Newspaper Page Text
THE MISrorOKP MAIL TftnJUJSTE, MEDffOTID, OREGON, FJIIDAY. DEOJSA1J3ER 17, 1909. . iSOCEAL AND PERSONA the Kentucky orator, anil a king of Hut iilall'oiin himself. Brush, (ho nut. gioliiu, will iiIkh ho on Hill JIKIlMIII, mill in nil probability, )r. Sadler's !iiiiimiy ill lour people. Tim Pass- "i Ininlly ol tiiiiMiliiiiH will In) with II again, iniii'h to the delight of Until' iiimiy I'iIi'iiiIh milling Hid patrons of thin Chiiuluuiiiii, TIiukd h ro only sumo ol' llio priii-i-ipiil utlmellniiH thn whole tun day . will hn crowded full, u timiitl, with Hooil things, details for which are not yet nmily, of course, to uti- IIOIIIICI), I'Ihi .Sherman, through Hi hull, proHonlnl church of Medford. a .'100 church organ iih u ChrlHtiiuiH present. TIiIh gem-rous limiting in one Hint will hn highly approi-iiiled hy tliu congrega tion. Don't miHH thn good ilinnor to hn served hy t ho PruHbytoriun ladies at Anglo opura house tomorrow, Dim. .1Mb. . (1. Klkkurt of .Jacksonville wont to W'ooilvillo 1'riday to Hiirvny a coun ty roail in that section. oPwors Ultu of Forest Clrovo, Or., van a piiNMuiKir on No. 15 Huh mo mint for San .lose. Mr. Dim is a hoyhooil friend of Chiof of Police Shearer ami Dim pair of than lined to chiuh npph) trees ami swipe water FORESTERS HERE TO TAKE LESSONS AT THE CHURCHES : BUSINESS LOCALS f -f 4 -f -f -f 4 -f -f f-f Baptist Chucli. Ilov. Dr. Dyer will preach in Wanted, those in, or wishing to join un amateur brass hand, please Rnnner. Come In and Receive In- ,,,0,'"in l 11 'fl"(j,c ,lt 1,10 tSho Ch7 church. If. II. Initio will preach in .., .ri, .1.... " J. siructlons From Government ncjinnllnu Practical Work. the ovoning. All nru Invited to at- lend theBo HorvicoB. Christian Church. ai mo uiriMiiun ouuroii, corner .Sixth and Ivy streets. Services on rooms noxi jiiiirsiiay aitornoon or eve. George F. Dyer, telephone .'J20I. 230 Nicely furnished roomH with all modern conveniences nt tlio Palmo. I'hono 101)1 for tens and coffee. Here is a snap: 100 acres one George II. WoM, John D. Hoist and t ...1 tn 11.. . 1 i. , .. , . f i 7 u- ,, r . V "'y follow: lO a. m Hihlo nl0 from railroad Nation- 100 acres in a fuw days lor Soalllo o take he B(.i1M. i 11 ..fll.L. n. n.J.,,1, 1 . "union, iuo acres regular course in forslorv instruction ' ' ', ... rt,K"lBr u" K'1 red soil, scu-rnl thoiiHnnd cord? m Kiinir coorni) 111 jorHioiy iiiHirm.uon sor..niif!o of in I.nn s i.. r..i. 1 ' i.s.i. 1 imiUK.iraled hy the department. ' f wo by a h erman .11 'E V' , .. " rt-"V' rnrf Thov will reecivo imictical l.mtrm.. ! ? ,VV' y A"' "'i ' '.H,,wtt ct' l nce o-third cash, Jit-rman, flay Co. havn Him i. the hn Hum iuohI needed in r.i ' 1 ' f ,', heir mnnnKer, A. A. Camp- their work followed hy a nonnon on Inner,." nximli'd lo ili.i f..n.n -11 11 ii . 1 SlrniiKcrH welcome. W. Theo. .Mat- . . V i atliolid. IhiM-onrMiijiivolvcH land HiirvoyiiiK 0,.lf ,mHtnr I ami (opoKraphical mappuiK, limber (MittuiK and a Htudy of Hid chimin-teriHlii-H and growth ami value of thn woHteru IreoH. The inilruiilorn will all hu practical men and will lunch from the Htnmlpoiul of prao tieal iihmko rather than theory. In order to p.