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Tlli'l AI MDKORD MAIL TKIHUNR, IKDI'-QRl OIH:iONt, MONDAY, XOVKMIUffl 20, 1000. ROLLER TAKES ON 'JIM'S OLD BOXER Snys He Will Quit Wrosllinij Game, lor Rlnu Tommy Ryan Will Train Him. (Willi.! I'ri-nH I.i'iih.mI Wire ) . WiihIi.. Nov. HHATTI.l Ilr. It. Holler, wreHllur-pliymi'iiin, who Iiiih ncliinvoil fiiiiHiiii'rniilu local iii'M-, imiiiir notorioly of 1111 iinonviiilile ' (llinrnctor, Iiiim r!coiihiilcrinl lit 1' iiIhIoii to iliivoti' tlm winter lo wrcit lliiK lw rcHiirrt'clcil IiIh olil mil iiilion to liccoifio 11 piiKillHl. Accotil lo nn nniiotinccnicnt toilny, Toniiny Hynn, tlm veteran middli'- j weiu'lil Imxer, Iiiih taken Dr. Holler j under lii liiteliinn anil deelareM Hint tin Seattle pliyHieinn Iiiim the innk iiiK iif'fn fijshtor, Hollur, who in at i pioionl at .Mount ('lenienn, Mieli., in-, lulitl". lie xn.Vf, to ilevote liiinell t tin' riiiK utinie eveliiMively, niter the ClirUlmiiH h.liilny, ml he will have Hynn it tenily hoxinit piirtinT. After Mvernl niontlm of remrntinti. ' Holler will tie imilcheil with one f (ho Hoeoiul-rnto hcuvy-woijilit wrnp. JM'r for a try-onl. It im to liy a n 'a mineliiiiK that .Jim lolfiiiF i.vif lilt boxing MMoneo. . . , ,T BOB BURDETTE SAYS GOOD-BYE TO HIS FLOCK il'iillrit I'riaa lnw Vlr ) I.OS ANIIKI.I'S. fill.. Nov. -'().- Ii'ev. lloli" Itnrilelte him aiiiil fare, well lo hi flock. Today he ia Ihe rooipieiit of hundred of letter and ,iuanea luililintr Htm inreweii mini bun voyniro. lie leave for Honolulu Deeeniber 10. iiccoiiiimniiiil by bin wife. Tbero he liopes to reeupenile from his iUne- After nn nb.onco of , aeverni iiiouuih mnieiieri-ii nu mi- dro..K nt the Temple HnptUt church. "Mritrlit flotilla" bud been chosen t8 the theme, nnd while tberu wiin no direct leferctico to bin recent illiic, it ceiierully wiih iiudcr.tonil thai the difeourfe drew itn coloring largely from pornonnl e.vpcrieuco nnd the Kreat pb.VHicnl aufferini; through which he him pasfcd, Thcro were HiOO people preneiit when the Hex. Dr. Ilurdelte mnde Ilia nddrciH. TRACTION COMPANY MIXES WITH IRATE POPULACE TAfO.MA. Witab., Nov. 'JO. Attor neys repreontinir F. A. Iloutelle, u p'orintendenl of the Thooiiih Knilway & Power ooinMiny, today appealed to the aupcrior etnirt for relief from n 410(1 fine iuiNi!od in police e.unl bein yeterduy for failure of the company to funiUli ndofptate onr ku -vioo. Keoidoiita of South 'racomn " hml made eoinpbiint boeiuiM they were not iriven a fivo-inimite aurvioo .... i. i i lit'iiiiiitr ! thtt cii-o in pulioe court 1 ... Ibo fine xwih naaeoaod. CITY NOTICES. OKDIA.NACU NO. 26 I. An nrill'innco nsaosalnif tlio prop- orty adjacent to nnd benefitted by the MIX lucu lllioiai aower iuui i in n-, aloiiK Hoao nveuiie for tho coat of con- atriictltiK tho anmo and prinMiUnn the lutinnor of carryliiK said r.aMuaamonta liil,. full nttnrf ' A,) . l... I ,,.. u TIIO -!) OI .ui'iiiuni mini iiiiiiiin un fOllOWH! Section 1. Wherena. tl o council did luiroWiforo provldo by ordinnnco! for tho HorvliiK of tho ownem of prop orty ndjacont to and benefitted by tho const ruction of tho lateral sower hereinafter described to i ppenr bo font aald count '! and ahow riuso, If nny, why brIi! pro:orty ahould not bo naaosflcd for tho construction