Newspaper Page Text
A PPT 17 1C T"NTfi OTT TTTTT? VlOTJ TH1? 1,G won hy a car of Ro&,,c Tiiver aPP'cb tlijit won the sweepstakes j. x A-JM-J AVXll V-T VX .1 A XI- vr VIL1 with fruit from all sections of America, proving conclusively that Rogue t'ltltwl IV'm Ammm'ImI Ion. I'll 1 1 lAHi Willi HfJMII'L Tho only paper In tho worlir published III it city tlio mIxu of .Mudfonl having n lt'iiNcd wire. FOUliTU Y13A.R. CRUISERS READY VERYTHIH Gunboats Belnu Overhauled and Transports Arc Fitted (or Use at Moment's Notice Prince ton Steams South. MEXICO MAY AID IN QUELLING DISTURBANCE France Sends Cruiser to Protect Her People Situation Is Growing Very Tense. FOR WAR (Unltr.l J'rr.i I.eunod Wire,) SAN FUANCI8CO, Nov. 30. The contents of n Ioiik cipher mosBnggo from Wuxhlngton to Admiral Thomas Phelps, roimnnmlor of tho Mnro Is land navy yard, nro bellovcd to con tain orderti that may dispatch ouo or mor of tho army transports now In port to tho Nlcaraguan coast. Th metuwigo, which la tho longest official telegraphic communication received nt Mnro Inland slnco tho RpnnlMh-Amrrlcnn was, h not to bo opened until Wcdnosdny, according to Instructions that accompanied It. At Mnro Inland and In this city It Is rumored thnt thin In tho first ctnal play against tho Zolnyn government. ' Tho Riinbont Princeton, stcamliiR southward from Scattlo for tho Cen tral Amorlran troulilo rono, Is duo to nrrlve in this port tomorrow. It has boon fiiiggested that tho lotiR code " mosnngo benrs Instructions to tho rrlncotonV commander. ) Troops, supplies nnd ammunition .. nro ready at tho Presidio to bo trnns l ported to Central Amorlcn nt n mo ment'n notice, nnd should tho mos snRo contain liiHtructlons for n move In thnt direction, not a moment's ; tlmo would bo lost. Overhauling flunhoat. NAVY YAItn. PuRot Sound, Wash., 'i Nov. 30. AntlclpntltiR ordorn from WnshlnRton dlrectlnR thnt tho Riin- hoat WhoollnR bo placod In commls Blon to hurry to tho NIcnraRtinn coasl, that ship, which linn been out of coinmlHsfon hero for novornl years, Is now nlonRsldo of plor No. 7 and workmen hnvo begun ovorhnullnR hor , Rims nnd onRlncs. Tho WhoollnR car ries tho snmo nrmnment bh tho Prlnco ton, Mexico May AM. MEXICO CITY, Mox Nov. 30. Thnt Mexico ni)d tho United Stntcs may net In conjunction to put nn end to tho civil fitrlfo thnt 1n rondlnR Nlcnrngua was tho stntomont todny of Rennr Mnrlscnl, minister of forolgn nffnlrs. Ho ftirthor Btntod thnt Mex ico probnbly would Intervono In tho ovont thnt NIcnraRiia beenmo em broiled with nny of hor neighbor re publics. Roporls thnt tho Moxlcnn govorn ment would oxerclso Biiporvlslon In tho nppolntment of n president to Riteeoed Zelnya worn donlpd by tho foreign minister. TTo declnred that Buch procedure hnd not beon BiigROBt od. Frnnclsco CnRtro, NIcnrnRimn min ister to Mexico, todny received n ca ble from Zolnyn denying omphntlcal ly the rumor thnt ho hnd ronlRncd. lie cnnflrmod MnrlscnPfl Btntomont thnt Moxlco might bo nflked to effect nn nmlenhlo Bettlomont of tho dis pute Zelavn May HiiiTenilcr. WASHINGTON, Nov. .10. Mlnlfl tor Cnstrlllo, dlplomntln roprcsontn tlvo of tho provisional Rovornmont of Nicaragua todny recolved n cnble mossngo from Provisional ProRldont (Continued on pneo 6.)' Medford t (j SHERMAN'S CHOICE FOR SUPREME BENCH KIDNAPPERS I . i rr -a rvrr HHBBBmM I TBI TTTWiMrr JUDGE ALFRED 0. COXE, VIC PJIESIT2NT SHERMAN'S CH0IC3 FOR UNITED STATES SUPREME COURT. Judge Alfred Coiikllug t'oxc, whom Vice President Sherman recommended for the vacancy on tho United States supremo bench, Is a native of New York, nnd his resldenca is In Utlca, where tho vice president lives, but the federal circuit where he presides Is In New York city. He was appointed to the fed eral court by Theodore Itoosovelt. Judge Coxe Is the son of the Itev. Samuel Hanson Coxo and a nephew of Itoxcoc t'oiikling and Mixtion Arthur Cleveland roxe. lie was graduated from Hamilton college In 18IS and received the de cree . f doetnr of laws rroni Columbia In 1POJ. From LS08 until his appolut , 'iient to Hie federal bench he practiced law in Vtlcn. , r- , a Chief Declares to Interfere In Do mestic Difficulties of Sam Ling Dun and His Caucasian Wife. Chlof Shcnror averted possible In ternational complications Monday morning when ho refused to