1.37'X, I" 2.:; u erage $2.02. W. Nellis tim,, M.m.i. rey, $2.40 to tX'i"1: I' v It- i res, fl37'a to 2.12a; W. S. from Wa-bingloM, -oltl iW.2"; I!. iietirie-.. .rl.HO .. .tI SI tt tl'I'lhL' lolji'll I II A a i: I -. 1 1 . I I , 1 1 mi .1 i wen I 'i .ii ON WEDNESDAY !i w snvixti; ix ji:vi.i.i;s ash f.i i;vt wmi i i. Very 12-Piece Dinner Set. Whi4e and Beauty Row Decorations . H f 4- 4- 4-4 4-4-4- STANDARD OIL TAKES A SLUMP NEW YORK, Nov. 22. Standard Oil stock fell hoa ily today in the curb trading, slumping forty points below Sunday's closing price us the result of the IS. oLui ccdis nu ordering the disolution I the trust. - t 4- 4-4-4- Ei OF R STORI IS NOT YETJ SIGHT Weather Man Says It Will Rain To night ami Tomorrow Over Six Inches This Month. f-f tH 4 i f f4 4. t f Tlain tonight and tomorrow 4 is what the weather man says, -f - Nearly six Inehes have already 4 4 fallen during tlio month, ami 4 4 present appearances Indicate that all previous records will f bo broku for previous Novein- bors. f 4 .1. I'. Luvlua has lost the cork to) . hii water bottle and can't seem to rind ll till, and lu the meant lino wo are enjoying (?) a real On ' n rain storm, such as tho oldest Inhabitant will solemnly asmm- you hasn't oc curred since "way buck In the 00s." Tho streams are still flooded In different parts of tho city, every de pression Is full of wuler and it Is a question when one starts to mako n trip tooutlylng districts whether to wear long rubber boots or to go cquippm! (or swimming on a pinch. The downpour has been practical ly continuous all of today and pre dictions indicate no let-up for the next 24 hours. It Is reported that Rogue river la out of its bank at the ftybee bridge and has taken out a section of the road, also threatening tho approach at the north end. "JACK, THE HUGGER" AT WORK IN BERKELEY (United Ptv I.ituMtMl Wire.) BERKELEY. Cal., Nov. 22. "Jack the HiiBu'er," who operated in Oakland and Knn Franci-eo la-t vear, has returned I" the !m,v coun ties and has M illed in Ib rkelcy. The police arc making every effort to eat eh liim. La-t I'i'.'M le inai'e hi- presence known uliih In' al leeliniiately put In . nun ah., i Mi-- I. . in i- Mi Auley .ii .! Mi- 1 1 It. ii i" i, i rtu hiirs li., alkin - i..-'.'!Iht near All-ton Wiiv nod Chapel street It. r -1 . - i ? j t 1 1 . t 1 1 1 The young .' aV .i i .I il b I riu'bl RE; 318 $ Main Special J, Gold aMd American $5.75 o t n m r o iwn- "n" I-444 44-4-4-4 Prize Winners Will Re Sent to Va rious Countries and Presented to Crowned Heads Ex hibit a Large One. 23 STATES REPRESENTED IN THE NATIONAL SHOW Thirteen, Full Cars Were Eentcreil for Sweepstakes Over 1000 Plates of Apples Shown. (Matt Tribune SHrlnt .Service.) SI'OlvANH. Wash., Nov. 22.Somo oiio with a taste for statistics has cal culated that It tho apples on display at tho national apple show, which cloved Its second exhibition nt 8pa kano on November 20, wore placed sido by sldo they would stretch over 72 1-1 mllos of ground. Thoro wore l.nsn.SSl apples, tho avorago diam eter being llirco Inohos, a total of nlm0st it S 1 . 1 f. S foet. Tho entries consisted of 13 full cars of 030 boxes ten limited displays, 30 free-for-all exhibits, of which 21 wero from non- Irrigated orchards and IS from Irri gated tracts; 73 entries in tho state and provincial groups, representing 23 states and the provinces of Hill- Ish Columbia and Nova Scoilu; ! ten-box, 1 3T, five-box and 27s single displays, als 1323 plttcs of five apples each. The exhibits covered three and a half uores of floor space and wero soon by representatives or every state, territory and province in America and visitors from vurloun parts of Europe. Twenty boxes of prize-winning ap ples from tho Rogue Itlvcr valley will be sent to President Tnft, ten boxes will be f r warded to the emperor of Japan and 50 boxes will li presented to King Hdward and King William and members of the royi-l fiimilles In Europe iiiid to the president or I'm nee FLAG IAN FOR Southern Paofric to Place Flnpinn On Duty to Proleot Truflc. After Tuesday, November 33. u flagman will bo stationed by tho Southern I'sciflc gt the Main struct rrosHlng. Thin Is a step that bos been tu iiMHiiry for soma time and it has been a mutier of sheer good lack serimiH accident bare not oc i mn d lu re mi several occbsloua. ow li,.' in tin' i uiiKOHtloB of truffle, cans-i-,l mIh n a train stops for any length i.l inn.. 'Hi the crossing. Ji i WCTEN0ING ROAD ON TO LAKtflEW ! AI.TI I.'AS. Ore., Nov. 20. The ' V'i .ul.i-i alilnriiiu-rVivgoii Kuilwuv Ii i t.iki'u a i.ilber convincing iiian i . i' .if announcing ili yitentimi to iiiii-i 1 1 . 