-l hotter acipiamli-d willi the HinokerH of Medf )rd, wo in vito them to iiiHpoc'. tlio Smol;? Huumo lit WtHit XfnJn i'rnnl '!M I lock, piiHtor. Christian Science. hervicoH hunday morruiiL', at 11 o'clock. Subject of loiwon-Hcrmoii. "Ih the Univorm) Incluilini; Man Kvolvod hy Atomic Force." All are welcome. hunday xchool at o clock. TJH forth Urapo fltrcet, north of bherman, Clay & Co'u. 11111 ni: house. O. hox .144. 231' ChrislmnH reduction salo 011 nil millinerv. All IiuIh at cost. Special naloH each Tuoday and Friday will continue. Lottie M. Howard, 109 N. Central avenue. 1 cod-4t If you could buy an equity in ood ity lots for 25 per cent with cany I mas, would you tako them? Ad- JOHN HARRINGTON IS KILLED BY LIVE WIRE 10 Areas box 708. 234 Forty ncros find-claa pear, peach or Krnpe land, 41A miles from rail road station, to school, daily mail, phono and main county rond: easily cleared, rrioe. $2000: .800 SEARCHING COUNTRY FOR MISSING SECRETARY NBVADA CITY, Cal Doc. 17. An organized search was heRun today for Martin Wallace, secretary of tho Cal ifornia Btato Mlnets' union, who has been mlHHlnff from his homo In Grass Valley slnco ThnnkselvlnR day, Wallace loft Grass Valley In re sponse to a letter, tho contents of which ho refused to divulge, and which he snld ho would tako with lilm Into tho desert country. Ills family now bollov0 tho letter to have boon a decoy which lured him to the desert and eventually to his death at tho hands of an unknown cnomy. THREE MEN SHATTERED IN BOILER EXPLOSION NEW PHILADELPHIA, O., Dec. . Three men were blown to nieces when n boiler exploded nt the plant of tho Royal Clay Works hero early today. HOSTON, JfaHS., Due. 17. A wooden Ick is all tahl stands between VALLE.I0, Cal., Dec. 17. A hlue'MrH- Hll,cor K(,,,y "r,l tl10 K-'inisitiou .r ( i-i'i-ni iirun nun mvipii wau-r- VAIjI.IuIO, Cal., Dec. 17. A blue' minor r.uuy nun uio acipnxiiiou inoloiih toKctluir hack in Iowa in yi'iirHLhi-iit of lames that mvept tho wires of a cook tnnt comes to this country F, Kono by, but you would have a hard 'of th H,iy Counties Power coin I w'''' " '"'""r.v reputation. fmil lime makiiic either of I hem ndmitjpany's plant, five miles north of this Mnry AollinKor, nBcd 3S years, is $75. Unit thi-v had ever did - uch thinv. Mr. and Mrs. .1. L. Phipp and 1aUKhtcr, .Miss May, left yesterday for Hoilhtiid, California, where they will remain until in March. Their stay In the south is made for the bom-fit of Mr. Pinups' health. fleiiiKii Whilm-y and wifo of ICen- nctl. Calif., are in Medford on busi- IIOM4. , Mrs. F. Pi-lniirit nf I-'inrl,, P,,;,,i umu 1 WOODEN LEG KEEPS COOK FROM MRS. EDDY box 03C. 231 Have you nny thine you want to trado for good city lots? Box 708, 2JU' 'our 10-acrc tracts of first-daBs! fruit Innd, well located, unclea'red; $75.00 tier acre, one-third cash; mv .... . , , 1 t ' a hurry-up ,mmv 1,1 ,"" mmKrani siauon tenns. I'. O. box fill. 231 .111 .1 . 