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winn nnmrnr?n a a it, r v ? nnT in a .n rn?n nni.:nnv Mnvnvv vnvwM mwm on mim 1,1 The R rCopjfighl. 1903. by th 0P McClur. I Copyright. 1907. 1903, by NOVT a doion of the crow np- pea red In the evening to go j with Orde. They set out up the long reach of Water street, their steel calks biting ileep Into the pitted board walks. For nearly a mile the street was flanked solely by lumber yards, small mills and factories. Then came a strip of unimproved land, followed imme diately by the wooden, ramshackle structures of Hell's Half Mile. As yet the season was too early for much joy along Hell's Half Mile. Orde's little crew and the forty or fifty men of the drive that had preceded him constituted the rank and tile nt that moment In towu. A little later, when all the drives ou the river should be In and those of Its tributaries and the men still lingering nt the woods camps, at least GOO woods weary men would be turned loose. Then Hell's Half Mile would awaken In earnest from Its hibernation. The lights would blaze from day to day. From Its open windows would blare the music, the cries of men and women, the shuf fle of feet, the noise of lighting, the shrieks of wild laughter, curses deep and frank and unashamed, songs bro ken and Interrupted. Crews of men, arms locked, would surge up and down the narrow sidewalks, their little felt hats cocked one side, their heads back, their fearless eyes challenging the devil nnd all his works and getting the challenge accepted. Girls would flit across the lit windows like shad ows before flames or stand In the door ways hailing the men jovially by name. Tonight, however, the street was comparatively quiet. The saloons were of modified Illumination. The bar keepers were listlessly wiping the bars. The "pretty waiter girls" gossiped with each other and yawned behind their bands. In the middle of the third block Orde wheeled sharp to the left down a dark and dangerous looking alley. Another turn to the right brought him Into a very narrow street where stood a three story wooden structure Into which led a high arched entrance. This was McNeill's. A figure detached Itself from the shadow. Orde uttered an exclama tion. "You here. Newmark?" he cried. "Yes," replied that young man. "I want to sec this through." "With those clothes?" marveled Orde. "It's a wonder some of these thugs haven't held you up long ago. It's dangerous. You'ro likely to get slugged." "1 can stand it If you can." returned Newmark. McNeill's lower story was given over entirely to drinking. The second floor Was a theater and the third a dance hall. Beneath the building were still Yller depths. From this basement the riverman and the shanty boy generally graduated penniless and perhaps un conscious to the street. Now, your lumberjack did not customarily arrivo at this stago without lively doings en route; therefore McNeill's maintained a force of fighters. They were burly, sodden men, but strong In their ex perience and their discipline. To be sure, they might not last quite as long as their antagonists could, but they always lasted plenty long enough. Band bags and brass knuckles helped some and team work finished the Job, Ordo and bis men entered the lower ball as though sauntering In without dcCnlte aim. The river boss wandered about with the rest, a wide, good na turcd smile on his face. Presently he found himself at the table of the three card monte meu. Tbo rest of his party gravitated In his direction. "Do you think you could pick out the Jack when I throw these out like this?" naked tho dealer, "Sure! She's that one" "Well," exclaimed the gambler, "danged If you didn't! I bet you $: you can't do it again." Again Ordo was pormltted to pick up the jack. "You've got the best eye that's been Jn this plnce sinco I got here," ex tlalmed tho dealer. "Here, Dennis," said ho to his partner. "You try him." Dennis obligliigly took the cards nnd lost. By this time tho men, augmented by tho Idlers, had drawn close. Whether It was that the. gamblers sensed the fact that Ordo might bo led to plunge or whether they were using him to draw tho crowd Into their gnmo It would bo difficult to say, but twice moro they permitted him to win. Newmark plucked his sleeve. "You're $20 ahead," ho muttered, "Quit it." "What limit do you put on this game anyway?" asked Ordo. "now much do you want to bet?" "Would you stand for 5500?" asked Ordo. The gamier pretended to deliberate, iverman By Stewart Edward White "Got the money?" he asked. "Have yon?" countered Ordo. The mau nodded. "I'll go you. bub, paid he. "Lay out your money." Ordo counted out nine fifty-dollar bills nnd five tens. "AH right," said the gambler, taking up the cards. "Hold on!" cried Ordo. "Where's ------ "Oh, that's nil right," tho