Intor foro In tho domestic difficulties of Snm SlnR Dun nnd his wlfo. 8nm is n followor of ConfucliiB, whllo Ills spouso Is of tho Caucasian rnco. Thoy hnvo several chlldron nnd hnvo boon residents of Medford for tho past povoral months, Monday mornlnR Snm cnnio to tho conclusion that n little discipline, a la Chlueso. would bo good for hla whlto wifo, bo pro ceeded to administer it. Tho oldest son of tho couplo flod to tho Btreot nnd, Qjicountorlng Chief Shcnror, told him thnt hla fnthor was beatliiR his mothor. Tho chiof, hnv InR knowlcdgo of tho pocullnr rnclnl relations of tho family, nnd not do Blrlnp to involvo tho Rovornmont in a controversy concerning tho intornn tlonnl qucntlonB llkoly to bo involved, 1 1 t it. k - 11... . I . 1 I ... 1 1. loin (no yciuiiKsiern mm ii ma iimuu i would Bvonr to n complaint nRninflt. rj . . L L I-. ... ' snm no woum pvocoen 10 noi. dui b oxompliflcntlon of orlontnl syfltom wnn bo forcoly thnt Mrs, Sam could noj nppnnr or ho had convinced hor of tho error of hor wnya in tho menn- tlmo, for tho roquircd wnrrnnt wnB( not sworn out, nnd penco tompornrny rolgns in tho Chlno-Amorlcnn house hold. Fred II. Hopkins la BpondlnR a fow dnys In Portland on businoss. INTERNATIONA COMPLICATIONS NOT FOR SHEARER MED FORI), . 1U LIT DUCK HUNTING ABOUT RUINEO BY HIGH WATER Flood Spreads Over Such An Era of Low Land That There Is Flood in Great Abundance. Duck hunters nro thinking of clean Ing up tho guns to put nwny for tho rest of tho season, for tho sport has been nbout killed, and unless n change comes uoon it will bo hard to got tho birds. Tho flood spreading over n Buch a Inrgo area of lo-v land hnB 8cattorel duck hunting to tho wlndB nnd ovon tho most optimistic of tho trlbo of local nlmrods hnvo llttlo hopes, of tho sport picking up vfter tho freshets ro down for tho winter rnlnu hnvo JuBt stnrtod. Tho flood nt n tlmo whon thoro was ovory prospect of duck huntlnR picking P. A full flight of cnnvnBbacks had yet to nrrivo nnd populato tho tules of tho Uoguo, al though thoro hnvo beon somo fair kllln on tray bands. With ponds of wnter ovorywhoro In tho low Bocttons nnd Uo oloughs nnd tules woll supplied tho blrdn from now on will hnvo nbundnuco to food on,' which will keep them scattored. Old Jupiter PIuvIub hnd nn nwful tlmo Oils yonr. For tho first two wookfl of tho Bonson ho hold off his offering with n surprising bnshful nosa nnd iib a result tho birds wont olsowhero to got fresh food nnd wn ter, Thon tho rnin bag was opened, This brought hunting to n fairly high Htnndnrd nnd for n week limit hngs worn Bcoured with moro of a fro quoncy than any tlmo previous, nnd the huntors woro nmlllns. nut thos,o conditions lnstod only a fow dnys, Mail Tribune OKKOON, T.I' ICS I UV, XOVMMBIOIi 30, .1909. TO Elaborate Plot Discovered Whereby i Bold Kidnappers Were to Make Away With Oil Magnate. OVERHEARD AT THEIR PLOTTING; POLICE BUSY i I Walls of Rockefeller's Estate is Closely Guarded and All Strang ers Are Stopped. CLEVELAND. O., Nov. 30. Tho po lice today nro seeking two men, said to have been Implicated 1n a plot to kidnap or assassinate John D. Rock efeller. Mcssaccs bavo been sent broadcast advising the police of the country to apprehend the suspects. Tho Information was furnished to tho police by Sawyer Smith of Miner va. O.. who Bays that ho overheard tho men talking of the plat at Alli ance. O., on Sunday night. He says that the plotters discussed elaborate plans for doing away with tho oil king. Rockefeller has abandoned his plan of attending a farowell meeting nt tho Euclid nvenuo Baptist church. Tho walls of his estate aro being closey guarded to prevent tho ap proach of any 6trnnger from any di rection. It is reported tho kldnapjiers wore to hold tho mngnate for a ransom of J1.000.000. A. R. MLenn of Grants Pass is anions the arrivals nt the Xnsh. FINAL FOOTBALL E Medford Will Clash With Grants Pass in Final Game of Season Saturday on Local Grounds. Next Saturday will bo tho Inst game of football of the season in ( Medford nnd nt that time Medford high school team wil meet Grants Pass higliy school. This gnme bids to bo tho best gnmo ever plnyod on tho loenl grounds ns tho tenuis are even ly matched nnd the Grants Pnss team has tho loynl suport of nil the stu dents nnd has excellent