Newspaper Page Text
THIS MKPFOUD MAIL TlllBUNE, MICDffORD, ORKCJON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 17, 3909 . 7 . tt i. i i .itiiiii. i i 1 i i i i 1 A k llii llXA. 4 4 4. , 4-44.44 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 A Page oi Business Opportunities and Other Chances 4 4 4 4 4 4 HttHHHf 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 .f4 44. M 4 4 H l f 4 H-f 44 4 4 STACKED 08 "HTORCHARD North Dakota Herald Has Great 1 Sport With William Bmlc anil His noiiiic Valley Orchard. Tim followlim from OrHinl Forks, X. I)., Herald, will probably i f rout another quarter tlirrntatm llto; dear up lit 11.., mind,, of tl imriy"!'"1"" of ,)r' Co",' pt'"r,1"'' ,n mentioned tho unumittl Hrnim of " Mr llinln' orclMrjl oh the orrn Ion of thtdr visit: Sunday will ho rnini'Uibatfil hy iji l iim a somewhat chilly day. William MiiiIkh ban In tho punt stton vitiiI Much ilsys In (Irnnd Forks , nml lintixni Iium liuil wvornl Interest-1 lug mhmhIoiih with North Dakota u.Mil1Ur. Mr. Itmluo. howovtir. has Iuhmi away from thu statu for several fortnight, II Id unknown ontHldo of mouths and his memories of "dear tlul olrrlo of scloutlsfB wbolher the old Dakota" worn of tho "banana I affidavits of l.ooso and Dunklc no belt" order. ThnfM how It happen-j nislng Cook of buying thlr aid In d that Hudx nppoKnMl on tho rtriM-ts1 preparing IiIm arctic data will be con- of lirttud Folk Sunday woarltiK a llKht inninor Hitlt Instead of th welt known corduroy and buffalo coat, lie had Just landed front a Northern Pacific train from Medford. Or.1, or chards, where h has bom pruning npplw trwH for many weoks past, but he had not been In town maiiv mln wtf before he reiuemberil that lie bad mwnt Kovornl winter In North Dakota, and proceeded to take to the woodH of bU own domicile. Mr. IIuiIkh In tellinK III llrcud Korku tfrlend Kront thin about tb rt-w Kldorndo he ban dlmcoveted. but tberf, In one Incident he ban anpnrontly orRotten to mention. Mr. Iludxe haaj iduce the nciiulHltlon of bl Medcfrd ! fruit land been bunlly nf,aKd In miltltiK out fruit (retM and Kradually but itiroly brliiKltiK IiIm broad acre Into a hli'.h ntate of cultivation and Improvement. He baa about a dox- 011. more or Iohm, two or three yoar old troea which had ben Krowlnt? rfaitor than the Hchedulo nnd wor In bearing In thlH HenHon, two or three more nuporh HpoolmonK of the luv elotiM fruit crowning each of tliene particular tree. Mr. llttdKo look groat prtdo In Mb petM and when a party of North Dakota friend on route homo from the Seattlo fair utoppod off to vndt hint between trains, ho HMtirvd car ,rlanoi and took them out to IiIh or chard, a mllo or ho out of town. Ar riving on tho Mcene. however, ho found IiIh pot tree o tho atory goeH bearing ltiHtnd of 20-ottnco red applori, which ho jiropoHod to pre sent to bin frlondrt hb he had con fided to Medford pooplo. Wllllnm bo bdd thoHe apple troen bearing Htnnll, wormy and half rotten poarH, llo gitHped a few gaapH and tbon ex ploded. What he said would not look woll In Sunday achool Btorlea. The North Dnkotnua got the apploa later, but thin Ih tho flrat thoy have hoard of how It happonsd. Homo of tho Modfordltoa hnd pos wlhly hoard rtomethlng of Uudgo's HttintH In propping up dead deer In the North Dakota woodn for 10. O. Cooper to kill, unwittingly, thought