4fff f 4 f f f f ff 4 f 44 4
4 f I f f f f f f,f f f f fff f f
All Ol limilllW IIHIH'HMIIIK I1'""
orty 'lit Junuit to ; and limioriloit by ho
niA'ltll ll Milium itiMUM t.i'linti
IiIiiiik alloy for tlin cost
liiK t iio iiitiuii and provldl
ncr or carry mk mi Id nunc
fllll Of feel,
Tho city of Modford doth onluln asscssine
Heel Ion t. Wliiirimii, th0 council
.1111 it.iH.iiiirji.,. iii'muiii.. .v nfi iti ri riff, t
for tho serving of llio owners of prop
inly adjacent to ami benefited liy tlm
construction of tho latvrnl sower linn"
Inuflor described to npiionr before
snld couurll mid show cause. If any,
why nalil properly hIiouM not Iio iim
Hoixi'il for tho construction of nmIiI
w U : r, bi,,,l r 'V"1 ,,oiwfl ui br l,,,!ill,!iiv wf ,odor, ",Bn' f"""n 150
''mm duly kIvoi! Iii 'uVordaniMt with l"torl Howur. nIx inolioH in f0()t on ,mrt, H,h lluii.illoii Htreel.
h!,I !mmn,mr ! .UnTn dayll "J"ill on (.million Htreet fi0 tvell ,,,.o nor foot. (Ill eenU:
bofiin. the IwKlnnlnK "f tl coimtruc- 1'".l, ol Htrout lo JSorlli amount iluo. U.'M.fiO.
linn of unld HHwnr. hut no pnitonU uiiKonio nvoiiuo anil iiiih uio pro)or- Aet.meiit No. 'J'J- -Hlloelra I'".
imaliiHt unld I'luitlriiotlon or hiwom- tion of the ('out of miiil nowur whii-h , Ilnlliiilnv. lot 15, block 2. l'uliit nddi
nw nt of l ho com! thoVtMif wan mdo , vn,-U ()f nil trcoU of liiml mIuhiIiI jn j n,u (,nv f Mudfonl. Oroifon,
I'liyotlf". run BHliI Bowor wan. o.v
""u l'rJ'Ii'Z'J Vn'ioni'.nlr!
tin "r;, ha;1.;m"t.ro:
bv l .IHormlnH In Ihi lh miiiii f :
Now. therefor. Mild clly doth h.re-
bv or.li.li. ami .Iwl.m Ihat ouch par-
vr of property dwcrlhod below Ih
adlNrent to aitd bonurllwl by tnnt
carlaln l.ilornl aowor 0 It.choM In, Hl.
coiiHtructi'd mi i !) hot worn f- nnil
I) Hfrala mid ISIghth and Ninth
atwK ..ml that tiro proportion of
thr piat of hhI.I H0wr which ouch of
Kld parrelH of land Hhould boar, Iihh-
od on iIih honHfllM derived roaporl-
iv.-ly. by tmltl Mvral trnrtii of land
th amount Hft opponlto tho doa--,
rrlptlnn of ottch audi parcel below;
tuat "urn or hoiu parcom ih uruiiiiiy
beiivfltixl la tho amount net oppoHlto:
It m l.acrlpton below by tho coiuitrur1
Hon of hi.1i! newer, and that unld rev-j
oral aiuoiiiitB reproHent tho propor-
tlonnl bi'iioflln of mild novorat pnrclH
from wild newer. And each of Mild tho citv of .Mcdford, Oroiron. fniiitauo
parroU In hereby aiwiHHid tho amount f,() foot on Houtli aide of Ilainiltou
net oppoHlto ItB dcncrlptlon below for nitrH, 50 feut. Kato nor foot. (Kl
tho coiiHtructlon of Mild M'wer. eentu" iimount due. sai.50.
MtXlSVVi TiK IMI-n. et
HOTWiSn U'n-AN.i0U BTIMCKT ?l 2. block 3 . Palm nddittoi. in
ANH t'HNTUAI AVHNUK KIIOM tlio citv of Mcdford. Oreu'on. frontiiL-e
KIOIITII TO NINTH BTHKUT. IN 50 foot on Houtli nitlo Hamilton Ktroot.
CITV OK MKPl'Oltl), OHHOON. 50 feet: rnto nor foot. Oil coots:
AwioMWient No. 1--Kdward B. amount due. $31.50.
Ooro. lot 1. and tho miuth hnlf of loti AHBesHiuoiit No. 3 J. K. Warren.
2. In block 19. original townnlto lnot y, block 3. l'nlin nddition in tho
tho city of Mmlford. Orogon. front- ioilv o( Mclford. Orciron. froutniro 50
ago 7S foot or. niter In rjmr of "! foct 0 H0th Hiilo Hamilton Htreet.
lot; 75 feet; rato per foot 45 conta: 60 f(,ut. rflto ,)0r foot 03 po,H.
amount duo 133.75. amount duo, $31.50.