coaching nnd lit wns only after repented efforts that Medford wns nblo to score tho jono field goal ngninst them in tho gnmo three weeks ngo. It secpis im possible for eithor tenm (o cibss tho !gonl lino of tho other. i Conch Hall of tho Medford tenm said nt n recent interview, "Tho com ing gnmo without ft doubt will bo thq hnrdost gnmo of the senson nnd I nm nfrnid if we do not hnvo the loy nl support of both the high school nnd tlio citizens of Medford thnt wo will meet our Wntorloo, nnd dtho title of championship which wo hnvo nl most won for Medford will go to tho town thnt supports her tenm. I know tho boys will do tlioir ymrt but thoy must hnvo support." whon copious showors falling steadily put too much wetness in tho marshes, This wns tho beginning of tho ond, for tho rocont storm took a foot about thon and has slnco plnyod havoc. Attornoy A. L. Honmos of Jnck Bonvtllo wns a Medford visitor Tiies-day, Ant A K Orcflon Historical Society 1 nitv Hnll SAL TAV DATL HO I HA ItHlL !Ui N EXT YEAR . LOWER - Council, After Informally Conferlng and Going Over Finances of City Reach Decision Rate Will Be Half Mill Lower. THIS IN SPITE OF THE REDUCED ASSESSMENT Large Amount of Work Has Been Done But Council Sees Way to Lower Rate. In spite of the fact that the assessed- valuation of Medford is lower than It was last year, and that never beforo have such strides been taken towards civic improvement, tho tax rato for 1910 In the city will bo low er than this year. Tho council has reached this decision after several informal- mcotlngs and., after much pausing over the finances of the city. The tax rato next year will in all probability bo 17 mills In tho city. During 1909 the rato was 17 1-2 mills. While tho reduction is only a half mill, still this represents much when it is remembered that tho as sessed valuation of tho city Is lower and that nevr bfor has there been a year during which greater strides have been made for civic Improve ment. Tho council will meet in special session this evening. NEW EXHIBITS ARE PLACED ON Many Citizens Bringing in Small Fruits and Vegetables for Show. fe While tlio fruit men hnve been do ing stunts in tlio way of winning prizes nnd bringing honor nnd fnme to Jnckson county, ft few citizens linvn been nroexossincr nloncr other v fc j lines, ns witnoss some of tho samples .shown nt tho exhibit building. For instanco there nro some Eng lish walnuts grown by R. M. Clemens on tho Dr. Geary fnrm on Griffon (Creek which nro on par with tho pro 'duct of nny section of tho country iwhntovor. J. S. Hnmrick hns n monster sugar beet on show thnt weighs 23 pounds, nnd wns grown on Hear Creek bottom soil without irrigation. Goorgo Jnckson of East Medford matches him with n beet of similar sizo nnd ndds another weighing 21 pounds for good measure. These last two woro grown within tho city limits and nlso without irrigation. In tho dnys before tho attention of tho pcoilo wns nttrneted to tho grow ling of record-breaking pears nnd np jplos nn attempt was made to establish , tho sugar bcot industry here, but nbout that timo tlio orchard men be gun to got returns, and tho land thnt would produco good boots without uti availablo market wns found to bo cnpnhlo of porducing tho fruit thnt always brings n price. It is pot among tho impossible things, howov cr, thnt Southorn Oregon will bo pro ducing n lot of tho character of stuff nbovo inontioncd ns a by-product of tho young orchards now beiii" plant ed or to bo planted in Jho near future, prize at the great Spokane apple show in competition River fruit-is the most perfect grown in any country. SOUTHWARD NOVEMBER 1909 RRflKF PFMRIK FOR 23 YEARS i Rainfall Amounted to 8.40 Inches- Last Year It Was 2.22 In 1886 There Fell 9.07 Inches. . 1 The weather man says: -f Occasional showers tonight. Cloudy. Wednesday, Decern- -f bcr 1, fair. Total rainfall to . flute, for ; month v 8.40 TfovcmbcrIo'ofl, 2.22 laches. November, 1880, 6.07 Inches. 