Newspaper Page Text
1 THIS MEDJfOItD MAIL TIUBUNE, MEDFORD, ORKOON, MONDAY", DECEMBER 20, 3909. fHU U 4 CITY NOTIWtS. lf li f 4 f 4- CITY N ST ICES. 4 CITY N8TICES. 4- 'CITY NOTICES. f CITY NSTICEB. U niTY NaTIHFS. f riTV HQTIRFS. 4--r -f 4-4-4-4-4- 4-4- f f HI t t4- OHMNANCK NO. an. All orilliinnco iuimohhIiiu tlm prop orlv ndiiiuont to ami btmofilted lV the nix mill uiuht-lnoli liilnrnl newer constructed along Pino Htroot for tlio txiHt of ooiiHlritotlng tho iiiiinn mill providing tho iiiiiiiiiur of carrying paid iiHKOHHiiuuit Into full offout. Tlio cltv of Modford doth ordain flH folloWH! Hootlon 1. Whitman thn council diil liorotoforo nrovldu tY ordinance for tho serving, of tho nwnors of prop er! v (ullueoiit to and benefitted bv thn construction of tho lateral nower htireliiuftor described to ntnioar bo foro Hit til council and show cimiho. If nnv. whv Haiti property hIioiiIiI not bo iinnohhuiI for tho construction of Haiti newer, and dltl fix a time for heariiiir nnv hiioIi protests, which no tice wiim dulv given in itccortlance with Haiti ortliiiiinco inoro than ten daVH before tho beginning of tho con struction of itaid newer, but no pro toittH against Haiti construction or tho nHHOHMiioiit of tho coat tlioroof wns tnatlo lv anvono and Hiiid Bower wiih, liv Haiti council, ordered coiiHlructctl. And whoreitH tho cimt of tho con ntriiolinn of Haiti newer Iiiih been and horeliv m dotonniuod to ho tho hiiiii of $1581.38. Now thoroforo, Hnld citv doth hero liv ordain and doolaro that oneh par cel of property doHorihod holow la adjacent to and heuofittod hv that certain latoral newer. h!x mid eight inches in nizo. cotiHtruotod on Pino Htrcct hotwoen JaokMon nnd AtiHtin HtrcetH. and that tho proportion of tho coat of Haiti Howor which each of Haiti parcolH of laud should hoar, bused on tho benefits derived ro HPcetfullv by Haiti several tractH of laud ih tho amount Hot opposite tho doHcrintion of each Hiich parcel bo -low. that each of Haiti parcolH ih ac tually benefitted in tho amount net oppoHito itu dtiHoriptioti below by the coiiKtruotiou of Haiti newer, nnd that Haiti Htjvnral amount represent tho proportional bonefitH of said Hcvpm phtcoIh from naid nowor. and oach of uni.K imri'l.lw in lumtlii- iiHenntl tho nmount Hot opposite ita description t . I . .. . . I , .!.... ..!.!' below for tho construction of naid Howor. ASSESSMENT FOU A SIX-INCH I.ATKHAL KKWKU ON PINK ST. KHOM JACKSON ST.. EAST. TO AUSTIN ST.. ALSO KHOM TDK INTKHBBCTION OF PINK AND .MAPLE STREET TO HIVEHSIDE AVENUE. NORTH. IN SEWEK DISTRICT NO. 10. MAP SHEET NO. 1 IN CITV OF MEDFORD. OREGON. AaHOHHinent No. 1 I.IIIio J. Mock er, lot 1. block fi. Mookor'a addition in tho o'v of Modford. Oroiron. front niro 1 14 foot on oiiHt Hide Pino Htroot. 11-1 foot; rato por foot, 05.31 cents; amount duo. $74.45. AHHOHHtnont No. 2 Frodonck Schnorder. lot 1. blook -1. Meeker's ndditiou in tho citv of Modford. Oro iron. frontniro 52 foot on oast nitlo Pino Htroot. 52 foot; rato por foot. 05.31 contH: amount duo. $33.00. AHHOHHtnont No. 3 William It. Vullock. beirinniiur nt tho northeast corner of block 1. Short's addition to dm itv nf Modford. Orciron nnd mnninir thenco north'10 degrees and 10 minutcH. west alomr .thowcHt Hidojuost lino intorsoctH tho north lino of of tho couutv road 200 foot to tho , lots 10 nnd 11 of lliirhland ndditiou HoutheiiHt comor of Mookorn nilh-!to (ho citv of Motlford. Orciron and tion. thcuco south 51 dccirros nnd 52fr0m said point numiuir thenco Hoitth miniitoH. wont 178.5 foot to PiiiOf,f, doL'recH. west 311 feot, thonco street: thenco Houth 10 dcL'reos ami i north 35 doirroos. west 180 foot to tho 10 minutcH. oast 200 feot. thenco north 51 tleereos and 52 minutes, ortst nlonir tho north boundary ot hliort h ndditiou 178.5 feot to place of bo- irinninir. in tho citv of Modtonl. oro iron. frontniro 200 feot onst Hido of Pino street. 200 foot; rato por foot. 05.3 1 coiiIh: amount duo. $131.55. Assessment No. -I Alum N. Hul lock Tho north half of lot 1. block 1. Short'H addition to tho citv of Motlford, Orciron, frontneo 83.30 foot on oust side Pino Htroot. 83.30 foot : rnto per foot, 05.31 cents nmount duo SB-MO. AsHOSHtnont No. 5 Willnrd h. and Cnlinda Thompson, tho wost half ol' tho Houth half of lot 1. block 1, Short's ndditiou to tho citv of Mod ford, Orciron, ncoordinir to tho plat thereof on filo nnd of record in tho office of tho county recorder in and nforoHiiid .liiekHon couutv, Oroiron. frontniro 81.75 foot on toll oiiHt sido Pino Htroot. 81.75 foot: rnto por foot, 05.31 cents: nmount duo, $55.35. AuKorthmmit No. 0 Lnnnnn Den ton, lot 2.. block 1. Short's addition to the town now citv of Modford, Oro eon, froutiiKo 100 foot on oiiHt sido . . . ' , -..., n i. ...... I 1 Pino street. 