It a good opportunity to cntch up with him. The pimr story can prob nbly bo vorlflod by "Doe" Oondy, a fornior flrnnd Forka roHldont. Pooplo out thoro lmvo ft bnblt of naming tltulr orchards, nnd when AVllllam was naked what ho propos ed to call IiIh fine orchnrd, wild ho thought ho would call It tho "II. H." orchard, tjio afonwald said Initials not standing for "llero'H lludgo," but for 'HpdBon liny." Mr. lludgo hav ing been for hoiuo tlnto In IiIh young or days In tho Horvlco of that fntnous old company, an experlenco ho hnd novor forgotten. Hut sotno Medford iltos didn't know all about 'that and trout "11. H." thoy lmvo Ukon to call ing It tho "Highball" orchard. Mr. lludgo huH 0110 of tho finest properties In all tho Medford coun try nnd has already demonstrated that ho can grow fruit successfully, llo has some flno buildings and oth- . or Improvements and has a suporb building alto selected for tho futuro domicile for his family. During tho winter ho will havo tho plans mndo nnd next season will boo thoro ono of Klin finost resldoncoB In Oregon. PORTLAND GAS COMPANY SOLD TO NEW YORKERS "PORTLAND, Oec 17. Late do volopiiuuitH in the repot purchase of tho Portland Oim company by tho Kleolrio Monti ami Shnio company of New York remove all doubts a l the ultimate traiiHt'er of the control of tho plant to tho Now York oovpor . ut ion. ANOTHER DANGER i 4 1 4 : THREATENS COOK ? Commission In Denmark Will Com plete Their Examination of Records Within Two . Weeks. COPEN1IAOEN. Dec. 17.--l)Hiior number or tliii cnmmiMHon. j I'lio solontlsl rutllH attention to the met thai th frost and storm of tho polar region rondurs ImpuMllilu ab soliito accuracy In tho HoctirlnK "f data. Hut ho says that Cook's flg- urM will nrotiM more suspicions la iim iiiitiilrt of the Investigators. ,rw commission began today and ,,...,! to numb a duoliiliin wllhlti a! Mldeted. 44444444444444444 PORTLAND MARKETS. 4 4 44444444444444 llop, Wool ami Hide. Hops -1D08 crop, choice, 17c; j prime to choice, 10c; prime, 15 4c; medium, 15c; 1909 choice, 23c; prime. 20c; medium, 18 1 lc. Wool 1903, Wlllametto vaHey, 202lc; paatom Orepon, 20W23c. BhuonHklnn Shoarlni;, 1 0250 pnofi; hort wool, 25(fT50c; medium wool, 60cf? $1 each; lonK wool, 7Cc0 $1.25 each. Tallow PrUno, per lb., 3f -Ic; No. 2 and greatie, 2tf? 2 Vic. Chlttltn bark 4S'44c Mohair 1909, 23024c lb Hides Dry hides, 17uM8V4c lb; Kreen, 9ViW104c lb; bulls, groon unit, Tclb; kips. 10rl0Viclb; calves green, lCdjflSc lb. Huttcr, Kggw and Poultry. Kckm Local. candlod, sOloct, 42Vjc; ordinary run 404 2c; sec ond. 32c; local Btorage, .T2 l CSSc: eastern storage. 32 1-2 ff 35c. j Putter Fat Delivery f o. b. Port Imui Sweet cream, J7c; sour, 35 l-2c. 1 lluttor Extra croamory, 39 l-2c: fnncy, 37iR38c: storo, 25c. Choose Fancy full cream flatt., 18c; triplets and daisies, 18c; Young Amorlcatj, 19c. Poultry Mlxod chlckons, 15 15 l-2c; fancy lions, 15 l-2c; roos ters, old. lie; springs, lCc; cooso, 10c; ducks, 10c; pigeons, squabs, 12 dot; dresBod chlckonfl, 17 1-2 CP 18c; wild cooso, $6 dozen. flniln, Hour nnd !ay. llnrloy Producers' prlow 1909 Foled, $28.50; rolled, 30; brow ing. J2929.60. Wheat Track Club, $1.05; bltto totn, $1.17; rod, $1; fortyfold, ?1.09; Turkey rod, 1.03 1.05; Wlllamotto vnlloy, 1.05. Mlllstuffs Selling prlco nrnri, ?2fi; middlings, 