Aaavaaiuont No. 2 T. A. nrrl A88cannioiit No. J. E. Warren.
OMinie. mo iiorio iinn o. iui - nuu
tho noil I h 37 1-2 feet of lot 3, In block
19, original townMlo In tho city of
Medford, Oregon, frontage 02 1-2 feet
on nlley In rear of Bald lot; C2 1-2
feet: rate per foot 45 conta; ntuount
duo $2.8.12.
AHBoaamont No. 3 Anna M. Wll-
Mn, lot 4 anil tho north 12 1-2 feot
of lot 3. In block 19. original town-
alto In the rlty of Modford, Oregon,
frontngo (12 1-2 foot on nlley In rear i amount due, $31,50.
of anl.I lota; 02 1-2 foot: rate i p,.r AHHOflsmont No flI. A. Holmos.
lotH 5 and (5, In block 19. original cilv of Modford. Orciron. frontntro 50
. ,. . . .i... .1... ... t. ..if.... i rt..'rnnf nn unntli miln Ilnmillnii Hlri'nt.
lUn llMlio III wiu unj u. .iiuiiiuiu, n-
gon, rrnntngo iou reoi on niioy in
icnr of aald Iota: 100 feet: rato per
loot 45 centH; amount duo $45.
Aaaeaninont No. 5 JniiiOH P. linn
bii. lota 7 and 8, In block 19, orlg
Innl townnlto l:i the city of Medford,
Orogon. frontago r,o reel in rear or 00 fccl. rnto or foot( 03 ccllU.
aa d IoIh; 50 fiHit; rato por foot 45 , , ti r.O
con; amount duo $22 50 ! "Xnt No. V-C. I, 08e-
,n iWTorinirt the M&oS oS' ffi"
city of Medford. Oregon, frontng,, 50, Iho oil of Medrord. Orego.. rou -f(it
on alley in roar of Vald Iota; 50KO 50 feet on south sulo Ilnmil
feet: rato per foot 45 conta: amount i Ion street. 50 feot: ruto per fool. 03
duo 522.50.
AssesHtnout No.
A. It. Rhodou
etnl., lot 11, block 111, orlglnnl town-
site In tho city of Medford, Oregon, I
frontngo S5 feet In roar of said lot;
SB foot; rnto per foot 45 conta.
amount du0 IU.2C. I
Assessment No. 8 A. A. Davis,!
lots 12. 13. 14. IB. 16. 17 and 18, n
block l.-'rlKli'l tnwnalto In llio clt
of Medford, Oregon, frontngo 17ti
foot on nlley In rear ot aald lots; 1 76
feet; rato per foot 45 conta; amount
du,.' 178.75
Section 2. And It Is hereby ordor
od nnd ordnlnod thnt said several as
sessments nnd tho Uonn ho ontorod
In th, lion docket of snld city, and
thnt thereupon notlco ho glvon tho
owners or reputed owners of said
property, and thnt tho samo bo en
forced and collected In tho manner
provided by tho charter of said city
for tho collection of assessments for
the Improvement!, of stroetB thoroln.
Section 3. It Is furthor ordorod
thnt tho notlco nbovo provided for
b(, published throo tlmoa In tho Dally
Mall Tribune, n nowspapor published
and of general circulation In said city,
In tho mannor provided by ordlnnnco
No. 250 of said city.
Tho foregoing ordlnnnco .waa pass
ed by tho city council of tho city of
Modford on tho I nth day of Novem
ber. 1U0U, by tho following voto:
Merrick nyo, Wolch absent, Elfort nyo,
Kmoilck nyo, Doinmor nyo, Wortmnn
Approved Novombor 17th, 1009.
W, II. CANON, Mayor,
OliMNACti NO. 205.
An ordinandi assessing tho prop
erty ndincont to and bonofitted liv
tho six-inch lateral nowor construct
ed nlonir Iliunilton Htroot for tho cost
of coiiBtruotiuir llio mimo mid provid
inir Uio muiiuor of onrrvinir suid uh
soHsineutH in to full offoot.
Tho citv of Medford doth ordain
pp follows:
Sootion 1. Whorons, tho oounoil
did horotoforo provido hv ordinance
for tho sorviiu: of tho ownors of pro
perty ndincont to and honofittod bv
the const ruotioi' of tho lateral sower
horoinnftor dosoribod to itppeur ho
foro Hiiid coiinoil nnd show oiuiho, if
iuiv. wliv finid nroportv should not
lie nssoHHod for tho oonstruotion of
4- f 4-
IHtHHf I Iff 4-4-
H, H()Wt.r. mid did fix a limn for
hoiirilllf MIIV HIM'll liml'lil. which llfl-
n M ,,,lv tfve in nponlftiiP
j,y Hul
ot M,r)l.y.