1 1 ! extend it truck n i. .. rth anl toward Lukctjfw. It hu ll,.' in the work and is laying tVut-kfc a l..i,-' ii- right of iiv niirtlu f'r.a i I III-, i ll V. More tb hi hail li i "I i In- Irac1( bus b I !. u ! ' umk will proceed ' 11 .:o it i Misible to 1 work. t BWAN0 TUMB0 KILLS FOUR ELEPHANTS. NAIliOr.l. Itritish East Af rica, Nov. 22. News received Imlav from t ho Ingiiashiphitc snys that ('ill. b'oosovelt has killed four morn elephunts, one of which will bo present ed tm the University of Cali fornia. ONLY 21 LUG OUT OF MINE Early Report That 142 Had Been Rescued Proves Erroneous Hope For 70 More. 4 f 4 4 4 4 4 f 4 CI1EIJKY, Ills. Nov. 22. Thiily-Hovou viclinm of the St. Paul mine diHiisler wero found this afternoon in tint south pail of the mnrnud lev el. Thoy hud been suffocat ed. A cording to physicians life hud hcuii extinct only about 21 hour. The bodies will bo brought lo tho sur face at once. t 4- f f 4 4 4 4- (t'nltod press I.pahpiI Wlro.) CIIEKHY, Ills., Nov. 22. I'iftj volunlcerM are today heroically work ing in an efofrt to tear down I he barricade behind which Kcventy or more survivors of the St. l'niil mine disuHter are believed to bo impriH- oned. For nine days these men have been coufiuod behind the tons of debris in ,tho west tunnel with food suffi cient to last only for a day. That they are greatly weakened and uinuc iated there can be no doubt. Despite statements to the contrary only 21 survivors have been taken from the mine up to thi time. I(eMirts Saturday hud 112 ininuih rescued. The hope that uditional men are alie in teh east tunnel of the second ewl was revived this ufteruoon .tlifii ilio reseller broke hrough u a all to earth uud found the tools and hi Mile clothe-, of the miners piled in a leap. There wore no dinner pail beside them. Thin I to t has led the reciters to hclicw that al the outbreak of the lire the men retreated into the tun nel to safety. The men rescued Saturday wore found in the we. tunnel and hereto fore the belief bus ben general that all the men working in the east tun nel mcl death. The re-em-r-i now believe that they twit find living men behind the great masxcH of fallen eurth in the oust tunnel. Willi the party that is be lieved to be in the east tunnel tin rescuer. hosi to find TIiouium tail iff, Mistmater of Cherry, who des cended into the mine after the fire started and wn euughl. BARNUM ADDS SECOND ON MORNING TRIP The train service on the Rogue River Vulley Railway ha been im proved for the morning trip. For merly the motor cur a- the only m.-aiin of convenience bal now sir. Rai ii in, with cliaraelcri-lie euter pn i' !iu- added a coiid cur. The iich conliv.H"-i iv a n built nush car v ill scat through the 'tite'" a trailer to the li.ue i, choice 'at 111 iltspor- 'i, i' I, 'iies.4 the f f f f f -f 4-f mm TAKEN trti P A A A mi Mam ! WRISLEY : TDAPT innui Dr. J ,H. Kccno and J. H. Carlton Purcliaso I9G Acres Next to Famous Snowy Butte jtf Will Subdivide. j ! TRACT IS ONE OF THE FINEST IN'THE VALLEY As Soon as Possible Tract Will Be Cut Up Into Small Holdings , and Sold. Dr. J. al. ICeuuu uud J. K. Carlton nJ. .i. m: of this eily have purchuscd the not ed W nsley Iruet, known also uh tho I'ruwl Irani, for a consideration of rU.0lll. Tim tract was owned by Mo -I'm. Ynwtor, Hutchison uud Luina ilea. . 11. Holmes nuulo tliu deal. It consisls of 11)11 ncroa and lien near Ceulral l'oiul opposite tho fa mous Snowy Unite, which was Hold Saturday to John It. Allen for $1118, 00(1. The now owners intend to imma ilinlely out il into small holdings and place it again on (ho market. It is said that nothing so good was over Kiib-divided in the valley, uud ns practically no waste land is involved in Hie denl, it is apparent that it will be a demonstration of tho wisdom of catering I olhe dcmuiid for small Iracls, especially al u limo when it is. seasonable to prepare the laud uud plant orchard trees (he present sea son. The surveys will be rushed. The tract probably combinus in one holding oinro strictly first-class land Hum uny other now on' tliu mar ket in the lieurl of the viilloy, and adjacent lo a townsitu. It i one of those tracts which knowing horlimil luriMts have pronounced for tho last five years as being worth ut least five hundred dollars per note, in its raw condition. BOTTLE 90 DAYS justice Canon' Gives Man Jail Sen tence (or Makiny an As sault on Lane. Udward ,1. lane was struck over the bead by W. King Into Sunday night and put out of IjumIuoss for some time. The weapon used was a whisky bottlo, auiid whether Mr. King was siisiy because the bottl wus empty, or having tried Internal ap plication uud wished to ascurtala tho not develop from the testimony of the witnesses. it came out, however, that Iaiuo wus the victim of bis resembluiiflo to someone else, who had oroassd Mr. King's more or less duvloiiH path earlier In the veiling, and King took tho opportunity when Imuo wasn't looking to attempt to heal hut wound ed honor by the flreoble application of the Uottls. Oa examination by Justice Onion, lane couldu'l remember muoh of nything. The only think ho know wus that h bad bee nlilt, no tostl mony was uuedwl on that point, his face showed it. lie also Idsutlflod tho bottle, which whj Jerked from hi poclfet by his saaallunt. Deputy UUtrlet Attoruoy Hoggs (tied ft iaforumtlou against King. Ju)ge 0no;i igrtt ths dofuudaut tlam. Vitl on w I. Cash. n oargom, on long ttmc; easy ' a n 1 r '"'U '1 U 11 10 1 MAINS CAIU.OH'-O.U via ion at ti I