nrenon KUloricai Society
r,ny Hall
UiilU'il 't'n A)ui(ti'l(lon,
Full LwimimI Wlrw Itojiort
The only (inner In Mm
world publlnlmd lit a cUy tho
slro of Hertford huTlng n
lenned 'Tiro.
Medford Mail Tribune
Tonight nncl Fridnpf
Fflir. Wednesday--high, fi2
low 38, range -10.
, DECEMBER 16,1909.
No. 231.
For tho Homoaookors' Edi
tion of Tho Mail Tribuno
Evory Itom of Intorest Is
Wantod You Can Holp by
Sending In Stories.
It In thv Intention of (ho Medford
Mnll Trillium nt Now Ycnr'n to Inane
n hnmoHcokorn' edition, which- will
contain n record of tho pant ywir'ii
progreim nindi) by tlm Iloguo Itlver
valley. Uvory hit of datn of IntercHt
to tho liomeiieoker which cun ho gath
ered will hu Incorporated Into n mntii
inotli edition, of which omo 10,000
coiiIum nr to ho h ji rend hrondcniit over
tho rountry. To do thin miccennfully
tho Mnll Trlhnno must doiiend on ItK
render for much of thin Information,
Tho management will tnko enro of
tho work of getting out tho imter.
It Ih up to you to mo (hut wo do
not overlook nny dntn of liitcn it, or
which will remit In inducing home
neekerw to iiitim to tlio Uokiio Itlver
Mr. Orrhnrdlitt:
Tomorrow tho Mnll Trlhnno will
publlnh n blank which you nro naked
to fill out, giving tho ylold of your
orchnrd, prlcoa received nnd other
matter 0 Interest. If you hnvo one
tree with nn unusual ylold, M'ml In
tlm fart; If yon have nn ncre. nn or
chard, In fact, nny Item which will
ho of Intorcif, entl It In. By doing
ho you will provn yourself of vnluo
to your eoiiiiminlty nnd will nld In
Uh dovolopmont. If comploto rctuniR
hnvt, not hoen received you enn give
tho yield nnd expected prlco.
Mr. Fanners
No Iohn Important nro your facta.
If you mined nlfnlfn, or vogctnblos, or
hog, or anything else, send It In no
that tho world will know whnt you
nro doing. Thoro nro homcsockora
who wIhIi to know of the garden (nirk
iin well iim of tlio fnmlco pettrx.
Mr. Itixmicr:
Vou may not ho n farmer or nn
orchnrdlHt. Yon may ho both, hut
ho long (ih you are n booster, you nro
Hiiro to know of Bomo fact nomo
Item which will holp ndvortlso tho
Unpin River valley to tho world. Wo
raro not who boihIh It In, tho power
If poHHlhle, If not, IiIh neighbor. Wo
enro not if nn Item 1r dtipllcntcd many
times, mi long nn get It. Wo wnnt
nil tho fnctH, all th0 time, for nil tho
Wo plnn to print the truth of the
Uopio Itlver vnlley, so Mint nil tho
world will know nnd marvel nt It.
Hero Ih 11 chunco for you, ho you
rnnchcr, huntneafl man, profctmlnnnl
orchnrdlHt, or Just n plain booster.
Hero In your rliiini-o.
Now In tlm time.
Oct busy.
Address New Yenr'H Edition, Mall
Tribune, Mod ford, Or.