33; shorts, $2C; chop, I22CT28; alfalfa moal. $21 por ton. Flour New crop, patents, G.15; ntralght, J4.85; bakers, $5.95rc.l6; Wlllamotto valloy, $5.70 bbl; oxport grades. $4; graham, Vis. $5.00; wholo wheat, $5.20; ryo, 50, $0.50; bales, $3. liny producers' prices Now timothy, WHlnmotto voltoy fancy, $IS; ordlucry, $17; oastorn Oregon, $20; mixed, $14 15; clovor No. 1, $14 015; wheat, $14 (ft 15; cheat, $15 P1?; alfalfa, $15. Oats Spot dollvory. now, produc ors' prlco Track, No. 1 whlto, 29.50; gray, $28rT28.50. Corn Wlolo, $30; cracked, $37 ton. Frttlta and Vegetables. Fresh Fruits Ornngoa, ValonclnB, $3.05 a box; hanntins, 5 l-2o lb; oars, 50o$1.25; huckloborrlos, 12c. Potatoes Soiling, now, f 1 1.10. Apples $1 1.50. Vogotnblca Now turnips, Orogon, 8090o aack; beots, $1.25; carrots, 8090o sack; cabbago, local, 75 0. $1; tomatoes, local, fancy, $1.50 crt; beans, lOo lb; cauUflowor, 90c $1 do.; poas, 2o lb; Jiorsoradlsh, lOo; bunches; colory, 60 85o; ogg plant, lfio pound; corn, $1.25 sack; Bwoot potatoes, $1.75 1.85. Klco Imperial Japan No. 1, 6o; No. 2, DU05 Now Orloana boad, 0 3-4 7o: Creole nc, lloaiiB&Btnnll whlto, $5,50; latgo whlto, $4.50; pink, $4.25; bnyou, $5.75; Limns, $0; rods, $7.50. OrocoticH, Nuts, Kte. $5.85; fruit or liorry, $5.95; dry granlatod, $5.95; coonf. A, $5.75; 44444 4 4 44 4 Find the Ad That's Worth a Dollar a Line to You-It May Be printed Today It may be a two-line acl. of a furnished room or a ten or twenty, line acl. of real estate, or a four or five line help wanted ad. There is scarcely a classified ad. in the paper today that is not worth a dollar a line to SOMEBODY. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 extra II, $.25; golden 0, $5.35; D yellow. $5.25; boot, $5.06, bnrlels 16c. half boxes, 30c, boxofl 55c nd vnnco on ack basis. Honey New. 13 Wc lb. Meat, VMi mill Provision. Dressed McrlB Front street hogs, fancy, 10c; ordinary, 9c! veals, ox trn, 12c; ordinary, 11c; hoavy, 5C Co; mutton, 7c; Irftnba. 7c. Hntim, Haccti, otc. Portland pack (local) hatn. 174c; breakfast bacon, 1814 & 27c; bollfd ham, 25 & Cc; picnics. 14c: cottaKc roil, mc; roKlnr abort clonrs, titnoked, lCVic; backB, smokod, lCtfc; pickled tonguos, COc each. Local Lard Kottlo laf. 10s. 18c lb: 5b. 18 1-20 lb; 50-11). tins, - j.oc ii,; uteam rendered, 10h, 17c lb, 5s 17 l-8c lb, compound ius, 11 3-4c lb. Clams Hardoholl, por box, $2.40; razor clams, $2 box. Klshltnck cod. 10c; lb; floun ders, .Cc lb; hallnbut. 7c lb; striped bass. 15c lb; catfish, 10c lb; salmon, steolhend, S l-2c lb; silvers, 7 l-2c; koIos, Cc lb; shrimps, 12 l-2c lb; perch, Cc lb; tout cod, Rc lb; lobsters, 32c lb; crawfish, 23c dax; sturgeon, 12V4c lb; black bass, 20c lb; silver smolts. Cc lb; black cod, c lb; crabs. $11.50 doz. Oyetcrs Shoalwatcr bay, per gal lon, $2.25; per 100-lb. cack, $5; Olympla, per galon, $2.40; por 100 lb. sack. $77 50; canned, 65c can, 37c dozen: er.ctern In oiicll, per 100 Coal oil Pearl. Astral nnd Star. lDc gallon; oocone, 22c gallon; elalno 2Sc gallon; headlight, 20HjC gallon; extnv star, 22c gallon; vator whlto, 1 1 Mi IB 14 q gallon ; special water whlto, 15c gallon. nasollno Hod crown nnd motor, lG23c Gallon: 8 Rosollj 0. 