of said aower, nnd did fix a tlmo for henrliiK nny such protest, which notice wna duly Klvon In nccordnnco with aald oidluanco more than ten dnya before t'uo bo?lnnlnK of tho coiiHtiuctlnTi of mild Howor. but no priitontH ncnliiHt ...... .......,.....,. i.. nv nHnnHHinent nf i Hf III I'llllBl I IU I II'" l""v" I tho cohI thoritof was mndo by anyone 1 " ' ....i.i u, icin i.t until council!"11 .11.11 r...ii ni'i, ,. ,,..., ..j ....... - ordered r.oiiHtri'c.ted. And heron h, too emu or i no con struction of aald Howor bn been and heioly Is dotermliicd to bo tbo niim o' $Cf.4.00. , , Vnw tbevoforo. tho city doth horo- bv ordain and dednro that onch pnr cil of rropeity 'loHorlbod below Is -id-pneent to and bonoflttod by tint cor tnlii la t oral aower, hchos In size, (onstriictod on Hor nvonuo from Kouitb atroot ruiumlng south a dla tnnco of 000 foot and that tho propor tion of tho cost of Bnbl aower which each tu' wild paroola of land ahould bear, linsod on tho bonoflta diivod ro Hi.ectlvoly by said sovoral tnicta of land Ih tho amount aot oppoalto tno description of each nuch pnrcol bo low: that ench of mild pnrrolH la ac tually bonoflttod In tho amount aot oppoHlto Uh doHcrlptlon bolow by 1 o coi.Bt ruction of aald aowor, nnd that aald sovornl niuonnlH represent tho proportional bonoflts of anld aovoin inrcolH front a.'ld aower. And each of snid pr.rcola la hereby nflBosped bo nmount lot opposite Ita doscrlp t Ion ho low for tho construction of Bnld bow. or AS8KH8MHNT FOIt A "-INCH hA -TOHAIi SWWI3H FHOM FOUH'lII own mnvp TM I N N I N fl SOUTH ON TlOSFl AVBNUW A DISTANOW OV 000 1 KHWT. IN TIIW OITY OP MBDFonn, onrjaoN. 4 CITY NOTICES. AHM'HMIIIIllt No. I Clin. MlllKCHH, Im I, block 2, HomiioIih addition III! ilii- rliy of Motlfonl, Oregon, frontngii CO fret nil Woat Hide. Oil Ho0 IIVOItllH. r.o rii; into, 17 oVnla; amount iln, $2:1 r.o. ; A 'Ht'MMii'iit No. 2- ChiiH, IIuikosh, 1 Wit r. block 2, HouiioliH addition In (lie city of Modford. Onigou, frontage Ml feet on west Hit Ii Hoiki avonim. CO , feel; rate per fool, 17 conta; amount i due., ASMeHHIIieilt NO. :i--(MlHM. lllirRCHH. lot (t. block 2. ItiiiMiolin mlilltlon In tlm olty of Medford, Orison, frontline r.o f't oit went Hhin Hohu iivcnii". rn feet; ruli iht fool, 17 conta; iiinoiint ti ii-. 2:1. r.o. AKMITHIIICIlt NO. t- C'llllH. II II rif'HH, im 7 block 2. Koanolco ainmion j tin - city of Mi-dford, Orj;oii. froiitaKj r.O feet on west Hide Hose rvcniKi. no , ..... .... B...M1I J7 ftllttlll ttttltlltltl 1 font ; rnto nor foot I I l.Ulli-) iiiio'iim 1 dm-. $2.1. r.o, AWMiHHini'ni .no. 11 nins. uiirKi.'"". lot X block 2. Ilontifiko addition In .1... ,.f M.1f,ir.l OriM-nti fnilltlliro no feet on w-h( hIiIo Hn nvi'inif f.o feel : r"i nc (In-. $2:1. r.o. feet: rfi nor looi. 11 rem. iwnumn . . . ... .... ....... A.-aau.ent No. r.