clty ttan Medford Mail Tribune . First Section MBlFOBD, OREGON, SUKDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1909. No. 233. 120 HURT. ONE DAY'S WRECKS Pages 1 to8 22 DEAD, DEMAND FOR fflT ALL ACCIDENTS ON RAILROAD SAID TO BE BEST Throo Wrecks Noar Chicago, Ono at .Glovoland and Ono in Texas Many Aro Killod and Injurod. NEW YOltK, Deo. 18. It win re- I Kir ted nt Chicago today tlmt nH it renult of throo train wreokH near tiint city and nt Cleveland and in twenty-two liven were Iott and 120 persons, moro or less injured, Nearly nil the accidents woro on linoH where they lavo tlo hoKt protection of life. It ia believed that fnttt timo nnd heavy earn wtih n failure to keep up the tracks to tho Htandard roijuired liy the high speed limited trains are tho eniiHO of increasing railroad ncci duutH. Flvn Killed. CLEVELAND, Ohio, Dec. 18. Five people wore killed nnd moro than a Hcoro wore injured todny when tho Luke Shore pasougor trnin No. 1, bound wcHt, collided with n switch on Kino nt tho foot of Twonty-Hixth ntrcot. Tho wreck occurred nt 10:55 n. in., junt five ininutoH hoforo tho train wnu duo to arrive nt t hi k Hlation. When tho crash cauio the Lake Shore train wax traveliiiK nt a high rate of speed. Engines and cars piled up, n shattered mass of dohris. The body of tho engineer of tho passenger train could not be found. It is beliovod ho is dead bouonth the wreckage. The fireman wns pulled nut of tho cah dead, us was tho end ued- of tho switch engine. None of tho pns8otiKors was killod. Many of them wore injured, howovor, sovoral Boriously. Tlio Deads II. 1 1. Adams, piiHsongpr ongincor. Al, 0. Hums, onguioor switch en gine. John A. Swales, switchmnn. floors Frnnk, switchman. Kdivard Hasehor, switchmnn. Filially Injured I JanoH Cnrrior, pnasongor. Hoth firemen woro badly burnod. Tho throo swilohmen who woro killod woro ridiiiK on tho switch en gine nl the timo of the collision. l'lillnmnN Off Track. When tho locomotives crashed to gether, tho Pullmans loft tho track. Tho first ono, fillod with sleeping passengers, was bndly wrecked. Tho inlonso cold added to tho sufferings of tho injured, nnd mado tho work of tho roHouors doubly hard. A fow mintilos nftor tho collision .doctors nnd nurses woro rushed to tho scone. Tho pnssouRor trnin consisted of poven Pnllmnns nnd ono day conch. 4- DON'T FORGET TO SEND IN ITEMS -t- TIiobo havlnit tho good of -f f tho vnlloy nt honrt nro urged -f not to forgot to send In ovory -- record nmdo by locnl orchards of which thoy hnvo heard nnd other Homo ot IntoroHt. Prove -f -f yourself n booster by aiding f Jn tho collection of mntorlnl f for tho IIomosoekorB' edition -f edition of tho Mall Tribune f 4- 4 GUARDED COOK WILL LOSE OUT WITH HIS RECORDS Decision of Committee Said to Bo Unfavorable Now Boliovod Ho Novor Reach ed tho North Polo. COPENHAGEN, Deo. 18. A dc clsiou against tho claims of Dr. Fred orick taht ho discovered tho north xle by tho cominitte of Dnuish scicu Hints was foreshadowed todny in n preliminary roport mado to tho Uui vcrsity of Copenhagen council by tho committeo regarding tho first stages of tho investigation. It is reported nuthorntivcly thnt tho committeo found tho data ho far insufficient to supiort Dr. Cook's claim. Tho cotiRidoration of tho pro liminnry report of tho council lusted four hours nnd tho public wns ox eluded. A verdict by tho committeo is not expected beforo tho lnttcr pnrt of noxt wcok. It is oxpeotod however thnt tho members of tho committee will have mado their minds up long beforo thnt timo. MUCH INTEREST IN BIG ENGLISH MARATHON RACE LONDON, Deo. 18. Dorando, tho Italian .Marathon runn'or, who