30 37M.C gallon; V. M. & P. naphtha, 13Mi204c gnlloa; onslno distil late. 9lCc gallon. Gattlo nest jrtoers, wotghtng 1200 pounds. $4.75; medium steors, $4.50, best cows, $3.75; best holfors, $3.75; bulls, $22.75; stags, $2.503 Hogs Rest oast of tho mountains, 1 " . $8.50; Wlllamotto valloy best. $7.76 7.85; stockcrs, $4C; plgfl. $C 7. 8hecii-I!c.t wcthors $. ord nary $4 4.75; apr ng jamns, ,j i;u.. owes. ". Calves Rest, $5? orutnary U'pnn SALE Good . house and lot at 4.50. Hl Htttt t MEDFORD MARKETS. 4.44444444--444 Fruit anil v-njotablcs. ( Prices paid bv Med rd merchants Apples, l2c lb; pears, 1 V4 c: PotntoeB, lo lb: onions, $1.50 cwt;; groon onions, 35o dot. hunehos; onbbngo, lMjc; turnips, lV'jo; pays nips, lo nnd iy2o lb.; squnsh, 30u nml $1 dor..; pumpkins, 10 nnd lfio. Butter, Egos nml Poultry. (Pricos pai1 hv Medford merchant. Ranch buttor, 35c; fancy croam ory, 37 Vjo. Fresh ranch egRs. 503. Mixed poultry. lOo; spring ohiok s, 15o; ducks, 10c tuoKeys, 17c. ons Feed and Mlllstuffs. (Prices paid produoorB.) nay Timothy. $1; nlfnlfn. $15; grnss, $14 ton; grain hay, $10 ton. arnln Wheat, $1.20 bushol; oats, $30 ton; bnrloy, $30 ton. Roof, M 8c; pork 6Vjc; mutton aVio; lamb, 4Mio; veal (dressed), Oo . (Soiling prices.) Rolled bnrloy, $2 cwt, $3G.50 ton; bran, $1 70: rddllngs. $t SltPl 90; shorts. $1.80(R?1.35. ' 44444444444 44-44444 4 LOST. t4444444444444444 LOST A pnir of Hamilton-Brown high-top mountnin hoots. Reward if roturnod to Ilutohnson & Loiiih don's Btoro. 2.37 STRAYED Into niy onolosuro, cow and cnlf, vory wild. Ownor will plonso romovo. L. P. Hubbard, cor nor Jaoksonvillo Road ami Boll Lnno. 44444444444 444444 FOR RENT. ff 4t f 4 FOR RENT New eollnne, 0 rooms, eitxt jHnki-Dii Htri'i t, 2 -re ground. Inquire .8Q!L,,'t ,n,,kon Ht.2J0 FOR RENT Newly furnished rooms; modern conveniences. 007 So. Cen tral nventic. 23U FOR RENT Houko of two large rooms nicely fttrnii-lied for housc keepinc or ttnfuniisltod. Rent rea sonnlo. Call 10 IS West Ninth St. 233 p-QR RENT Front room, furnished, South O street. 230 FOlt KENT Flvoroom house, three blocks south of Main atret; has bath, toilet, olectrlc lights and ce ment walks; will bo rcntod partly fumlshod or unfurnished as desired. Addre or inquire 214 South Orap0 street. 233 FOR RENT Four-room house on Ivy street,, one block south of park. Address or inquire at 244 South Grnpc 232 FOR RENT One ortwo nicely fur nished rooms, heat nnd bath and eelctric lights. Reasonable. ' On South Central avenue. Phone 891. 801 FOR RENT Reasonable, n new, strictly modem house, close in. Ap ply 334 Sixth street, corner Ivy. . 233 FOR RENT Furnished rooms. No. 10 North Grape street. 237 FOR RENT Nicely. furnished room, strictly modem house; inquire G S. Ornntro street. 724 FOR RENT Live at tho Palms, now brick building, now furniture, strict ly modorn, corner Qrapo an I Main streets. FOR RENT Desk room in large heated office, second floor, $0 month. 133 W.Main sL 222 FOR RENT Farms," from 40 acres upward; suitable for fruit, alfalfa, stock or general farming. Inquire at offlco Condor Water & Power com- nnnv 50l W. Main street. , , - - ... IV1 4 4 4 4 4 4 SALE At n bargain if taken n onca (wo ,o,s elop0 in itori nn(1 ro,,,,. PhonoJODl. 237 640 Hamilton street, end of Oak dalo paving; rents for $10 per month; also two lots on Jackson Btreet, cheap If tak?n at once. Ad dross Wm. E. Stncey. Hjx S2C. 233 FOR SALE Horse and wnjjon nt I 411 South Laurel street. , jxSTSALK-f you wm 24S nut tho best dry wood at tho lowest price call at 421 South Grapo street or phono to Main 401; aUo do wood snwinp. 