100 feot; rnto por foot, (in '11 cents: nmount duo, $128.00 Assessment No. 7--John A. Rob bins, a Htrip of laud 100 foot wide off of tho north sitlo of tho lot 3. blook 1. Short's ndditiou to tho town now citv of Modford. Oroiron. frontniro 00 foot on onst side Pino street. DO foot: rnto nor foot, 05.31 cents; nmount due, $02.70. Assessment No. 80. Honk and J. F. Poflov. boirinnim: nt tho south onHt corner of lot 3, blook 1, Short's addition to tho town now citv of Modford. Oroirn and runniiiL' thonco northward alouK tho wost lino of tho couutv rond 100 foot, thonco nt riirht nnirlos woBtwnrtl 171 foot to tho wost lino of snid lot 3; thonco southwnrd 100 foot to tho Houthwost comor of Haiti ltt 3: thonoo eastward 171 foot to placo of commonoinir, frontneo 100 foot onHt sido Pino Htroot. 100 foot: rnto por foot 05.31 oonta; nmount duo, $05.31. ABHossmont No. 0 A. S. Wells, tho north 83.5 foot of lot '1, blook 1, Short's addition to tho city of Mod ford, Oregon, Haiti portion of said lot horoby convoyed fronting 83.5 foot on tho oountv rond and 83.5 foot on Pino utroot, in said addition to tho cltv of Motlford. Orciron, frontau' feet on oust iildo Pino street feet: rato per fool, 05,31 cents amoiiut duo. $fi', AHHCHHincnt No. 10 K. N. Wnr tier and K. 0. Wortinau. lot 4, hlook I. Bhort'M addition to tho city o Mcdford. Oroiron. oxooptinir and ro serving therefrom ft strip of lam! 83.5 fool in width on tho north Hid of Haiti lot. It bolng tho intention to eonvov hereby thn Hon'r' portion of Haiti lot i. fronting foot on 11110 Htroot and Ml feet on tho coun tv rond. frontniro H-1.5 foot on oiiHt nido Pino Htrcol. 81.0 foot: rato pit foot. 05.31 cents; amount duo, $55.20, AhhohiuciiI No. 11 Alox Duff, lo '21. Highland addition to tho cltv o Mcdford. Oroiron. frontniro foot on went nldo Pino Htrcct. foot rato per foot. 05.31 cuutii : amoiin duo. $1)1.70. ABHOHHtnont No. 12 Alox Duff, lo 20. Hlghliiiid addition in city of Mod- ford. Oroiron. frnnlniro 45 foot on west Hido Pino Htroot. 45 foot I rato por font. 05.U1 coiiIh: amount duo. $20.30 AHHcnamont No. Ill Alox Duff, lo It). Uiirhlaiid addition in tho oitv o Modford. Oroiron. frontniro 45 foot on wchI hido Pino Htroot. 45 foot rato nor foot, 05.1(1 eontu; amount due. $2!).3t. AHHoBBinont No. 1-1 Alox Duff, lot 18. Iljirhlnud addition in tho cltv o Mcdford. Orciron, frontniro -lfi foot on went Hldo Pino street, 'lfi foot: rato tier foot. 05.31 coiiIh; amount due, n .'ill. AHHCHHincnt No. ifiAlox Duff. lot 17. lliirhland ndditiou in tho citv of Modford. Oroiron. frontniro 45 foot on wont Hido Pino otrcot. -lfi foot: rato per foot. 05.31 conts; amount duo $20.30. AHHcmtmcnt No. 10 Alox Duff, lot 10. lliirhland addition in tho citv of Mcdford. Oroiron, frontniro -lfi fool on wcHt ido Pino ptrcot. -15 feot: rato por foot 05.31 coiiIh: amount duo '!U.3l, AHHCKHmnnt No. 170. 0. Hull, lot 15. Iliiriilnnd addition in tho citv of wtHt HU y-im Htroot. 50 foot: rato . ... . per toot, uo..ii coiiih; amotini uuo J32.00. AHHOHHmont No. 180. 0. Hull. lot M. lliirhland addition in tho citv of Mcdford. Orciron. frontniro 50 foot on wcHt nido Pino Htrcct. 50 foot: rato per foot. 05.31 cento: nmount duo. $32.00. AHHOHHmont No. 10 O. 0. Hull. lot 13. Hichlnnd addition in tho citv of Modford. Oroeon. frontneo 50 foot, on west Hido Pino utrcot: 50 foot: rato nor foot. 05.31 contH : nmount due. $32.00. AHHCHHincnt No. 20 O. O. Hull. lot 12. iliiriilnnd ndditiou in tho citv of Mcdford. Orciron. frontniro 50 fool on wcHt nido Pino Htroot. 50 foot: rato per foot. 00.31 contH: amount duo, $32.60. AHHCHHmcnt No. 210. 0. null, lot 11. lliirhland addition in tho citv of Mcdford. Oroiron. frontniro 57.8 foot on went Hido Pino utrcot. 57.8 foot; rate por foot. 05.31 contH; amount duo AHHOHHtnont No. 22 North School Hlock, commonininir nt n point on tho wont lino ol Pino Htroot. whoro saiil Uouth corner of block . I. Mookor H ad dition. thenco aloiur tho south lino of said block 3, north 51 decree anil 30 iiutofl. CIVHt 310 foot to 11 point whoro said south lino intersects west lino of Pino street: thence southeast orlv nlonir snid wost lino 200 foot, moro or loss, to tho place of begin nint;: frontniro 200 foot 011 wost sido Pino street. 200 foot: rnto per foot, 05.31 cents; amount dun, $131.55. Assessment. No. 23 Dnvid L. Oor dan. lot 8, block 3. Meeker's ndditiou in the citv of Mcdford. Oroiron, front niro 50 foot on wost Hido Pino Htroot. 50 feet: rato por foot, 05.31 coats; nmount duo. $32.00. Assossment No. 21 John Kinkerd, lot 12, block 2, MookorH addition in tho citv of Mcdford, Oroiron. front niro 100 foot on wost sido Pino street, 100 foot: rnto por foot. 05.31 cents ; amount duo, $05.31. Assessment No. 25 Frodoriok Suhnerder. lot 1. block !, Meokor's ndditiou in tho citv of Mcdford. Ore 'on. frontniro ,r0 foot 011 south sitle Muplo street. 