-f-'-nh MuroaK. lot ft. block 2. Iloanok addition li. I be c:tv of Medford Or,..,,... frnntnen r.O ft on Weal aide CO f,.l; mi,, in.,- foot, 17 conta; Htitount duo. $2n,C0. Aaaaiiient No. 7- Chaa. llurjsoaa. ji.e rli'v of Medford. Oreron. frontline tnt in, lilork 2. Itonnoke addition in ".n fot on weal Hldo Itoao avenue, r.o f.oi: rat" er foot. 47 conta; Htnount die, Aeaationl No R --f'haa. Ilurnoaa. '"i It. block 'i HoBMoke addition In th ritv nf Mmlford. Orenoii. front no feai nti woat aide Iloao avonuo. no tnt: rat nor foof. 47 cnt: amount ' duo. tti.hft. Aaaoaauiant So ! - r'laa. Miirtoaa. lot 12 block it. Itoanoke nddltlon In ! rltv of Mi'dford. OreRon. frontaae , mi roci nu woai auie iioki. htihiii. o- ,nt s.Veral tract of laud la the of Moiioru. orK; avo. and Demmor. ave. r nor foot. 47 cent: amount .,,mt net onnoalti. the dacrliitlon on oaat aide Summit avenue. " fot, -due. $n.R0. 'VaH, auch i.nrcol 1 below; tlTat each ra... per foot. 4 1 cnu; amount due.. Approved November IStfc. 1009. AMeaamoiit No 10-Pima. Iluraeaa. ' of "aid parcels Is nctually benefitted $22. oo. ni-v-i . 11. C A.NU.N, lot in. blnck Hoanok" addlllon In In tlio amount aet oppoalto Ita daorln- Aafeaamcnt No. Mayor, tl.o cltv of Medford. Oroieon, forntnire tlon below bv the ronMrnotlon of wild H. Kl" V' .'...V'r . .i,- mU- Attest: . fw suii. Hoh nvenno. CO f.., - t; m nor foot. 47 conta: amount ulna. $2.1. CO. Aoameiit No. 1 1 t.lina. HurKoaa. IWoJ Jmnokndiimoi, In r,n f,.,.t 0n weat aide ltoo nvonuo. CO it; mo nor foot. 47 conta; nmoiint due. $23. CO. Aaaoasmcnt No. 12 Clina. HurKeH. , 'lot 16, block 2. Honnoko addition In the city of Medford, Oregon, forntnuo' CO foet on west aide Hose avenue. CO feet; rate per foot, 47 conta; amount due. $211. CO. AammHiiicnt No. 13 Clins. IlurROBa, Mot 4. block I, Itoanoke nddltlon In the city of Modford. Oregon, frontage, CO feet on eaat aide Hose nvonuo. CO fecet; rnto per foot, 4 7 conta; amount due. $23.60. . Aaacanmont No. 14 Chna. Hurras, lot 6. Mock I. Hoanolio addition In the city of Medford. OroKon. frontnRO CO feet on enat aldo Hoae avenue. CO foet; rate per foot, 47 conta: nmoiint due. $23.R0. Aaaeaamont No. 16 Chns. Murneaa. lot 0, block 1. Itonnnko nddltlon In the city of Medford. Oronon. frontneo CO feot on eaat aide Hose nvonuo. B0 feet; rnto per foot. 17 conta; amount due. $23.60. Aaioaaiuont No. in unna. iiurmw. lot 7. block 1, Honnoko nddltlon In t o cltv of Medford. Oropon. frontnire Vi f i on ola aide KnaV nvonuo. CO M"nlZuA'!'. amount .dill'. Ssit.o'i. A'aaon-in-nt No. 17 Chaa. lliiresv iMH'Feill" Int S. b!ol 1. Honnoko ainmion in ; t o . !tv of Modford. Oropo,n. frontnge, '.n feot on onat aide Hooo avenue. CO feet; rate inr foot, 47 cents; amount due. $23.50. Aaement No. IS Clina. nnrKen, lot ? lilock 1. Honnoko addition In Um olty of Modford, OroROti. frontago .i ti n.i .nnt aide Itoao avenue. CO t. ni(), ,,,. f(,oti .; C0I,t8; nmount $23 CO. Aasoaamout No. 10 Clina. HuriiOflB, . ,0 ,,,,,,,,5 , Honnoko nddltlon In . ()f Modford, OroKon, frontnuc, I. " . I .... .... nl.l. limn Kl'linllA R 0 fill It't'l Oil O.mi mm- .'" CO feot on onRt aide Hoso nvonii. CO foot; rnto per foot, 47 cents; nmount duo, $23.60. ABHossmont No. 21 Clina. nurKOBB. lot 12. block 1. Honnoko nddltlon In feet: rate nor foot, i . cenia; ni......t - '--i ''..". ' "V,':V ",Vn ?s and snid. by cnusinir threo copies of this uuo, -.i.. Modford. Orecon. frontnen 60 feet nn I mn r,r ni,i chnrtcr clxlnc the , ordmnnee to bo posted in threo pub- 1..1 iTiock i itonnoico nddltlon lii I W0,t Hlt' Summit avenue. 