1 1 nil lllli' wlinrr. nu-nilinrr nn nnnnn r,.. ENSON'S BARGAINS l-ilv. sent lilii'iiioi in search to locate the "horl" that had Wharf, nwnithiK an appeal lln- Irmibln. Is'10 has sent to the authorities at Thi.v found tho blaekcned and mi-, Washington. Sho has been debarred consi-ioiis form of .lolin Ilnrrint.inti. , from this country hceauso sho has rori-lllllll nt' t lilt til 11 11 1 . rnutinir nitrnuu ) "II artificial a wire carrviiiL' (10.000 volts. I fi't'rH llarrinutou died after roaminiiiL' 111 lo j'i'.V her return to KiiKland des a K'liii-coiiHcioiiH condition for hours. Ella Gaunyaw, public stenographer room 4, PalT. buildmc. Best tea and coffee obtainable at n n c i 1. n r . ificial Icr, tho immigration of- aou tl n n oou,ucrn deeming the infimmry enough 0rROn Tcft .& Cif.feo :iv 1 1.. 1.- 1. 1 .i Everyone is asking, "where is the jo pi to her evident roHpoctahility and 1 "8 -? Icr '8 11,0 T,'' comfortable circumJ.ances. Mrs. 21?,Wc5f Sa,n' T 2-J3 Aottingcr is said to have como to . " Do Cor & Jnsmnnn Bnarantee . . iiniiiM'i 1 iiimt niiKinrrinro nnmcT In ordor to tot better acnmiintud . A,llont'a ,H "neomo tlio diet ol .Mrs. . ' :. " b"-j mi iiuiui 111 mi 11 u.r 111 iiiiiiiiilii ......... .... ., - , 088 Oil a dinmond llivnslnipnt. Wn .uary uiiKor r.uoy, 1110 lounuer on, . ., . ,. , . , .. tho Christian Schienco church. Sho buy, ho "i'!'1 channcI ""d 8C" "c" was indignant bocauso of hor de tention by tho immigration authori- ties. n Medford visitor Friday. 11 f 'tii.ta,k .r rii..i.i it 1. ... - 1 ...... " " '" ocn was a wun tlio smoKors ol .Mo-Jioni, wo in Jiciiioru visnor 1 nnrsilay night. i(0 theih to inspect the Stnokn lloiiw- Jay P. (Jravo and party of Hpo- nt 212 West Main rt. 233 l.niie passed through Medford Friday. on train N'o. II in the private car of) New Lights. nr. uraves. liouml Tor soutlujrn Call- yow lightH havo been placed in tho . ' ., foruia. Mr. (Iravcs is one of tho big KmnrinW Cnfn nn.l for lb., fir-i titnit ' TRIED TO HOLD UP MAN: mctl of SpokllllO, boillg OWI! or of tho in tin, li'mlnrv if thiu nunnliir lnnrl I IS SHOT IN ATTEMPT Granny Smelter and president nnd u,0 ,mtron can read his ovonimr im- prmeipal owner of tho big intorurbau Avilhonl difficultv. Messrs. PORTLAND, Or., Dec. 17. A 1. .. . it. . .. . . .. . -i . ... r. 1 nuiiiion 10 lycirm car imes mmnary 10 unit Phillips k Leaders havo proven them-; mnn KV'K no name 01 mi- . - , nly. Tho ladu-s of tho party wore PpiVC!, oxcellent catorors and deservo Mitchell is dying today at tho ' . friends of Mrs. J. F. Hodc ly, who was (le excellent patronage that is being Oood Cainaritau Hospital with a bul- n'orn. let wound in his neck, inflicted nt t , 1:40 o'clock this morning by V. Von- ?u" ior ""' Tr ono, a saloonkeeper, whom it is al- ler ')kc cit Mam. We Are Headquarters for Small Orchard Tracts 4 miles south $245 per acre. of Medford. Price Will oxchango five residence lots for improved city property. Our plan and terms makes invest ment easy. Own some property and receive your share of tho increase in valuo this spring. nt the train to meet them. J. E. Thornton of Ashland was in iMi-ilford Friday. V. A. Dimlap, ono of tho solid cit ixns of Talent, was a Medford visi tor on business Friday. Itov. ('has. Maekin, pastor of tho Catholic church at Ashland, spent a fuw hours in Medford Friday on his tvay homo from Portland. County Judge Neil was in Medford I from JackMouvllo Priduv. I accorded them. McHridc is not tho candy kid, but tho candy man, tho tco cream mhn, the fruit man and don't forget it. 23 1 CONGRESS TO LOOK leged, Mitchell hold up at the iioiut of a gun. cordmgly. Givo us n call and in spect our goods. They arc now and crisp. Phipps Building. 