50 foot: rnto por foot. 05.31 cents nmount duo. $32.0(1. AsHesHinont .No. 20 Froilor.ok :Fohnordor. lot 2, blook !. Meokor's ad- union in nio otiv ol iictiiorii, uieirou, frontneo 50 foot on south sido Mnplu street. 50 feot: rnto per foot, 05,31 coiiIh: amount due, $32,00, Assossment No. 27 Frodoriok Schnorder, lot 3, blook !, Mocker's ndditiou in tho citv of Modford, Oro eon, frontneo 50 foot on south suht Muplo stroot. 50 foot: rato por foot, 05.31 cents; nmount duo, $32.00. Assossmont No. 28 Frodoriok Schuordor, lot 'I. block !, Mookoc's ndditiou in tho city of Modford, Oro eon, frontneo 35.5 foot on south sido Muplo stroot. 85.5 foot; rnto por foot. 05,31 conts; amount duo, $23.10. Assossmont No. 20 Julius Mookor, ct ux, lot 3. blook 5, Meokor's addi tion in tho citv of Modford, Oroeon, frontneo 07 foot on-north Hido Muplo Htroot. 07 foot: rato per foot, C5..11 conts; amount duo, $43 70. ABBOBBinont No. 30 Julius Mookot, ot ux. lot 2, blook 5, Mookor'B nddi tiou in tho oitv of Mcdford, Oroeon, frontneo 00 foot on north sido Muplo Htroot. 00 foot: rnto per foot, 05 31 conts; amount duo, $30.10. Assossmont No, 31 Lillio J. Mookor, lot 1, hlook 5, Mookor's nddi- ii 11 ii it'vrtii is . tion in tho citv of ModfonJ, Orutroii, frontneo 00 foot on north sid Muplo street. 00 foots rato pur foot. 05.31 cents ; amount duo. ftlO.J'J Station 2. And it is hircbv or dercd and ordninod that said i;oVfraI afiucBHiucntH and tho Iioiik tlioroof bo niitcred in tho docket of citv lienii and that thereupon tiotloo bo given tho owners or reputed ovrnor.i nf tmid proportv nnd that tho 111110 no en forced nnd collected in tho mimo mnnner nn Ih provided by Iho char ter of Hittd cltv tor the oltimtion of AHHOHtiiimutH for Iho Improvement'! of slrnotH therein. Section 3. It is further ordered that tho notice nbuvo provided for ho published thrcj tit'iQH ill the Daily Mnil Tribune. 11 n.iwMp.ii or pii'dished nnd of ecnernl circulation in nuiil citv in the matiiior provided hv ordinniico No. 250 of Haiti citv. Tho foregoing ordinance wus puss cd hv tho citv council of tho citv of Mcdford on tho 7th dnv of December. 1001). hv the following vote: Morrick. iibsont: Eifort. nvo: NSVich av Vis erick. nvo: Demmor, uvo; Wortinau. nvo. Approved December o, 2')0!l. W. H. AiNfW. Mayor. Attest: RORT. W. TFLFER. Hocordor. ORDINANCE NO. 270. An ortllnnnco tleclnrlnc the neiiciis- mont on tho property benefited for tho cowl of lnrbiK n 4-Inch water main on Went Twolfth Htrcot nnd directing tho recorder to ontor a Htntemont thereof In tho wator main lion dock et. Tho city of Motlford doth ordnln an follows: Section 1. WhoroaB. tho city coun cil did heretofore, by roBolutlon, do cUro lt Intention to lay n -lnch wn tcr main on West Twolfth stroot nnd to hbhchs tho cost thereof on th0 prop erty frontlnj: on said portion of snid street In proportion to tho frontaso of naid proporty, and did fix a ttmo nnd place for hearing protesta nirntnst tho JnylnK of said water main on wild portion of Bald stroot and the as sessment of tho cost therefor as p.foro- snld: nnd, Whereas, said resolution wns duly published nnd posted ns required by section 11C ot tho chnrtcr of said city: and, Whereas, a meeting of tho coun cil wns held nt tho tlmo nnd placo fixed In Bnld resolution, for tho pur poso of considering any such pro tests, but no protests wcro nt said tlmo or at nny other tlmo mado to or recelred by tho council to tho lay ing of said wntor main or tho anscBS ment of tho cost as aforesaid, and said council having considered tho mattor. nnd deeming that Bald wa ter main wna nnd is of material bene fit to said city, and that all proporty to be Beeswd therefor would bo ben efited thoreby to tho extent of tho nrobnblo amount of tho respective assessments to bo lorled against said proporty did ordor wild wntor mnm laid. And. wheronfl, tho coat of snid wa ter main hnB been nnd horoby la de termined to bo tho sum of 5S8; Now, thoroforo, It Is horoby furthor determined that tho proportionate sharo of tho cost of laying said wa ter main of ench pnrcol of proporty fronting on said portion of said street Is tho nmount sot onposlto tho des cription of each pnrcol of land below, and that oach pleco or pnrcol of land Is bonorited by tho laying of snid wntor mnln to-tho full extent of tho amount so act opposlto tho descrip tion of tho Bnnio, nnd thnt tho ro- Hpectlvo amounts represent tho pro portional benofltn of said wntor main to nnld respective parcolH of land, nnd nlsn tho proportlonnl froutago tberoof on nam portion of Rtud street, and tho council dooa horoby declnro ench of tho pnrcols of proporty described below to bo nHBossod nnd each of tho samo Ih hereby assessed the amount sot opposlto each description for tho coat of