50 feet; time for which contracts may bo en-,n0 places in said city, nnd said ordi ' ii.V. f Modford. OroKon. frontneo rate per foot, 44 conta; amount duo, tPr0(1 nt0 and frnnehlsoa be granted by . nubHshc( 0oe ; n (lniiv IOI 1J. IIIHIIK . ni...m..i """'" ""wnl xl.ln H.l.limlf T.ft fnn . r ofeoV m, ens ah o a von u o. C 0 1 rnV nor footV 44 cents; ninount due. "'T ' No' or contract shall be Tho foregoing ordinance was pass foot ' ri to nor foo 47 Tn a; anTount 22.00. Prned by tho city or city council for etl 1)V tho City Council of the City of Kr.!'tir.n 1 Assessment No. 9 K. II. PIckol. n.!n loncor period than ten yearf. except Metlfoni, Oregon, by the following lot' ' ; "'i' 1 r A duo, $23. r.o. AsserHinont No. 23ChnB. HurgeBS, lot I I, block 1. Honnoko nddltlon In tho cltv of Medford, OroKon, frontngo CO foot on east Bldo Hobo nvonuo. CO feet; rnto per foot, 17 cents; amount duo, $23.C0. AHBOBnniont No. 24 runs. nurKo. lot 15, block 1. Honnoko nddltlon in tho city of Modroril, urogon, ironiniw CO feot on onat nldo Robo nvonuo. no feot; into per foot, 47 conta; amount duo, $23. no. Section 2. And It Ib horoby ordor od nnd ordnlnod that Bald Bovoral afl seBsniontB nnd tho lions bo ontorod In tho lion docket of said city, and that thoreupon notlco bo given tho owners or reputed owners ot anld proporty, and thnt tho cnnio bo enforced and collected In tho innnnor nrovldod by tho charter of snid city for the collec tion of nBHCBsmontH for tho Improvo m mi i b nf t roots thoroln. Section 3. It Is furthor ordered that the notice, nbovo provided for bo nubllHhoil threo times In tho Dnlly Mnll Trlbuno, a nowBpnpor piibllHhod nnd of gonorcl circulation In Bnld city, In tho ninnnor iirnvldod by ordl nanco No. 2Ti0 of Bald city. Tho foregoing ordlnanco wns pnased bv tho city council ot tho city of Med ford on tho Ifith dny of November, 1000, by tho following vnto: Mer rick, aye; Welch, absent; Elfort, ayo; Afinosnniont wo. . t- ns. nuiKenn, uium nun ... v. .uiu ni.i, nu i, imu iv duw t -nPii vote : wolcii, nusciit; AierncK, ave; i u ...l.lltl,,,. In L Riiinnilt n.l.llllnn In iha cltv nf minted for such period ns the council 1 n . i.cii..., .., . . i ' Medfo AO Med ford, Oregon, f ronliiKO CO 6ot on or loKnl voters of said city may sec ... r.menck-, aye; wortman, aye; r.ueri, in .iiuiii i'i. ".Mi . -a o ii rA c..nin Thnt section 100 Of tne nvn nnil Demmor. nve. eet Oil OiSt HlllO liono nvonuo. in. ,ei sine mummi inenue. nu iwi.i - , i,,w,rii he' ' mm nee foot. 47 conta: nmount rnto per foot. 14 cents; nmoiint duo. charter of snid clt of " ue Approved November ISth. 1000. MftM 4 i 4- 4 - CITY NOTICES. 4 4 M-f 4 f 4 4 4-4 4 KiiktIck, fiyc; Iteninier, aye; Wort 111 fin, nye. Approved November 17. 1HO0. W. II. CANON. Mayor. A Hunt: KOIIT V. TKU'KH, Recorder. OIIDIA.WU'H NO, 250. Ah oidlmtnro iikhchmIiik the proper ty adjacent to and benefitted liy the fi-lncli lateral aower constructed along Summit avenue for tins cost of constructing the same anil providing tho ncitiiMT of carrying mild iihsosh moiit Into full effect. Tin' city of Modford doth ordnln nR folio WH Hi-ctlon 1. WhiTena, thu council fl licri'toforn iirovldi? by ordlnanco for t,,0 K()rvI1K 0f th,. nwimm of jirop- , IM,iIu:cnl t0 Mu benefitted by the ' - . t cotiMtrnctlon of the lntorul sower liereltinftcr described lo iiniivnr be- ' foru mini council una snow chub;, 11 1(iny w,y mild iiropirrty ulionld not be mU.u..,I