220' If dissatisfied with your coffee or tea- phono 1091. Four hundrod and eighteen ncres first-clnss ranch, four milos from railroad station, 40 acres alfalfa, ir- ngation for 100 ncres, first-class or- good bams, 2 good .houses. Inily mail. A snap for $50 j n n a v.. . . . . . I . I. fl I r- lur iiuu, oiiu-iinii ill uilbll, o 10 U 11,. 1 i. n , ' i.i e t - tIie fl; ts too late after. 237 I havo nn enuity in city lots which I will sell at 25 per cent nnd givo I BOut front, large lot easy terms. Box 708. 234 c..,i n.i- fi1 acres on Newtown -street, good 5-roora house, well and outbuildings, nearly all set to fruit $2800 2Yz acres between Peach and Nowtown streets; nicely located for subdividing $2100 Wo represent seven strong fire in surance companies. Insuro before Within 100 feet of Oakdnlo ave nue, now 10-room modern house. $2500 tho I represent MoBrido is not tho candy kid but MH your presents in n holly box, I Union Guarantee Association of jtho candy man, tho ieo cream man, 5 to -0 cents, at Haskins for Health INTO CHARGE,U0 fruit man, and don't forget it. (Continued from iuird 1.) 234 crful I it 1 1 iiAnaii t f nwi ti t ft r- nr. rtiuirow 1. omiiii ami ueorgo 1 . . .'. Wilson of Portland arrived in Med-1 ,cntml ondomemont by tho president fnril Ibiw mnriiiiii' on lliolr wav to of tho action of alllnKor, and ox- T I III. ,! . ..!!. .1...'.. . . . .. ..... . Iioci 10 navo a oir ukui on lacksonvillo in connection with the iiho of Floyd D. Mooro vs. J. S. llernduu and F. G. Swedeuhurg, now on trial in thn circuit court. Thoy will he guests of Dr. and Mrs. E. B. Pickel during their stay hero. John aWtkiiiH of Eagle Point, one of the piiiDiK-i-rs of southern Oregon, and a veteran of (ho civil war, was in Medford Friday 011 business. Mr. nnd Mrs. M. B. Whipplo of Woodvillo were in Medford Friday on their way to Jacksonville on business. Dr. Swiidi-nbiirg of Ashland was a vUilor in Medford Friday on busi- nnae. Attorney Claronco L. Honmcs bpeut I'Yiiiny in JackMiuvillo on pro 'fouiouiil btisinoss, II. K. LoaveiiMon of Granls Pans wan a rouciit Medjoid visitor. Henry C. Chapman of Eagle Point was a recent visitor in Medford. ' John B. Saudoisii nf Williams 'Crook is visiting in Mudford. . Judge J. W. Hamilton of llosohurg has returned to his homo after hold iiiK (iiiiirt in this district. "Hy all means retain tho county fruit Inspectors. Wo ucmd thorn," Huch nro tho views of llonton Unw orn of Ashland, who was In Mod ford Thursday. Editor ICalHOr of tho Valloy Uocord wiih a roc-ent visitor In Medford. Mr. McConnagaol of Wood, Cal, Is sojourning In tho city for a fow days and an: 3 ho II lion that part of tho (Country. HOTEL ARRIVALS. their hands In an effort