laying said wator main. ASSESSMENT FOR A 4-INCMI WA TER MAIN ON 12TII 8TREET FROM LAUREL STREET 80UTH TO WEST MISTLETOE STREET. IN CITY OF MEDFORD, OREGON, AHsossment No. 1 Porry Wyncoop ot ux.. tho south half of thn east halt of lot 1, block 3, narr's addition In tho city of Medford. Oregon, oxcopt Ing nnd reserving therefrom tho fol lowing dOBcrlbed portion thereof to wlt: commencing at a nolnt on tho onst lino of snid lot 1S5 foot north of tho Houtbenfit corner thereof, running thenco west 150 foot, thenco north 80 foot, oast UiO foot, Boutn su root to plaro of beginning, frontngo 330 feot on north sitlo Twolfth street, Wont, described Vol. 09, pngo 2GS, lounty recorder s records or .incKson ountv. Oregon: sun root rato por foot 52M! contH! nmount duo $147. AHKlutHinout No. 2 -is. s. Tun, com mencing 25 feot north nnd 230 foot oast of tho southwest corner lot 1, block 3, Harr's nddltlon In tho city of Motlford, Orogon, thonco north 110 foet. east 100 foot, south 140 feot, wost 100 feet to plneo of boglnnlng, frontngo 100 foot on north sido 12th utrcot, Wost, described Vol. 71, pngo 100, county recorder h rocorus or TnckBon county. Orogon; 100 foot; rnto per foot 52 '.d centu; nmount duo $52.50. Assessment No. 3 J. A. Porry, ommonclng 25 foot north nnd ISO foot oast of tho southwest cornor of lot 1, block 2, Rnrr's addition In tho Ity of Modford, Orogon, thonco north 40 foot, onat ro root, south 140 root wost 50 foot to plnc of boglnnlng, frontngo 50 foot on north sido Twolfth troot, West, doscrinoti vol. tz, pago 132. county rocorder'a rocords of JackBon county, Oregon; 50 foot; rat0 por foot 52 conts; amount duo $26.35. AsBossmont No. 4 Nnnnlo u. Zopp, tho wost hnlt ot lot 1, block 3, Rnrr's addition In tho city of Medford, Oro gon. (oxcontlnK tracts markod IIS,, BT., DV DW BY, on plat), front ngo 180 root on north sido Twolfth stroot, Wost, dosorlbod Vol. 72, pngo 300. county rocoruora rocorus or JackBon county, Orogon; 130 foot; rate pur foot T2 contn; amount duoj.Inckiion county, OrcRon; 50 feet; rnto' JG8.25. AHstiBsmont No, fi Adnm Hmlg, lot 2, block 3, Dnrr'n addition In tho city of Modforfl, Oregon, excepting the following acHcrioea iract of land! commencing 20 feet south of the northeast corner of tut 2, block 3, Burr's addition and running thonco west 100 fet. Houth 137 feet, oast 100 font, north 137 ftet to place of beginning, nun beginning nt the southeast corner lot second, block 3, Ilnrr'B nddltlon, nnd running thence north 50 feet, wect ISO feet, south CO foot, east 1C0 feet to place of begin ning, nnd crimmenclng at the south onHt corner lot 1, block 3. Hnrr's nd tion, and running thence west CC0 feet, Houth 20 feet, east GOO feet, north 20 feet to place of beginning, tho last described tract being known as Twolftb street, frontage B00 feet on south sido Twelfth street, West, described Vol. Cl pnge 400, county recorder's records of Jnckson county, Oregon; C10 recti rato por foot 02 conts; nmount duo $207 7c. Assessment No. 0 II. and M. Enlg, commencing 20 feot south of the nortbenHt corner of lot 2. block 3, Harr's nddltlon In the city of Modford, Oregon, thenco west 100 feot, south 137 foet, east 100 feet, north 137 feot to placo of beginning, frontngo 100 feet on south Hldo Twelfth street, West, described Vol. 03, pngo 321, county recorder'B record of Jackson county, Oregon; CO feet: rato per foot 52 cents; amount duo $20. 2C. Section 2. And It Is hereby ordered and ordained that said soreral assess ments nnd the llcna thereof b0 cntor ed In tho wnter main lien docket of snid city, and thnt -thereupon notice ho given tho owners or reputed own- era of snid property, and thnt the snmo bo enforced nnd collected In tho manner provldd by tho charter of said city for tho collection of assessments for tho ImprovcmcntB of streets there in. Section 3. It Is furthor ordered thnt tho notice nboTo provided for be published thrco times in tho Dnlly Mall Tribune, a newspaper published and of general circulation in said city, In tho mnnnor provided by ordi nance No. 2 SO of said city. Tho foregoing ordlnnnce was pnss ed by tho city council of tho city of Mcdford on tho 7th day of December, 1909, by tho following -vote: Merrick absent, Welch ayo, Elfert aye, Eni erlck nyo, Dommcr aye, Wortmnn aye. t Approved December Sth, 1909, W. H. CANON, Mayor. Attost: ROUT. W. TELFER. Recorder. ORDINANCE NO. 271. An drdinnnco declaring tho assess ment on tho property benefited for tho cost of laying a 4-lnch water main on Eloventh street and directing tho rocordorto enter n statement thorcot In (ho wntor main Hen docket. Tho city of Mcdford doth ordain as follows: Section 1. Whorea8, tho city coun cil did heretofore, by resolution, do claro Its Intention to lay n 4-inch water main on Eleventh street from Oakdalc