Now umroioro, mini uv uoiii imro-1
Iiv onlniu mill ilodnro lliiit eueli imr-l
col of iironortv ilonfiriboil liolow
,.. ,, ,, t ie Imili'lllH emml1
M.octivol v l.v wiiil nevoral irncU !
? '-",
'I' - ' - ni - H - .n f oiu-h niicli imr.-H bo-1
low; i mm i uni'ii iii nni imrrniw in nn-
..... . .1 ! ..T.l 1 .'
of (oiitruot-i"n" V "" . " . AHBWHiiieiii o. JwA. i'pov... "'L.'uZ' i ..rcTA Hectlon 3. It IB fiirtnor ortierea ( . v. A0 m.,'i,. " . "L . .
...111. ....I.I II. ..... IIiit Imm 1 .1 T i 1 f fif l ri If 1M Ifirilwir ttrtlnrmi i . . ..... . Itnt II n.l nnwilinl .Iti. tl B9 1 1 n ri ri ntx V. 'irn f n 1,1
nit tho tiinn-1 ",u" ""hi'i ' " ' ""u " ' lot lv. Monk vixwn niiiiiiion in tno n V""-.' .." thRt tho notice aimvo proviueu ror ,."',' , ; v " 1 no mregoing onunnnco was pnaa-
iftiimnntH Into numimiiiii hi nmu nonui, n I'iK-'ciiv or Aleilioni. urci011, ironmiro ui v.. ... It0 piiDimiico inrco innon in ino imuy , ..',t. , n.n nl 7. . . . " ll" 1 ,l' i xho ciiy oi
m iiiiiIiihI Haiti conHlruolloii or iw- feot on north ftidt) Iliunilton Htreet.P"'" I rioune. 11 nowaimner piidiihiicu , Mall Tribune, a nowpapcr puhliHtiod !;":: "'ia . Z, , '.y J""" ,,y lt,o ronowinB vote:: Km-
nt of tho coHt Ihoreof vr ah ; f)0 fuol . rnto ,)or fool, 0;) ,.(; of ircncral circulation 1 in Hnid , and of general circulation in tima V0,jm, . jJJgJ, 1 wot of Wliinm. crifi'i ayi " eloh nyo, Eifort, nyo Mor
IV IIIIVOIIO nil! miU HOWor wa. ,.,,... I ,ln,. nil ! CUV. Ill tllO innillicr rirovuieil OV onll-, cuy. in wio manner primuuu uy ur- .. ,, ,,,., ,, , ,. r nk n.nrttit. Dnmmnr nvn WAImnn
,1 eounell. onlore.l co..trunle.l. T"'" " , "v" "'on, WM(. nnneo No. 2fi0 of citv. Hnanee No. 250 0! M city. outh on the west lino of DL C No. . nJf''
ml wlioronn, llio uohI of tho con.',... ,., , . k .1(1,im(tll iM t.J' 'JI'O foreiroin onimw-o was whmi-I nip forego ing .Vna'fe f"B; 41 178 feet, thence wost 310.-14 feet. Approved 8th of December, 1000.
tion of hiii Mower Iiiih hemi mill 'r Vi.'n-... t a... r.' r.o " v llio eiiv council 01 1110 cuv ui lu """'J:".". V.'.".':.' inonco north 187 feet, thence eat W. H. CANON, Mayor.
ly Ih ,lolru.ie,l lo bo tho C " i,5'"l"v I S.I01r?o?n tC" , "3 ! .fo to place of thinning. 1 Attot:
lunllv l.u.ri I tl in the amount not I in thr Htv of .Moilfor.I. Orovon. front-
o...Kito iU ileaorii.tion Mow by ll.'tro 00 feet .... north Hide Hamilton
eo.iatrucllon of aai.I nwvv, ii.mI tl.ul j atreet. 50 feet: rate t0r foot. 0W I
,i. -oinrnl imhiiiiiiIh lunroaont thu'iiuiitu: ninminl ilmt. :tl0. I
roiWrlloiml houoHtH of Hni.l aovural
t,,,u iv, .i.i ...u,... ,u,.l
""'"('oIh 1 r.m wutl souoi. And oaoli
"f nid uareola ' . Iior.ibv iiaaeae.l ll.
iimouiit aot oppoiMto lla iloaeriotioii
liolow for tho coiiHtrui'tion of fluid
- - -' - - - - -
i:nd ok kthkkt to nohtii
oakdaij'. avknuk in tiiu
city ok .mkdi'oiu). okkcjon.
AseHniotit No. 1 ('. V. l'nliti. et
ti.v. lot J. blool: a. KuIiii'm ndditioii in
lot I. block 3. I'alm addition in the
citv of Moilfonl. Orciron. frontntro 50
fect on south 8ido Hamilton street.
