State Inspector Flics Five Complaints
Close Friend Says "Undo Joo" Is
Bold Robber Still Dodos Authorities
Whole Force Is
Out On Man
,Agalnst Grocers for Handling
Butler Improperly
Tired of Criticism Mid Isn't
Even Anxious to Be Re
elected to Next House.
ASHLAND, Or., Doc. IS. Tho (11
lng of a complaint by State Inspector
V. E. Cattorlln ngalnst tlvro of the
local grocers Thursday for handling
''Hnxelwood ' butter Improperly la-
boled, kindled new Interest In tho
fight between tho Ashland creamery
and tho grocers. Attorney E. D,
Briggs filed a demurrer on behalf of
the grocers, which demurrer was over
ruled yesterday by Judgc Eggleston
and the case was set for the 27th.
. D. Perozzl, proprietor of the Ash
land creamory, who for several years
past has had a monopoly on Impos
lng bad butter upon the local consit'
mors, Is much dated over tho crimp
that has been put in his competition
from the big Portland creamery. Hav
ing pleaded guilty to n charge of sell
lng "phoney" butter under his "Gold
Medal" labels and paid n fine only
two weeks ago, ho Is naturally pleas-
-cd to havo some other concern put In
his class. Ho has turned over a new
leaf, temporarily at least, and is sell
ing good butter In full weight squares
in an endeavor to regain thc respect
of this community.
Tho local meat markets were also
fined for adulterating lard and are
getting even with tho public by boost
ing the price of meat. The last raise
was four cents a pound, which puts
meat too high for any but creamery
men, grocers and butchers to havo It
oftener than once a week. What Ash
land needs Is an independent general
PARIS, Dec. 18. A black ball was
found in tho ballot box today when
Colonel Roosevelt was elected to
membership in the Academy of Polit
ical and Moral Science. The mem
bers expressed their official regret nt.
uie voie not ucwg unanimous, aecinr
ing that a mistake must hnve been
All of the Claims Are Being Worked
Splendid Showing is
Sir. and Mrs. Frank E. Edwards of
Eileen, Calif., nre in Medford doing
Christmas shopping. Mr. Edwards
has been engaged in tho mercantile
business at Eileen since the camp was
first started and is one of the most
enthusiastic believers in the big fu
ture of the Blue Ledge as one of the
biggest copper camps of tho world.
"Every holder of claims in the dis
trict," says Mr. Edwards, "is work
ing out his assessment and thus do
ing a good bit more in the wny of de
velopment work. Tho miners in that
section are not discouraged by any
moans. Wo know that tho ore is
there and taht ultimately tho camp
will be among the leading ones in the
Prosperity In the Air Last Week
Has Been Good One for
Roguo river valley residents nro
now" beginning to realize what a good
thing returns from orchards are
They aro beginning to buy diamonds.
During tho past week Elwood & Ben
nott report tho sale of four "spark
lers," amounting to $1125. Other
jewelry sales havo been heavy.
When tho rosidents of n community
begin to put money into jewels it is
a certain sign of prosperity. And
now, Roguo orchardists, having
bought auttomobilos nro turning to
precious stones.
Mrs. M. M. Taylor of Jacksonville
was a Medford visitor Saturday.
beginning of tho next congress Speak
er Cannon will bo 75 years old. Ho
Is tired of tho speakership, and his
ambition has been gratified. He has
been willing to quit tho chair at that
tltno, and I doubt If ho is nnxlous to
bo elected to congress for another
This statement was mado by one of
Speaker Cannon's closest friends In
tho house, a man who has stood by
him ever since coming to congress.
He said tho speaker Is tired of tho at
tacks that arc being made on him;
that ho la displeased with th0 news
papers which are criticising him con
stantly, and that ho Is tired of be
ing made tho butt of all of tho criti
cism of the republican party.
This friend laughs at tho idea that
the speaker will resign. Ho declares
that "Uncle Joo" will not quit tho
speakership during this congress, but
will endeavor to show tho country
that the attack on tho organization of
the houso Is Idle, and that tho house
organization is thc republican organ
ization. When vindicated ho will be
perfectly willing to retire.
Speaker Cannon has served 18
terms In congress, being defeated only
once for the Fifty-second congress,
when there waa a democratic land
slide throughout the country. Ho has
been speaker four consecutive terms.
a record equaled only by Andrew Ste
venson of Virginia. His service as
speaker has not been as long as that
of Henry Clay of Kentucky, but more
Talk of n Succssor.