avenue south to Laurel street nnd to assess tho cost thereof on tho property fronting on said portion of sold Btrect In proportion to tho front ngo of said proporty and did fix a tlmo nnd placo for hearing protest against tho laying of snid water mnln on said portion of Bald street nnd tho nBsessment of th0 cost thereof as aroresaia; and, Whorens, snid resolution was duly posted nnd published ns required by section 11G of tho charter of said city; and, WhoreaB, a mooting of tho council wns ho)d at tho tlmo nnd plnc0 fixed In snid resolution for tho purposo of considering any such protests, but no protests woro nt snid tlmo or any oth or tlmo mndo to or rocelvod by tho council to the laying of Bnld water mnln or tli assessment of thn rn.ql thereof ns aforesaid, and said council having considered tho matter, and dooming that said wator main wns nnd Is of mnterlnl benefit to said city, nnd that all proporty to bo assessed thorofor would bo benofltod thereby to tho oxtont of tho probnblo amount of tho rospectlvo assessments to bo lovlod against snid proporty, did or dor Bnld wntor mnln laid; and, Whereas, tho cost ot said wator main hns boon and horoby Is deter mined to bo tho sum of $1073.75; Now. thoroforo, It Is horoby furthor determined thnt tho proportionate sharo of th0 cost of laying said wator main of each pnrcol of proporty front ing on said portion ot said street Is tho amount sot oppoito tho descrip tion of oach parcel of land below, and that qach pleco or pnrcol of land Is benofltod by th0 laying of said wator main to tho full extent of tho amount bo set onposlto tho description of tho nmo, nnd that tho rospectlvo amounts ropresont tho proportional benefits of snid wntor mnln to snid rospectlvo parcels of land, nnd nlso tho pro portlonnl frontage thereof on said portion of Bnld street, nnd tho coun cil does horoby doclaro onch of tho imrcolB of property described bolow to bo assessed nnd ench of tho snmo horoby Is assessed tbo amount sot opposlto each description for tho cost of lnying paid water main. ASSESSMENT FOR A 4-INCIl WA TER MAIN ON ELEVENTH STREET FROM OAKDALE AVE NUE TO LAUREL STREET, SOUTH. Assossmont No. 1 William Ulrlch, lot 8, Wortmnn's nddltlon to tho city of Medford. Orogon, frontage 50 feot on north sido of Eleventh stroot West, nnd desccrlbed Vol. 71, pago 295, county recorder's records of Jackson county, Orogon; 50 root; rnto por foot 55 conts; amount duo $27.50. Assessment No. 2 II. M. Coss, lot 9, In Wortmnn'B nddltlon to tho city of Modford, Oregon, frontngo 50 foot on north Bldo Eloventh atreot West, and doscrlbod Vol. 67, pago 195, county rocordor's rocords of Jnckson county, Orogon; 50 foot; rnto por foot 55 conts; nmount duo $27,50. Assossmont "No. 3 II. M. Coss, lot 10, Wortmnn's nddltlon to tho city of Medford, Orogon. frontngo 50 foot on north sido of Elovonth stroot, Wost, and doscrlbod Vol. 67, pago 195, county rocordor'o records ot por foot 55 cents; amount duo $20.95. Assessment No. 4 M. M. Coss, lot 11, Wortmnn'B nddltlon to tho city of Mcdford, Oregon, frontage CO feet on north sido Eleventh street, West, and described Vol. 07, pngo 196, county recorder's records of Jackson county, Oregon: 50 feet: rato per foot 55 cents; amount due $27.50. Assessment No. 5 A. A. Dt1i, A tract of land fronting 123 feet 9 Inches on south lde of Eleventh street, West, and described Vol. 48, pngo 023, county recorder's records of Jackson county, Oregon, In Gallo way's addition, Mcdford Oregon; 123 foet 9 Inches; rate per foot 05 centa; amount duo $07.05. Assessment No. 6 Alfred J. Weeks, commencing at a point on tbo south lino of block 0, Gnlloway'tt ad dition In tho city of Mcdford, Ore gon, according to tno recoraer -piai thereof, situated 430.38 feet east of j Harr's addition In the city of Med tho southwest corner of said Mock ford, Oregon, and from said point 0. and from said point running thonco 1 "inning ctbi uo icei .menco soutn north 170 feet to tho south line offnrt '"f '-enco west 00 feet, thence said block, thenco weBterly along nld -ortb 200 feet to placo of beginning, south lino 00 feet to place of begin nlng, frontage 00 feet on north side Eloventh street, West, described Vol. 59, pngo 372, county recorder'B rec ords of Jackson county, Oregon; 00 feet; rato per foot 55 cents; amount duo $33. Assessment No. 7 J. T. Eads, com mencing nt n point on the south lino of block 0, Galloway's addition In the city of Medford, Oregon, situated 319.49 feet cast of the southwest cor ner, thenco north 170 feet, thence cost 11.49 feet, thenco south 170 feet to tho south line of block, thence west 111.49 feet to placo of begin ning, In tho city of Medford, Oregon (excepting piece marked P. on plat), frontage 49 feet on north sido Elev enth street. West, described Vol. 71. page 