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THE MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, T)EO 13MBit CRf 1909. SHOWS THAT DELAY SOMETIMES PAYS Attorneys Indulge In Rcmtncsccnccs of Other Days Attorney Cleverly Got Man Free. Sovcrtil attorneys of the Jackson county bar -were indulging in rem iniscences the other day nnd ono of thera told the following story of n Into member of the Jnckson county bar in illustration of the many traps laid for the feet of the unwary at torney. Tho attorney in question had served on the supremo bench of Oregon, and afterward ns circuit judgo of this judicial district, and had returned to the practice of his profession in tho same court whero he had formerly presided. No law yer in Oregon or on the coast had n more profound knowledge of juris prudence than had this counselor nnd he was an acknowledged authority on obtrttsc points of law. His first caso after leaving the bench was in defending a young man on a charge of horse stealing. Tho day of the trial came, the defendant arraigned, a plea of not guilty enter ed nnd tho jury empanelled. It was a prima facia case. The accused had hired tho horse, rode him to Jack-1 sonville nnd sold him, then spent the money in saloons. Tho district attor ney just beginning practice, imagin ed ho had an untriablc case, and took extra prido in the fact that he was about to defeat so eminent mi attorney. Tho state's caso was nil in, nnd the defendant was placed on the stand by his counsel. All fore noon the counsel for defendant, plied him with long, irrelevnnt and seem ingly meaningless questions. Several times he was admonished by the trial judge that he was wasting tho time of the court, but he kept on nnd lis reputation as an ex-supreme and circuit judge probably saved him from n stronger rebuke. Finally the noon hour came and court adjourned. At tho reconvening of court in the afternoon, the grand jury, which hnd found the indictment, came in with their report and asked to be dis chnrged for the term. The order was made and then the ex -judge got busy. "May it please the court," he said, "I move that the indictment against this defendant be dismissed for the reason that it does not allege spe cific facts to constitute a crime un der tho laws of Oregon." Tho presiding judge looked hastily over the document, the young dis trict nttorney was dumfounded, but the counsel for the defendant was right. Then theTenson of his dilatory tactics was apparent. Once the grand jury adjourned there was no way to reemdy the defect and the cli ent must be released. After examin ing tho matter from all sides the pris oner wns ordered set free. "What shall I do now?" he asked his counsel. "Young man," replied tho lawyer. "If I were you I would leave this country within twelve hours, even if I had to steal another horse to do it." And tho story goes that the client did both. FAMOUS WHITE SWAN MINE CHANGES HANDS BAKER CITY, Or., Dec. 10. The famous White Swan mine, was today sold at trustees sale to D. W. French of this city. The mine wns controll ed by a party of eastern capitalists and last summer they failed to put up the necessary omney, nnd the pro perty went into tho hands of a re ceiver. Georgo T. Cullcn was ap pointed trustee and caretaker and advertised for bidB. Judge Davis to day confirmed the snlo of tho minj and the local parties will take charge. HOTEL ARRIVALS. At the Nash Zoda and Eva Crawford, Grants Pass; Mrs. II. M, Doran, Grants Pass; Pearl Weather ington, Chicago: Lula Corder, Chica go; Thos. V. Purcell, Chicago; Cecil Osik, Chicago; Louise Powell, Chi cago ; R. G. Smith, Grants Pass ; Geo. A. O'Brien, Snn Francisco; Mrs. D. M. Miller nnd son, Hilts, Calif.; Ilerraan Gunski, Wright, Calif.; Geo. F. Cnltbest, Santa Barbara; C. S. Abrens, Attic, Ind.; O. C. Briggs, Re no, Nov.; J. F. ZenB, Salem; J. W. Maryehy and wife, Eagle Point; II. D. Norton, Grants Pass; J. W. nam ilton, Roseburg. At tho MJporc A. C. Randall, Tal not; J. C. Marshall, Portland; A. J. Fell, P. J. Enstorday, Portland; C. S. Pago nnd wife, Portland; L. C. B"olloway, Portland; A. C. ITough, Grants Pass; Jack Slater, Portland, L. A. Murph, Portland; Thos. Cattor lin, Portlnnd; E. A. Joppo, England. At tho Palace Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Jenkins, Bollinghnm, Wash.; II. L. Harrington, Weed, Calif.; A. R. Campbell, Portland; Geo, Gort, City. JUMPED BOND; OW REARPEARS ! Man Who Aided In Padding Payroll Goes Back to Scene of Crime and Is