Already talk of a successor to
Speaker Cannon is heard. It is con-
ceded that no out and out Cannon i
conservatlvo can win, and that a west-1
era man will be picked for tho place.
Republican Leader Pavno of Now
York would not satisfy tho- insur-'
gents. j
A compromise candidate for thoi
west could be found in Judge Walter
Smith of Iowa, a regular who would
be acceptablo to many Insurgents
who think he would shift his views
somewhat If he became speaker. H
got several Insurgent votes against
Cannon at tho beginning of this con
gress. In tho same class is James A.
Tawny of Minnesota. Representative
Weeks of Massachusetts is strongly!
favored and Charles S. Denby of )
Michigan could pick up some cau-i
cus votes. J
But Just at present tho Insurgents
aro more concerned In their fight to
beat Speaker Cannon. They havo
banded togother to defend themselves
from attack. Tho cbargo that they
are opposed to tho president's poli
cies Is being made, and to state their
position they will issuo a broadside
soon which will "take tho hide off"
"Uncle Joo." The insurgents declaro
that they aro Taft republicans, but
will be hanged before they will be
come Aldrlch-Cannon republicans.
Gilbert-Turnlinm Married nt tho
homo of the bride's parents in Grants
Pass on aSturday evening, Novem
ber 2711), at 7:30 p. m., Ross Gilbert
of Medford and Miss Bessie Turn
hnm of Grants Pass. Judge Stephen
Jewel officiated.
Mrs, Nancy D. Wilson Chosen Presi
dent for Ensuing Year at Last
Regular Meeting.
Chester A. Arthur Post, Woman's
Relief Corps, No. 34, at their last
regular meeting elected officers for
tho ensuing year as follows:
President, Nancy D. Wilson; Sen
ior Vivo President, Ida Kenworthy;
Junior Vice President, Susie Porry;
Uiaplam, Helen Kent; Treasurer, So
phia Ballard; Secretary, Ella
Shoults; Conductor, Sarah Clav; As-
sitnht Conductor, Belle Farroll:
Guard, Mary Eighmy; Assistant
Guard, Addio Hart; Color Boarors,
Borta Lyon, Francis Metz, Knhler,
Maggie Noble; Musician, Nancy Day;
Patriotic Instructor, Sarah Andrus.
NEW YORK. Dec. 18. Thomas
Lynch, of Meridan, Conn., today was
unanimously elected prosldent of tho
National league. John Heydlor, who
has acted as president since tho death
of Harry Pulllam, was chosen secre
tary. Lynch was nominated by John
T. Brush of th New York club.
Thomas Lynch, tho now president,
Is a familiar flguro to tho oldor fans
of the National circuit. For many
years he was a momber of tho organ
ization's umplro staff, boro tho repu-
tat'on of being the best arbiter In ma-
Jr league baseball. His election to
ono of the most important billets In
organized baseball, it is thought, will
miot w,tn General approval.
Split Averted.
Wltn the election of Lynch
(danger of a disastrous split In the
major league ranks led by Murphy
has been averted. His choice, folloNy
Ing tho dcallock between tho support
ers of John M. Ward and Robrt
Brown, a Louisvlllo newspaper man,
came as a surprlso to many of those
who have followed tho deliberations
of tho league magnates In their an-'
Kahn's Bill in Congress Provides for
Raising of $5,000,000 Before
Congress Will Aid
SAN FRANCISCO, Cal., Dec. 18-
Capics of Congressman Julius Kahn's
bill asking a government npproprin- tnl numbor of cash prizes to be of
tion of $5,000,000 for the proopsed forC(1 (luri,1, nvinlioi
Pnnama-Pucaic international expo- , .i , ,, ,nnnn ,. ,
sition at San Francisco in 1015 woro b T'? loub, 37'000 wllich 1110
received hero today.,, authorities in clmrgo of tho intcrna-
Tho exposition compnny must raise tionnl contest nt Rheims put up for
$5,000,000 boforo tho federal appro-
priation is mado according to tho
measure and no pnrt is to bo avail
nblo until $2,500,000 has been ex
ponded in actual development.
The construction of government
buildings to house oxhibits for tho
army and navy, tho oxecutivo de
partments, Alaska, Ilnwaii, tho pliil
lppines, tlio canal zono nnd every
state and territory in tho nation is
provided for in tho bill. Foreign na
tions would receive invitations to
participate from President Taft.