590, county recorder's records of Jackson county Oregon: 4 9 feet; rate per foot 55 cents; amount due $27.50. Assessment No. 8 James L. Wil son, commencing nt a point on the south lino of block 6, Gallowny'a nd dltlon In tho city of Mcdford, Ore gon, situated 245.49 feet east of the southwest corner of said block, and from snid point thence running north 170 feot, thenco enst 245.49 feet, thenco south 17G feet to south line of said block, thence west on said south lino 245.49 feet to placo of be ginning, frontage 74 feet on north sido Eleventh street, West, described Vol. 42, pago 012, county recorder's records of Jackson county, Oregon; 74 feet; rato per foot 55 cents; amount duo $40.70. Assessment No. 9 Everett Eads, commencing at a point on the south lino of block 0. Galloway's addition In tho city of Mcdford, Oregon, aB shown by tho official plat thereof now on record, situated 319.49 feet east of the southwest corner ot said lot and running thenco north 176 feet, thence east 55.74 feet, -thonco south 176 feet to tho south Une of said block, thence west 55.74 root to place 01 Dcginnmg, frontngo 55.7 feet on north aide Elev enth street, West, described Vol. 71, pago 590, county recorder's records of Jackson county, Orogon; 65.7 feet; rate per foot 55 cents; amount due $30.03. Assossment No. 10 Almlra Wil son, commencing at a point 176 feet south of tho northwest corner and on tho west line of block 0, Galloway's addition In the city of Medford. Ore gon, according to the recorder plat of city addition, and running thence on'. oa suoioo sireet ana airoc; Bald west lino of said lot 176 feet ,nr recorder of tho citv to enter to tno southwest corner thereof. thence cast on tho south lino of snid j block 245.49 feet, thenco north 176 feet, thenco west 245.49 feot to place of beginning, frontngo 2454 9 feet on north sido Eloventh street, West, des-" crlbed Vol. 62, pngo 2S6, county re corder's records of Jackson county, Oregon. Dond. 245.5 feet; rate per foot 55 conts; amount duo $135.02. Assessment No. 11 Mnllnda J l.1lr TWr'o nrf.llHnn In the city ot Medford, Oregon. 103 feet i west from tho northeast corner of said block, and running west 227 foet to tho center lino of said block, thenco couth 330 feot, thonco onst 227 feet, thenco north 330 feet to plnco of boglnnlng (now oxcepting tracts mnrkod CF., C.I, EI., CK., CL. on nlnt), frontngo 60 feet on south side Eloventh street, West, descrlbod Vol. 59, pngo 90, county recorder's rec ords of Jnckson county, Oregon; 50 feot; rnto per foot 55 conts; nmount duo $27.60. Assossmont No. 12 Maud Mur ray, boglnnlng at a point on tho north Uuo of block 2. Rarr's addition in tho city of Mcdford, Orogon, 103 feot west ot tho northeast cornor of said block 2. nnd running thonco wost 104 feet, thonco south 110 feet, thenco 104 feot thonco north 110 feot to plnco of bo glnnlng, frontngo 104 foet on enst side Elovonth Btreot, Wost, described Vol. 06, page 14S, county recorder's records of Jnckson county, Oregon; 104 foot: rato per foot 55 cents; amount duo ?5".20, Assossmont No. 13 John L. Thorn dyko, commencing at tho northeast cornor of lot 1. block 2. Rnrr's addi tion In tho city of Modford, Orogon, i thenco wost 103 foot, thonco south 110 feot, thenco cast 103 feot, thenco north 111 foot to plnco of beginning, frontngo 103 feot on south side Elov onth street, West, described Vol. 63, pngo 01, county recorder's rocords of Jnckson county. Orogon; 103 feot; rnto por toot 55 cents; nmount duo $5G.65. Assossmont No. 14 Suslo C. Streets, tho west 275 feot of lot 1, block 1, Rnrr's nddltlon In tho city of Modford, Orogon, frontngo 270 1 feot on south side Elovonth street, West, doscrlbod Vol. 61, pngo 37, county rocordor's records of Jnckson county, Oregon; 270 foot; rnto 65 conts; amount duo $148.50. Assessment No. 15 John Danish, commencing nt a point 330 foot onst of tho northwest cornor of lot 1, block 1, Rnrr's nddltlon In tho city of Modford, Oregon, on tho north sido of Bnld block 1 and from said bogln nlng point running thonco south 330 foot to tho south lino of Bald lot. thonco wost on tho snid south lino 60 foot, thonco north parallel with tho wost lino of said lot 330 foot to tho north line of said lot, thenco cant on snid north lino 00 feot to place ot beginning, frontngo GO feet on south sitlo Eloventh street, west, describ ed Vol. 70, pago 147, county record er's rccorda of Jackson county, Ore gon; CO feot; rato per foot CC cents; amount duo $33, Assessment No. 10 O. II. P. Vor- hols, commencing at the northeast corner of lot 1, block 1, Dnrr s nddl tion In the city of Medford, Oregon, nnd running thenco south 130 feet, thence west 100 feet, thenco north 130 feet, thenco east 15 j feet to placo of boglnnlng, frontage 170 feet on south sido Eloventh street, West, des