f,.r )!,,. rnnal rnrt Inn nf until howit. nnd did fix a tlmo for lionrlnK f,ny hiicii proieaia. which ihiucu ... . - ....,., .. ,dulv Klven In acrordanco witn ram ordinance more ban ten , aya netore the beKlnnliiK or tno ronairiiciioii 01 ald aewer. but no protonta aKatnai nnld ronatructlon or iiRBOBament of tlh, wat tnereor waa iiy aii)oii nnd unlit aewer run, by wild council ordered coiiKtructed. And whareaa. the coat of the con- alructlon of aa'd newer haa boon and horebv I' determined to bo the mini of Now, tlivroforo. aald city doth hereby ordain nnd declare that each parcel of property dotcrlbod lwlow la adlarout to and bonoflttwl hy that certain lateral sewer, fl-lnohea In ale, oonatructod on Piunmlt avonun from fourth atroot and runiil'iK aouth 000. feet nnd that tha nronortton of lb- eoat nf aa d aowor which each of al ... i.. .. i i... i . th beneflta derlvod raueot fully by aower. anil thnt aald aevernl nmounta ropreaent the proportional benefits of un i.i .....! .. i , i.i nun. rt.-i-ilil i'Hiruin mull Piflll hi'vht. And each of anld parcels Is hereby ns- aeaiod the amount act opposite Ita do- acrlotlon of anld power. assi:ssmi:'t vnn r..ivrir IM'-M.M-M l-Wll A I.-I.M. II I.A 1- im 1 1 01.-1iM.-M nAiiiiKv-nivn tm l.nn m.r.!l 1 u,'l.nrH nil 1 KOl'HTH RTltHKT. WKST. AND lirXNINO ROl'TH ON Sf MMIT 4VPVTVK' A ,),STANCB F 000 AsfosRmont No. 1 K It. Plckel 14 K-lnm nnd W. f. Murphv, lot 12 block 2. Summit nddltlon In the city of Mod- i? nor foot, 41 conta;' amount due. , or reputed I owners of'i $22 00 and thnt the fame bo enforced ami Assessment No. 2-K. n. Plckel. II. collected In tbo mnnno r provl dec J Klum nnd VT. C. Murphy, lot 11. " 'rt" s" clftr f?L Urove Mock ?. Summit nddltlon In the cltv o" ' n88CSPmon.t8f?I tne ,nl',rop of Medford Orecon, frontneo CO foot on west side Summit nvonuo. r.o feet: rMe nor foot. I t cents; nmount duo. $22.00. AaOHmont No. .1 K II. Plckel. n. Klnm and W. 0. Murphy, lot 10. MocV 2. Summit addition In tho city of Modford. Oropon, frontnRO CO feot on woat aide Summit avenue. 50 feot. Unto per foot, 44 centu; nmount duo, $22.00. Aaaoaatucnt No. 4 K. n. PIckol. n. 'Winn nu w . t' '. -Mtirp liy. lot 0. lUock -' ?"' " nHion in tno city oi Medford. Oronon. frontaso 50 feet on yft aide Summit nvonuo. CO feet;; a a Aaaoaametit No. 5 U. n. Plckel. 11. Klum nnd W. C. Murphy, lot S. block 2. Summit nddltlon In tho city of, Medford. .Oretcop. frontnue CO feot on1 woat aide Summit nvonuo. 50 feet; i mte per foot. 14 conta; nmount due,' $22.00. Aascsamcnt No. il K. n. PIckol. H. Klnm and W. C. Murphy, lot 7 block 2. Summit nddltlon In tho city nf Mod-. ....... "I'M.ii. !. uiiiiKo uu ieei on i west aldo Summit nvonuo. CO feot; rnto per foot, II cents; nmount due. , 122.00. eunniiieiii .ju. i r.. n. ricKfii, u. Assessment No. S K. P.. PIckol, II. Klum nnd V. C. Murphy, lot C, block Hinninlt nddltlon In tho city of Medford. OrcKon, frontiiKO CO feet on too on "Assessment No, 10-13. 14. PIckol. H. Klum nnd W. C. Murphy, lot block 2, Summit nddltlon In tho city of Modford. Oregon, frontage CO foet on wont sldo Summit nvonuo. CO foet; rnto nor foot, 14 cents; nmoiint duo, $22.00. Assessment No. 11 K. H, Plckel, 14. Klum and AV. C. Murphy, lot 2. block 2. Summit nddltlon in tho city of Medford. Oregon, frontngo 50 feot on west Bldo Summit nvonuo. B0 feot; rnto per foot, 44 cents; nmount duo, $22.00. ABBOSBinont Xo. 12 K. n. PIckol, It. Klum nnd W. C. Murphy, lot 1, block 2. Summit addition In tho city of Medford, Oregon, frontngo CO foot on woat sldo Summit nvonuo. 