Two of tho national commissioners
nro two reprecsntntives appointed by
tho proorntion compnny, tho bill pro
vides, would act as a board of arhi
tration for tho purpose of settling
any disputes that might arise over
tho expctidituro of tho appropriation.
ROME. Dec. 18. Cardinal Satoli,
former papal delegate to Washington,
was reported today to bo dying. He
is suffering from uraemia poisoning.
What all-absorblnlg occupation Is
preventing you from paying any at-
tention to tho want adB theso days?
nual meeting.
John Heydlor, who scrvod tho
league as president following tho
death of Harry Pulllam, was return-
cd to his old berth as secretary of tho
league. Hoydler was at ono tltno a
strong contendor for tho presidency.
When Lynch was nominated tho
namo of John Ward and Robert
Brown woro withdrawn and his olec
tlon was mad0 unanimously. His
namo was not mentioned In conncc-
tlon with th0 presidency boforo today.
It was decided at today's mooting
of tho National league magnates that
next ycar'B schedule would Include
ICS games instead of 154. Tho sea -
son will open.lprll I I and closo Oc-
tober 16. Tho schedulo commlttco
appointed was composed of Charles
Ebbotts, chairman; Barnoy Dreyfus
and President Lynch.
H('ntKrvii Itolnstntcd.
STOCKTON, Cal., Dec. 18. A tel
egram was received horo todny from
Cy Morelng, manager of tho Oakland
Stato leaguors, recently admitted to
organized zaseball, stating that ho
Los Angeles Meet Will Be Great
Success If Plans of Promoters
Do Not Fall
LOS ANGELES, Cal., Doc. 18.
It wns announced todny that tho to
t" contestants.
Two grand prizes of $10,000 each
will bo offerod. Ono for tho noro
piano makin n world's record for dis
tance, nnotlior for onduriiiico will ho
offored. Tho other will bo bo for tho
Hphoricnl balloon which succeeds in
crossing tlio United States.
Thoro will ho amnio priZCB for tllO .
..i . ... ..
Aiigni in macmnes mint in unmor-
nia and Htirrounding stntes, which are
not expected to be anything startling
and hero will bo m additional prcmi
..M.. f 1
inns ior such woriu-nreakors as
Paiilhan, Curtis. and others to in
ducc them to try for record break
ing contests in endurance, spocd,
Height nnd length of flights. Prom
present indications elovon nofoplanos,
seven dirigibles and from six to
twenty sporicnl balloons vill partici
pate in tho January meet hero.
New Lights.
Now lights have been placed in tho
Emorick Cafo nnd for tho first time
in tho history of this popular rosort
tho patron can rend his ovoning pa
per without difficulty. Messrs.
Phillips & Leaders have provon them
selves excellent caterers and dosorvo
the excellent pntronngo that is being
hecorded them.
IKk .A Mb..
had secured tho reinstatement of
pitcher Don Hcndorsou by tho mag
nates now In session In Now York.
Henderson jumped Portland to Join
i tho Stockton outlaws. Last year
Cloveland purchased Portland's claim.
it was stated that Henderson would
' Join tho Cleveland team noxt yoar.
Director Soon to Moot.
8AN FRANCISCO, Cal., Doc. 18.
Following th receipt of n telegram
i :
from Manager Honry
Berry of tho
Los AnKclea clue. President Graham
of tho Pacific Coast baseball league
today announced thnt tho directors
of tho league would moot In a spoclnl
1 session early In next month,
Graham stated that Horry, In IiIh
message requestod thnt ho call a
loagiio meeting Immediately. Ho Htat-
ed that Berry neglected to mention
tho specific reason for tho extraor
dinary mission, but It Ih rumored
hero that tho dissatisfaction said to
bo folt among the dlrectorx of tho
directors of thc Los Angolos club over
tlio ro-appolntment of Danny Long.
manager of tho San Francisco club as
lenguo sccrotary will bo volcod.
Steamer Reports Strango Scenes In
Northern Waters Other Ships
Seen But Prove
SEATTLE, Wash., Dec. 18.