Once Again In Tolls. VANCOUVER, U. C, Dec 16. Two years ago two firemen of tho British Columbia department named I Mvunrd and Sherman woro arrested " . ' , hero charged with having padded pay- rolls of tho concern with tho names ot dead men nnd securing In this way , thousands of dollars. Each forfeited their bonds and disappeared. Yes-! terday Maynard reappeared horo and: was arrested. Before disappearing months ago, ; Maynard made a statement Involving In the frauds James Milne, superin tendent ot tho company. Milne, al though a man of largo prlvato for tune and good standing, was prosecut ed and sentenced to IS months In jail, which ho served. Threo months ago ho completed hias sentcuce. Maynard has now made a confes sion exonerating Milno, whom he says ho falsely accused to savo hlm solf. Ono hundred charges, covering thousands of dollars ot defalcations now stand against Maynard. The al leged confession ot Maynard hns caus ed a tremendous sensation hero by reason of Milne's prominence. MESDAMES REDDY AND TURNER RIIY PRflPFRTV ) Mrs. J. F. Reddy and Mrs. W. F. . Turner have purchased a half inter- est in the Queen Anno addition on to conch Washington ngnin and when the east side and plan to erect there- Dobio had finished his little speech on a number of splendid residences thcro was an outbreow of the grcnt which they will offer for sale. ; est enthusiasm. The Queen Anne addition has long' been known ns a choice residence sec- JEFFRIES SNORTS AT RUMORS tion nnd with the civic improvements! THAT HE HAS LUMBAGO planned for next year on that side tho value of the nronertv will in-1 EVANSVILLE, Ind., Deo. 10. crease rapidly. JURY FINDS DAMAGES IN THE SUM OF $2500 TACOMA, Wash., Dec. 1C Ches ter Thorne, banker, capitalist and clubman, is today $2,500 poorer. 1 having ben mulcted that sum by a jury lato yesterday for allowing big nutomobilo to scare the horse of Mrs. Frances Brown. While driving on Pacific avenue last March, the Thorne machine driv en by tho banker himself, came down the thoroughfare with a honk thnt caused the excitable horse to at tempt to stand on its head and then sent him down the nvenuo on n mad mn. Mrs. Brown nsked $10,000 for tho injuries she sustained when she was thrown out of the buggy, but the jury thought $2,500 sufficient. . HEALTH HINTS Aro you awaro thnt every other may be bought that vitiates the at form of artificial illumination, ex- mosphero nnd tends towards slck ceptlng electric light, cats up the ox- ness or discomfort? ygen in tho air, and robs your lungs , Truly thero Is pone. and your family's lungs of tho Another point: most essential and life-giving ele-, Electric light Is eminently safer mnntM nf which tho nir wo ureatho than any other kind of light. No Is composed? . Did you over think of that? ... .. ' A gas flame, or an oil lamp name, hurnL In your home is consuming ns much oxygen as four adult per sons. That means that If thero aro six . I It.,. AMAH 11 people in your parior it wi oven.... and throe burnerB (gas or oil) are allgnt. tno resua on iuo ur m room is Jho same as it ther0 were eighteen people there. Ever go out in tho evening to nj card party, or some similar affair, and stay for eevorai nours in a room In -which twenty or thirty people wor0 congregated and that room light ed with gas or oil? Remember what a long,- relishing draught of puro night air your poor lungs breathed In when yon loft that houso? Ilcmerabor what a relief It was? A gas or oil flamo cannot burn for a mlnuto In air from which oxy gon has been extracted. An electric light burns In a vacuum enclosed in an air tight glasB bulb, Catch tho point? Now when you Install electric light In your homo you are Just chas ing so much unBanlturlnc&a out of your home. .Is electric light moro expensive when you consider this? Would you not consider buying. at howovor cheap a price, a piece of furnituro, or drapery, which was un- der suspicion that It harbored disease germs? Do you consider thero Is any ccon- omy In buying and using nny form of light (no matter how cheaply It (WANTS RELATIONS WITH UNCLE SAM Pope Seeks to Establish Diplomatic Relations-Writes Courteous Note to President Tatt. LONDON. Dec. 1C. In conflrmn- on ot tho recent United Press dls-j patch stating th0 popo was seek-, - ! ,nS to cstauiisn diplomatic rotations tiotweon thu vntican aud tho United Jot een i 10 and tno u, States, the London Globes corra-. spondent at Romo today sends tno following: "I am able to stato that tho popo Is