50 feet; rnto por foot, 14 conta; nmount duo, $22.00. Assessment No. 12 E. II. Plckel, n. Klnm and V. C. Murphy, lot 1, block 1. Summit nddltlon In tho city of Medford, Oregon, frontngo 50 feot on onat sldo Summit nvonuo. CO root; into por foot, 44 cents; nmount duo, $22.00. Assessment No. 13 K, 11. PIckol, H. Klum nnd W. .0. Murphy, lot 2, block 1, Summit nddltlon In tho city of Medford, Oregon, frontngo CO foot on oust sldo Summit nvonuo. 50 foot; rnto por foot, I I cents; nniotint duo, i Klum nnil W P. Murnliw Inl C l.lnnl.- . .... M.ifnr.l Orxmn. nmend- "4 l""l"-'.' v"v.o ....v . ej..uv. sn CITY NOTICES. $22.00. Aiwf'iwtiianL Xo, I I -U JJ. Plckl, 11. Klnm mill W. ft. Mtirpby. lot 3, block I. Hnniiiilt addition In the clly of Mdford. OrKon, frontline SO feet on Ht nld Snnuiilt avenue, fio foet: rnto per foot. II contx; amount duo, $22.00. "Amnwiuient No. 1 r. 12. II. Plckel, H. Klnm and V. C. Murphy, lot (, block 1, Kiiuiinlt nddltlon In the city of Medford, Oregon. fronttiRo CO feet on eiint wide Binnmlt avenue. CO fuel; nit- per foot, 44 coiHh; amount duo, 1 $22 00 "AMKehHtncnt No. K K. H. Plckel. I). Klum nnd W. C. Murphy, lot C, ! block 1. Summit nddltlon In the city of Mi'dford, OriiBon, frontage CO foet, on cam sldo Summit avenue. CO feet: rate per foot. 44 centB; amount 'due, $22.00. AMoKKmcnt No, 17 B. 11, IMckol. II. Klum nnd W. C. Murphy, lot 6, block 1. summit nouiuun in me civv or .Mco.orci, wnnuii, uuuuiht on onst tilde Binnmlt nvc-nn-. .10 w-l; r,.(. (.or fiiol. 44 COIltB: ainOUIlt UUO, $22.00. . , V' 10 V II TKnInl ,ic'niiiiviii '; 11. !'" -.- "rV"V,.",',.V. i.iorK i. b ununi. "" ! ' " or jioumni. "J', : on enct auto Hiimiim aeime. i.-i. rate por foot, n coma, aniouni uuu, ?.'z.o... it M. Klum and w. siurpny. hjl o. . . h i. . n berk 1. SumntlLaddltlor. In tb city S Mi PC0 - "Winrttl" in- M -tor "mo ..r f'wt, 44 ont: amount due. main on anid portion of mid street jj'i.nn. nnd the aeamont of the oot there- AMmont No. 20 K. It. Plrkol. 0f tK)n (,e proitertv fronting there- n Klum and W. C,iVr,;!;y:hL0L ?1 on will he heard, hlork 1. Summit addition In t dtv rf Mwlfonl. Orit(in. frontano CO feet The forejroinjr reolohon wn pen nn oatt aid Summit avenuo. CO fert; 0(j 1)V tlie Cjtv Council of the City rot nor fool 44 cnta; amount due. f ,f , n..n on th lflth dnv "-n"- v K B rickt.u A-a-.ameiit r- i . , ' m Klnm and W. C. Mllrpv. lot 10. block 1. Summit addition In tno ouy Mock 1. Siimtnu m .. of Medford. Orepon. frontage ou ieai niii. siiinmu avenue. v u-i, v -,,,- .Inn rnto per foot, 44 cents, amount uuo. , $22.00. riri.-pl ' AfKOsament No. -3 E. H. 