finish ed second to Johnny Hayes, tho di minutive American, in tho rccont Olympic games in Loudon, will meet 0. W. Gardiner, England's champion Mnrathoner, in tho ltoyal Albert hall tonight. Tho men will ho sent from their marks at 8:15 o'clock and will race over tho official .Marathon dis tance of 20 miles, .180 yards. It wns bound wost from New York to Chicago, Two Fatally Injured. CHICAGO, Doc. 18. Two women weor fatally injured nnd six othor passengers hurt whou a fast pnssou or train on tho Chicago, Burlington & Quinoy rnilwny bound from Si. Paul to Chicago wns wrecked near Wostorn Springs, Ills., today. Throo Pullman coaches wore derailod. Tho railroad officials denied thnt any of tho injured would die. They admitted, howovor, botwoou twenty nnd thirty had boon hurt seriously. Four of tho Injured woro brought to local hospitals. Thoy woro: Mrs. 0. A. Lovoll, Ymir, B. C, whoso right arm was hrokon nnd head sovoroly out; Frnnk C. Lisby, Spokuno, Wash., who Biifforod minor bruisos; Goorgo Tn to of Cleveland, Ohio, who wns bruised and slinkou. Fourteen Injured. WASHINGTON, D. C, Doo. 18. Fourlcon persons woro injurod, nono fntnlly, in n wrook of tho Southorn llnllwny trnin nt Chnmbloo, Goorgia, todny, according to n roport roooivod nt tho rond's hoadqunrtors hero. Two mil conohos, tho club onr nnd pnrlor enr woro dornilod. J. M. Donnlson of Rod Bluff, California, wns nmong thoso slightly hurt. Dotnils nro luck ing. LAMY, N. M., Doo. 18. Sovoral persons nro roportod to hnvo boon killod whon nn onst-bouud Santu Fo pnssongor trnin wns wrookod nonr Fulton forty miles onst of hero nt noon todny. Botweon ton and twenty are reported to hnvo boon injured. PHIPPS ASKS FOR EXPLANATION OE ThrowsBomb Shell Into the City Election in Ashland Prohibitionists Seem Sure to Win at Election. ASHLAND, Doo. lS.-(Special) E. E. Phipps. who had chnrgo of tho ditch lino when work wns first sturt cd on tho now municipal electric light ing plant, is out with u circular let tor nsking tho council to explain why it is thnt tho ostinmto of $118,000 has nlrendy been exceeded .f 10,000 and tho plant still far from completion. Tho circular crcatod quite a ripplo on tho political pond, nnd may hnvo sotno ofoot on tho result of next Tuosday's city election. So far, tho administration has not deigned to mnko any roply. Thoy figure that nothing is to bo gained by nr;umont with tho so-cnllod non-progress'ivo olouiont, nnd point to tho ninny im provements complotod this year ns unswor onough. Whon noausod of not boiug con sorvntivo onough, thoy oito their ro fusnl to frnut nn independent tele phono company n frnnohiso, thus sav ing tho merchants from a doublo tolo phouo bill, oto., and to their turning down John H. Allen's request for n street railway franchise In tho mcuntimo, tho ronotionnrios hopo to dofont throo "administration" candidates for council nnd "put n stop to rookloss sponding of city funds," oto. Tho frionds of tho Pnsndonn Plan for introducing boozo into Ashland nro saying nothing in roply to tho ac tivo tnnnts of tho nnti-snloon inon, UNDER ESTIMATE NO BLOOD TO BE SHEO IN BLUEFIELDS ' IS TALKED OF BY OFFICIALS I BLVEFIKLDS, Ntcnrngun. Dec. IS. UluLflelds will not bo made a bat tle ground. The United States de termined to protect tho Hvos and property of Americans here, has Is sued n proclamation through Rear Admiral Klmbnll in command ot tho Aniorlcnn forces now m Nicaragua notifying Provisional Secretary of Stato Adolf Diaz of , Washington's wishes. General Estrada, commanding tho revolutionists, and Gonernl Vasquoz, Zcloyu's military head, will both ro colv0 copies ot tho proclamation to day nnd