230 FOR SALE A bnrgnin; 40 nores 2 miles from Centrnl Point, 10 ncres in two-yenr-old Newtowns and Spitzonberg applos, 12 acres in al falfa, 30 nores all good black soil, 10 ncres rod orchnrd land; good houso and good bam. Addross box 70. Contrnl Point. Oregon. 233 FOR SALE An equity in good city lots: 25 per cont. Box 7G8. 234 FOR SALE- Hakory with good trado cheap for cash. Sickness cnuso of si ling. W. T. York & Co. 228 POR. SAIjfi Young orchard in bonr ing.. Mat Calhoun, Phoenix. Or. FOR SALE Oak, fir and pine cord wood, 12 ami 10-ineh; also dry rail wood; dry pitch for kindling. Phone order to Main 4201. FOR SALE Gonuino Navajo blank et. Inquiro nt Medford Furnituro Co. FOU SALE 75-acre ranch, with good wator right; finest fri'll lad; choap:; also property In Portlamd; will trado for Medford p-oporty See Coleman at cigar factory. Ft)R SALE -Choico businosa proper ty at 11 bargaiti. on long time: easy arms Address P O R. 1 8 FOR SALE -5 and 10-noro trneta just within and adirining city lim- its, at a barguin, on 5 umiuul pay mot t. Addre? P O. Rox 418. FOH SALE Or exchange tor Med ford real cstato or ranch, 110 acres tobacco Term on Pennsylvania rail road In southern Maryland, 85 acres In cultivation, 25 acres In wnito oak timber, 15 acres timothy meadow; rich, loamy soil, also suitable for potatoes, melons nad fruit; espec ially adapted for Maryland peaches; 40 mllos south of Baltimore, 25 miles from lnlted States Capitol, Washington, D. C; abundanco of water; good ro?ds; mild climate. Address Box 20, Maall Tribune of fice VANTED. 4 WANTED Good qunrter of beef, Telephone 3311 or sco Woolverton, Jackson County. Bank Bldg. 233 WANTED Bids on contract to dig 10,000 tree holes. For particulars write or see E. C. Gardner, Talent, Oregon. 233 WANTED Man acquainted in valley to show hind. Benson Investment Co. 237 WANTED Refined woman to care for G-months old baby; mother is u professional nurse. Good pay to right party. Adress "X," care Mail Tribune. ' WANTED Good clean cotton nt tho Mail Tribune office, pay right price for same. rags Will WANTED To borrow $500 on a good timber claim in Douglas coun ty. Addross box 046, Medford. WANTED Competent woman for general house work. Would ltko ref erences. Wnges $1 per day. Ad dress P. O. Box Slo 23G WANTED Good second hnnd back. Address box 301, Medford. 235 WANTED To rent a furnished houso. John A. Loonc. caro Ore gon Orchards Syndicate. WANTED Cook wanted Call Farmers line 14x1. on ranch. 235' WANTED Furnished rooms or small house. Address W. T. York & Co. 232 WANTED First-clnss stenograph er. Apply at offico of Roguo River Electric Company. 235 WANTED Woman wants position ns cook and genornl housowork. Ad dross "C. N.," care Mail Tribune. 234 WANTED By married man position to work on fruit ranch. Adress Y, enro of Mail Tribuue 235 WANTED $200 for good paying business; good rato Intorost. Ad dross F. L. D Mall Tribune. 235 WANTED Good fresh milch cow, Address G. Clausing, box 3G0, Med ford. 233 WANTED To fumisho plans and estimates without cost; if you in tend building enn save you money. Inquire at. Star restaurant or ad dress Box 818. N. G. Holmes, con traotor and builder. 