NBW YOKIC, Dee. 10, "Wo hnvo
domoiiHtrntod Hint tlioHo mon nro tho
ones who did tho work. If thoy nro
not pillty, no ono onu bo pillty,"
dcclnred Attornoy nunnlHon In Hiim
mlng up today for tho gnvornmont In
tho sugnr triiHt fraud ciihch,
DoiuiIhou'b nrKUinonta woro follow
ed closoly by tho six dofondnntB, who
nro former CiiBhlor Bondornngol, for
111 or Biiporlntondont of tho Brooklyn
Spltzer nnd Scalo Chockoni .Coylo,
BoyloB, KoIioq nnd Honnosoy,
It Is oxpootod that n verdict will bo
returned In tho casos boforo noon to
morrow. Tho roBult Is nwnltod with
grent intorost In ftnanclnl circles nnd
olBowhore, ns It Is bollovod that tho
notion In othor cases will donond to a
largo extent on tho prosont trlnl,
Dnvld A. Do Annond, who lost tits life wtien his homo In ltuUcr, Mo wns
destroyed by Ore, wni first elected to the house ot representative from tbo
Sixth conKrcstonnl district of Missouri Id Itftll nnd served continuously. He
wns n Democrat nnd. In addition to tils political prominence, wns n well known
lawyer. He wns bom In Blair countr. I'n- March 18. ISM His enrly llfo was
pent on his father's farm, receiving his education In the common schools and
at Dickinson seminary. In his young manhood Mr De Armond practiced law
in Butler and in 1884 wns named a presidential elector. He beld mirceMlvi
y tbe positions of state senator, circuit Judgo and Missouri suprotno court
SEATTLE. Wash., Dec. 10. A
conference is being hold nt Tacomii
today between It. E. Pnltnor, gonor
nl suporintondoiit of tho Northern
Pncifio rnilronil uud D. W. Camp
bell, assistant gcuornl mnnnger of
the Oregon nnd WiihIiiiikIoii rnilrontl,
a branch of tho Union Pacific, nt
which will ho finally ratified tho now
schedule for Union Pncifio nnd
Southern Pneifio trniiiH which are lo
run ovor tho Northorn I'neifio truck
from Portland to Tncoinn nnd Sont
tlo beginning Jnnunry 1.
In sponkiug of tho now sorvioo,
Mr. Campboll snid: "Sonttlo busi
ness men onu work to 11 o'clock,
hoard nt that timo uud arrive in Sun
Francisco nt 0:30 o'clock next night
for only 0110 night will ho spout 011
tho Soattlo-Snn Francisco jounioy.
The Oregon nnd Washington oxprosH
os are to chop hours of tho fonnor
Kchodulos hot ween tho two cities. Tho
oxpreHsurt will ho nmdo up of nn oh
Rornvtion nnd parlor ear, throo
slconerw, 0110 diner and a dynamo
hnggngo ear. Only pouch mail will
ho ciu'riod 011 thoHO traiiiH wliicli will
ho eloelrio lighted tliroiighout."
Tho SlinHtn Limited, leaving Snn
Frnnoisco nt 11 o'clock in tho morn
iug, will anivo in Seattlo nt 0:20 tho
followini! nielit. Tlio umu-orhos to
uud from Sonltlo will oonnoot nt
Portland witli tlio Ilnrriman oxproKs
traiiiR from Cluoago with only n
tweiily-miuuto interval in tho aftor-
Ono porson livos ns though only in onrniiig inonoy is thoro nny
noed of nhility, of thought, of diligent work.
Anot hor person heliovos that Uioso snmo tilings should apply to
tho SPENDING of tho monoy thus earned.
Tho 0110 doos not road or nnswor nils., nor buy ndvortisod
tilings to nuy otxont tho othor wntolios tho nds. ns diligontly ns
tliough tlio task woro u part of tlio dny's necessary routine
Having tho snmo avorago needs, nnd tho samo avorngo incomes,
thoso pooplo OUGHT to soouro about tho samo vnluos for tho
inonoy thoy spend, nut thoy do not and if tho monoy SAVED by
tho nd-nnsworor woro dopositod in n Baving bnnk, ESPECIALLY
ANSWERS, ho would soon hnvo ft substantial ncoount in whnt
would shortly boeomo tho GREATEST of savings bniiks,
C. B. Whlslcr, mnnagor of tho
- Uenr Creek orchards near HiIb city,
I hnH been appointed by Governor Ben
son a mombor of tho commission on
. country life. Governor Benson pnld
this compliment In vlow of tho grent
Interest Mr. WhlBlor has taken In
mntters along this lino. Needless to
Hny, Mr. Whlslor was very much stir
prised on receiving tho notification
from tho governor.
Tho members' of tho commission
nro: Kdwln Mnys, Flanugau, Or; B.