Strange and uncanny is tho story
brought hero by tho stemmor North
land from Southeastern Alaska of a
mirngo witnessed at Cape Funshnw,
botween Juneau and Petersburg on
Novcmbor 21. Tho men of tho placo
woro on tho lookout for tho Northlnnd
and thoy hnd just witnessed the
strugglo of a revenuo cutter in mak
ing headway ngainst tho terrific win
and wiivos. Above tho sky was fill
of dull gray hazo, while lower down
the ntmosr'iOro was clear. As the
cutter boro away from vioy tho
wnti'hors mndn nut ninnlm pmiiiiwr mi
- -
which thoy thought camo from an
othor stonmor, hut tho smoky up
penrnnco suddenly developed into u
largo stoamor, in the estimation of
tho wntchors, of thrco or four thou
Hand tons and much largor tltnu any
plying in Alsaka wators. Every lino
of tlio craft showed clear. As thoy
watched tho vessel it soomod to
break up and separato and the. mir
ago resolved itself ituo two steamers,
both us largo ns tho ono first seen,
and ono seemed to bo towing tho
Four hundred and oightoon acres
first-clnss ranch, four miles from
railroad station, 4 Oaoros alfalfa, ir
rigation for 100 nores, first-lass or
chard, 3 good barns, 2 good housos,
school, daily mnil. A snap for $fi0
por acre: one-fourth cash, 3 to 5
years for balance Soo J. W. Dress
ier Agency, West Main, 238
Anrcomont Announcotl Between
Boards of Directors of Various
Gurjuonholm Copper
Properties.; -
NUNS' YORK, Doc. 18. With tlio
agreement, announced today, between
tlio boards of directors ot th various
Guggenheim copper proportion to
merge tho corporations, tho first stop
Is thought to havo boon taken In tho
gigantic copper comblno to bo launch
ed by tti .Morgans.
An Increase of tho capital stock ot
tho Utah copper company from 7G0,
000 to 2,500,000 shares was author
ized, ltoflton Consolidated Htock will
be taken over at tho rato of one sliarn
of I'tnh for each two and a half
shares ot Ponton. One Hhnr0 ot Utah
Is to bo given for each two nnd a
quarter shares of Nevada Consoli
dated, When tho Utah property hr enlarg
ed n portion. of the capital stock Ih to
bo not iiHldt) for Improvement of that
plant, the total annifnl output ot the
(luggonhelm combination will bo
about 200,000,000 pounds.
Union City, Tonn., Doo. 18. Tho
jury in the caso of Garrett Johnson
and Arthur Gloar, alleged night rid
ers, accused of the murder of Quon
ton linukin, who was hanged by out
laws, reixjrtod a diHagrecment today.
The judge rofuned to accept tho re
port and sent the jurors back for
further deliberation.
Notico in hereby given thnt tho un
dersigned will apply to tho city
council of tho city of oMfdord, Ore
gon, nt its noxt mooting for n license
to sell Hpiritous, vinous and malt
liquors, in quantities less than a gal
lon, for a poriod of six montliH, at it h
placo of htiHinoHH nt lots f, tl, 7, 8
and 0, in block 20, in the city of
Medford, Oregon.
Dated December 8. 1000.
Prepaid Raiirono Orders.
"Something which is of consider
known in the system of rrcpaid or
nblo intercut to the public gonernlly
and which in norhapn not gonernlly
iliirp now in effect between stations
f tho Southern Pacific company
and nil points in tho United Stolen,
Ry monn of thiH nyHtom tickets may
e piirHuirttid ut Medford from an
place in the United Ktutco and mail
ed or telegraphed direct to tho party
MMhing to nouio here. Sloop'ir ne-'in-noiliitiuiif
nnd Hinnll nnioiintB nt
oiiHh in connection with theno ticket
may also bo forwardod at tho same
time." tf
Medford People Klinulit Ix-iirn to De
tect tho Approach of Kid
ney I)lncno,
Tho symptoms of kldnoy trouble
nro so unmistakable thnt thoy leave
no ground for doubt. Sick klduoyH ox
croto n thick, cloudy, offonalve urlno,
full of Bodlmont, Irregular ot piihhiiko
or attended by a HouHntlon of Mould
ing. Tho back achen constantly,
hendnchcu and dizzy Hpolln may oc
cur and tho victim Is often wolghod
down by a fooling of languor and
fntlguo. Nogloct thoHo warnings and
thoro la daager ot dropsy, Ilrlght's
dlHOimo, or dlabotoH. Any ono of
thcHo flymptouiH Ih warning enough
to begin treating tho kidneys nt onco
Dolny ofton provoa fatal.