50 feet: rnto per foot. 03 contB:
atiiuuut due, $31.50.
AsscsHinent No. 5 Robert Slow
ing, lot 5. Mock 3, Palm nddition in
tho citv of Mcdford, Orciron. frontntro
50 feet on Kouth side Hamilton Htreet.
,f0 foot: rato por foot.
G3 cents;
50 feet: rnto per foot. 03 conts;
amount duo. $31.50
AHSCBsmont No. 7 ll. A. Holmoa,
lot 7. block 3. Palm addition in the
" . " " 1 .
citv of Mcdford. Orciron. front nn 50
foul 0 H0ti, Hid0 Iliunilton street
coins; nmouiii one, .t.i.iou.
Assessment No. 0 Hpnrv llunli-
0rv. lot U. block 3. l'nlin addition in
,ho t,jtv ()C Mcdford. Oreiron. fronlneo
nn foot 0 fii(j0 Hamilton street.
U, fwt. rn(o )0p foot( fl3 cont.
nmount duo. $31.50.
Assessment No. 10 W. C. Kinvon.
ot 10i ,Iock 3i i.ftlm n,idition in tho
u (f Me(lfori Oregon, frontngo 4(1
. ' . ,.. ,,
I"" - n.u -
"ton street. -10 foot 5 inches: rate
per iooi, o.i coins; nmount uuo,
Assessment No. 11- P. W. Iloolet
lot -i. block 1. Olson, nddition in tho
citv of Modford, Oroiro'i, irontimo ."8
feet on faoutli sido Hamilton street.
58 feot; rato por foot. 03 cents;
nmount duo $30.5-1.
Assessment No. 12 Mrs. M. A
Olson, lot !, block 0, Olson addition in
tho city of Modford, Onon, froiitasro
58 foot on south sido Iliunilton street.
58 feot: rnto per foot, 03 conts;
nmount duo, $30,5-1.
Assessment No. 13 J. P. Hale,
lot 1. block 5, Olson addition in the
oitv of Medford. Oroiron, front nco 58
feet on north sido Iliunilton Htroot.
58 feot; rnto per foot, 03 cents;
amount duo, $30.5-1.
Assosmcnt No. 14 J. I' Hutohn
Ron, lot 1, block 2, Olson nddition in
tho uitv of Modford. Oreiri u. frontimn
58 feet on north sido Hamilton stroot.
58 foot: rnto por foot, 03 cents;
nmount duo, $30.51.
Assessment No. .15- R. II. Toft,
lot 8. block 2, Palm addition in tho
citv of Modford, Oroiron, front ami
40.5 feot on north side Hmnilt'.u
street. 40,5 feot: ruto por foot 113
emits; amount duo, $20. '(0.
AhsosbiiioiiI No. 10- II. H. Askw,
ot UN, lot 0, block 2 Palm uduilion in
tho city of Modford, Orcfron, frontngo
50 feot on north sido Hamlllou h trout.
50 feet: rato por foot, 03 oont.;;
nmount duo. $31.50. ,
A6sosmont No. 17 C. K. Loutor-
innn. lot 10. block 2, Palm addition
in tho oitv of Modford. Orocon, front
niro 50 feot on north sido Hamilton
stroot. 50 foot; rato por foot, 0:1
conts: amount duo, $31.50.
Assessment No. 18- A. K. Hippov,
lot 11, block 2, Palm addition in tho
oitv of Medford, Orciron, l'rontturo
fff f444ff 444444444
. M..WI1 u!,l Mnrniliiin
J i ir ?
t duo, fi,JB.7C.
01.0 reel on
street; 1.fi f
cents; nrnoun
f,() feet; rule nor foot, (Kl cont;
mrioittit duo. .$:il.fi0.
AmhomhioiiI No. 21 H. V. Wliite,
fmnliii.., fif) fm.1 nn north mii Min
; iltt. Btreet. 50 feet: ralo wr loot, i
,03 mou,,t .Imo-WWO. , '
Amtmiununl No. 2,'J -K. A. Wwdi- j
...... ..
unrii, lot J ll, block i. faliu addition i
- ------ ---'- i
AHBoaameul No. IM h. A. W nah-
burn lot 17. block 2, Palm addition i
in the cilv of Medford. Oregon, front -1
iiu'o 50 feet on north hide Hamilton
Htreet. 50 feet: rato per foot. 03
eonla: iimount duo. $31.50.
AMZmillo:t! Y Iluteha-
... i. l Ll. y nt 'V. ' !i.