H. Shepard, Hood Ulvor; O. A. Davis,
Bugono; L, T, Uoynolds, Snlom, nnd
C. B. Whlslor, Modford.
QALVBSTON, Tex., Dec. 1C Sev-
oral dend bodlos, so mutilated by
fishes and crabs thnt thoy wero un
recoguUnble, woro found todny In n
pllo of wreckage nt tho mouth of tho
Brazos river, according to n report
brought to this city by tho crow of
tho schooner "Don't Care."
noon nnd n two-hour wait in tho ov;
Whilo tho now timo schedule lins
not ns yet boon issued tho Limitod
will pass through Modford both wnys
about midnight if tho ttbovo dispatch
is nuthoiitiu.
-f-r-f-f--r--r -f:i.
Revolutionists Receive Iore
Arms and Are Not Ready
for Decisive Battle Near
Ramji More Marines Sail
for Central America.
WASHINGTON, D. C, Dec. 10.
eZlnyn's forces nre cornered nt Rn
rna by tho revolutionists, and nrc in
n precarious position, according to
dispatches received here today.
Commander filiinlov of tlm Tlnilcd
Stntcs cruiser Dos Moines reported
to the nnvy department todny from
Blucficlds, that the revolutionists
ha,o received the ehirmcnt of nddi-,
tionnl nutomatic gun's and nmmuni-'
tion thnt they hnvo long nwnitcd and
nro now ready for the expected de
cisive battle in tho vicinity of Rama.
Tho rebels Shipley stated in his
dispatch, nro better equipped and in
better condition than tho Zclnynns
nnd it is believed iii Illuefields thnt
tho impending engagement must re
sult in tho surrender of tho dicta
tor. Zclnyn isc using every strategic
movement nt his command to avert
the threatening disaster. He hns dis
patched his trusted luictennnts over
tho republic to orgtiuizc this faltering
henchmen and through tho newspa
pers he is able tojfinflucnco and is
endeavoring to ofVset the rapidly
spreading report thnt his cnuso is
failing. United Stntcs Consul Cnl
dera nt Managua has reported that
Zelnyn's newt.pnpers already have
announced the capture of Rntna by
tho dictator's troops. Agents have
been to tho Pacific const, ncording
to Cnldern, to spread tho report that
Zclnyn has been successful 411 the
fighting about thnt city.
Reports of rioting find nnti-Zolnyn
demonstrations nt Managua nnd Leon
were confirmed today. Dispatches
indicate thnt Zclnyn will refuse to ro
sign, according to his recent prom
ises unless President Tnft nppoints n'
successor fnvornblo to him, probably 1
ono suggested by former Mexican j
Ainbnssudor Creel, who is uow at
Washington, boforo tomorrow even
ing. More Murines Sent.
Tho nnny transport Prnirio sailed
for Colon today with 700 marines on
bonrd. Their destination aftor ar
rival nt th isthmus has not been an
nounced, but it is presumed they will
bo hold in readiness to be taken to
Nienrngua should their prosonco
thoro bo necessary.
usual tnnglo threatens to nrlso ovor
tho attempts of tho United States and
Mexico to ncree upon n plan for set
tling tho present Central Amorlcnn
difficulties. Mexico Is rcportod to
hnvo tnlcen the stnnd thnt If tho
United States Is dotormlned to curb
,tho powor of Zolaya In Nlcnragun,
tho snmo attention should bo pntd to
President- Cabrorn of Guntomala.
Thoro Is renson to bollovo that It tho
United States succeeds In breaking
tho domination of Zolaya, Moxlco will
Insist that Cabrera bo curbed. It Is
known that Cabrera long hns boon a
thorn In tho elild of tlio Diaz govern
ment, nnd Is as dlstastotul to Moxlco
as Zolaya Is to tho United States. It
Is regarded us cortnln thnt this coun
try will hnvo tho support of many
countries In Its Invasion of tho Zo-
layan government, but It an nttompt
Is rondo to discipline Cabrorn it Is
feared that tho Improsslon will pre
vail that tho United Statos and Mox
lco nro trying to secure control ot
Contral America to their advantage.
Resolutions y Unanimously
Adopted Asking That the
County Court Render Prof.
O'Gara Such Aid as .Is
Found Necessary.