You can iibo no hotter romody than
Doan h Kldnoy I'llls. Hero's Modford
Mrs. Stolln M. Van Wlnkol, 324 W,
JnckBon utroot, Modford, Or., nyB:
'l flrat loarnod of tho merits of
Doan'u Kldnoy Pllln whllo living In
PnttorBon, N. J., nnd bo woll did thoy
Horvo m0 at that tltno that I havo
iiBod thorn on cvory occasion elnco
thon, when I havo had backacho or
troublo with my Jcldneya. I find
that a box or two of Doan's Kldnoy
I'IIIh uflod In tho spring and fnll
koopH tho kldnoys In good working
For snlo by nil doalors. Prlco CO
cents. Fostor-MIIburn Co., Uuffnlo,
Now York, aolo agonta for tho Unlt-
od States,
Romombor tho nnmo Doan's
nnd tako no othor,
HAN FHANCIHCO, Dec. 18. - The
police today are Mill puzzled In their
limit for the lone bandit murderer
and robber of drug More who for
the hut two Saturday night Iiiih ter
rified tho outlying hiiHluonrt tertian
of the city. ISInboratii preparation
nro being made to guard iikMiihI a
return of tho outlaw, for now dopr
tliitlonn tonight.
Tho nrrost of ClirlH Hrtmann, a
waiter, last night had failed to de
velop any Information regarding tlio
crime, and while Hrtmann Is Htlll held
thro In little or no evidence ngnliiKt
Ho wan almost ponltlvuly Idontltlod
nn a man who entered tho whit,, drug
Htoro on 1'ltliuoro street WoijncMlny
night and nfter ordering the clerk id
throw li In bandit up wnn frightened
awny. I f dotw not (It tho denrrlp
tlon of th0 myiitorlouH bandit given
by other drug atoms, however.
l.cnrn to Judgo and weigh n "buil
nous opportunity" by rending nnd an
swering tho ads,
III Health Is Mere Expenslvo Than
Any Cure.
This country in now filled with peo
plo who migrate aamnn tho continent
in all directions nooking that which
gold cannot buy. Nine-touthn of
thorn nro Buffering frrom thront and
lung troublo or chronic catarrh re
sulting from negloated colds, and
sponding fortunon vainly trying to re
gain loHt hoalth. Could ovory sitf
feror hut undo tho punt nnd euro thnt
first neglected cold', nil this Borrow,
pain, anxioty and expenno could have
been avoided. Chnmherlain'n Cough
Remedy is famous for its cures of
cold, nnd enn nwnv
upon. Use it nnd tho moro fiorioun
diHonHos may ho avoided. For Bale
by Loon It. HaHkinn' Pharmacy.
Medford, Oregon: This certifies
that wo have sold Mull's Texas Won.
dor for tho two of nil kidney, blad
der and rheumatic troubles for leu
yenrs, and have nerer had n coin
plaint. It given quirk and permanent
roliof. no dayn' treatment in each bot
tle. Modford Phannnov.
A nlro pleco of cabinet work nr
mlnHlon furnlturo mnken nn Ideal gift,
very npproprlnto and unoful. Wo po
clallzo In making tho "out of tho or
dinary" plecen. In fact, nnythlng In
tho m (union ft rnlturo or cabinet work
linos mndo to your order, any flnlnh
you mny denlro. Drop In nnd got our
MI88ION FUItNITUnn wonics,
Shop near corner nightli and Holly
Htroota. Phono 3003.
Send your trophioH to mo for moim
ing. Hig game heads, finh. birds and
mammals mounted true to nature by
improved methods. I do tanning, make
fur rugn, mnkn, romodel and oleau
fur garuiotitH. Express nnd mail or
ders promptly nttended to.
105 Washington Street, Portland, Or.
Tolophono Main 3000.
Botf roorriB moro than
any othor rooms In tho
lomo should bo froo room
impuro air.
v, By tho uso of olootrlolty
for Illuminating purposoo
this Is praotloally assurod.
For olootrlolty does not
vltlato tho air.
In homos whoro thoro
aro small ohlldron.olootrlo
light bocomos a nooosslty,
Thon baokod by Its oloun
llnosa and safoty, It Is
Indlsponsablo In any
woll-rotrulatod houso.
Bond for tho man. i
Rotjiio River Electrlo Co. j