232 WANTED Experienced quarry man. Address P. O. Box 418, Medford, Or. 44 44444 f 4444 44 PROPERTY TO EXCHANGE. 444444 444 4444444 FOR EXCITANGE-r-$2000 equity in n good $3500 residenco property in Grants Pnss to oxchango for land in Roguo rivor vnlloy, improved or unimproved. Address P. O. box 524,J3rati ts Pnss, Oregon. 233 4"4 4444444444444444 4 n 1 1 q 1 m itha niMEYrrnitV -1 44444 44 44444444444 Restaurants. BEE HIVE RESTAURANT Moals 15c; bods, 15o, Give us a trinl. 20 Central nvenno. upstairs. Kindergarten. KINDERGARTEN 1000 W. Main street, Hours: From 0 n, m. to 11:30 a. 111. For particulars apply to Miss Arra Harmon, director, at the school ,44444444444444444 I nupiiirPD ninrnrnfii 4 Duoincoo Unicoi unr 4444444 4444444 4 CHIMNEY SWEEP If your chim ney needs donning be sure nnd sco I). D. Woods. Leave ordors nt tho Medford Hardware Co., or phono 2581. '231 Auctioneers. B. F. A. BITTNER- -Auctioneer, will 208, Taylor & be found in room Phipps Building. Sewlnrj Machines. Singor nnd Wheoler & Wilson sowing machines for rent nnd for sale on ensy paymonts. All kinds repnircd and work guaranteed. Best oil and needles for all makes nt the Singer store, 27 South C st. Phone 3431. Attorneys. WITIIINGTON & KELLY Lawyers. Pahn Building. PORTER J. XEFF Atiornv.Ni-i--rJn. II D ntri;et. eround floor COLVIG & REAMES YT. SL Col- vig, C. L. Reames. Lawyors. Of fice Medford National Bank Build ing. Second floor. Stenographer. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER, nt tbf Moore Hotel. ELLA M. GAUNYAW Palm block Stenographic work dona quickly ani wpII Real Estate. BENSON INVESTMENT CO. Real estate, loans nnd fire insurance Office 112 W. Main St., Medforr" Ore Plume 3073. Printers and Publishers. MEDFORD PUBLISHING CO. ha the best equipped job office U Southern Oregon; Portia id prices 37 South Central ave. Opticians. DR. GOBLE Tho only exclusive op 'ician betweeu Portland and Sac ramento Office on West Main street "nnn M-uiv-id Jeweler. ELWOOD AND BURNETT, the jew elers, carry a complete stock and make a specialty of high grade re pair work. Opposite the Nash Ho tel. Brick Companies. G. W. Priddy. T. O'Rrv O. D. Naj THE MEDFORD "JCK CC. Brick manufactu-T. And contrt tors; also lime, cemc and plbst in any quantity. Office, Medfor National bank blJg. Pbonee Mait. 545. Undertakers. MEDFORD FURNITURE CO. Un dortakors. Day Phono 351. Night Phones C. W. Conklin 3001; J, H. Butler 3571. PLdio Instruction. HARMONY, sight rending, musical form. Mrs. E. E. Gore, Metropolitan Collego of Music. Miss Flora Gray, Studios, 144 South Central avenue. Phono 493. . Paint Stores. M. J. METCALF Paints, Brnshes, Wall Papor, Glass, Varnishes Stains nud Wall Tints. 318 E. Main St., Medford. Oregon. Tea Companies. GRAND UNION TEA CO. S.,Komr thorne, ngt. Pn,,' opred from to G. Photie MK 1 23," tilversid avenue. Tin Shops. J. A. SMITH Tin shop. Tin nnd sheet iron waro on hnnd and made to ordor 128 North G street. Photograph Studios. Carriage and Auto Painting. VALLEY SIGN AND CARRIAGE WORKS High-class work guarati toed. Signs. Riverside avenue. Pkone 801. MACKEY'S STUDIO "Pose with Maekey and die with joy." Over Al lea & Reagan's store; entrance on 8 ere tit street. Civil Engineers WILL tnko by contract, on reason able torms, all kinds of work, also irrigating, planting and cultivating, oto. Landscape gardening. First class references. William Potors, Civil Engineer, Phono 1801, 322 East Main street, Modford, Oregon. 