, ., P it te i V """"" aald Fewer, ami tnu nx a time lor
tho citv of Medford. Oreicoii. front- hearing any ouch pro teats, which no
nu'o 50 feet on Olson streel. 50 feet: tlce was duly glvon In accordance
rato iter foot, 03 cunts; amount duo. with fPld ordinance more than ten
$31.50. days hfforo tho beginning of tho con-
AHHcssmciit No. '' Ilobert Wil-
Hon. lot 2. block 5, Olson nddition in
the citv of Medford. Oro.ro... front-
rn f . ni . . rn r .
iii" 50 feet on Olson street. 50 feot: ,
rate nor foot. 03 cents; hinount due,
Assessment No. 27 Mrs. M. A.
Olson, lot 3. block 0. Olson nddition
in tho citv of Mcdford. Oreiron. front-
p- - 50 feet on Olson street. 50 feot:
...... r i nn t .1 '
Assessment No. 28 D. W. Heche,
lot 3. block 1. Olson addition in the
citv of Mcdford. Orciron, fnintnire r0
fect on Olson street. 50 feel; rate
per foot. 03 cents: amount-
due, I
$31.50. said parcels of land should bear,
ASSESSMENT FOR A C-INCH LAT- based on tho benefits derived re
EHAIj BE WE It AI.ONO WEST anectlvely by snld several tracts of
Assessment No. 1 Orecon & Cal-
:p....: i i - . i 1.1..1. en i
riiin ownKileln . h. dlv Tf Madft rl
Ori L'on fro itnpn IP h To . : ni. nnrt
.,ti;oJ,1.,.Hn. tr0. ",d !Cl2'l '1.
sido Third street, west.
u-.o ieei:
rate per foot. 03 cents; nmount due.
i n mi. r .t . e 1
Assessjncnt No. 2 Tho Sociclv of
tho Sisters of tho Holv Nnmo of Je
sus and Christ, lot 12. block 03. oric
innl townsite in the citv of Medford.
Oreiron. froutniro 100 feot on north
side Third street, west. 100 feet: ml.
per foot. 03 cons: ninoun due. $03.00.
Assessment No. 3 Tho Societv of
l.n ;...-, r.f .1... Ill.. V..... tr.
bus nnd Christ, lot 1. block 03. oric-1
innl townsite in tho citv of Medford.
Oregon. 100 feet: rnto per foot. 03
' . A .
Assessment No. 4 Oregon nnd
California Lund Co., lot 0, block 04,
oriirinnl townsite in tho citv of Mod -
ford. Oreiron. froutniro 100 feet on'
south sido Third street, west. 100 1
fuol ! rntn i.nr fnrtl. lift p.n( niiinmiH
S03.00. 1
ssessment No. fi Orciron and,
Cnlifornia Land Co.. lot 7. block 04,
oriirinnl townsito in tho citv of Mod
ford. Oroiron. froutniro 100 feet on
south sido Third street, west. 100
feet: rato per foot, 03 cents: nmount
Assessment No. 0 11. L. Ilurdic,
lot 0, block 81, oriirinnl townsito in
the citv of Medford, Orciron. front
ngo 100 feet on south sido Third
street, west. 100 feet: rnto por foot,
03 cents: amount due, .$03.00.
Assessment No. 7 It. H. Dow, ot
n, lot 7, block 1 orieinnl townsito in
tho citv of Modford. Oreiron. fro8nt
nt'o 14 feet on south sido Third
street, west. 14 feet: rate por foot,
03 cents i nmount duo. $8.82.
Assesinent No. .1 E. A. Washburn,
lot 17. block 2, Palmndditiou in tho
oitv of Mcdford. Oregon, frontngo 7-1
fect on west sido Onkdalo avenue,
north. 7-1 feet: rato por foot. 03
cents: nmount duo, $10.02.
Assossniont No. 2 Daniol Hilkov.
lot 1. block 2, Pnlm nddition in tho
oitv of Modford, Oreiron. lroiitnt'o
74 feot on west sido Onkdalo avonuo,
;iorth, 74 foot: rato uor foot, 03
cents; nmount duo, $10.02,
Assessment No. 3 R, H. Dan, ot
al, lot 7. block 81, original townsito in
tho oitv of Modford, Oregon frontage
08 foot on oast sido Onkdalo avonuo,
north. 08 foots rnto ,por foot. 03
conts: amount du'o. $01.74.
Assessment No. 4 Oroiron & Cali
fornia Land Co.. lot 1. block 452, oric
innl townsito in tho oitv of Modford,
Oregon, frontngo 2 Ofoet on oast sido
Onkdalo avenue, north. 20 foot; rnto
por foot, 03 conts; noimmt duo,
Sootion 2. And it is horobv or
dorod mid ordniucd that said sovoral
nssossmonts nnd tho lions he on
torod in tho lion docket of said oitv,
and thnt thoroupou uotico bo iriven
tho ownors or roputed ownors of said
proportv. and that tho stuno bo on-
forced and colletcoil in tho mnmior
tfff4f444fHffftff 4 444444444 4' 4444444
f444444444 lffffff444ffff 4 4 4444
'(riivi,lc,' hv tliu charter of Kfinl filv
fr7r VlVrpc IppticVor 's,rfit- for
1 1 Z ,Z ' . .
the imi)roemeHtH 01 hirecm tliurein.
rielr. nvo: JSifcrt. nvc: Weleli. nbsotit:
Kinenclc. nvo: Demuier. ave: Wort-!
mini. uve.