exerting hlmsolf porsonniiy wua a view to the institution of diplomatic j relations between th0 United States nnd tho Vatican. ' "Ho recently took this stop by ad- dressing an autograph letter, very courteous in Us nature, to President Taft upon tho subjet." WASHINGTON REJOICES AT RETURN OF OLD COACH SEATTLE, Wnsh., Dec. 10. Thore' is rejoicing- at tho University of j Washington today. Coach Gihnour Dobie is coming back. The fall foot ball instructor hns decided to remain with the local institution, after hesi tating for soveral weeks. Dobio's decision was announced at the Sigma Nu fraternity houso Inst night whore a smoker was hold in honor of the football team and the man who made it a champion nmrretration. Tho Minnesota, man gladdened the I hearts of tho college by declaring that ho had reached a determination James J. Jeffries snorted today when he heard tho report that he was suf fering from lumbngo. "Does this look liko lumbago?" ho asked as he danced nbout the room several times, measured his hiking ability nnd topped off with a gym nstie stunt. "I never felt better," the big fellow declared. "Haven't a sign of an ailment nnd don't expect to. You can tako that straight." TAXIDERMIST AND FURRIER Send your trophies to mo for mount ing. Big game beads, fish, birds and manning mounted true to naturo by improved methods. I do tnnning, makr ftw rugs, make, remodel and cIobl fur garments. Express nnd mail or- dors promptly attended to. C. M. HARRIS. 405 Washington Street, Portland. Or. TnWfrnno Mnin 3flnn matches aro required. Antl matches causo moro fires Ihnn nntrfTi!n nlan In thn rolrin wnrld. - - B electric light moro expensive than gas or oil lamps wbon you consid er this? Onco moro: Gas and oil aro both expensive a m. wn , nwnt-m!nft- odnessa trlfMnB nct of thoughtless- neBSand you nnd your famlly ar0 ,mmlnont danger of tragic, sudden j d t Ig ejet,-!,. lighting moro expensive tlmn Rng or oii mnpfJ ,vj,en you tlifnlc lt over? Ilesldes if thero weren't these real and tromendous arguments In favor of olectrlc light in tho homo what light is thoro that compares with It In quality for a moment? Think of its brilliancy, its stead iness, its convenlonco, Its absoluto perfection of quality. No flickering uncertainties. No shadows on tho book or papers. No chairs to climb on to light It. No matches to atrlko to light It. No nervo-lrrltatlng roar. No fus0 or soot to blackon colling or curtains. No stalo,. unpleasant odorr. No coal oil can in tho kitchen, No lamp chimneys to clean. No lamps to fill. No wicks to trim. No broken down mantels to ruftlo your tompor. And wo could go on for a long time- yet. But, wo'll leave It to your own sense to comploto th0 list, nnd see tho point. Wo know It won't tako long. POLITICAL LEADER OENEWYORKDIES StatoJScnator Raines, Most Powerful Opponent of Governor Hunhcs of New York Passes Away. ALHANY, N. Y.. Dec. 1C In tho death of State Senator Raines at his homo In Cnnhmlalgun today, tho antl- .... 1 - . Li . 1 .1 nugues incuon oi tno repuuuenn par- t l tho state lsos its nist powerful r- Qf 1)lcturo9t,0 enilors. In tho republican orgnnttntlon nmj Bjnco 1003 he hns been presl- ,iont j,ro tern and republican boss of no stato senate. ! Ho was tho author of tho famous ', Rnnc8 )aw nnd practically no Impor- taut legislation has been adopted In, j tno lust deendo which has not passed i j through his hands and been affected i by his Influence. Raines wbh tho niost powerful npponent ot tho j Hughes policies, an when tho pres- lent governor entered upon his term! It was consldored practically Imposel-. bio to put any moittiuro through tho sonnto without Raines consent. Raines served in tho Fifty-first and Fifty-second confess, but return ed to tho stato senato In 1S'95 nnd thereafter held tho balance of power In that body. Ho was C9 yenrs old, but his ad vanced ago did not lesson his activ ities In tho legislature, and at tho last session he held his position ns tho leador of that body . POSTAL CLERK WHO STOLE REGISTERED MAIL ARRESTED PARIS. Dec. 1(1. -William Cohen, formerly chief clerk in the San Fran cisco postoffice, wns arrested hero today. Ho is accused of stealing registered letters and a package con taining valuable (warls from tho mail that passed through tho office. Ex tradition papers havo been granted, nnd Cohen will ho taken to tho Unit ed States immediately. STEAMER IS STRANDED ON ISLAND IN LAKE HURON BUFFALO, N. Y Dec. lfi. Tho stenmor Wisxnliicken is stranded on outer Duck Island