to forco tho reso lution of tho rules committee ... . . Scores Balllngor In Ills nddrcHA ystorday Hitchcock almost oxhauBtcd tho mi only of In-1 vcctlves In describing tho Guggon holms nnd tholr allegod attempts to control tho Alaskan mlnoral flolds. Ho daolarod that Glavls was dis charged bocauso ho zealously pro tected tho government against frauds. Tho climax of his spood canio whon ho declnrcd that confldontlal lottors nnad copies of sccrot papers had boon 333 In looking around for treos to plant thnt orchard of yours don't forgot to seo L. L. Hover. Ho has tho goods as orders for over 200,000 trees for this season will prove. 228 Llvo at tho Palms, new brick building, now furniture, strictly racdern, cor- Portlnnd. Become informed about our ten nnd twenty-acro orchard tracts, mostly undeveloped and prices right. Ono fivo-acro tract, closo in, will make 20 buildmg lots. Figure it out nnd sco for yourself what you can mnko on it $4000 Our rental department can handle your houses right. Benson Investment Cnmncinv Goldstein, Snn I' ran- .. ,, ,niUnrv Bnta T,.,. I Ir J 1-tHCO; iMISS I'j. ULOUnor, HOSCnurg; ,1,., in,nJ ,l.; V.. n niPP Pnrmorc nnH Friillnrnuoi-c Hnnb uir. viiti 1 tun ini umii wiiiiilju inui" At tho NashW. II. Lilloy, Port laud; A. Bergman, Portlnud; H. P, Watkins and wife, Greor, Idaho: C. It. Watkins and wife, Greer, Idaho; nor Grapo and Main strcots l l.l.r t ,t 1. n -r I .... o AiMHhnn, ' A business man would bo foolish to Anile, city; Dr. A. . I on., nnd fnm- L to 8av0 dim08 whou h(J h(J ny, lorunmi; . r.. iiiniiug, ion- ..,,, ,, ,. ,in1lnpc TIl;a nn tho fruit grow- stock becauso its S" o"m e"KCrn"' ',Inn,nC" !f,; P" particularly to . Hollms, St. Louis; B. Brcithnupt, nr. ,. al iirHiiiwf I f(ililutmii Knit TiVun. I . cheap. cisco ;ll. I). Stratton, Hilts, Calif.; Lest. u. ACKcnnnn, i;cuvor; it. j, Marliam, Portland. See L. E. Hoover nnd got tho 228 At tho Portland; Mooro O. W. Young, Iino of sterling silver. Toilet, muni- 1 rail- (.i.w,, ntwl lrlilifnv enfu TIia. n Sfr. and Mrs. Evnuson, Long Bench, & Jasmann's, Phipps Bldg. 5000 GIFTS XMAS AT Hussey's For Select You to From Don't you think it would pay you to come here first to make your select ion? Gome in and look We will foe glad to show you and don't buy unless you see just what you want. PL UMBING Steam and Hot Water Heating. All work guaranteed. Prices reasonable. I. F. MOORE AND E. E. SMITH Old Tribune Building. Phone 2931. CEDAR FENCE POS 5 CHEAP While they last only lO Cents K-acFi if taken at once. Phono 2CS1. GADDIS & DIXON, "The Page Fence Men." Medford, Oregon freely given to fraudulent claimants J raif ( J c Marslml( iortlniHi; A. on Alaskan coal lands. U lhuuMl Tll01lt lU-forrlng to Olavls, Hitchcock Raid 1 70TICE. ATTENTION A. F.