Ainiroved November 17th. 1000.
,rty .
n onllnmic attMliiR th prop
illtionnt to mHiI bonofltod br lh
ah lateral aewer const nirt ml
Oramta Btrct for the coat of
. .1 ,t. aM.. . A ...hkI.I Imui
r"""lr,,rllnK ,,u i"1"
th" , "11"" "f. jWn ' "Mei
'"T" ."r'ford doth ordain
nm-i if in i . it u vi rr. iiir iwiiiiL.ii i
did heretofore nrovlU by ordinance I
lll'I . I lllf If IIV lllll lUlllnii! 11111;. iliri . . .... t . - " p- n v awvr "II nw UJUU IV i 1 W - ( I
for tln crvlnx of tho ownora of prop-! erty fronting on aald portion of sMd
erty adjacent to ntid heneflted by 'afreet In projwrtlon to th0 frontage
the conatrucllon of tbe lateral a!wer;fp ga;j pr0,)erty, nnd did fix a time
hondnaflur deaoritxid to r.ppear be-; and plnce for hearing protests against
u,ro i-ald council. nnd bIiow caue.,the ,aynf ot water main on
!f "uy- why, "f,,! J'0IM'r,v,8,',(111,, n0'aald portion of aald atiwt and the
I for t he , conatrurtlon of ! 8M(Ml,ont of tho coBt thereof as
structlon of wild Bower, hut no pro
" Bf,M,d.?0"r"t, " "h"!
.w r wn? b?
Ill nil 000, anil BaiU Bewer was 0
.(,,, cotincn ordered conatructed, and
Whereas, the cost of the construe
tlon of said sower has been and here
by Is determined to be the sum of
Now. therefore, said city doth or
,jnn and declare that each parcel of
. . 1 i .i u -
to nnd benefited by that certain lnt
oral 8wor, six Inches In size, con
structed on Orange street be
tween Eighth nnd Tenth streets
nnd that tho proportion of tho
cost of said sewer which each of
jlnnd is tho amount set opposlt0 the
description of each such parcel be
low, that each of said parcels is act
ually benefited in the amount set
... I . . l.l V. 1 ... t. ..
olT",l " -C.BC" M"" u",u" .t":lcrty fronting on said portion of said
conBirucuon oi ia ur, una uiun
said several amounts represent the
P-Portlonal benefits of said several
i P? . . "on. sn.u Bwt-r. mu
if said parcels Is hereby assessed the
amount sot opposite Its description do-
iow ror
tho construction of said sow-
Assessment No. 1 I. W. Thomas,
lot 1C, block C, Park addition to the
city of Medford, Oregon, frontngo 50
reet on oast side urange sireei.
? 0unt duo $3' 00
K'.mitnt Vo w" Thomas
..A'S08."?"?.?,- I rh.u.L I ."
L city of Modford. Oregon, frontngo &o
'feet on east side Orange street.
j south; 50 feet: rate per foot C4
'cents; nmount duo $32.
Assessment No. 3 O. C. Boggs,
lot 14. block fi. Park addition in tho
rllv nt Mpilfnrd. Oroiron. frontnUn 50
feet on east side Orongo street,
South: 50 feet rate per toot u cents;
" .
city of Medford, Oregon, frontage Jackson county, Op eg on: 319 foet
50 feet on east sido Ornngo street. rnto jier foot $1.04; amount duo
South; 50 foot: rato per foot 64;$331..o. w.mn, u
conts: amount duo $32. Assessme. t No ,2,'nn j
. . . ,,,, -.,, 'Hnmlln, part of lot 4, block 3, Barra
,A8f5f80nV,NA5r n?in,?m: addition In the city of Mcdford, Ore-1
in tho city of Medford. Oregon, front
ngo 50 feot on east sido Orango street
South; 50 feot; rato per foot G4
conts; nmount due $32.
Assessment No. C Rondllla Good
alo, lot 11, block 0. Park addition In
tho citv of Medford. Oregon, front
ngo 50 feet on cast side Orango street,
South; 50 feet; rato per toot m
conts; amount due $32,
Assessment No. 7- Itcndllla Good
alo, lot 10, block C, Tnrk addition In
tho city ot Medford. Oregon, frontngo
44 feot on east sido Orango stroot,
South; 44 feot: mte per foot 04
conts; amount due SSS.16.