gambler reassured hint. "I'm with the house. McNeill's credit is good." 1 "I'm putting up my good money, nnd 1 expect to see goon money put up tn return," said Onle. Flually the gamblers yielded and put up the money. The audience now consisted of the dozen of Orde's friends, nearly twice as many rlvermen, eight hangers-on of the joint, probably fighters and "bouncers:" half a dozen professional gamblers nnd several waitresses. The four barkeepers still held their, posi tions. The rlvermen wore scattered back of Onle, although Orde's own friends had gathered at his shoulder. The mercenaries and gamblers had di vided and flanked the table at either side. Newmark. n growing wonder nnd disgust creeping Into his usually unoxprosslve face, recognized the stra tegic advantage of this arrangement. A determined push would separate the rlvermen from the gamblers long enough for the lntter to disappear through the small door at the back. A gasp of anticipation went up as i coolly the gambler made his passes. Orde planted his great red fist on one of the cards. i "That Is the Jack!" ho cried. "Oh, Is It?" sneered the dealer. "Well, turn It over and let's see." "No!" roared Orde. "You turn over' the other two!" A low oath broke from the gambler, and Ills face contorted In a spasm. t For a moment the situation was tense ' and threatening. The denier, with a . sweeping glance, again searched the , faces of those before him. In that J moment probably he made up his I mind that an open scandal must be ' avoided. Force nnd broken bones, ' even murder, might be all right enough under color of right. If Orde had turned up for a Jack the card on which be now held his fist and then had attempted to prove cheating a cry of robbery and a lively fight would have given opportunity for making way with the stakes. But McNeill it could not afford to be shown up be-1 fore thirty Interested rlvermen as run- nlng an open and shut brace game. "That Isn't the way this game Is played," said the gambler. "Show up your Jack." "It's the way I play It," replied Orde sternly. "These gentlemen heard tho bet." He reached over and dex terously flipped over the other two cards. "You see, neither of these Is the Jack. This must be." "You win," assented the gambler after a pause. Orde, his list still on the third card, began pocketing the stakes with the other hand. The gambler reached across the table. "Olve me the other card," said he. Ordo picked It up, laughing. For a moment he seemed to hesitate, hold ing the bit of pasteboard tantaltzlngly outstretched, as though he was going to turn also this one face up. Then quite deliberately be handed the card to the gambler. "All to tho bar!" yelled Orde. Orde poured his drink on the floor and took the glass belonging to the man next blra. "Get tbem to give you another. Tim," said he. "No knockout drops If I can help It. "Tim," said Orde, low voiced, "get the crowd together and we'll pull out. I've a thousand dollars on me, and thoy'll sandbag me sure If I go alone. And let's get out right off." Chapter J ACK OKDH wns tho youngest nnd I x. . most energetic of a largo family that had long since scattered to diverse cities and Industries. Ho and Grandpa and Grandma Ordo dwelt now iu tho big, echoing, old fashioned houso alone save for ouo maid. Grand pa Orde, now above sixty, was tall, straight, .slciidcr. Ills hair was quite white and worn a littlo long. Ills fea tures wcro finely chiseled. Grandpa Orde had been a mighty breaker of the wilderness, but his time had passed, and, he lind fallen upon somnwhat straitened" ways: Grandma OrdeT on tho other hand, was a very small, PW olu lady, wljb a small facej.a small "Tguror'sinaTr lianas "and 'feet. Sho dressqd In tho then usual cap and black jsllk1 of old jadles, JIalf he.- tlnio she spoilt nt her houooplng. which she lcd. Jtitgilng about from c!!ar to nttlo itoiivotn. seeing tlmt Amanda, tin maid, had everything In order. To these people Ordo enme direct from the greatness of the wilderness and the ferocity of Hell's Half Mile. Such contrasts were possible even ten or fifteen year. ago. The untamed country lay at the doors of the most modern civilisation. Newmark. reappearing one Sunday afternoon at the end of the two weeks, was apparently bothered, lie oxnuiln cd the Ordo place for some moments, walked on beyond It. Finding nothing there, he returned and after some hes itation turned In up the tnr sidewalk and pulled at the old fashioned wire bell pull. Grandma Orde herself an swered the door. Newmark took off his gray felt hat. "Will you kindly toll mo where Mr. Orde lives?" "This Is Mr. Orde's." replied the lit tle old lady. "l'nrdon me." persisted Newmark. "1 am looking for Mr. .lack Ordo. 1 am sorry to have troubled you." "Mr. .lack 'i V- lives here." returned Grandma Oide. "He