'chei. n. Klum nnd w. l.. .wnn' o. " l. 1M"' ','" ..... I -llf i,ir,-L- i Rntnttilt nuultlon in tne cuj . """" . , rn tnnt of Modford, OrcRori. frontnce ou ieei on enut sldo Summit avenue o if cot. $r"e00er ' "Sections. And It Is hereby ordered ""d ordained thnt snld severnl asosa- ments nnd the Hens be "tcre ,n J" Section 3. It Is further ordered that the notice nbovo provided for lie pulillslicd tnree ume in iu nii Trillium, ii newstinner published nnd of peneral circulation In wild from Twefth strcetf gouthf to oor. , rlty, VhPnTK,i porntion bonndnrj- nnd to assess the, n mice No. 20 of saiii cii. 1 ,. The foreieolnic ordlnanco wns pass- cost thereof upon the property di ed liv tho city council of the city of i-iootly benefitted thereby nnd adjac-, Medford on tho H'.th day of Novem- t (Ilcreto ! it.. ntlftH.lnrr I'riffl mnn liv tno touowinc wn- Merrick, ave: AVelch, absent: Elfort, nve: Kmor'lek. aye: Demmer. aye; Wortman. . nn Approved Novonmor n. ' ' . 11 f i vnv W. II CANON. Mayor. Atteat: ROTVT W. TKI.FEH. Recorder. RESOLUTION AND CHARTER ,t rolv" l.v the C.y eounc.l of the oily of MUor.l: . snin 1 That thoro Is hre pro- poiwl , nnd submitted to the lesal vo,,,,.,, of thu city or .mwiohmw ,,r0vRt or rejection tho foUowlnis pro- ,,nuti nmon.lmont to the charter ot said city, to-wit: clmrtor nmenumoni xo uip .... ..... M.lfnr.l nrnenn. nmolHl- Tho people of the city of Medford do dntn ns follows: ordntn Section 1. Thnt sub-scctlon 41 of sec - . i a tr..WA,1 Kn i tlon 25 ' t,,c charter of Medford bo ".'...., . ,n.1 n follows! , iinu.nileil so ns to reno ns iouun. Section 100. ..Nocontrnct shall be en I . . ... 1. ,.. o In.inno tior.lll tlinil I.,,. viKim oeent rrnnciuses inr bh.-i railways, which may bo Krnnted for such periods iib tho city council or viner ... anld clly may seo fit. No franchise shall Kraut nny exclusive right or rlfihta , Section I. Po It further resolved, Thnt anld charter amendment be so pro posed nnd submitted to the voters of - . . . . ..l.l .,1.11. said city ns nroresnui oi n vm-i-mi op tion called nnd to bo held In said city on tho 14th dny of December. 1909. nnd that tho recorder of snid city cnuse said proposed charter amendment to be print ed, published nnd posted In conformity with ordinnnco No, 124 of said city. The foregoing resolution wns passed by tho olty council of the city of Med ford on November 27. 1909, by the fol lowing vote: Merrick nye, Welch nye, Wortman nyo, Kifert nye. Demmer nye, Kinerlelc nye. Approved November sun. ii".'-.'. W. H, CANON, Mayor. Attest: TtOIlT, W TRI.FF.H, City 'Hocorder. mho following Is tho form In which said mensuro will nppear upon tho bal lot: SPECIAL ET.ECTIOT. December 14th, 1909. t 4 4 4- 4- 4 4 -4 4-f 44444 CITY NOTICES. f 4ft4 llurk IwlwM-n numbr n1 nwr vot 1 for. utnlttMj bv orlr 0 th olty cfiun rll. Charier Am-nlmnl. Voi yiH or no. A ehartir mnt-nAmfnl to th charter of thu city of Medford, atnfwtlriK mib iwctlon 12 of action JS and clton 100 of aald chnrtor. fixing thi; tlm" for wMch contractu may b" entffd Into anil franchl" ' (frnntnl by nalrt city nnd xtomllnc the tlrnf for whleh xtrret rnll wny franchlna way be prantwl by aald city. 400 1 rns 401 I NO RESOLUTION. j Bo it resolved by the city council " 0f tj,e city of Medford Thnt it is the intention of the coun- f .. . . , , 5 on cil to my ft men wnitr mnin on SOtllll UrapC MreCt IfOm 1 WO M'l -1 1 C..1U ! tl.A limito r, . ,1 .. . . , HIT' ' . 11)11111. Ill .11. Ili.Jl.S ItllU ,1 to nHsess the cost tliceroi upon me nronertv frontinir on ?nid nortion of " . t ;n ,nTtnri;n to the " , ., ' ' iroinnpc 01 fiaici propenv. The conneil will meet nt the Coun- n,mi, !n , r:,,. Itoll In i i i "ii. P 1. 