Assessment No. S Rondllla Good
alo, lot f, block f. Park addition In
tho city of Modford. Orogon, frontage
44 feot on wist sido Orange street.
South; 41 feot into per foot 04
conts; nmount due $?S.1C.
Assessment No. 9 A. G. Mnlony,
lot IS, block 0, Ross addition In tho
city ot Medford. Oregon, frontnge 101
foot' on -west sido Orango stroot,
South; 101 feot; rnto per foot G4
conts; amount duo $G4.C4.
Assessment No, 10 John Wllken
son o't nl., lot 1, block 6, Ross addi
tion In tho city ot Modford, Oregon,
frontngo 101 feet on west sido Ornngo
Btroot, south; 101 feet: rnto por foot
04 cents; amount duo $04.64,
Assessment No. 11 William Ross,
n lot fronting on Ninth street, Wost,
IOC. feet on tho wost sido Orango
stroot, South, In city of Modford,
Orogon, frontngo 10G feot on wost
sido Ornngo stroot, South, described
Vol 55, pago G20, county recordor's
rocords ot JncUson county. Orogon:
100 feot; rate por foot Gl conts;
nmount duo $67,84,
Soctton 2. And It is horeby or
dorod and ordnlnod that said sovoral
assessments and tho Hons bo ontored
In tho lion docket of said city, and,
that thoroupou notlco bo glvon tno
ownors or roputou ownors ot sniu.
proporty, and that tho samo bo on-
forced and collected In tho manner
1 1'rovhlod by tho charter of snld city
f'"" th collection of assessments for
, t, mprovcmentB of Htreeta tliorufh.
itent, Krnorlck nye, IJomrner aye,
wortmnn nyo,
Approved November 17. 1009.
W. II. CANON. Mayor.
Jin orillnanr ,lrlarlnir thr aMMHtfr.
ment on tho property bonoflted for
thaeoatof larl a 6-Inch rater rcln
on IakotA avenue and direct Ins U"1
recorder to enter a tatPritnt tneriof
In th watr main Hmi docket.
nnfc... ..I... U..lf...l .1v,l. nKiUln Q a
i m i uwn. ...
fo,i?: , ,h
rtlVLmS' l& at
rlarl Iti KSlnTn to to a 6-lnch
wHiri niniii tiii umnuiu c i en ur uui v-
aaeita cont thereof on the prop
aforesaid; and.
Wheroas, said resolution was duly
published and posted p.s required bi
section 11C of the charter of said
city; and,
Whorons, a meeting of tho council
waa held at the time nnd place fix
ed In said resolution, for the purpose
of considering any such protests,
but no protests were at snld tlm0 or
at any other tlmo made to or re
ceived by the council to the laying
of said water main or tho assessment
of tho cost as afor sald. and said
council having considered tho mat
ter, and deeming that said water
main was and Is of material benefit
to said city, and that all property to
be assessed therefor would be tene
flted thereby to the extent of tho
probable amount of the respective
assessments to bo levied against said
property, did order said vatertmaln
laid; and.
Whereas, the cost or said water
main has been p.nd hereby Is deter
mined to b0 the sum of $1909.44;
Now, therefore, it Is hereby fur
ther determined that the proportion-1
ate share of the cost of laying said'
water main oi eacn parctM ot prop-.
. - . , .v -, sot onnoSlt the
f,t.rin,.nn f p!,ru nnreol of land
5 t" u .ece or parcel !
o( nnd benefited by the laying or
Baltl water matn t0 the full ex-
of tho nmoimt so set opposite
thQ description of the same, and that
tho respective amounts represent the
nronortlonal benefits of said water
,; in rfKnontWo unreels of
proportional fomt-
j street, and tho council does hereby
declnro each of the parcels of proper-
ty described below to bo nssessed nnd :
nni, ne t.n snmo berebv is assessed
' ,he nmou,lt fiet PPosite each 'scrip-
! for tho cost o ln'in said walor
out 1 lit V. w-
Assossniont No.
1 Annie Marlon
Parker, BJ, Part of lot 4, block 3,
, uarrs auuiuon m uio ciy ui . .uuu-
lLtlZ? tT
con, frontngo 291 feet on 'Dakota ;
avonuo, described Vol. 42. pag0 333,
county recorder's records Jackson
county, Oregon; 241 feot; rnto per
foot $1.04; amount duo $250. G4.