4. When Miss November, year of our Lord, 1909, passes out Into tho night, making way for dear old December, sho will go knowing that she will loong be remembered, for while here sho has shattered all November rec ords for 23 years in the matter of rainfall, she has touched tho lowest notch In temperature of any previous November, and has caused the old Itoguo to act very roguish indeed, rising to Its highest mark slnco 1961. Tho coming of December alono is all that seemingly can stop her from goln? still higher, for rain is prom ised tonight, fair tomorrow. Mon day night 70-100 of an Inch fell, making tho total rainfall for the month S.40 inches. Ono year ago .tho fall was 2.22 inches. In 1S66 9.07 Inches of rnin fell during the month. For two days only did the tem perature go down. It touched 25 one morning nnd the city and valley were keeping close to tho -fir, hut old Sol soon came ou and up jumped the mercury to 50 or 60 nnd there re mained. Roguo river, rojolcing In tho little Joko of November, went off on n llt- tlo excursion of her own. Gathering forco from all of the thousands of hor tributaries, largo and small, nnd calling for aid to tho snow-clad hills, sho roso until sho was tho highest ever known slnco 1S61. Thirteen feet of water poured over the crest of tho dam at Gold Ray and tho work ers In tho powor house stood on n floor six Inches under water. Hut tonight Novomber must givo way to her sister, December. And ns Is befitting, sho promises to go In a shower, cxortlng overy effort to Increase hor record. Her business manager, Mr, Weather man, says it will bo cloudy with occasional show ers tonight, fair tomorrow. JACK BLISS MEETS' BAD ACCIDENT IN BALL GAME (United Tress Leased TYke.) STOCKTON, Cal. , Nov. 30. Cntehor Jnek Hliss of tho St. Louis National League club, one of star fMnyers who aro touring the west, lies today at St. Josonh's Homo in this oity suffering from n severe1 frnctuio of tho right leg, sustained in yester day's game with Connio Mack s Phil adelphia' Athlotics. Bliss singled in tho fourth inning of tho game, scoring Mitchell. He tried for second on the throw to tho plato and wns compelled to slide. His long spikes caught, in tho ground THK WKATIIHK. Tonight tind Wednesday rnin; cloudy. Monday high, (50 ; low, 52, rnin 50. ' No. 217. Never Before In History of Medford Were Postal Receipts as Large as for the Month of November. WILL RUN FAR OVER THE RECORD FOR OCTOBER Last Month Was Heaviest But This Month Will Leave Them Far Behind. Never beforo In tho history of Medford hnvo the recipts of the post offlco been as heavy as during this November. Assistant Postmaster Woodford Is at work today In com piling his monthly report, and what ho has found so far has surprised him. Tho stamp sales alono this month will total over $1400. Tho receipts from money orders has grown by leaps and bounds since tho largo force of men havo been put at work on tho Pacific & Eastern. These men send considerable money homo to relatives. Last month tho postal receipts were tho largest ever known in the history of tho local postofftce, top ping by $200 tho Christmas month of last year. The receipts totaled $1906.14. Tho receipts a year ago In October were $1517.26, while for De comber, always heavy month, they were $1733.49. This month they will go over $2000. E FOR INVESTMENTS Arthur D. Coulter of Seattle, Well Known in Business Circles, . Looking Over Rogue River Valley. John A. Torney has returned from a business trip to Seattle and brings with hint Arthur D. Coveter of Seat tle, who Is well known in business clrclos as a past master at Interest ing capital tn new enterprises. Ho with two other men raised $524,000 to build and equip tho Arctic club t Seattlo, tho most olegantly equip ped club ou tho coast. His object hero Is to investigate tho opportupnl- tle3 offered for the vestment of capital. Mr. Coultor will bo shown ovor tho valley and made acquainted with its many resources. Ho no doubt, llko ninny others, will become inter ested and aid not alono the valley, but himself nnd friends. PROMINENT MAN FACES A SERIOUS CHARGE (United Press Leased Wire.) LOS ANGELES. Nov. 30. O. F. Bnhcook, presidont of the Babcoek Advertising company, is under arrest todny on a felony wnrrnnt chnrging criminnl nssnult of Mecca Bylcr, a pretty 14-year-old girl, who is tho solo support of an invalid mother. twisting his log, nnd snapping" a bono a few Incites nbovo his ankle. Physi cians stntqd tlint it is doubtful if tho catcher wil Ibo ahlo to do henvy work for Itis club whon tho 1010 senson begins. RECORDS FOR WPflDTC I Ell I.V IILULEB IU TOPPED