will both bo held for obsorv nnco of the Instructions. Confederation Xear. From Washington n rumor hns reached this city that tho consumma tion of tho plans for n Central Ameri can fodoratton ot states, advocated by Moxlco and reported to bo favorable (o tho United States, Is near nt band. Auothor report thnt Is bolng freely discussed on tho streets today Is that Zolayn has Instructed tho national as sembly to cast their presidential votes for Irlns, who with Madrlz, Is re garded hore as Zolaya's honchman.1 Tho change ot front of tho retiring presldont. whllo sudden, has causod no surprise, thoso In n position to know declaring that with Irlas ns presldont Zelayn will contiuuo In pow er. nnd it is gonornlly concodod thnt tho nmondmont proposed by tho pro liquor element hasn't n ghost .of n chnnco to win, Ashland appears to bo unnlternbly decided in favor of a dry town. ,. CONEEDERATION "Will ,(,,, IS IN SUIT E Ashland Physician Easily Wins Suit Filed Against Him for $17,500 for Alleg ed Malpractice. Tho dnnmgo suit of Floyd D. Mooro vs. J. II. Ilcrndon nnd F. G. Swedenburg for nlleged dnmnges re sulting fro rathe neglect of tho de fendants who conduct n sanntnrium in Ashland for mistreating him whilo ho was under thoir chnrgo, resulted in Judge Hanua instructing tho jury to find for tho defendants. Tho complaint nlleged that trough negligence on tho pnrt of tho defend ants in (renting him for sciatio rheu matism ho wns permanently disabled nnd asked that ho bo nllowed dnm nges in tho sum of $17,500. Tho defednnts replied to tho suit that beforo coming to them for treat ment ho was in such n condition thnt (hoy could do nothing for him and deny ho wns nogleetod, or thnt his disnblomcnt resutled from thoir trcnt ment. Tho dofonso cnllod Georgo F. Wil son nnd Andrew C. Smith of Port land, J. S. Parsons nnd E. B. Piokol of Medford to tho 6tnnd nnd thoy testified nftor examining tho com plainant that tho defendants had not boon nt fnult. Stnto vs. Dan Mnrkon; not n true bill. Stnto vs. Ilonry Ban ten; selling li quor without license. Indictment re turned nnd bonoh warrant issued. Bond fixed nt $250. Stnto vs. M. B. Whipplo; soiling liquor to a minor; two indiotmcuts, SWEDENBURfJ WINNER FOR BIG DANIAG MEDFORD MAY GET GOVERNMENT IS VICTOR FIRST ROUND Five Out of Six Employes of Sugar Trust Are Found Guilty by Jury Sentence January 18. NEW YORK, Dec. 18. The sen tencing of tho five sugnr trust em ployes donvictcd last night of crim inal conspiracy to defraud the gov ernment in connection the weighing of sugar importation, wns deferred by Judge Martin today until January 18. In tho meantime tho defendants will move for now trials. Under the indictments . the men stand conviotcd on two counts, the maximum punishment for each of which is imprisonment for two years and a fino of $5,000. Tho four checkers, John K. Coyle, Tmoas Kehoe, Edward A. Boyle and Patrick J. Hennessoy wero released upon $2500 bonds each. Tho bail of Oliver Spitzerydock superintendent was increased to $10, 000. James F. Bendernagel, former cash ier of tho company's Williamsburg plant who was tried with tho firo convicted men, but on whoso caso tho jury could not agree, appeared in court today nnd heard the pudgo's order. The jury found guilty five of tho six employes of tho Ameriacn Sugar Refining Company. In tho case of James F. Bendernagel, a former cashier of tho company's .Williams burg plant, tho jury, out ten hours, disagreed. Mcroy is recommended for all thoso found guilty. Uudor tho indictment Oliver Spitz- or, a dock superintendent; John R. Coyle, Thomns Ivohoo, Edward A. Boylo and aPtrick J. Hennessy, checkers, may