444444-444444-444444 BUSINESS DIRECTURY. 444444-444444444444 Painting and Decorating. MEDFORD DECORATING CO., mio- ceMors to Shcnror & Phillips, painters nnd decorators in all branches; wonthorcd onk on insido finish a specialty. Our green roof stains guaranteed not to spot. 504 N. Boatty st. P. O. Box 14, Medford. Bill Posters VERNE T. CANON Bill Poster ana Distributor. All orders promptly filled. Room 7, Jackson County Bank Building, Me dford, Or. Billiard Parlors S. T. BROWN & CO. Billiards, Ci gars and Soft Drinks. Up stairs. Young and Hall building. A nice cool place to spend the hot after noons. Architects. . K. A. BILES Architect and Builder. P. O. Box 480. Medford Or. Your building respectfully bo-, licitcd. Furniture H. F. WILSON & CO., dealers in new snd second hand furniture and hard ware. Agents for Monnd City kit chen cabinet. 323 E. Seventh si. MISSION FURNITURE WORKS Corner 8th and nolly Sts., Med ford. Mission Furnituro made to order. Cabinet work of all kind.. A trial order solicited. MORIJOFF & WOLFF Cook Stove and Ranees. New nnd Second Hand Furniture. End"' old stand, 18-20 E St .South Phone 01. Medford, Or. Drayage and Transfer. Nurseries QUAKER NURSERIES Our treea are budded, not grafted. Our stock is not irrigated. We guarantee ev erything put out We are not in the trust. H. B. Patterson, office, in Hotel Nash. ROGUE RIVER VALLEY NURSERY Growers of high-grade nursery stock. C. E. Cook. Prop. R, K. V. depot. P. O. Bo 841. Phone 583. Medford. Transfer and Drayage. IH. S. BRUMBLE Drayage and transfer. Baggage stored. Office n and Seventh. Cement Workers. B. J. ADYLOTT All work guaran teed strictly first-class. Residence No. 400 Bentty street. A card will bring me U ynu. Music. MUSIC AND LANGUAGES Mrs. H. L. Huillior, 707 Main street West. Private lessons in singing (methu.l Rossini) and languages French. Italian, German, Spanish. MRS. E. E. GORE Piano instruotfon Metropolitan Collego of Mnsio. Miss Flora Gray. Phone 493. 144 South Centrnl avenue. Buildlnn and Loan Association JACKSON COUNTY BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION O. C. Boggs, Acting Secretary, 128 E. Mam street. Carpenters and Builders F. E. HILL Will fiirtf ih plnns atv list of all timber to bo jmt in bnilcV ing. Medford, Oregon W. G. HOLMES, contractor and builder; plans nnd estimates furn ished. Inquiro Star restaurant or address Box 818. Dentists. DR. FRANK ROBERTS-Dentist, Office hours: 8 to 12, X to 4. Miloa Building, Main street, Medford, Ore-gon- . Physicians and Surgeons. R. W. STEARNS, M. D. Opposite Jaokson County bank. Night calls promptly answored. Office and res ident phono Main 3432. S. A. LOCKWOOD. M. D. MYRTLE S. LOCKWOOD, M. D. Offices in Haskins' Building. Phone Main 1001. CONROY & CLANCY Office In Stowart Building Physicians and Surgeons. Offlco phone, Main 341: private phone, Main 012. S. R. SEELY, M. D. Physician and Surgeon. Modern equipped operat ing rooms. X-Ray. Offico hourat 10-12, 2-4 p. m. Office In Jackson Co. Bank Building. DR. F. G. CARLOW, DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW Ostoop at h i 0 Physicians. Mission Block, Pbouti 201, MedforL CALL ON DR. E. J. BONNER, Ey specialist, when others fail. Offiot in Eagle Phnrmuoy. Main 293. Ket Main near D'Anjou.