Unanimously, and without even n
voice raised in protest, the Medford
Commercial Club nt the meeting Wed
nesday evening adopted resolutions
thnt the three fruit inspectors of tho
county bo retained, and that such as
sistance ns Prof. O'Gara deems nec
essary bo given him to make a thor
ough campaign against the fruit pests
of the valley. President Colvig wns
instructed to draft the resolutions
and a committee consisting of W. M.
Colvig, W. W. Eifert, J. P. Reddy, J.
E. Enyart and W. II. Crowell vrcre
appointed to wait upon the court nnd
interview Ihcm in regard to the mnt
ter. Want More Members.
The Commercial. Clnb.i slo begin
nn active cidpaign for more mem
bers. A liigh jinks is to be held
soon nnd each member is to bring
two new men for members.
A committee was appointed to take
lit) the matter of oskinc the rnnntv
conrt to levy a tax for advertising
nurrjoscs in ncordnnen with flm h'll
in tho lasse'ssion of the legislature-.
Tbex. are also to. take tho matter nn
with tho other commercial clubs of
tho county.
Tho following were elected to
membership in tho club: E. C. Sharps,
U. S. Collins. U. G. Smith. F. D Vc-
dynski, W. G. Davidson, A. A. Flynn,
II. U. McBride, It. R. Reeves, K. .0.
Hoke nnd E. B. Davis.
Tho club ordered thnt n year's sub
scription to tho Mnil Tribune bo FPnt
to tho Horticultural Department of
Cornell University, such paper to kept
on Iilo m tho university library. Geo.
Putnam stated that the Mail Tribune
would furnish pnpers for public rent
ing rooms wherovor to the club
wished to place them at imif the rrc-
ular price.
Tho secretary was instructed to
wnto m. McMurrny of tho South
ern Pacific in regard to bavins (the
railroad ocmpnny circulate large
lusor pictures over the inled
Tho matter of selecting the num
erators for taking the esnsu3 of tho
city wns referred to the president
with authority to tnko notion.
A committe of three was appoint
ed to drnft nnd circulate a petition
to bo sent to congress asking for a
federal building for Modftrd
SAN FRANCISCO, Dee. 10. First
steps in what is reported to be nn
attempt to control tho Pacific, coast
lumbor trade by menus of a couibino
of 00 per cent of tho wostcrn mills,
hnvo already been taken, according
to a report current hero today.
An invested .capital of $00,000,000
is said to bo represented in the pro
posed merger, with mills having a
daily output of 0;000,000 of lumbor
nnd control forty steam carriors. A
uniform prico of lumber is to bo
maintained by tho merger, thoso in
torostod sny. No written agreement
has been entered into, tho mnnufno
turors Btato further, and vorbnl con
tracts will hold tho now combino to
gether. Tho manufacturers outsido
tho combino look at tins Inttor as tho
wonk spot in tho foramtion nnd claim
a short oxistonco ns a couscquonno.
Further stops to completo tho for
mation of tlio combino will bo takon
his wcok, tho lumber men say and
oporntion will bo commenced boforo
spring domnnd for lumber comes.
It Heats
to he Deuce
This Is what a prominent citizen said
yatterday: "It beata tha dauea that any
man or woman ahould try to get along
In thla day and ago without regularly
reading the home newspaper,"
Our subscription list shows that
there aren't many such
in tills town.
Judge Hamilton In the circuit court
thla afternoon instructed tho jury to
find for the defendant in the case of
John Harrington vs. W. E. Phtpps,
Mrs. Snyder" and County Judge Nell
for 120,000 damages.
The case of John Harrington vs.
V. E. Phlpps, J. R. Nell nnd Frances
V. Snyder for $20,000 damages Is on
trial In the circuit court, Judge J.
W. Hnmllton of Roseburg presiding.
This action Is brought by Harring
ton for damages on account ot his
having been imprisoned for contempt
of court In disregarding an order of
tho county court. The plaintiff al
leges a conspiracy to put him in Jail.
Tho following jury was drawn: R.
H. Halley. Aaron Beck, Charles Fleld,
Wiley Lurnbaugh, Georgo E. Fox, E.
Watson, John Cameron, H. It. Greg
ory, I'i A. Abbott, John A. Wright,
John Su'imnervlllo, Ralph Billings.