in Lake Huron, ac cording to a dispatch received hero early today. Her crew of thirty-two men is reported to havo been snved. Tugs have been sent to attempt to remove the ship from her position. THE ROGUE RIVER LAND COMPANY NO. 11 NORTH CENTRAL AVENUE Offers an especially good foothill orchard for a low price and on good terms. In these days of advancing prices, it will pay to look into this. It pays to deal with the "Man Who Knows." Wlion the Rogue River Land Company sold tho Tronson & owners, four years ago, the assured the purchasers those Spitzenbergtrees would produce the world's host apples, and subsequent events prove the soundness of his judgment. By the way: Did it ever occur to you that most of the men who Jiavo won out in the Rogue River Valley, "bought their win ning orchards through the Rogue River Land Com pany1? W. M. Holmes, Manager, is always at your service for a good buy. It Is To Laugh But Why? Does it not stand to reason that your friends would better appreciate a little gift that was MADE BY HAND? MADE AT HOME? MADE TO ORDER? MADE OF LOCAL SCENERY? than a factory made present that can bo bought in any city or town? This query simply illustrated at THE ART STUDIO FRANK H. HULL, Artist. 331 E. Main St. Medford OregonSecond Floor. NORTHWEST GOING AFTER TRADE FROM MEXICO SKATTIjK, Wnh Hon. 10. -When thu tttvnmor Krun arrives in Seattle from Central American porta, she will . t .... receive n niorougli ovotiiuunng pre- punitory to taking nhoiinl the special commercial cvurs-ion which will nail f mm lids port to ( Mexican and Co..- of stimulating trade between l'ugel 'Sound and tho southern republics. t The Krnn is duo in n few day. j I With the co plot Ion of the Panama ! Canal and the great stimulus to trade nt. In 1. It will lirimr. t'litlllil lllllllllt'lie Umn mA ,m, lnokjnK , Uio development of u big trade and 11 . .11 ll... T.V...- ...ill ..... uio excursion oi uio mini m um- , hrueo representatives of practically j nil the business firms in Seattle. I Mr. 1 lover, the well known orchard- caller on North Central Tuesday. Just Arrived Ono of tho finest stocks of Hoses that ovor camo to Medford, all of tho newest and old-tried varieties. Why don't yon sond that niok f rioud of yours or your Bweothonrt a bunch of Carnations t Delivery nny part of city. MEDFORD GREENHOUSE. Cut Flowers and Potted Plants Cant .Main St. Phono (100. WE DON'T BELIEVE YOU CAN BEAT THIS: Thirty-two ncres in this tract, fine fruit land, nbout two miles from n whipping point. The buildings consist of a five-room box house, cood-sixed ham, etc. Thore are 12 acres of 5 and 0-yenr-old ap ples, mostly Newtowns, with com mersial peaches planted between ns fillers. Also throe aoron of yonng pear trees and some family orchard. Four acres in alfalfa. Six or eight acres of timber, most ly oak and laurel. Thoro is n pumping plnnt on tho plnco which supplies water for tho garden and alfalfa, equipped with gasolino enpne. About 40 rods from a trood school. Has mral mail do livory and telephone. Price SlO.riOO. Terms. W. T. YORK & CO. salesman, W. M. Holmes, I Medford Iron Works 1 C, U. I IIMWMIIIUUU, IIUllluuii Foundry and Machinist All Vr of Engines, Spraylitu Outfits, Pumps, Boilers nnd Ma-j dilncry. Agents In Southern Oregon for I r-AinnAMIC Mnncr .. rMi I K. KNYAItT, President J A. PUHKY, Vice-President. JOHN S .OKTII. Cn-ln.- W. 11. JACKSON, Ass't Cashier. " ThFmEDFORD NATION AL BANK CAPITAL $50,000 SURPLUS $10,000 Safety boxes for rent. A acneral Banking Business transacted. Wo solicit your patronage. In Case of iSicKriess P II O N E 3 0 .1 1 MEDFORD PHARMACY t . . i . -i rit'... At) VS. iNoiir root vji i iuu vii ni,iiiui.'iiixu u'.i.ij I Timber and Coal Lands engineering and surveying con tracts taken and estimates fubnishev. B. H. Harris & Co, MEDFORD, OREGON Office in Jackson County Bank Upstairs Liil'f.'-'iL 'Jli11-!'.' 11 REAL ESTATE Farm Land Timber Land Orchard Land Residences City Lots Orchards and Mining Claims Medford Room 10, Jackson For the Best IN THE LINE OF ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES, FIXTURES, WIRING AND DYNAMO REPAIRING SEE MEDFORD'S PREMIER ELEC TRICIANS. FLYNN BROS. 132 WEST MAIN STREET. RESOLVED Tho bent resolution for yon to make is to come to uh for your next suit, if you want something out of tho ordinary. Wo do the best work aud ohargo tho lowest prices. W. W. EIFERT TUB PBOORIJUHIVB TAILOR C.,.i.!m. liViifi Tin! ! I'lii-i. WANTED I ' 1 '- ' " 11 Realty Co County Bank Building