Is my son. Would you like to see him?" "if you please." assented Newmark ! gravel v, his thin, shrewd face masking itself with Its usual expression of oulszlcal cynicism. Newmark entered the cool, dusky In terior and was shown to tho left Into a dim, loug room. He perched on a ma hogany chair and had time to notice a bookcase with a tflille owl atop, an old piano with the yellowing keys, hair cloth sofa and chairs, steel engravings and two oil portraits when Orde ap peared. Newmark had known Orde only ns riverman. Like most easternr he was unable to Imagine a man In rough clothes ns being anything but a rough man. The figure he saw before him was correctly dressed In what was then the proper Sunday costume. "Oh. It's you, Mr. Newmark!" cried Orde. "I'm glad to seo you." He led the way Into the hall aud to another brighter room, In which Grandma Onle sat, a canary singing nbove her head. "Mother," said Orde. "this Is Mr. Newmark. who was with us on the drive this spring." "Mr. Newmark and I snoke nt the door." said she. extending her frail I "Fd like to ice you gtt any three men to agree to anything on thU river." hand with dignity. "If you were on the drive. Mr. Newmark, you must have been one of tho high privates In this dreadful war we all read about." Vawmnrl lnllrrlin.1 At f1ritrta Rllr. gestlon the two passed back Into the remains of the old orchard. "Where have you been for the last couple of weeks?" asked Orde. "I caught Johnson's drive and went on down river with him to the lake. I do not like the life at all, but the drive Interested me. It Interested me so much that I've come back to talk to you about it. I'm going to ask you a few questions about yourself." "Ob. I'm not bashful about my ca reer!" laughed Orde. "How old are you?" inquired New mark abruptly. "Thirty." "How long have yoa beeo log driv ing?" "About six years." "Why did you go into Itr "Because there's' nothing ahead of shoveling but dirt," Orde replied, with & quaint grin. "I see," said Newmark after a pause. "Then you think there's more futuro to that sort of thing than the sort of thing tho rest of your friends go in for-luw and wholesale groceries and I banking and the rest of ltf "There is for me," replied Ordo aim-1 ply. "Yet you're merely river driving on a salarv at thirtv " Ordo Hushed slowly and shifted bis position. "I'm not asking all this out of Idle curiosity. I'vo got a schemo In my head that I think may work out big i for us both, "Well," assonted Orde reservedly, "In that case I'm foreman on this drlvo 1 because my outlit went kerplunk two years ago, and I'm making n fresh go at It, "Failed V Inquired Newmark. "Partner skedaddled," replied Orde. "Now, suppose you tell mo what tho devil you're driving nt," "Look here," said Newmark, abrupt ly changing the subject, "you know that rapids up river Hanked by shal lows, where the logs aro always going aground?" "Tilfi I do.' "Well, why wouldn't It help to put a string of piers down both sides, with booms between them to hold tho logs In tho deeper water?" "It would." said Ordo. "Why Isn't It done, then?" "Who would do It?" countered Ordo. "If Daly did It, for instance, then all tho rest of tho drivers would get tho advantage of It for nothing." "Get them to pay their share." Ordo grinned. "I'd like to see you got any three men to agree to any thing on this river." "How many Arms drlvo Jogs on this stream?" '"J'en," replied Ordo without heslta- "How tunny do they employ?" "About ,00 men." Now, suppose"-Newmatk loaned fornrd-"supposo a firm should In organlied to drive all the logs on the river. Suppose It linpioxed the rler with piers and dams, so that the driv ing would be easier. Couldn't It drive with less than .".mi men and save tium ey?" "It mlchl." agreed Orde. "If such a firm should be organized to drive the logs for these ten firms at ko much a thousand, do you suppose It would get the business?" "It would depend on the driving firm," said Orde. "You see. mill men have got to have their logs. They can't afford to take chances. It would not pay." "Then that's all right." agreed New mark, with a gleam of satisfaction across his thin face. "Would you form a partnership with me having such an object In view?" Onle laughed. "1 guess you don't roullxo the situa tion." said he. "We'd have to have a few little things like distributing booms and tugs niijl a lot of tools aud supplies and works of various kluds." "Well, we'd get them." "How inueh are you worth?" Ordo Inquired bluntly. "Twenty thousand dollars. now much capital would we have to have?" usked Newmark. Onle thought for several minutes. "We would need somewhere near 575.000." he estimated at last. "That's easy," orlfd Newmark. "We'll make n stock company say 100.000 slinres. We'll keep Just enough between us to control the company