Other Cases.
Stato vs. Henry Bantln; selling li
quor without license; dismissed.
Loretta Perozzl vs. W. O. Johnson
and First National bank of Grants
Pass; to recover money; demurrer
filed on behalf ot Johnson overrul
ed; demurrer of bank sustained.
Floyd D. Mooro vs. J. S. Herndon
et al.; action for damages; motion to
niako complaint moro definite over
W. M. Russell et al., vs. W. C.
Russell; default.
M. H. Hanley vs. city of Medford;
decroo for plaintiff.
John Harrington vb. W. E. Phlpps,
J. R. Noll and Frances Snyder; dam
ages; on trial.
Now Cases.
Frank Cameron vs. William Lou
don et al.; to recovor money.
Tho county clerk hns grnnted 11-
censo to wed to Carl R. Beeson and
Olllo B. Hearing.
. 1 -r
Tho homesookers' soction of
tho Now Year's edition of tho
Mail Tribuno will condenso
tho yonr's progress of Med-
ford nnd tho Rogue river
valloy, show what city nnd
county , hnvo dpno and nro
doing, nnd present in conven-
icnt form for tho homoseok-
or all rolinblo data concern-
ing this section.
Thoro will bo nt least 10,-
000 copies issued. It will bo
woll illustrated nnd should
bo sont broadcast over the
country. "t-
Another Note Is Received
From Bold Robber "Who Is
Terrorizing San Francisco
Ryan Told He Is About
to Die No Clue Found.
"You big dog, Ryan, being
you thnt is doing all this talk
" around the courts about mo,
I am going to get you at yonr
homo December 20, '00. I am
also going to get that Glea-
son for squealing on me. All
your detectives nre bums.
Thoy can't get a guy if ho
told them he was the hold-up
man. Beware Ryan and Glea-
son. (Signed)
- 4-
Enclosed in a dirt smeared envel
ope addrescd to'"For Tom Ryan DTall
of Justice, Shn Francisco," the above
threatening note, decorated with a
skull and crossbones, nnd a coffin
marked "Ryan-09" was added today
to the collection of of letters pur
porting to have been written by the
mysterious bandit-murderer -who for
nearly two weeks has baffled the
San Francisco police.
On tho evening of December 4, the
desperado held up nnd robbed the
Gleason-Cournecn pharmacy in Mar
ket street, held up three other drug
stores and wound up his evening's
deprcdatibns by fatally shooting Wm.
Schnieder, nn attendant of the Burns
Ilnmma baths.
Baffles Police.
Exactly one week for the days of
his first appearance the fellow en-
tered the Gleason-Gourneen store,
uoiiuiiK 011 men ui me pomi 01 a re
volver, demanded thnt tho contents
of tho cash register be handed over.
Ho secured $150.
Last Tuesday evening while two
detectives guarded the Glenson store
the man held up the Charlotte Candy
store but two doors away. Despite
determined pursuit by a scoro o
men he escnped.
Every avilablo detective and police
officer in tho employo of the city
has been dotniled to run the bandit
to earth. Mayor Taylor has an
nounced his intention of urging the
city supervisors to offer a reward
for the man's capture nnd Governor
Gillette has been asked to offer an
other reward. Dozens of amateur
sleuths have joined in tho chase but
110110 has so much as caught a glimpse
of tho desperado. The officers to
day admit that thov nro ns far from
oaDturing thoir quarry ns they wo-e
two weeks ago.
Sam Rogers, "Mayor of Eileen,'"
tho pioneer of tho Bluo Lodgo dis
trict, was in this city Thursday from
Tho reports ho brings from the big
coppor camps aro most encouraging.
Tho owners claims are all actively
engngod in doing dovolopmont and
assessment work, nnd overyone is
lopking for big things during ttis
coming soason.
Andrew Jellness is gotting some
fino prospoots in tho First National
John Whitohoad is working on tho
Bluo Ledge Extension.
Sam, himself, has just finished
some development work on the Spo
kano Trnotion group.
Lungren & Fry and Campbell &
Brooding aro developing tho Sugar
Pino and Sweenoy.
(Continued on pare I.)