1 Anfi cny on me tin oi uecemDer. mwi, nt - 3q p m nt tjtne aj j)ro. of November, lOOfl. by the following ... ... . . . , . ,.. rote: Welch, nbaent: Jlernck, nye; Kinenck, aye; orlman, nye: Eifert. HOBT. W. TELFEn, City Recorder. ORDINANCE NO. 2C7. n ordinnnco nrovidinc for the . .. ... . . conetrnciinn of n IntornI Fewer nlonc: Grapc street from Twelfth Ptrcet, corporation boundary nnd the assessment of the cost there- 0f on the property directly benefit- lfid tiierei)yj nn ndjncent thereto, ,! providinp n meetinc of the conn. oil to consider protests nPninst said, construction and nssessment nnd the serving of the owners of such prop-) crty with notice thereof. Tho City of Medford doth ordain' ns follows: Section 1. It is the intention of, the council to cause n Internl sewer n lin nnnslnif fcil nlontr flrnno street Soction 2. The Council will bear and coiwiidor any protests apninst Miid construction and the assessing of said property for the cost there of, at a meeting of tho council to be . heltl Deceiubar 7th at 7:30 o'clock p. m. in the Council Chamber iu snid city, and all property owners of property adjacent to said sewer and bonofitlod thoreby are hereby called lo.. o appehr before said council ttt sld tlIU0 nui1 1,Um and 6,,ow onuse. if anv they hnvo. why such construction should not bo made and . . t,ereof 0 nic,eod. "ie com im.rioi .o n..i. -uu. Section 3. The City Recorder is hereby directed to serve notice there- f nu.nr4 nforo. I - newspaper published and of general .circulation in tho city, at least ten . (nys i,cfovo tho date of snid meet-! ' mg. V. II. CANON, Mnyor. Attest: RORT. W. TELFER, City Recorder. (Slo.OOO CITY OF MEDFORD, OR., IMPROVEMENT HONDS. Medford, Or., Nov. 17. 1000. The City Council of Medford, Or egon, will receive sealed bids up to 4:30 o'clock p. ra., Deeeniber 7, 1000, for tho sale of $15,000 6 per cent 10-yenr Improvement Bonds, bids to bo accompanied by a certified' check equal to five por cent of tho amount bid for. The right to reject any or nil bids is resedved. Rids to bo addressed to Robert W. Tel for, City Recorder. Certified check to bo made pnyablo to tho City of Medford, Oregon. City Reeordor. Dntod Medford, Orogon, November 17, 1000. 227 ROBERT W. TELFER, Are You Going East ? Have you a friend coming west? You ought to bring one to Medford. Call and see us. Let us talk routes and rates with you. Information cheerfully fur nished. Phone, address or call on Southern Pacific it R. A. S. ROSENBAUM, Agent . WANTED Timber and Coal Lands ENGINEERING AND SURVEYING CON TRACTS TAKEN AND ESTIMATES FURXISEEJ). i. H. Harris & Co, MEDFORD, OREGON Office in Jackson County Bank Upstairs P. C. Hansen. Tom Moffat. We make any kmtl and style of windows. We carry elass nf any size on hand. Medford Sash & Door Co. In Case of vSicKness PHONE 3641 MEDFORD PHARMACY Near Post Office All Night Service Free Delivery Union Livery, Feed and Sale Stable PHONE 1821. 113 SOUTH BARTLETT ST. BALED HAY AND GRAIN. Home First Class Mules and Horses BARGAINS, IF TAKEN SOON FOR SALE At Reasonable Prices Ready to Deliver Now Newtowns Spitzenbergs . Bartlett Bosc Cornice Winter Nellis And all commercial varieties, See L. E. HOOVER. Or Cull Phone Suburban 371 MEDFORD I .A MS! , to i