say 51,000. I'll put In my pile, and you can pay for yours out of the earnings of the company." "That doesn't sound fair." "You pay Interest." explained New mark. "Then we'll sell the rest of tho stock to raise the ret of the money " "I must have something to live on." said Orde thoughtfully at last. "So must I." said Newmark. "We'll have to pay ourselves salaries, of j course, but the smaller the better nt ' first. You'll have to take charge of the ! men nnd the work nnd alt the rest of , It. I don't know anything about that , I'll attend to the Incorporating and the routine, and I'll try to place the stock. iou ll have to see first of nil whether you can get contracts from the logging i firms to drive the logs. "How can 1 tell what to chargo them?" "We'll have to figure that very close ly. Vou know where these different drives would start from nnd how long each of them would take?" , "Ob. yes!" "Well, then we'll figure how many days' driving there Is for each, nnd bow mnny men there are. and what It costs for wages, grab, tools. We'll Just have to figure ns near ns we can to the actual cost nnd then add a margin for profit nnd for Interest on our Invest ment." Amanda now announced dinner Newmark looked puzzled nnd ns ho arose glanced surreptitiously nt hit watch. Orde seemed to take the sum' raons ns one to le expected, however. In fact, the strange hour wns the usual Sunday custom In the Bedding of that day nnd had to do with tho Into church freedom of Amanda and her like. "Come In nnd eat with us," Invited Onle. But Newmark declined. "Como up tomorrow night, then, nt half past 0 for supper," Ordo urged him. "We can figure on these things a little." (To bo continued.) WOMAN THWARTED IN HER EFFORTS TO COP COIN (United Prena Leaned Wire.) SACRAMENTO, Cnl., Nov. 29. The plans of Mrs. Knte Warner, wedded by contract to Adam Warner to secure n widow's Bhnro or tho $3 - 000 cstato of Wttrncr was thwarted by Judge Hughes when ho . , i;i nemea -Mrs, vwirnor n new inni. no cou" uenieu mo mouon on uu mt i i i il. . if it.-. 'ground thnt Mrs. Wnrnor turn ac- cceded to tho tonus of tho contract, which gave her $100 n yonr nnd $1000 at Warner's death and was satisfied until recently. The wotnnn claims now that War ner, with whom sho lived 17 years, told her thnt sho would live nn extra long life, and sho continued to ho n : gomt wile to linn inni Hiii' (.'niiKi got u widow' Awwvi of tho ettuto, irre- spentivo of tho contract. Judge Hughes declared tho coti ! tract binding nnd tho cstato will nrtw go to tho fivo children of Wnrnor. I i SON OF PROMINENT MAN KILLS HIMSELF (United Press Leased Wire.) SANTA FE, N. M Nov. 20. News wns received horo todny that tho ho ly of Harvey Johnson, tho son of Os car Johnson, president of tho Hohort Johnson & Hand Shoo Manufacturing i company of St. Louis, .Mo., wnJ found iu a remote part of tho moun tains 'near tho Pecos river, CO miles from hero Into yesterday. A bullet holo in tho young inaii'i forehead and a revolver lying; nearby told tho story of his death. Tho general impression is that Johnson committed suicide as it was known ho suffered much from ill-health. W1 MY JTT T ANTE D 3 Billion Feet of Timber, must be well located for operating and logging. Transportation facilities near by. Land with some A white pine prefered. Furnish cruising by 40,s and maps. Only princi pals need apply. Clark & Cowles Box 666 Medford, Ore. i Annual MRS. W. LITTLE FOUND GUILTY OF NO LITTLE DEED BLUEFIELDS, W. Va., Nov. 'J. - i Howard Little wns found guilty today nnd .sentenced to death for tho mur der of six persons at tho Meadows farm, near Hurley. Tho trial wuh held nt Grundy, Vn., across tho statu line from here. Little made no defense. Tho trial was begun Thursday nnd tho vor-, diet ns returned today. The court-' house was guarded by a big forcoj of special deputies, an it wns fonrcd , n demonstration would ho attempted. J Tho murders were among tho most brutal on record. Littlo killed Geo. Meadows nnd Mrs. Mondows and their three small children. Ho then slow "Auntio Justice," 70 yearn old. First-Class Ladies' and Ocntn' Bootblack Parlors DYEING AND OILING A SPECIALTY. V. W. Howard. Const Chninpion Bootblack, Prop 0 S, CENTRAL AVENUE. For the Best In harness, saddles, whips, .olics, tents, blankets, wag on sheets, axle urease and Oall cure, as well as alf kinds of custom work, see J. C. Smith 314 E. Main. Reduction Sale Till Hats and Millinery Goods Less Than Gost I. BROWN GOLD RAY GRANITE CO. Office: 209 West Main St., Medford, Oro. Operating Quarry D KALE US IN BUILDING, MONUMENTAL AND CRUSHED GRANITE I REAL Farm Land Timber Land Orchard land Residences City Lots Orchards and Mining Claims Medford Room 10, Jackson Second. Floor Deuel & Kentnor's Store at Gold Ray, Oregon ESTATE Realty Co County Bank Building