bo punished for tho commission of two ovort acts, tho maximum penalty for each of which is two years' imprisonment nnd $500 fine. To failure to oenvict Cashier Ben demnglo wns regnrded by tho govern ment a distinct disappointment. Tho effort of tho prosooution has boon to trace tho customs frnuds nlrendy nd mitted to n highor sourco and Ben- dornnglo, though not an oxecutivo of ficer of tho company, was au omployo who camo in contact with thoso who shaped (ho company's affairs in their largest aspects. , OLMPIA, Wash., Deo. 18. Bo lioved to bo tho fist "Snntn Clans" victim of tho year, Earl Docorty, n scholar in tho sixth grado of tho Washington school hero, is today sufforing from sovoro burns sustained when his costumo caught fire lato yesterday. Earl was impersonating Krii Kriu glo when his inflamablo coat brushed against a oandlo hnuging from a Christmas tree and in n omment tho boy wns onvolopod in flames Tho blazo was quickly smothorod by the boy's fathor, but not until ho was severely burnod. Bond fixed nt $250. Stnto vs. John Doo, soiling liquor to minors; throo indictments. Bench warrants issued. Stnto vs. John Doe, Richard Roo nnd John Doo; gambling. Bench wurrant issued. $125,000 HOSPITAL i i SISTERS OF HOLY grfWueaga-aiiit 'UmHTf JkWV t'JJM iJTlliWiTrt NAME PLANNING ! INSTITUTION FORjITY Mother Provincial Will Ar rive Today to Look Over Field and Discuss Matter of Erecting New Hospital. Tho mother provincial ot tho Cath olic Sister in Oregon, and who is in charge of all hospitals in tho north west under the management of tho Sisters of tho Holy Karnes in Oregon, will arrive In Medford this morning for the purposo of meeting local busi ness men and discussing with them the plan for the erection ot a ?125, 000 hospital in this city. For Bom0 time tho Sisters ot the .Holy Names have been considering tho matter ot erecting- s hospital 1b this city, but this is the first defi nite step that has as yet been taken. It la believed that tb0 proposition which will bo offered by tho Sisters will bo accepted. The mother provincial will bo ac companied by Sister Mary Fausta. INDICTED WOMEN ARE REMANDED TO TOMBS NEW YORK, Dec. 18. Mrs. Rob- ort Martin, tho mother of Mrs. Ocoy Snead, tho young woman found dead in n bath tub in nn East Orange, N. J house, and Mrs. Mary Snoad, nn nunt, who nro nccused of being re sponsible for tho denth of tho wom an, woro remnnded todny to tho Tombs for 18 hours until (ho Now Jersey nuthorities complete tho ex tradition pnpors thnt will tnko them out of tho jurisdiction of the Now York courts. The nrisonors declare they nro rendy to go to New Jersey nnU fnco trial, being confidant of acquittal. PREACHER PRAYS WITH BURGLARS; CONVERTS THEM RICHMOND, Cal., Dec. 17. Mus cular Christianity as advocated by tho Row A. Vorhoovon, an evangelist of tko Billy Sunday lype, rosultod in a unique prayer meeting in tho prenchor's npnrtmonts when two bold robbers nftor being summnrily rolioved of their plunder, woro com pelled to knool on tho floor whilo Verhooven nskod divine pnrdon for thoir misdocds. Lnst evening tho ovnngolist was nwnkoned by two men prowling in his bed room. Springing from his bed ho grnmpplod with tho intruders. Sovoral swings nnd counters thnt reached thoir mark had tho desired effect nnd soon tho intrduers woro obeying (ho preacher's commnnd lo disgorge thoir swng. STORES OPEN EVERY NIGHT TILL XMAS The stores In Medford will f bo open ovory night next -f f week until Xmas day, so that nil will have a chance to do ' thoir Christmas shopping In -f tho ovonlng ns well as during tho day. They will be closed -f all day on Christmas. -f - -f