Assessment No. 3 Jackson Coun-
ty Bnnk, CP. Part of lot 4, block
2, Barr's addition In tho city of MedrF
ford, Oregon, frontage 330 feet ont
Dakota avenue, uescnoea vol. oo,
pngo 336, county recorder's records
Jackson county, Oregon; 2S0 feet;
rnto per foot $1.04; amount due
"Assessment No. 4 B. S. Wobb, I
CQ Part of lot 4, block 2, Barr's
addition In tho city of Medford, Ore
gon, frontngo 37 foot on Dakota ave
nue, described Vol. 15, pago 457,
county recorder's records of Jack
son county, Oregon; 37 feet: rnto;
por foot $1.04; amount duo $3S.4S. 1
Assessment No. 5 Aaron W.vland, I
CR. Part of lot 4, block 2, Barr's)
addition In the city of Medford, Ore-'
gon, frontngo 293 feot on Dakota
avenue, described Vol. 50, page 302,,
county recorder's records of Jackson
county, Oregon; 243 feot:. rnto per
foot $1.04; amount duo $252.72. !
Assessment No. G M. W. and H.
tt m.-in- i i n l.i l. i rn..,,iA.r. I
11. XUVlie, IIH U, uiuitk imiiun
subdivision In tho city of Medford,
Orogon, frontngo 154 feot on Dakota
nvonuo, desccrlbed Vol. .., pago ..,
county recorder's records of Jack
son county, Orogon; 104 feet: rnto
por foot $1.04; nmount duo $10S.16.
Assessment No, 7 M. W. and H.
11. Tuttlo, lot 5, block 2. Tattle's
subdivision in th0 city of Medford.
Oregon, frontngo 154 feot on Dakota
avonuo, described Vol, . . , pago , . ,
county recorder's records Jackson
county, Oregon; 104 feet: rnto por
foot $1.04; amount duo $108.1G.
Assessment No. S M. W. nnd II.
II. Tuttlo, lot 4, block 1, Tuttto's
subdivision in tho city of Modford,
Orogon, frontngo 133 foot on Dakota
avonuo, described Vol. .., pago ,.,
county recordor's rocordB of Jack-
lion coimty, Oregon; 133 feet; rnto
per foot $1.04; amount duo $138.32.
Assessment No. 0 M. W. and H.
If. Tuttlo, lot 3, block 1, Tuttle's
subdivision In tho city of Med ford,
, Oregon, frontage 175 foot on Dakota
; avenue, described Vol ... pago ...
- county recorder's rccordB of Jackson
' county, Oregon: 1 75 feet : rate por
kota n von lie, d escribed Vol. CI, pago'
i a j, county recorders recordB of.
JackHon county, Oregon; 200 feet; i
rate por root ?1.04; amount duo
ni!i:uon . ana ii ib norory oruer-
od and r rdalnnd that aald Boveral na -
f-nr-L-, r.nd fhe llen.i thereof bo
-r..rro m me waier main lion dock-
t of Raid city, and that therouoon
notice he given thft OWiera or renuf-
fI own of aald property, and that
'ami. bo enforced and collected
iii uie ii.annor provicca y tun ciinr-
It's a Pleasure
Indeed to pay your grocery bill
when you deal here for the
items are always correct.
"What gives it additional pleas
ure is the fact that you know-
Full Value
for your money has been receiv
ed that you are charged with
the lowest prices on the very
best goods.
It's mutual pleasure doing bus
iness with us.
The Square
Electric Wiring'
and Fixtures
Have you anything electric that all others have
failed on? Before throwing it away call on us and
we will fix it if it is possible to do so. Do you ever
look at your light fixtures and wish you had some
thing more up-to-date? We cany a .full lino of
AND HALL LAMPS. Do you ever wish that your
light was in some other position or that you had
more? "We do electric wiring of all kinds for lights,
motors, dynamos, door bells, etc. We also build telA
ephone find power lines.
PHONE 1091.
Steam and Hot Water Heating.
All work guaranteed. Prices reasonable.
Old Tribune Building.
CENTS ON THE POUND, when you can got the best for almost tho
samo prico from your local oroamory Wo don't mix our butter. Ask
your grocer for it and thus encourage homo industry. If your grocor
don't handle it, phono us.
Swoot orenro, milk and buttermilk delivered every day.
tor of said city for tho collection ot
assessments for the Improvement!) 0
Btroeta thoroln. .
Section 3. It Is further ordered
that tho notlco nbovo provided, for
; b0 published throe times In the Dally
Mall Tribune, a newspaper puMlshod
and of general circulation In -uld
city, In tho mannor provided by or-
Jledford, OroRwn: This certifies
that wc havo sold Hall's Toxaa Won-
,t., .t, . . . . ...
'llcr for tho CUF0 o n" k,dny
dcr anil rhoumatic troubles for ton
ycftr8 an(1 uavc novcr htld n com-
nlnint. It tfivnn nii?ilt nnil tinrmnnnnt
r . fln , , . . . . . , .
iet. 00 dnya treatment m each bot-
tie. .Mcdford rharmaov.
Deal Grocers
Phone 2931.