cribed Vol. 72, page 300, county re corder's records of Jackson county Oregon; 176 feet; rnto per foot 56 cents; nmount du0 $90.80, A?srnent No. 17 P. J. Halloy, rommonelng 330 feet east of the "or,liweff corner of lot 1, block 1, frontngo GO feet on south side Elev enth street, West, described Vol. 72, page 301, county recorder's records of Jackson county, Oregon; 00 feet; rato per foot 55 conts; amount due $33. Assessment No. 18 Nannie Barr, DE. 2. A part of lot 1 fronting 130 feet on Oakdalo avenue, South, and running back 150 feet on south side Eleventh street, West, and being on t,i0 northeast corner of Oakdalo ave nue, South, and Eleventh street, West, frontngo 150 feet on south sido Eloventh street, West, described Vol. .., pago ... county recorder'B rec ords of Jackson county, Oregon; 150 feet; rate per foot 55 cents; amount duo $82.50. Assessment No. 19 William Ul rlch, lot 7, Wortman'a addition in the city of Medford, Oregon, frontage 171 feet on north sido Eleventh street, west, and described vol. 71, page 295, county recorder's records of JackBon county, Oregon; 171 feet; rato per foot 55 centa; amount due $94.05. Section 2. And it la hereby ordered and ordained that said several assess ments and tbo Hens bo entered in the water main Hen docket of said city, and that thereupon notice bo given the owners or reputed owners ot said property, and that the same be enforc ed and collected In tho manner pro vided by th0 charter of said city for me collection or assessments lor tne Improvements of streets therein. Section 3. It Is further ordered that the notice above provided for be published tbreo times In the Dally Mall Tribune, a newspaper published and of general circulation In said city, In the manner provided by ordinance No. 250 ot said city. The foregoing ordinance was pass ed by tho city council of tho city of Mcdford on the 7th day ot December, 1909, by thn following vote: Merrick absent, Welch aye, Eifert aye, Emer- Ick aye. Dommcr aye, Wortman aye Approved December 8th, 1909. W. H. CANON, Mayor. Attest: ROBT. W. TELFER, Recorder. ORDINANCE NO. 272. An ordinance declaring the assess ment on tho property benefitted for tho cost of laving a four-inch water a Miiieuium ui .ma water main lion docket. The citv of Moford doth ordain ns follows : Section 1. Whereas, the citv coun cil did heretofore, bv resolution, de clnro its intention to lav a four-inch water main on Mistletoe street nnd to assess tho cost thereof on tho oro- portv fronting on said portion of said nf cnM nrnnnrl.- r,,1 ,V.A fl- n ., and place for hearing protests'ngainst tho laving of said water main on said portion of said street nnd tho assess ment of tho cost thereof ns aforesaid. And whorens. said resolution wns dulv published and posted ns ro auired bv soction 116 of tho charter of said citv. And whorens. a meeting of the council was hold at tho time nnd place fixed in said resolf'"in. for tho pur poso of considering nnv such protests but no protests wero nt said timo or nt nnv other time made to or re ceived, bv tho couucil to tho laving of snid wntor main or tho assessment of tho cost tlioroof as aforosnid, and said council having considered the mnttor. and deeming thnt snid wnter miuu wns nna tuoretoro would beenst iino of said lot 165 feot. west benefitted to tho oxtont of tho prob nblo amount of tho respectivo assess ments to bo levied ngamst said prop- erty did ordor snid wntor mnin hud. Aim wnorens. tne cost ot snid wat er main hns been nnd herehv is de termined to bo tho stun of $1469.49. Now thoroforo. it is horebv furthor dotennined thnt tho proportional sharo of tho cost of hiving said wntor mnin ot oach parcel ot property i fronting on snid portion of snid stroot I L J ; f ?0t 0,),,?sltP1the1 1(H Assessment No. 11-Robort Lnngo. sonption of each pnrcol of land bo-!lot 1( bloek 4 Bniya mldUicm ; tho low, and that each pieco or parcel jcitv o Mcdt-0rd. Oregon. 060 feet ot lnnd benofitttod bv the laving of oast nml wost by 330 foot north nnd Stud wntor ninill to tho full OXtdlt of icmw,. nniunini five neres. frontawi tho amount so sot opposite tho do seription of tho snmo. nnd thnt tho rospootivo amounts rourosent tho portionnl boenfits of said wntor main to said rospootivo pnrcols of land and also tho porportionnl front ago tlioroof on said portion of snid stroot. nnd the council does horebv doclaro oach of tho parcels of prop ortv desoribod bolow to bo nssossod ami each of tho snmo horobv is ns sossod tho amount set opposito oach dosorintion for tho cost of laying snid wntor mniu. ASSESSMENT FOR A FOUR-INCH WATER MAIN ON MISTLETOE STREET. FROM ELEVENTH ST., SOUTn. TO DAKOTA AVENUE, IN CITY OF MEDFORD, OREGON. Assessment No. 1 A J. Ealbv; beginning nt tho northwest corner of lot 1. blook 3. Rnrr'a ndditiou in tho citv of Medford, Oregon, running thenco enst 130 feet, south 140 feet, west 130 foot thenco north 149 foot to placo of beginning, frontngo 14D foet on onst sido Mintlotoo street;. south, described Vol. 72. page 203,. county recorder's records of Jack son oountv, Oregon. 