&A.M- Thoro will ho a muolng or Med 'foid lodge, No. 1011, A. I". & A. M this ovonlng for tho purposo of elect ing officers for tho oimulng year. All .inomhors uro urged to altond. Hy ordor ofW, M. WILLIAM MULLEIt, Sooi'otnry. I'itlcs CtavlH. "I pity tho helpless suhordlnato forced to chooso hotweon holding his position In hIIi.mico nnd oudaugerlng It by protesting against frauds on-trtuclu-d In power and backed by In- flllOlKH'," , Ho isvci ! condemned th rules couimlttoe of tho hoiiso for falliiro to tako doflnlto action. Ho said: "It has boon a known fact for yars that gross frauds Jinvo boon porpotrntod In tho publlo dnmnlns and that millions of ncros of public land havo boon grubbed by tho, cor porations, This year wo appropriate ? 1,000, 000 to prevent tho frauds. It Is rumored thnt a consldorablo pro portion of this sum has already boon spent to buy logant furniture lOlghty clerks havo boon nddod to tho lny roll and ono or moro subordinates aro receiving, moro salary than tho law allows tholr superiors." , AN OPEN MEETING. llaUliigci' at AVIiKo House. WASHINGTON, Doc. 17. Socro tary Halllngor hns boon spending muoh tlmo nt tho Whlto House ro contly, When asked today If ho Is aiding President Taft to propnr0 n forthcoming mcHsngo on cousorvnttou, Ilnllluior roplled: "Wo haven't ronched that yot." Whon asked ibout tho attack mndo upon him yestorday by HoprcHontn tlvo Hitchcock la tho houao, Ilnllln gor said; "Ills olmi'ge? nro all falsifications from beginning to end; boBldcs, ho Is a democrat." Tho Men's Club of tho Prosbytor- ian Church of this city is fast prov iug itself an active institution. It is now nroopsod lo furnish the eitl zona of Medford a splendid ovoning next Tuosday night, which will be opon night. Tho fifty mon will o at homo to every ono. An ovoning of poetry and musio is being ar ranged for that dnto. How G. I.eBoy Hall, tho retiring pastor of tho Bap tist church, has been asked to road from Hiloy's poems, nnd ovoryono who has hoard him will know this to ho a rnro treat, llo will reneat what ho has bpforo given at various times in our oily nnd tlio public will ho given the Inst opportunity of hear ing Mr. nail in this his specialty. Somo of tho best musical nlent !u tho oity will bo prosent to partici pate in a program. Altogether il will bo a meeting worth-remembering and tho Mon'n Club is busy making nil arrangemonts. Hemembor the dato Tuesday, December 21. Notice, A spooinl meeting of Canton Day light, No. 10, will bo hold Friday ov oning. All inomhors nro urged to be prosont. J. L. DEMMEIt, 232 Clork. Whon so simple a thing as rend ing tho nds. will keep you in touch with tho daily lifo nnd tho business opportunities of this city, isn't it worth whilo? Notico is horcby given thnt tho un dersigned will apply to tho city council of the city of oMfdord, Ore gon, nt its next mooting for n licenso to soil spiritous, vinous and malt ' liquors, in qunntitios less than a gal lon, for n period of six months, nt its placo of business nt lots f, (1, 7, S and 0. in block 20, in tho city of. Medford, Oregon. i Dated Doeomber S. 21)00. I HOTEL NASH COMPANY, j A Select Line of Ladies' Purses 2nd Handbags AT COST Merman Bros. 317 E. .Veventh St. AUCTION SALE of Entire Stock of Jewel , y ccrsisting of Watches, Rings, Cut Glass, Tableware, Musical Instruments and many other articles too numerous to mention. Sale will start Saturday at 2:30 p.m. and continue until stock is sold KENYON & CRAWFORD 108 West Main Street t