00 feet; rate' 01 cents: amount due: ,f 00.39; Assessment No. 2 Nnunio L. Zepp. tho wost Vi of lot' 1. block 8r Rarrs addition in tho citv of Mcd ford. Oregon, (excepting- traots marked BS. BT. BV. BW." BX.. BY. on plat) frontage 140 foet oa east side Mistletoe street, south-, described Vol. 72. pngo 300, county recorder's records of Jackson coun ty. Oregon. 140 feet: rale por foot 01 cents: amount due. $85.40. Assessment Noi 3 Adam,' Enig lot 2. block 3, Burr's addition in tho citv of Medford. Oregon, (oxcepting tho following described tract of land commencing 20 foet south of tho northeast corner of lot 2. block 3,. Barr's addition and running thenco' west 100 feet, south 137 feet, east lOO feet. north 137 feet to place of beginning, and beginning at tho southeast corner of lot 2. block 3.. Barr's addition and running thence north 50 feet, west 150 feet, south' 50 feet, east 150 feot to p'co of bo- ginning, and commencing at the southeast corner of lot 1. block 3, Barr's addition and running thence west C60 feet, south 20 feet, east 060 feet, north 20 feet to place or beginning, the last described tract' being known as Twolfth street, front- ago 310 feet on cast' side Mistle toe street, south, described Voli Gil. page 4C0. countv recorder's records' of Jackson countv, Oreron. 310 feet; rato per foot. 61 cents; amount due. $189.10. Assessment No. 4 James Camp bell, commencing- 250' feet' west of the northeast corner lot 3. block 3.. Bnrrs addition in tho citv of Med ford. running thence west 410 foet, sonth 87 feet, cast 410 feet, north 87 feet to placo of beginning, front- ago 87 feet on east sido Mistletoo street, south, described Vol. 03. pago- 284. countv recorders records of Jackson countv. Oregon. 87 feotr rate per foot. 61 cents: amount due. S53.07. Assessment No. 5 William HU ITnmlin. lot 3. block 3. Barr's addi tion in tho citv of Medford. Oregon- frontage 243 feet on east side Mis tletoe street, south, described Vol. 42. page 332. countv recorder's rec ords of Jackson conntv. Oregon. 243- feet: rato per foot. 61 cents: amount due. $148.23. Assossment No. 6 Anna Marion Parker, lot 4. block 3. Barr's addi tion in tho citv of Medford. Oregon, frontage 295 feot on east sido Mis tletoe street, south, described Vol. 72. pago 67. countv recorder's rec ords of Jackson countv. Oregon. 295 feet: rato per foot. 61 cents; amount due. S179.95. Assessment No. 7 Frederick W. and Minnio, lot 4, block 4. Barr's addition in tho citv of Medford. 0mn. frontngo 295 feet on west sido Mistletoo street, south, described Vol. 16, pago 425, county recorder's records, Jackson county, Oregon. 295 feet; rate per foot, 61 cents; amount due, $179.95. Assessment No. 8 L. B. Williams, lot 3. block 4. Barr'saddition in tho citv of Medford.' Oregon, frontngo 330 feet on west sido Mistletoe street SOUtll. deSCHbcd Vol. 60. P3gO 610, 'countv recorder's records of Jack- ! sou countv. Oregon. 330 feot: rato per foot. 61 cents; amount duo, S201.30. Assessment No. 9 Porrv B. Scott, lot 2, block 4, Barr's addition in tho citv of Medford. Oregon, (ex cepting tracts marked BE. BP. on plat) frontngo 165 foot on west sido Mistletoo street, south, described Vol. 53. page 180. countv recorder's records of Jnckson countv. Oregon. 105 feot: rnto per foot, 01 cents; nmount duo. S100.65. Assossment No. 10 Philip J. Spcncor, beginning nt tho northeast comer of lot 2. block 4, Barr's nd- .liKnn in ihn oitv of Modfnnl. Oro Lon am running thonco south on tho pnrallel with tho north lino of snid lot 330 feet, north parallel with tho enst lino of snid lot 165 feet to " north uno thereof . thonco east . on said north line 330 foot to uluco of beginning, containing 1A noros, moro or less, frontngo 105 foot on wost sido Mistlotoo street, south, de scribed Vol. 02. pngo 102, county re corder'!, rocords of Jnck&on countv n,, ir, fnntr min nor fnnt. ni nanta: mnnnnt iltin. fiinn p-. 2S0 feot on wost sido Mistlotoo ftroot, south, dosoribod Vol. 42, pago 559. county recorder's records of Jnckson countv. Orogon. 280 foot; rato nor foot. 01 cents; nmount due, $170.80. Sootion 2. And it is heroby or dorcd and ordained that snid several assessments and tho lions bo on tored in tho wator main lien dookot, of said oitv, and that thereupon no tico bo givon tho ownors or roputod owners of said proporty, and that tho snino bo enforced and collcotod in tho manner provid ed bv tho chartor of nid citv for the 'collection of assessments for. tho, improvements of streets therein. (Continued on pago 0.)